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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    yeah that was why I was saying that wouldn't help you


      yeah, its like with my thumb. the first course of treatment would be to give me an asprin based anti-inflametory, but i can't take it. so all they can tell me to do is take something for the pain, and to ice it


        I don't have any "you know you're from Norway when" lists to go with the theme of the day, but I do have this:


        Vikings from the Old country
        The true story


        +15°C / 59°F
        This is as warm as it gets in Norway, so we'll start here. People in Spain wear winter-coats and gloves.
        The Norwegians are out in the sun, getting a tan.

        +10°C / 50°F
        The French are trying in vain to start their central heating.
        The Norwegians plant flowers in their gardens.

        +5°C / 41°F
        Italian cars won't start. The Norwegians are cruising in cabriolets.

        0°C / 32°F
        Distilled water freezes. The water in Oslo Fjord gets a little thicker.

        -5°C / 23°F
        People in California almost freeze to death.
        The Norwegians have their final barbecue before winter.

        -10°C / 14°F
        The Brits start the heat in their houses.
        The Norwegians start using long sleeves.

        -20°C / -4°F
        The Aussies flee from Mallorca.
        The Norwegians end their Midsummer celebrations. Autumn is here.

        -30°C / -22°F
        People in Greece die from the cold and disappear from the face of the earth.
        The Norwegians start drying their laundry indoors.

        -40°C / -40°F
        Paris start cracking in the cold.
        The Norwegians stand in line at the hotdog stands.

        -50°C / -58°F
        Polar bears start evacuating the North Pole.
        The Norwegian army postpones their winter survival training awaiting real winter weather.

        -70°C / -94°F
        The false Santa moves south.
        The Norwegian army goes out on winter survival training.

        -183°C / -297.4°F
        Microbes in food don't survive.
        The Norwegian cows complain that the farmers' hands are cold.

        -273°C / -459.4°F
        All atom-based movent halts.
        The Norwegians start saying “****, it's cold outside today.”

        -300°C / -508°F
        Hell freezes over, Norway wins the Eurovision Song Contest.
        My Site || My Blog


          Anyone here ever had a geoduck? They look a bit...ahem...'odd', if you catch my meaning...


            Hi all

            I haven't been here for a while, a bit busy but in a good way. I think I like my new job, I am still getting used to but finally I have all the keys I need, the other teachers remember me already and do not think I am a student It is getting better

            I am creating my first test for tomorrow... This one shouldn't be so difficult - at least not for me, I hope the kids got it (it is partly mathematic...). I will see how it goes

            Nice lists you have here I was laughing all the time. I think I can find something for Czech too, just not sure if already in English.


              Here's one for me.

              You know you're from California when...
              Your monthly house payments exceed your monthly income.

              You make over $300,000 and still can’t afford a house.

              You take a bus and are shocked when two people carry on a conversation in English.

              Your coworker has 8 body piercings and none are visible.

              You speak Spanish, but you’re not Mexican.

              Your child’s 3rd-grade teacher has purple hair, a nose ring, and is named Flower.

              You don’t know anyone’s phone number unless you check your cell phone.
              I can't help that I'm stupid!

              You’ve been to a baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor.

              You have a very strong opinion about where your coffee beans are grown, and you can taste the difference between Sumatran and Ethiopian.

              You begin to “lie” to your friends about how close you are when you know damn well that it’ll take you at least an hour to get there (see below).

              Getting anywhere from point A to point B, no matter what the distance, takes about “twenty minutes.”

              You drive to your neighborhood block party.

              A really great parking space can totally move you to tears.

              Gas is $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the US

              Unlike back home, the guy at 8:30 am at Starbucks wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney really IS George Clooney.

              You can’t remember … is pot illegal?

              You pass an elementary school playground and the children are all busy with their cell phones or pagers.

              It’s barely sprinkling rain outside, so you leave for work at least an hour early to avoid all the weather-related accidents.

              Both you AND your dog have therapists, psychics, personal trainers and cosmetic surgeons.

