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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Krissie, I agree with everything that everyone just said. That's what great about us! You don't have to explain or write huge essays on the subject. We all like & dislike different things. Life would be so boring if we all exjoyed or disliked the same stuff. And you know we talk so much off topic, we are sure to find something that we all can talk about. Tell us about school, and I for one would love to hear about how Rex is getting on.

    BTW I have that vile and miserable disease - A Stinking Cold.


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      Krissie, I agree with everything that everyone just said. That's what great about us! You don't have to explain or write huge essays on the subject. We all like & dislike different things. Life would be so boring if we all exjoyed or disliked the same stuff. And you know we talk so much off topic, we are sure to find something that we all can talk about. Tell us about school, and I for one would love to hear about how Rex is getting on.

      BTW I have that vile and miserable disease - A Stinking Cold.
      (((Blenca))) Drink some tea, steam, and then take a nap. Works wonders!

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
        I understand everything that you guys are saying, I just don't like having to explain my thoughts because they're different. It's hard for me. I'm kinda insecure in that way I guess.

        But I've also got school making me crazy and I don't watch/know anything about pretty much every show you guys seem to be talking about. There's not much common ground anymore. Love Ronon/Keller but there's only so much you can say before you've said it before, until the movie if it ever happens.
        ((Krissie)) I don't watch all of the shows these guys watch either. I watched a Dr. Who episode at a convention once and it just wasn't my thing, so Torchwood is pretty much out as well. Never seen Red Dwarf, so no clue about that, either. I don't think there's a single person here who's seen/follows every single show we as a group mention in our chats.

        You're not the only here with school so if you need to vent, vent away

        ETA: Cool, my post count reflects my birth year (1984)
        My Site || My Blog


          Originally posted by misskitten View Post
          ((Krissie)) I don't watch all of the shows these guys watch either. I watched a Dr. Who episode at a convention once and it just wasn't my thing, so Torchwood is pretty much out as well. Never seen Red Dwarf, so no clue about that, either. I don't think there's a single person here who's seen/follows every single show we as a group mention in our chats.

          You're not the only here with school so if you need to vent, vent away

          ETA: Cool, my post count reflects my birth year (1984)
          you are younger than my daughter! She was born in '82. Man I feel old(er) now!

          I too am not a dr. who/torchwood fan...but it's always intersting to read what everyone has to say.


            I've watched Dr. Who occasionally and I like it. My friend is obsessed
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              I remember what it's like to be in over my head with school. Several others here as well. Just come and vent about school with us occasionally, okay? We want to know you're doing ok.
              Then you guys need to come visit on LJ as well. Don't think I don't notice the lack of you guys. I think some of you lost your passwords

              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              And you know we talk so much off topic, we are sure to find something that we all can talk about. Tell us about school, and I for one would love to hear about how Rex is getting on.
              I just don't like putting anything personal on public forums anymore, but Rex is ok I guess.


                I go to LJ everyday but I don't put personal stuff there don't put a lot of personal here really. I'm sorry if anything I said upset you but there is no were I can get out how I feel about SGU and I wont say it here anymore if you are uncomfortable reading it.


                  Don't censore yourself because of me. It was one comment that really irked me not everyone as a whole. I just wanted everyone to know because I kept seeing people say that we all didn't like it and it just made me feel left out like I wasn't a part of everyone. It was stupid but I'm a little on edge lately. Sorry for making a scene. I don't like to do that.


                    I'm having to do rather less than I used to. LJ is suffering at the moment. I think this explains how I feel... It's rather long but it explains why I don't do so much any more (LJ, the pic fics, music vids, fan fic etc)

                    The Spoon Theory


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      I'm having to do rather less than I used to. LJ is suffering at the moment. I think this explains how I feel... It's rather long but it explains why I don't do so much any more (LJ, the pic fics, music vids, fan fic etc)

                      The Spoon Theory
                      ((((Blenca)))) That helped explain a lot of what you're going through. I mean, I'd known a bit about Lupus, but not what you have to live with day in and day out. Love you!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        is feeling depressed for no reason again
                        "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                        Sig by ME!!!


                          Random sweets for make everyone feel better.


                            *huggles* That sucks Blen I mean I knew things would be more difficult but I didn't know it was that bad


                              Thank you everyone I don't usually mention it, but Krissie asked why some of us hadn't been on LJ & it seemed a good time and way to explain.

                              Thank you for the sweeties. Actually I'm eating a pack of Love Hearts at the moment.

                              Blasted GW has gone really slow again.


                                Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                                Random sweets for make everyone feel better.
                                Oooh! I love that sweet!

                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                Thank you everyone I don't usually mention it, but Krissie asked why some of us hadn't been on LJ & it seemed a good time and way to explain.

                                Thank you for the sweeties. Actually I'm eating a pack of Love Hearts at the moment.

                                Blasted GW has gone really slow again.
                                GW might be going slow, but I have heard it's being worked on and next week there will be some new something to make it go away.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

