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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Big word to your post, Linzi!


      I won't add anything because you've said it a lot better than I could have

      Shep : "I love you too, my dear thunkers..."
      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Originally posted by caty
        I have a question: Did TPTB really say that they find it hard to write stuff for Shep or do we just assume they do?

        I mean, how hard can it be? there is a lot of canon with the whole back story thing. Just use it, please...
        Brad Wright said that in one of the Official Magazine copies. He said they'd found both O'Neill and Sheppard very hard to right for.Good job JF is such a good actor, having seen excerpts from some scripts believe me, when Brad Wright says JF puts so much more into what he acts than what's in the script, he sure isn't joking or being kind!
        Whereas everybody seems to find it easy to write for McKay, especially Martin Gero.


          mmmmmmmmmmmmmm....yummy piccys...sorry, i haven't been here much today..i have just been working (or is that watching shep work) around the house


            Originally posted by Linzi
            Brad Wright said that in one of the Official Magazine copies. He said they'd found both O'Neill and Sheppard very hard to right for.Good job JF is such a good actor, having seen excerpts from some scripts believe me, when Brad Wright says JF puts so much more into what he acts than what's in the script, he sure isn't joking or being kind!
            Whereas everybody seems to find it easy to write for McKay, especially Martin Gero.
            They need some female writers... we don't seem to have a problem writing Shep


              Originally posted by Linzi
              Nobody is being nasty about DH or McKay here.People are expressing their opinioins which they are free to do.
              I can only speak for myself, and not anybody else on this thread (I wouldn't be so presumptious). I think McKay is a vital part of Atlantis. I generally loved him in season one, most especially when he interacted with Sheppard. They were fantastic together. A real double act, the likes of which I'd never seen on SG1. They were brilliant. McShep ruled!
              This season there has not been so much interaction between the two characters, though what little we've had has been good.I miss that.
              The fact is McKay can be very over-powering,IMO. If over-used it is very easy to tire of him. He is an abrasive character sometimes and needs to be handled with care. Too much of a good thing soon becomes 'old' and cliched.
              The fact is he can dominate storylines, IMO. He certainly gets the best lines generally,meaty storylines, (GUP,Trinity,Hive,Duet to name a few) and slapstick moments.
              In comparison what has the leading man had? Conversion, great potential storyline, but Sheppard hardly dominated the episode as far as screen time goes and Aurora,which wasn't even a Sheppard episode. Other than that he's appeared and had some good bits, but never dominated.No real character development and no backstory, zilch!

              The fact is that I feel annoyed that MCKay and DH get such wonderful opportunities that the rest of the cast don't generally get, and I don't just mean Sheppard here. Spread it around a bit and I'd have no problem atall, everybody should get their chance, IMO.

              What I do find strange most of all is that Sheppard fans accept such alot of criticism from so called SGA fans about Sheppard. He's was a 'man whore' on one thread, is labelled 'Kirk' on another. He's been called reckless, a murderer,he should be court martialled...need I go on? Never have I read such venomous comments as I have about Sheppard. Do I freak out and insult the people who say these things? No, I try to put my point of view across as politely as possible, but ultimately I accept others points of view, even if I don't agree.
              I generally like McKay, but he needs careful handling. It isn't the Rodney McKay show, it's supposed to be an ensemble cast. McKay DOES get more screen time than any other character, often more than the leading man and that is not right IMO, the balance is wrong.
              My least favourite episode this season has been Duet which I felt, in parts was cringeworthy and ridiculous. Other bits were funny. I really don't want to see any more episodes like that again.

              What I'm trying to say, and doing a very poor job at!, is that I'd like Sheppard to have some meaty storylines like McKay can get. I think DH can be a really good actor, I also feel he could do with being more subtle on occasion.
              Joe Flanigan is as good an actor as DH any day, I just wish TPTB would give him the same opportunities as they give DH to show how good he really is.
              As for ship - I'm just not going there! Though there are some fantastic people who have ships they follow,(yes, you Flo!)there are others who freak me out!
              Anyway Aurora tomorrow for me - I get to see jimjams and the famous curling iron of doom - can't wait!!

              Wordity wordity WORDITY McWORD! You said what I think and then some. Great post.

              And Beanie...nice looking out for us guys.


                Originally posted by Merentha
                They need some female writers... we don't seem to have a problem writing Shep

                I'm available... I can do PG, honest!

                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                  Originally posted by Merentha
                  They need some female writers... we don't seem to have a problem writing Shep
                  Speaking about writing... Who was talking about a fic with nekkid Shep in a hot tub the other day ?
                  Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                    You know, I am very tired of the flack we get as thunkers, too. It seems around this forum lately, people want someone to look down upon- and for quite a few people, it's us. It's especially grating that it's coming from people who used to post in this thread.

                    I've seen that were 'viscious' in our critiques, yet other posters have been far more disrespectful and hateful than us, and no one accuses them of being mindless drooling fangirls with nothing better to do. That implies that we're somehow immature or 'less than' (as someone else put it). That our thread has degraded to crotch and butt shots, or the perception that we can't think, therefore we thunk.

                    I am a college educated woman, about to embark on another degree. I work in my home, yes, but I volunteer and have any other interests besides this forum. I've not seen in this tread, where we've said caustic or degrading things about other threads- really, why do we care? Why, then, should anyone feel the need to take what's in our thread and parade it in other threads? To poke fun at us? To make themselves feel better for whining or feeling superior?

                    I like this thread the way it is. I like the people here, I have things in common with the people in this thread, and I don't feel bad about the way we post in this thread. We are JF fans, but we like to have fun amongst ourselves, and anyone else who comes in here to play. If you can't play nice or feel uncomfortable, just leave, but there's no need to badmouth us.

