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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Well my bed is calling to me.


    Good night.


      Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
      I'd be proud to be your Anti-Valentine Although Blen seems to have cooking plans with me

      I soo wish i could be there, to join you, sounds awesome what you have planned, mini pizza's and hearts broken in two, its like some dream come true honestly.

      Funny thing, ads on tv were saying you can sent your loved one a dozen roses on friday 13th or sat 14th. And i thought to myself could you send your loved one 13 Black roses on friday the 13th. Plus with my last name being Rose, i always find the idea of giving a flower which my family name is named after to me somewhat amusing. and in other cases a little corny.

      Well MK, you agree with me now, and thats all that matter
      Hmm, looks like me and Blen have to fight over you... Nah, just kidding. We'll just come up with a schedule for you, right Blen? And wish you could've been there. We watched;
      - Nightmare on Elm Street 6 (cause it's the funniest one)
      - In Love with the Dead (a chinese horror film made by the guys who made the original "The Eye")
      - Frankenhooker (so bad that it was hilarious!)
      - Bride of Chucky

      And aww, I love your last name. My last name comes from a tree (or the plural form for a certain tree type)

      Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
      Exactly, if anyone is the greatest contradiction to keller ship anything it is me given that im anti keller. But i made that known on my first post here, and ive been welcome ever since because i leave that at the door, no need for it here, this is a place of love and friendship, not a place for tedious arguments about ships etc etc etc.
      As long as people join in the love and leave the anti by the door we have nothing but love to give our fellow posters Long live the wildwomen!
      My Site || My Blog


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Hi Misi

        Doesn't sound like you are too disappointed to have to give up camp.

        But to make you feel better with you sinus headache, here's a few more pics.


        I'll live.

        And Midway!! That episode had to be the absolutely hottest thing ever!!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



          I am here very eary when you realize it's Sunday It was the ball yesterday, yeah I had fun but no time to classic party activities I cam at half past nine, have ashort talk with my parents and then they started to sell the tombola tickets. And me and my mum were talking the won prizes to the people Till midnight almost. Then we found out what we won (really I won many totally useless things and a big cake, the best prize I think was ther for me )

          So then I danced for a few minutes but we were tired so I was at home at 1am - and without drinking a bit of alcohol. I am going there soon now to collect all the thing and clean the place up...not so funny



            Oh SeN - that doesn't sound like much fun. I hope it doesn't take too long for you to clean up.



              I am back home

              It didn't take so long. They needed my car to take some things away so I wasn't doing so much

              Nice pics


                Morning folks.

                I should just learn to ignore the "what will we do about thread xxx" discussions, because whenever I open it to read new posts I feel my anger rising and my claws grow. My poor roommate ended up taking the brunt of my venting needs yesterday, because I had just been reading over there before the two of us were going over to a friend's place. Poor guy.

                Anyways, morning folks, what's up and why are you not over at 'the other place'?
                My Site || My Blog


                  Morning everyone

                  *Huggles* MK That is why I am not going to those threads the thought is enough to make me mad I can't imagine actually reading what they are saying


                    Actually I went back to bed. I had a rough night & decided I'd get some more sleep.

                    MK - its already been decided what is going to happen IMO. It's like talking to a brick wall.

                    SeN - glad you aren't still scrubbing.


                      *Huggles* Blen do you feel any better and I agree they have made up their minds talking to them wont change anything.


                        Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                        Wow! Who knew that BB was so smart! (I better say this now when he's asleep) LOL

                        But yes, BB has it right. That's how I see this thread.
                        Yes i am smart, and naturally you said that after i was gone, typical Glad you agree though

                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        I love you, BB!

                        Oh, I wish I could green you for this! Ready?

                        Hi, Fuchsia! Nothing says "I love you, Honey!" like a vacuum cleaner! Glad you're having fun.

