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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Nessva
    Yeah, shows how often I make it to this thread these days. I notice siggys that are 3 years old
    LOL! I was reading your journal earlier...hope things are going better now...

    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


      Originally posted by knocknashee
      Didn't see that one...thanks for the heads up there...
      Hee! I happen to know where you can find it for download, if you're interested...

      Pegasus Galaxy Downloads:

      It's "Season 2 Sneak Peek (#1)" with options of Low or High quality.


        I need to make a serious attempt to sleep or I'll feel like crap in the morning...

        Goodnight all!
        Sig by Camy


          nice piccys everyone

          just finished watching Grace Under Pressure and now gonna play on GW a little longer and then head to bed


            Originally posted by SKRoberts
            Hee! I happen to know where you can find it for download, if you're interested...

            Pegasus Galaxy Downloads:

            It's "Season 2 Sneak Peek (#1)" with options of Low or High quality.
            Thanks for that Sarah...

            Goodnight Trippy...

            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


              Originally posted by Elinor
              Oooh Father Joe...yum! Have you still got Jeo, Beanie? The Matrix one? I think it was you who did that one. Can't really remember!

              Here's something for fun! A quiz entitled Which Stargate character are you attracted to?.

              I got Jack O'Neill!!

              I got O'Neill too! I can live with that... rather have Shep though...


                lol! i took that quiz...changed my answers three times and got Daniel the first time, McKay the second time and Shep the third time ....I am attracted to all my thunks

                G'nite all!


                  Originally posted by Naeara
                  I took that quiz Eli posted above and I got Sheppard. I didn't even cheat either.

                  A couple more caps from GUP:


                  Gotta go feed the masses now.
                  Thank you for such thunkworthy caps Naeara! They are beautiful!

                  I missed out on the group hug - so, hugs from me too.
                  I'm no idiot either, I'm a grad too, not that that makes me smart or intelligent, just educated. My hubby doesn't have a degree and he's incredibly bright and intellligent. Can be a complete idiot too!
                  Anyway, I come here for fun and an escape from RL. I like intellectual debates sometimes, but do come here to celebrate my love for Sheppard and that guy who plays him in SGA,what's his name again?
                  I also come here for a laugh. And over the time I've visited and posted here, boy have I laughed and laughed and laughed! For me the lovely people I've posted alongside here are brilliant people and I've only had positive experiences, some other experiences in other threads have not been so pleasant. Which is why I always come here. I think it's very welcoming. Sometimes posts don't get answered, certainly mine don't. However, I think it's a tad egocentric to expect everyone to be hanging on my every word! So one cannot expect an answer to every post, our fingers would be suffering greatly from R.S.I if that were the case!

                  So, to change the subject onto pleasant and thrilling things - I get to see Aurora tonight - maybe I'll get my curling iron out too...


                    I'm heading off...laters...

                    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      So, to change the subject onto pleasant and thrilling things - I get to see Aurora tonight - maybe I'll get my curling iron out too...
                      Hee hee! I'm looking forward to seeing 'blue-tinged' below!


                        Enjoy Aurora!! I liked that ep quite a bit, and of course Shep was gorgeous

                        *goes to find caps*

                        *realizes I never finished resizing those caps* Now that is a tragedy!! As soon as I get some time (over the holidays) I've gotta get those finished! Here are some I do have...


                          Hello all!

                          Yikes, I’ve just finished playing catch up and have read the (what seems like 100’s of) pages I’ve missed in the past few days! Can’t remember who said it…but yep as a newbie it can be hard too keep up!!

                          Now for my two cents…

                          Seems like old news now….but 24’s Jack making an appearance in Sheps thread??? I wonder if someone could write a 24/SGA crossover?

                          Beenie, JF is going to your con?!! Wow! Which con is it? I’ve never been to one before, but I’m thinking of going next year.

                          As for the more recent topic of conversation, I have no idea what has been said about you guys, but don’t stress over it! I’m new and you welcomed me, gave me that green stuff and have replied to my posts - I’ve felt included from day one. I see this thread as simply a bit of fun and what better way of having fun than having some silly drooling over a gorgeous (both on the outside and inside) man! I agree that some more screen time and more (huh, should I say any?) background story for Shep would be fab. McKay has had a lot of focus, I think simply because TPTB find it easy to write for his character.

                          To join in the education discussion, I’m currently bodging my way through a Physics degree! (hhhmmmm…..I should be in a lecture now actually)

                          And finally, thank you everyone for all those caps. I see marathon Fri went well.

                          I can’t remember who started the group hug, but I’m joining in and throwing in some kisses aswell!


                          Ohhh….almost forgot, I took the quiz and got Shep, without cheating too!


                            Originally posted by Merentha
                            Enjoy Aurora!! I liked that ep quite a bit, and of course Shep was gorgeous

                            *goes to find caps*

                            *realizes I never finished resizing those caps* Now that is a tragedy!! As soon as I get some time (over the holidays) I've gotta get those finished! Here are some I do have...



                            Nice as always Mer...

                            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                              Originally posted by lou
                              Hello all!

                              Yikes, I’ve just finished playing catch up and have read the (what seems like 100’s of) pages I’ve missed in the past few days! Can’t remember who said it…but yep as a newbie it can be hard too keep up!!

                              Now for my two cents…

                              Seems like old news now….but 24’s Jack making an appearance in Sheps thread??? I wonder if someone could write a 24/SGA crossover?

                              Beenie, JF is going to your con?!! Wow! Which con is it? I’ve never been to one before, but I’m thinking of going next year.

                              As for the more recent topic of conversation, I have no idea what has been said about you guys, but don’t stress over it! I’m new and you welcomed me, gave me that green stuff and have replied to my posts - I’ve felt included from day one. I see this thread as simply a bit of fun and what better way of having fun than having some silly drooling over a gorgeous (both on the outside and inside) man! I agree that some more screen time and more (huh, should I say any?) background story for Shep would be fab. McKay has had a lot of focus, I think simply because TPTB find it easy to write for his character.

                              To join in the education discussion, I’m currently bodging my way through a Physics degree! (hhhmmmm…..I should be in a lecture now actually)

                              And finally, thank you everyone for all those caps. I see marathon Fri went well.

                              I can’t remember who started the group hug, but I’m joining in and throwing in some kisses aswell!


                              Ohhh….almost forgot, I took the quiz and got Shep, without cheating too!
                              Wolf Pegasus One...however the tickets that entitle you to meet the guests are gone I think...

                              I'm glad that you feel we've been welcoming...and glad to have ye here. I agree with what you said.

                              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                                Ditto !

                                Btw, I took the quizz too and I got Shep. Without cheating, I promise !
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