                    We are all fans of SG and SGA. Let's act like it, please.

                    (((big a** group hug)))

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Merlin7
                      Wordity wordity WORDITY McWORD! You said what I think and then some. Great post.

                      And Beanie...nice looking out for us guys.
                      You'se are my sistas...we gotta stick together...

                      I'm really fed up of the sh*te we are getting...I don't even see where some of it is coming from. We're a bit smutty...well boo-hoo for the offended. And just cos I make a flippant comment about something sexual, doesn't mean I'd actually go and try and pry Joe away from his wife, or that I have problems differentiating between fantasy and reality. And thank-you very muchly to b
                      the people slagging not to tar me with the same brush as those you deem here not to have the fraking sense to see the reality of psychoes!

                      (Not saying any of Shep's 'Girls' are psychoes! )

                      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                        Originally posted by majortrip
                        You know, I am very tired of the flack we get as thunkers, too. It seems around this forum lately, people want someone to look down upon- and for quite a few people, it's us. It's especially grating that it's coming from people who used to post in this thread.

                        I've seen that were 'viscious' in our critiques, yet other posters have been far more disrespectful and hateful than us, and no one accuses them of being mindless drooling fangirls with nothing better to do. That implies that we're somehow immature or 'less than' (as someone else put it). That our thread has degraded to crotch and butt shots, or the perception that we can't think, therefore we thunk.

                        I am a college educated woman, about to embark on another degree. I work in my home, yes, but I volunteer and have any other interests besides this forum. I've not seen in this tread, where we've said caustic or degrading things about other threads- really, why do we care? Why, then, should anyone feel the need to take what's in our thread and parade it in other threads? To poke fun at us? To make themselves feel better for whining or feeling superior?

                        I like this thread the way it is. I like the people here, I have things in common with the people in this thread, and I don't feel bad about the way we post in this thread. We are JF fans, but we like to have fun amongst ourselves, and anyone else who comes in here to play. If you can't play nice or feel uncomfortable, just leave, but there's no need to badmouth us.

                        We are all fans of SG and SGA. Let's act like it, please.

                        (((big a** group hug)))
                        ::group hugging you right back::

                        Tell you what a friend of mine said after reading some posts here. HE said that it sounds like some shippers and Mckay fans are jealous/threatened. Of us and Shep/Joe. I thought that odd yet it makes sense. Only...why worry if Joe/Shep gets attention, especially if you're a mckay fan? You get it all handed to you on a silver platter with this show. Tis truly the RODNEY MCKAY hour. Does it get any better than that for a fan? Me thinks not. Heck..if Shep/Joe got even half that attention/focus, I'd be singing and dancing and squeeing all day long. LOL


                          Originally posted by knocknashee
                          You'se are my sistas...we gotta stick together...

                          I'm really fed up of the sh*te we are getting...I don't even see where some of it is coming from. We're a bit smutty...well boo-hoo for the offended. And just cos I make a flippant comment about something sexual, doesn't mean I'd actually go and try and pry Joe away from his wife, or that I have problems differentiating between fantasy and reality. And thank-you very muchly to b
                          the people slagging not to tar me with the same brush as those you deem here not to have the fraking sense to see the reality of psychoes!

                          (Not saying any of Shep's 'Girls' are psychoes! )
                          All we are is a bunch of women who admire Shep/Joe. Ain't nothing wrong with that. He's beautiful and talented and sweet and smart. The whole package. And you guys are just terrific. When I'm feeling pissed or down or all always brighten my day.


                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              You know, I am very tired of the flack we get as thunkers, too. It seems around this forum lately, people want someone to look down upon- and for quite a few people, it's us. It's especially grating that it's coming from people who used to post in this thread.

                              I've seen that were 'viscious' in our critiques, yet other posters have been far more disrespectful and hateful than us, and no one accuses them of being mindless drooling fangirls with nothing better to do. That implies that we're somehow immature or 'less than' (as someone else put it). That our thread has degraded to crotch and butt shots, or the perception that we can't think, therefore we thunk.

                              I am a college educated woman, about to embark on another degree. I work in my home, yes, but I volunteer and have any other interests besides this forum. I've not seen in this tread, where we've said caustic or degrading things about other threads- really, why do we care? Why, then, should anyone feel the need to take what's in our thread and parade it in other threads? To poke fun at us? To make themselves feel better for whining or feeling superior?

                              I like this thread the way it is. I like the people here, I have things in common with the people in this thread, and I don't feel bad about the way we post in this thread. We are JF fans, but we like to have fun amongst ourselves, and anyone else who comes in here to play. If you can't play nice or feel uncomfortable, just leave, but there's no need to badmouth us.

                              We are all fans of SG and SGA. Let's act like it, please.

                              (((big a** group hug)))

                              While I agree Trippy, I wish you'd not mentioned that about the 'less than', cos I now want to know the details of it. (Though I have a good idea where that came from!) I won't even put what I said to my PC monitor to that...

                              I might not have a university degree, however I did pass some of my GCSEs a year and two years early (that's the HSD equivalent if you don't know), so I'm not exactly stupid. I also studied at college, though I fell so far behind on my studies due to illness, I couldn't pass my HND. However, I resent the inference by anyone that because I thunk, I must be some stupid drooling fangirlie, and I'm sure a lot of other people in this thread do.

                              {Hugs Trippy and everyone else}

                              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                                I'm not going to feel like a lesser poster or lesser person just because I don't care to engage in big wordy debates on a forum. Pictures are my thing, I'd rather be off creating some artwork. (And that's worth a thousand words, so there! Ha! ... just kiddin' )

                                **GROUP HUG**

