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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by vatazes View Post
    Yup. Have a definete love for all things nordic .

    And Blen, how can you think of food after that pic ?
    I love Odin's horse (I am not going to try spelling his name because I am a horrid speller) that is such a cool horse I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of him but it would have to be a pretty big pic to do it justice

    And I agree glad I had already ate before I saw that


      I work in a hospital & get used to some fair sights I can tell you.

      That pic does make you think though. Tattoos are there forever. That could be that Kat woman from LA Ink in about 40 years.


        Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
        ooo nice pic, everlovin!
        Thanks, but the credit all goes to Krissie! I just like to post it when I have the capability!

        Rach, Snookie! Be careful in the weather this afternoon! Remember, it's global warming!

        Happy 100 posts, Snookie!

        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Hi everyone

        I have to say that I would rather the movie never be made than have to watch another minute of McKeller.

        Tattoos. I don't have one and I'm too chicken to get one. I have seen some lovely ones - but remember you won't always be young.


        And now for something to eat. I'm starving!
        That pic is just scary! Where's all the lovely pics of Ronon and Jenn?
        I kinda want to get a tat of a tiger lily on the back of my shoulder. However, hubby says I shouldn't. I still don't get his reasoning. He's got two for crying out loud!

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I forgot to say, Ever's got skills! I was worried that I'd be two months without a computer - the horror! - Anyways, I cracked the thing open this morning and cleaned and fiddled some and now, it works! I'm happy!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Perhaps he knows that old woman Misi.

            But yeah you're right we need Ronon and Jenn.

            Just check this out.

            Do you have Dancing on Ice in the US? Where famous people do some skating with a professional skater? This guy is a soap star here in the UK and he is absolutely terrible at ice skating. I nearly fell of my chair laughing


            Edit - Hurrah for skills!


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              I work in a hospital & get used to some fair sights I can tell you.

              That pic does make you think though. Tattoos are there forever. That could be that Kat woman from LA Ink in about 40 years.
              I know but by the time I am old enough that they stop looking good they will be covered up anyway and it isn't like I sit there and stare at my ankle and think wow when (if) I am 80 (oh what a horrid thought I don't want to live that long) I am going to be thinking of things other than old tattoos


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                I love Odin's horse (I am not going to try spelling his name because I am a horrid speller) that is such a cool horse I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of him but it would have to be a pretty big pic to do it justice

                And I agree glad I had already ate before I saw that
                Odin's horse's name's spelled "Sleipner"

                And LMAO on the skating... is it just me or did anyone else get a McIcky vibe from that?
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                  Wow i hate high school
                  Normally you would never here me say that i love my high school. i hate the class of 2010 there doing it again, last year 2010 painted a bathroom blue and blamed it on the freshman (my class 2011) this year they're going around writing 2012 in red (freshman colour) and blaming it on us saying oh 2011 wants to get the freshman in trouble. And they're spraying the bathrooms with blue silly string and blaming it on 2011. and now the freshman and 1/2the sophmores can't go to Pep Rally unless we tell the vice principal who was doing it. And they don't belive it was the Juniors(2010) that did it! oh it irks me so much!Now i can't go to pep rally and i didn't even do anything!
                  sig by


                    Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                    Wow i hate high school
                    Normally you would never here me say that i love my high school. i hate the class of 2010 there doing it again, last year 2010 painted a bathroom blue and blamed it on the freshman (my class 2011) this year they're going around writing 2012 in red (freshman colour) and blaming it on us saying oh 2011 wants to get the freshman in trouble. And they're spraying the bathrooms with blue silly string and blaming it on 2011. and now the freshman and 1/2the sophmores can't go to Pep Rally unless we tell the vice principal who was doing it. And they don't belive it was the Juniors(2010) that did it! oh it irks me so much!Now i can't go to pep rally and i didn't even do anything!
                    (((Gategirl))) I think there's an universal rule that high school must suck. When I started high school I thought it was heaven (compared to the schools I had been to before that one), but from my second year and onward it just turned into hell.

                    Just remind yourself that it's not forever, that eventually you'll reach college/uni and you will find that it's a whole different world (at least that's what it was for me, and for my friends).
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                      *huggles* GG I had an interesting time in High School there was no rivelry between my class and the class above because it was a brand new school so the only ones there at the time was Sophmore and Freshmen the first year so all the Sophmore's and my class the Freshmen were all really close since we were all in the same boat we totally ignore the lower classmen when they got there. Like MK said it wont last forever. I miss it not the classes so much but the people. As an aside wow a pep rally I haven't been to one since I was a Sophmore (if we had a way to leave we were allowed to leave and I was one of the first ones gone I don't care for Football and every other sport was totally ignored our Hockey team was good they were never mentioned, I was in the Swim team and we were never mentioned the basketball teams got some nods but everything was mainly football)


                        Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                        Wow i hate high school
                        Normally you would never here me say that i love my high school. i hate the class of 2010 there doing it again, last year 2010 painted a bathroom blue and blamed it on the freshman (my class 2011) this year they're going around writing 2012 in red (freshman colour) and blaming it on us saying oh 2011 wants to get the freshman in trouble. And they're spraying the bathrooms with blue silly string and blaming it on 2011. and now the freshman and 1/2the sophmores can't go to Pep Rally unless we tell the vice principal who was doing it. And they don't belive it was the Juniors(2010) that did it! oh it irks me so much!Now i can't go to pep rally and i didn't even do anything!
                        Aah, good times! Sorry you're class is getting stuck in the middle. My high school didn't really have any sort of rivalry going on - except with other schools. But there was a lot of fun happening. Silly string galore!

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          The voting rounds for Battle of the 'Ships- Atlantis Edition have started.


                            Thanks, Krissie!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Forgot to tell you lovely ladies yesterday...and BB, since I see his name down there on the list...

                              Mike Dopud's Q&A was put on Joe M's blog yesterday, and he answered my question first!


                                Way cool for your, DrJenn! I'm reading. Gotta agree with Mellow when she says that he is HOT! LOL when he says that hot isn't a word he hears often! As if!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

