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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    DragonGirl- Seahen has the 1st creepy egg that hatched when you click on it, it says "This hatchling appears to be...dead?" it looks dead too.

    That will be all.
    sig by


      Shorts! If I wore shorts today, I would have had chapped knees.

      Hi Fuchsia. I don't want to think about The End. I'm just thinking about one week at a time really. Did you get to see the new Prodigal pics? I'm looking forward to that episode.

      And ladies, I've just remembered it's a Carl Binder episode, so lets' hope he does something for our ship.


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Shorts! If I wore shorts today, I would have had chapped knees.

        Hi Fuchsia. I don't want to think about The End. I'm just thinking about one week at a time really. Did you get to see the new Prodigal pics? I'm looking forward to that episode.

        And ladies, I've just remembered it's a Carl Binder episode, so lets' hope he does something for our ship.
        Two things Blenca. One, *crosses fingers and hopes* Shippy goodness! Shippy goodness! Chant along with me everyone!

        And the Ronon sig that was just up, The Dex font I had to look twice to see it said Dex and not Sex like I first saw.

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I said that! It was one of Luciana's that I snurched from the Ronon Thunk thread. Yes please!!!!

          Shippy goodness, shippy goodness, shippy goodness....


            It was 86 yesterday and 81 today *sigh* summers are hotter than h#ll but I love the fall and winter

            Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
            DragonGirl- Seahen has the 1st creepy egg that hatched when you click on it, it says "This hatchling appears to be...dead?" it looks dead too.

            That will be all.
            I have seen that what gets me is when it is sick it says that they are not movine and eating well if it looks dead then of course it isn't eating or moving OH have you seen the mature hatchlings? they are cool I wish I had two or three of the Halloween eggs


              Perhaps the Halloween dragons will turn out to be ghosts.


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Very true Badboyz.
                Incidentally, I was just thinking about this Prodigal pic

                I suppose somebody will be taking a trip to the infirmary after that fall.
                OH my..from one of the pics it looks like he is trying to jump over the railing..for his bad @$$ credits I hope he doesn't
                hurt himself from that...but I do hope he gets a few bruised ribs so he can go to the infirmary.

                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                To be fair, I think Rodney had four points. And what episode is the pic with Lorne from, please?

                Also, here's what the 'yes on 8' banners are for, for those who don't know.
                On California's ballot, Proposition 8 is on there to try and ban gay marriage, and take away the rights of those who have already gotten married.
                The pic is from The 1st epi of season 3... No Man's Land..when the Queen attacks Lorne.

                Yea!! I'm happy to know Carl wrote The Prodigal..hopefully we are correct in thinking he is a Ronon/Keller shipper because his next epi after this is Identity. But first we have to sit through Brain Storm the Marty G McKeller shipper that he fest..but you never know he may surprise us he did kind of in First Contact then kicked us in the gut in lets hope Carl kicks back
                Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  Perhaps the Halloween dragons will turn out to be ghosts.
                  Actually i know what they are and they are




                    Mellow, Carl Binder wrote Quarantine and Tracker as well. So shippy fingers crossed we may get a little something.

                    And do we think Kanaan
                    will bite the dust in this one?


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                      Mellow, Carl Binder wrote Quarantine and Tracker as well. So shippy fingers crossed we may get a little something.

                      And do we think Kanaan
                      will bite the dust in this one?
                      Fingers crossed!

                      God I hope Kanaan does die!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                        Mellow, Carl Binder wrote Quarantine and Tracker as well. So shippy fingers crossed we may get a little something.

                        And do we think Kanaan
                        will bite the dust in this one?
                        Yes DG, I know all about Carl's shippy episodes...I believe it was his idea for Ronon/Jenn until Marty G threw out Trio. That is how Joe M described it on his blog..which was also one of the reasons the real kiss was cut from Quarantine, so they could have that Trio moment.."lets get a drink"..they talk about it on the DVD commentaries..Joe M and Marty G.

                        I honestly think this Love tri was created because the writers are battling it out..they think is amusing. I don't think it has anything to do with the fans.
                        Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                          Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                          To be fair, I think Rodney had four points. And what episode is the pic with Lorne from, please?

                          Also, here's what the 'yes on 8' banners are for, for those who don't know.
                          On California's ballot, Proposition 8 is on there to try and ban gay marriage, and take away the rights of those who have already gotten married.
                          Whoa... talk about an insulting banner to have displayed.

                          Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                          Good Afternoon.
                          I hate Daylight Savings Time...its already getting dark out!
                          Where are you from, again, Gategirl? It gets dark pretty quickly here as well, but I'm so used to it being dark when I go to and from work during winter that I don't really give it much thought. I'd rather save the light for summer when it's warm enough to enjoy the weather

                          Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
                          I honestly think this Love tri was created because the writers are battling it out..they think is amusing. I don't think it has anything to do with the fans.
                          Yes, very amusing to trample all over our feelings like that. Hah-hah. *rolls eyes* If they really think toying with the romance aspect of a show is funny, then they've never known a shipper in their lives. Such notions just makes we wanna shake some sense into them.
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                            Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                            Yes, very amusing to trample all over our feelings like that. Hah-hah. *rolls eyes* If they really think toying with the romance aspect of a show is funny, then they've never known a shipper in their lives. Such notions just makes we wanna shake some sense into them.
                            ITA. But its clear (to me) that the writers think they are giving us angst! Well are they wrong. They have both ships running hot one minute and cold the next depending on who is writing the script. I think the whole thing is becoming more and more obvious or maybe it is because I came across the info and I'm just seeing it that way.

                            If they really wanted to give us angst they should have picked one couple (of course my vote is for Ronon/Keller) and show them developing a real relationship and show the 3rd party having to deal with that (preferable McKay) but not in a high school drama way. They could have made that the triangle and give us both the squeee and the aww that is so so sad moments without flip flopping back and forth. Well, at least we'll see if there is any flip flopping back and forth..and OMG! a thought just popped into my head...
                            What if all of what I just said is what they are doing except it isn't Ronon/Keller!!!!!!!! Great, I just talked myself closer to the edge of the cliff!! Damn it! I need to stop thinking!!
                            Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                              Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                              IMO canon ships *can* be written well if the show writers dedicate to it, but considering Stargate writers are not so fond of doing it I see your point.

                              I am a shipper at heart, but I would be more happy not to have either ship than to have to suffer through McKeller now. I am unsure if I want to see any of the upcoming episodes out of fear of what I might be forced to watch regarding that ship. *covers eyes*
                              I agree with you. ESPECIALLY on the "what I might be forced to watch" thing.

                              I read on another thread that Keller won't end up with either or ???
                              GAH dammit, I want a 6th season!
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                I agree with you. ESPECIALLY on the "what I might be forced to watch" thing.

                                I read on another thread that Keller won't end up with either or ???
                                GAH dammit, I want a 6th season!
                                WTH? All I know is Ronon better
                                end up with someone! This unbelievable monkish behavior..going on what 10 years getting real old!
                                Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic

