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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Hee hee! In a couple of those Dawson's Creek pics it looks like he's pulling his pants up! Do you think he has a problem with pants dropping in general...what with the boxer peeks and everything?!!


      Remove bint. Insert self.


        Originally posted by Elinor
        Hee hee! In a couple of those Dawson's Creek pics it looks like he's pulling his pants up! Do you think he has a problem with pants dropping in general...what with the boxer peeks and everything?!!

        I was just going to point that out, ROFL! That pants pulling up pic always makes me giggle. Thanks for those gorgeous pics Naeara!


          Originally posted by Elinor
          Hee hee! In a couple of those Dawson's Creek pics it looks like he's pulling his pants up! Do you think he has a problem with pants dropping in general...what with the boxer peeks and everything?!!

          LOL. You know, I really don't mind that he's a little belt deficient.


            Originally posted by Elinor
            Hee hee! In a couple of those Dawson's Creek pics it looks like he's pulling his pants up! Do you think he has a problem with pants dropping in general...what with the boxer peeks and everything?!!

            I don't really see that as much of a problem Elinor!


              Originally posted by Naeara
              LOL. You know, I really don't mind that he's a little belt deficient.
              Belt deficient...I like that! LOL!

              Wow...all the threads with Shep in the title are buzzing at the mo'. That guy needs his OWN show!!

              Anyone here able to spoil us with anything about Aurora tonight please? I understand it's showing in Canada I think. There are a lot of preview pics with Shep in hopefully he's in it a lot.


                Shirtless Joe...yum!

                I'm quite enjoying this whole random image thing...

                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."



                  ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                  "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                    Originally posted by Elinor
                    Anyone here able to spoil us with anything about Aurora tonight please? I understand it's showing in Canada I think. There are a lot of preview pics with Shep in hopefully he's in it a lot.

                    In the wrong part of Canada here but I'm going to try to *cough* it of course


                      Originally posted by Naeara
                      Indeed...same again...

                      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                        Originally posted by knocknashee
                        Shirtless Joe...yum!

                        I'm quite enjoying this whole random image thing...

                        That pic, where does it come from ? Cause he looks so young in it !

                        Love all the shirtless pics !
                        Naeara, you don't mind if I take some of them ? You know, only for my job as Shirtless Lab Instructor...
                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          Originally posted by florence
                          That pic, where does it come from ? Cause he looks so young in it !

                          Love all the shirtless pics !
                          Naeara, you don't mind if I take some of them ? You know, only for my job as Shirtless Lab Instructor...
                          That's our boy Joe in Profiler, season 4, as Tom. I like him, too.
                          Sig by Camy


                            Lovely pics everyone! Wow!

                            I just read this fan's experience of meeting Joe at a con, on another forum:-

                            'I love your t-shirt' he said (I was wearing an SG1 one I had made) 'Do you mind if I sign it?' he asked. Now if you had been there I'm sure you too would have found it very hard to resist such a kind and gentle man (not to mention gorgeous). So I said yes. He instructed me to pull out my t-shirt and he began writing on it 'WATCH ATLANTIS' and then he signed his name.'

                            That would have made me laugh and die at the same time! 'Pull out your t-shirt'???!!! THUNK!!

                            Last edited by Elinor; 19 September 2005, 01:23 PM.


                              This pic cracks me up b/c the guy that played JF's boyfriend in 'Family Album' in on "The 4400" now, and he was photographed with JF at that SciFi coctail party. Wonder if they've kept in touch?
                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by Elinor
                                Lovely pics everyone! Wow!

                                I just read this fan's experience of meeting Joe at a con, on another forum:-

                                'I love your t-shirt' he said (I was wearing an SG1 one I had made) 'Do you mind if I sign it?' he asked. Now if you had been there I'm sure you too would have found it very hard to resist such a kind and gentle man (not to mention gorgeous). So I said yes. He instructed me to pull out my t-shirt and he began writing on it 'WATCH ATLANTIS' and then he signed his name.

                                That would have made me laugh and die at the same time! 'Pull out your t-shirt'???!!! THUNK!!

                                He seems to have a great sense of humor. I loved his response to the 'elf ears' thing. He's able to laugh at himself. Awww...
                                Sig by Camy