                        Blenca and BB! Are you sure you're cooking? What? I need to look up the recipe esp if it requires a crash helmet!
                        I love you too Ever Thankyou for the shot of green

                        Maybe Blen and i should add a dyson to the list for the cooking, as for the helmet, well where that fits in, is our little secret

                        Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                        Hmm, looks like me and Blen have to fight over you... Nah, just kidding. We'll just come up with a schedule for you, right Blen? And wish you could've been there. We watched;
                        - Nightmare on Elm Street 6 (cause it's the funniest one)
                        - In Love with the Dead (a chinese horror film made by the guys who made the original "The Eye")
                        - Frankenhooker (so bad that it was hilarious!)
                        - Bride of Chucky

                        And aww, I love your last name. My last name comes from a tree (or the plural form for a certain tree type)

                        As long as people join in the love and leave the anti by the door we have nothing but love to give our fellow posters Long live the wildwomen!
                        I'm sure there is enough room in my schedule for all . Sounds like a great night, pity i was on the other side of the world. Where is a good teleport when you need one hey???

                        I love my last name aswell, it suits. Long Live the Wildwomen and BB's safehouse


                          belated happy birthday Aqua
                          happy anniversary Snowy, and valentine's day to all of the rest who want it.

                          Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                          Kaywinnit Lee Frye is a-freakin-dorable. -folds arms as though to say 'The matter's decided and there will be NO arguments!'- And Simon's stupid. I like 'im, but he's stupid.
                          simon is male and as such he is genetically predisposed to stick his foot in his mouth often! I have finished the series and hubby and I watched the movie serenity last night *sniff*. oh man it was great!

                          Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                          Feel better, Fuchsia! Happy birthday, Aqua, and happy anniversary, Snowy! -is flipping cold- I'm trying to write a National Treasure fanfic, and my fingers feel like ice, my cousin fell asleep sprawled across her bed last night, so I covered her up with one of my blankets, and as a result, I ended up frozen.
                          Oh we love the national treasure movies here.

                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          Hey there friends!
                          Happy Valentines Day (if anyone's bothered!)

                          I celebrated today by going out and buying a new Dyson vacuum!!!!!

                          It's partly down to all you lovely people who advised me, that i am now the proud owner of an orange dyson Ball upright.

                          And I LOVE IT!!!!

                          Hubby and I have just spent a romantic afternoon cleaning all the carpets... it's such fun when the thing you're using actually WORKS!!!
                          He was like, "No, I want to do the living room, you did the bedroom!"

                          The best was, when we christened the machine by trying it on our pretty clean looking hearth rug... we got this huge big ball of fluff, cat hair and unknown crap... we were over-awed...!

                          and thanks everyone for your get well wishes... I think i'm on the mend now!
                          congrats on your dyson fuschia. did you know that despite all of the labor saving devices, women spend the same amount of time on house work now as they did in the early 1900's? fascinating isn't it?
                          Yep MK, those threads just make my blood boil! already posted at your place
                          Valentines day was slow here, hubby and I had to do some shopping, and spent the rest of the day watching firefly/Serenity! I got some lovely ruby earrings...hubby is very good with jewelry. We also always give snookie something as well. then hubby brought home this fabulous chocolate brownie assotment...delish! we always exchange cards... usually funny ones. Oh had anyone seen the hallmark commercial for "can't fight this feeling anymore" musical cards? what a riot!


                            Rache - that was sweet of your hubby.

                            DG - I'm fine. I was just tired.

                            You see BB and I had this all night cooking session in which he dangled his culinary expertise right in front of me. How could I resist?

                            BTW BB - Your Corner filled up last night on MK's site.


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              Rache - that was sweet of your hubby.

                              DG - I'm fine. I was just tired.

                              You see BB and I had this all night cooking session in which he dangled his culinary expertise right in front of me. How could I resist?

                              BTW BB - Your Corner filled up last night on MK's site.
                              yep hubby is sweet (and after 27 years well trained )
                              Ok I need to get some food and get some homework done!


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                Rache - that was sweet of your hubby.

                                DG - I'm fine. I was just tired.

                                You see BB and I had this all night cooking session in which he dangled his culinary expertise right in front of me. How could I resist?

                                BTW BB - Your Corner filled up last night on MK's site.
                                Really??? I ll have to check it out tomorrow, as i should now head to bed. Yes i realise ive made a grand total of 2 posts in 24 hours, however had a relaxing sunday doing other stuff.

                                No one can resist the offer of me cooking, im an exceptional cook, i love the kitchen. Things can be as spicey as you like hahaha

                                Night All. Take Care

