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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Merentha
    Oh, thank you!! That was great, and hot, and hilarious... and I think I know what us thunkers will be thinking..after a certain part...
    Oh you bad, bad girl you!

    I, um, thought, um, probably what, um, you're thinking.


      Originally posted by Merentha
      Oh, thank you!! That was great, and hot, and hilarious... and I think I know what us thunkers will be thinking..after a certain part...
      Ha Ha! Yeah........that was definitely for us thunkers.........and Joe does look great doesn't he?!!


        What are you talking about?


          Originally posted by Elinor
          Ha Ha! Yeah........that was definitely for us thunkers.........and Joe does look great doesn't he?!!

          Absolutely thunk-worthy! I think that was a shout-out to the FBI, don't you?


            Originally posted by Proxy Blue
            What are you talking about?
            It's the new promo trailer here:-



              Originally posted by Merentha
              Absolutely thunk-worthy! I think that was a shout-out to the FBI, don't you?
              Oh yep! Most definitely!!!


                K', this FBI thing? i assume were not talking Mulder & Scully here, right?

                Anybody wanna explain pls?

                FBI - Special Agent VonKnibble. Head of the Post-Whump Protectorate
                There is no point in arguing with an idiot, they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


                  Originally posted by Merentha
                  Oh, thank you!! That was great, and hot, and hilarious... and I think I know what us thunkers will be thinking..after a certain part...
                  Oh yeah!

                  hahahaha, that should keep me amused for a while....
                  FBI - Special Agent VonKnibble. Head of the Post-Whump Protectorate
                  There is no point in arguing with an idiot, they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


                    Ooh, new promo! Thanks for the link! It sure is quiet here again... only a few posts since I went to bed last night!


                      Hey, that bit at the end of the promo trailer, where they're all walking toward the camera........did someone leave the bath taps on?

                      ........and that second of Shep looking into the distance.......the wind blowing through his hair....mmmmmmmmm.....*now got same expression as Homer Simpson drooling over donuts*!!


                        Love the promo! Love the "I'm home". Thanx 4 posting the link.

                        Yea it is quite quiet here, no one's posted for just over 2 hours!

                        Here're some pics tho. I'm trying 2 get some caps of the promo but the programme I use is playing up so if someone else cud post some tht would be gr8.


                          Originally posted by VonKnibble
                          K', this FBI thing? i assume were not talking Mulder & Scully here, right?

                          Anybody wanna explain pls?

                          Hi VonKnibble! Nice to see you in the thunk thread by the way!

                          Look on page 475 and post no.9490. There's a list started where you can parts of Joe you'd like to look after!!


                            Originally posted by Merentha
                            Absolutely thunk-worthy! I think that was a shout-out to the FBI, don't you?
                            I couldn't quite make out what he was saying to be honest - my hearing is being particularly poor today, and the image is too small for lip reading...someone want to give me a transcript on that???

                            I did get the "I'll check the rest later" bit though... Naughty Shep!

                            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                              Originally posted by Elinor
                              Hi VonKnibble! Nice to see you in the thunk thread by the way!

                              Look on page 475 and post no.9490. There's a list started where you can parts of Joe you'd like to look after!!

                              The original discussion goes back to about post #4887, where I named our organisation...

                              I won't give you the page, since it depends on how you have your forum layout set...I don't have anywhere near 400 pages like Eli...

                              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                                Originally posted by starfish
                                FBI = Flanigan's Body Inspectors or Flanigan's Boxer Inspectors
                                (Where should that apostrophe go? I never got the hang of them )
                                Hmmmm just realised, the FBI doesn't have a Boxer Division...

                                Not unless someone bagged it, but didn't send a PM...

                                {Edit}The Defender of the Boxers IS PM...

                                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