              You drive next to a Rolls Royce and don’t notice.

              In the “winter,” you can go to the beach, ski at Big Bear, mow your lawn in your shorts and maybe get a sunburn all on the same day.

              You eat a different ethnic food for every meal.

              If your destination is more than 5 minutes away on foot, you’re definitely driving.

              Calling your neighbors requires knowing their area code.

              You know what “In-’N-Out” is and feel bad for the other states that don’t have any.

              You don’t stop at a STOP sign, you do a California roll.
              My grandpa hates it when I do that. He yells.

              You’ve partied in Tijuana at least 3 times and you can’t remember at least 1 of them.

              You go to a tanning salon before you go to the beach.

              Your have a permanent impression on the side of your head from your cell phone.

              You know that Venice is a beach.
              A friend of mine lives there, and my mom is an hour away

              The waitress asks if you want “carbs” in your meal.

              You know who the tinsel underwear dude in Venice Beach is.

              You classify new people you meet by their Area Code. An “818” would never date a “562” and so on…

              You call 911 and they put you on hold.

              You have a gym membership because it’s mandatory.

              The gym is packed at 3pm … on a workday.

              You think you are better than the people who live “Over the Hill.” It doesn’t matter which side of the hill your home is, you are just better than they are.

              You know that if you drive two miles in any direction you will find a McDonald’s or a Starbucks.
              Love it!

              You know what “sigalert,” “PCB,” and “five” mean.

              You can’t remember . . . is pot illegal?

              It’s barely sprinkling rain and there’s a report on every news station: “STORM WATCH.”
              Very true right now. Not even raining yet and we've got storm watch.

              The Terminator is your governor.


                Ok, I found mine


                Are you czech? you know you're czech if.......
                Geografie - Zem?
                1.) you're super hot

                2.) you started drinking at about age 11 & it was your parents who gave you your first beer.

                3.) a 15 year old czech girl can outdrink any amercan guy.

                4.) your mom tells you you're too skinny even though you're 30 pounds overweight

                5.) your parents told you you would die if you drank after eating cherries

                6.) and you still wait a few hours because you're terrified that that glass of water will make your insides explode.

                7.) your parents told you that if you drink water after running or any physical exercise you will get pneumonia

                8.) you use grocery bags to hold garbage.

                9.) If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten, even if its midnight.

                10.) you carry liquor back to the US in a plastic sprite bottles under tons of clothing in the suitcase.

                11.) you arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think its normal

                12.) all of your kids have nicknames which sound nowhere close to their real names.

                13.) you talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.

                14.) you find normal that 0.5 liter of beer is cheaper than 0.25 liter of water

                15.) you order a beer because it’s cheaper than water

                16.) actually you only drink beer

                17.) you need more than one beer to start feeling the effects

                18.) you enter any restaurant with your order already memorized because you will be asked for it immediately, and then never will get another chance to order

                19.) you consider bad customer service to be better than none

                20.) you consider that three choices for a product are two too many

                21.) you always anticipate the possibility that the cashier will refuse your credit card by having some cash with you.

                22.) you always prepare in advance the exact amount of cash needed when purchasing goods, so the cashier doesn’t have to yell at you

                23.) you find it acceptable that banks charge you for depositing money in your account

                24.) you have developed a sixth sense to avoid knocking onto people when walking innocently on the streets

                25.) wearing a seatbelt is not normal, it just gets in the way when you're trying to escpae from an accident!!

                26.) a taxi fare of 1500 CZK for a 10 minutes journey seems fair

                27.) taking 10 years to build 5km of motorway is normal. Isn’t new technology wonderful?

                28.) taking 10 months to build a government is normal. Isn’t democracy wonderful?

                29.) you can lip-sync: “Ukon?ete prosím výstup a nástup, dve?e se zavírají”

                30.) you know what to do when hearing: “Vystupujte vpravo ve sm?ru jízdy”

                31.) public transport without graffiti or vandalism just isn’t normal

                32.) your parents asked you if you needed birth control before you were even 15.

