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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Glad to hear from you Mrs Caldwell, Janet. I'm from NSW and im stuck in between fires and floods. We are getting something in the middle, some fires and some rain.


      Glad to hear that everyone here is okay I just spotted my friend on MSN, so he's okay still, too. So that's good
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        We did have a fire here few summers ago, before the rain started. I got close to our house but it was controlled pretty quickly and put out. It must be so terrifying for them down there.


          That must be terrifying. It never gets so hot here that we worry about fires. Flooding yes, but fires no.

          Sen - I hope you feel better soon.

          Have are some pics to make you feel better. Sorry no Lorne though. Flickr is still in disarray and I can't find that set.



            I think I can be really glad that to live in the middle of Europe. Most of the catastrophes is avoiding us. I really wish all the fires are over soon

            Thanks all and love the pics The first one, poor Ronon *hughs Ronon* that helps me either


              Fires are the worst, because of the heat, the speed and movement. I mean a fire can be kilometers away, but the burning embers of tree's can fly in the breeze, land in grass and make it catch fire, or land on a roof and create a spot fire. So the risk is real.

              If you stay to fight it, you must be prepared for it all. If you do not want to fight, you leave with what you can take. It's one of those choices, do you go or stay, or do you send your family away and stay yourself. Tough. I know people who have done both


                I feel lucky that I live in such a rainful town as my own. Sure we've had our shares of fires, in the past year it's burned just a few blocks from me in every direction, but I've barely noticed it and it's only been one to two buildings per fire. Summers here don't get much warmer than maybe 30oC at the most, and, like I said before it rains a lot, so there's little chance for a dry spell producing those kinds of fires.

                And whatever flooding we've had have not been in any endangering way, more like just annoyances, really.

                I feel for you guys who live in or near those areas... My friend on MSN apparently lives right in the middle of Victoria
                Last edited by misskitten; 10 February 2009, 04:27 AM.
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                  Well i hope your friend is ok MK and that it stays that way There are many fires in those areas.


                    Hey Blen with the new Social Group upgrade the owners of the groups can upload an icon to represent them. I think a couple others in here have groups but I'm not sure.

                    (((Mrs. C)))


                      Thank you for the tip Krissie. I didn't realise I could do that. I thought Darren was slowly uploading pics or something. Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I've used one of your beautiful new icons? They are just too pretty not to get used.


                        Good night all, i must sleep, eyes are shutting.

                        Love and peace to you all


                          Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
                          G'day all.
                          Blenca sent me a email and here I am to tell everybody that I am here and safe.
                          I live in North Queensland, we have had so much rain and flooding and power outages. It has rained non stop for over 4 weeks here and hubby has been of work. Hopefully he will go back soon *fingers crossed* he is driving me up the wall.

                          I should not complain all those people in Victoria losing their house and so many losing their lives. It is so terrible. South Australia has had really bad heat waves, temp up to 45oC (113oF) and some died from that. It has been a very bad summer here. I feel so bad for all those people. There was a boy taken by a croc up north a bit from me. I live in a place called Townsville.

                          Hugs to all. Love you all. Thanks for being concerned.
                          Good to know you're safe. We were worried there for a while.

                          I like living here - sorta, it is a desert after all and I grew up in a rainforest - but aside from the h#llish heat in the summer, about what MrsC and BB have now, there's not too much to complain about. And I can go swimming in the lake just a kilometer from here!

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Good night BB. Sweet dreams.

                            I couldn't manage in those sorts of temperatures. I would probably pass out. I like my english summers - which the rest of you would probably think was freezing. I just wish it wouldn't rain so much.


                              -huggles Sen- Feel better soon, hon. -attacks Mrs C- You're safe, yay! Honestly, we were all getting really worried. And MK, I'll be praying that your friend stays safe. Night, BB.

                              -is sick of the rain and would willingly send it to Victoria if she could- Starting Friday, it'll be raining nonstop till Wednesday, and I'll be in Santa Monica, in the rain. Yay...


                                I'm thinking you will be needed to invest in some waterproofs, Dr Jenn.


