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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I feel sick


      And now I'm going to the cattery for my Mum's cat while I think about this dreadful news.


        Ok everyone. Who bet big red letters?


          I thought I heard a scream *hugs* Blen we all feel that way there is a petition running around sadly I don't have the link right now

          Copter I know what you mean I was so pissed to get up this morning to the news that SGU had been greenlit cold no heart people don't even give us time to greve(sp)


            I'm heartbroken.

            I signed the petition DG. I came across it while I was reading all the posts while I've been away.


              Originally posted by stardust View Post
     totally inspired by all the gorgeous artwork, i thought i'd give it a try..the same sig with two diff effects.. so do tell me where i need to improve and wat u guys think overall..

              Those are gorgeous! Love them!

              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
              Stardust I like the second one better.

              Hey guys. To get everyone out of their bad mood and uplift some shippy spirits One Sweet Love is taking fic prompt for the 14 Days of One Sweet Love Ficathon.
              Yeah, I saw that last night. Not sure how good I'll do either with the prompts or the actual writing. Have to see what prompts come out.

              [COLOR="Purple"]Hi wwlh! Welcome to the Love Shack![/COLOR]

              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Hi everyone! I'm back.

              We had a great time despite the rain.

              I'm off now to read back all I've missed & there looks to be quite a lot.
              Glad you had a good time!

              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

              I feel sick
              I think she found out! Sorry!

              Happy Birthday Seythia!!!!!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                I'm sorry, Blenca. -huggles tightly-

                Edit: Happy birthday, Seythia!


                  Also, did you guys see with SGU they are looking for a known actor for the lead? I saw a thread some time ago about how cool would it be if Nathan Fillion would head up that show! I like the idea personally.

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    That *would* be cool. Still probably wouldn't bother with it till it was over and on DVD, though, because my friends are sure to buy it, so I won't have to let MGM have any of ny money.


                      Not to sound like I'm against complaining but the decision was a mutual decision between TPTB, Sci-Fi, and MGM. Not just MGM.


                        Blen you are back How was you holiday?
                        And how is everyone doing?


                          I'm okay, Aqua. Just wondering what I'm going to do with myself today...probably head to the park, it's a beautiful day, I have Breaking Dawn and plenty of music on my iPod, so I think I'm gonna head out, go lay around for a few hours, maybe try writing something...gonna try finding some sunglasses first though, a screw fell out of my other ones, so I need a repair kit. See you ladies later.


                            I am good the shock is wearing off looking forward to The Shrine tonight been cleaning most of the morning and am ready to relax now


                              I'm trying not to think about it
                              I'm keeping my self occupied with my new dragons, witch I LOVE by the way


                                I have a VERY LARGE glass of wine. Trying to drown my bitter disappointment.

                                Aqua, we had a lovely time on holiday, even though it rained for most of the time. We didn't manage to do the walking we wanted to do, so we did some indoor things instead. We went to Hill Top Farm where Beatrix Potter lived and Dove Cottage where William Wordsworth lived & now Small Blen has decided she really needs to be able to paint and write poetry. I forgot to take my camera but I did take some pics with my phone which I'll post later, once I've recovered slightly from the shock *hands still shaking*