                33.) a bus/tram driver who doesn’t think they are driving in the Dakar rally is either a learner or new

                34.) looking out of the window on the metro should be obstructed by stickers and deep scratches

                35.) you find normal that people who have available seats on a metro and bus don’t sit down and just like to block the doorway for the fun of it

                36.) wheel chairs, pushchairs and old people are not supposed to be outside, this is why there is little or no convenient access

                37.) if a bus driver stops for you whilst you are crossing the road is either a foreign coach driver or is being accompanied by Police

                38.) it’s ok for Police and emergency vehicles to sound their sirens at 2am

                39.) you never forget to wish a happy name day

                40.) you enjoy carp for Christmas dinner

                41.) getting drunk with your parents is 100% normal.

                42.) you believe that “bur?ák” and “špeká?ky” are the translation of “nectar” and “ambrosia”

                43.) adjectives such as “healthy”, “light” or “delicate” don’t belong to your food vocabulary anymore

                44.) you consider that McDonald’s offers a healthy choice of meals

                45.) you crack up laughing at foreigners' Czech language mistakes (e.g. “nemam penis”)

                46.) you only swear by Jesus and Mary

                47.) you can pronounce: “str? prst skrz krk”

                48.) every single person in your family (including your 7 year old sister), knows how to download games and movies from the internet and does this on a regular basis.

                49.) you gauge how good an ice hockey game will be by the number of Riot Police vans parked outside the stadium

                50.) fully armed riot Police no longer look intimidating, in fact you wonder where the Darth Vader convention is taking place

                51.) you find normal that a TV costs almost the same as your annual salary

                52.) you consider that Blesk is not an invasion of privacy

                53.) you think that “Pretty Woman” was originally sang by Karel Gott

                54.) you think Karel Gott gets younger by the day

                55.) you think Karel Gott is God

                agree?? than this is the place for youu!

                Especially nr. 15 is so true... Unfortunately for people who drive often or just don't like beer And 41 is definitely true too, I usually drink when I go somewher with my mum And can you just see me in 48?
                Last edited by SeNedra; 13 October 2009, 01:35 AM.


                  These are all really funny.

                  I found one as well. Though I have to say I think it should read "You know you are a Londoner when..."

                  You know you're British when...

                  You don't even bother looking out of the window when you get up in the morning to check what the weather is like. You know it is grey and overcast.

                  You consider a suit to be normal attire for the pub.

                  You expect men to actually cut, comb and style their hair (using hair products). And to wear decent clothes and moisturize daily.

                  You collapse with laughter when listening to the funny accent of the Aussie international telephone operator (or on TV!).

                  You think £40 for a haircut is quite reasonable.

                  You can't remember what 'customer service' means.

                  More than three hours sunlight on summer days seems excessive.

                  You don't think twice about tipping your hairdresser

                  You finish every sentence with 'Cheers' or 'Yeah'.

                  You only realise you have lost your sun glasses when you remember you left them in Greece 2 summers ago.

                  You like English cooking. After all, it's hard to beat a full English breakfast.

                  You are on to your 6th umbrella and your second overcoat... this year.

                  You buy disposable baby BBQs from Tesco.

                  A day at the beach means wearing the warmest clothes you own while standing on golf ball-size pebbles and the thought of swimming doesn't even enter your head.

                  You don't think twice about buying a sandwich wrapped in cellophane.

                  A sunny lunchtime means searching for a patch of grass and stripping off practically down to your underwear.

                  You've accepted queuing as a way of life. In fact you're proud of how good you are at it.

                  You believe that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all good nights for drinking. Sunday is also entirely reasonable.

                  After a big night out you find yourself looking for a curry house.

                  Coming to work with a hangover is entirely accepted and indeed expected at least once a week.

                  You're always half an hour late to work and no one notices or even cares.

                  You can actually give directions to tourists on Oxford Street!

                  You step over a drunk on the underground rather than offering to help them.


                    you know when you have one of those moments where you seem to staring blankly at something, and you haven't the will to finish it, but you also know it needs to be done. and you feel numb.

                    well thats me currently.


                      An appropriate Red Dwarf quote comes to mind....

                      Rimmer: My mind is so numb and brain-dead, I feel like I've just attended a 3 day seminar entitled 'The Future of Plumbing'.





                          What about when Rimmer took his astro-navigation exam.

                          RIMMER: "Last time I only failed by the narrowest of narrow margins."

                          LISTER: "You what? You walked in there, wrote, "I am a fish," four hundred times, did a funny little dance, and fainted."


                            Yup, BB, I definitely know that (having it every evening now when I have to prepare for next class ).

                            Blen, yours are good too It is interesting how some topics are repeting in the lists - British is about weather, our about beer and so on But on mine I was laughing at most about the bus drivers - they never stop when you want to cross, or at least I haven't met that one yet At your list I can agree with the queues. I was in London for a few days and I think I was waiting somewhere for most of the time

                            I still haven't seen the new SGU... Who knows why I have still something more interesting to do


                              You call this happiness? Surrounded by toadying lackeys and paid sycophants? Living with a love-goddess sex-bomb model megastar? You call this contentment? You know, I stand here now and I look at the two of us, and I ask one simple question: Who is the rich man? You, with your fifty-eight houses, your private island in the Bahamas, your multi-billion pound business empire; or me, with... with... with what, I've got. (Pause) It's you isn't it? Yes it's all very clear to me now. You -- richer and happier.


                                Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                                Lol, i would take anything. *hugs*

                                Currently wearing my sunglasses in my room. Ive got work to do sadly. Got a meeting with a class group in about 80min or so. and i need to present something. so im working on it. im also out of pain tablets. just drinking water currently
                                try some caffeine sweetie... it relazes the muscles of your head and neck... coffee or caffinated soda if you can drink them.

                                Here are my Maine entries:

                                You don’t understand why there aren’t fried clam shacks elsewhere in the country.
                                Your car is covered in yellow-green dust in May.
                                Four inches of snow is called a "dusting".
                                You once skipped school and went to Bar Harbor, Old Orchard Beach or Reid State Park.
                                Even your school cafeteria made good chowder.
                                You’ve almost fallen asleep driving between Houlton and Presque Isle.
                                You know how to pronounce Calais.
                                You’ve gone to a Grange bean supper.
                                You know lobstahhhh is cheaper than steak.
                                At least once in your life, a seagull pooped on your head.
                                At least once in your life you’ve said, “It smells like the mill in here.”
                                You crave Italian sandwiches at least weekly.
                                Your house converts to a B&B every July and August for people from away that you happen to know.
                                You’ve ditched the car on the side of the road somewhere because you thought you saw some good fiddleheads!
                                You know a lobster pot is a trap, not a kettle.
                                You’ve watched “Murder she Wrote” and snickered at the stupid fake accents.
                                You take the New Hampshire toll personally.
                                You always wave when you see a Maine license plate in another state. (oh I still do this one!)
                                You know what a frappe is. (yep and oh do i miss them )
                                L.L. Bean’s not just a store, it’s a way of life.
                                All of the traffic lights blink yellow at 10 o’clock at night.
                                It’s not a storm – it’s a Nor’eastah.
                                You eat ice cream with flavors like ‘Moose Tracks” and “Maine Black Bear”.
                                You wouldn’t eat beans in tomato sauce or Manhattan clam chowder if you were starving!
                                As a child, you played outside in a snow storm without hat, mittens, scarf and with your jacket open because it was just a little cool.
                                The area around your back door is referred to as “the dooryard”.
                                You eat potato chips with flavors such as “clam dip”, “ketchup” and “dill pickle”.
                                You call the basement “downcellah.”
                                You have dug for clams.
                                You use “wicked” as a multipurpose part of speech.
                                You know that “stove up” has nothing to do with cooking.
                                You know that you really “cahn’t get theya from heya.”
                                Last edited by Rac80; 13 October 2009, 06:11 AM. Reason: forgot one! :P

