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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    The thread finally loaded. It only took *looks at clock* 22 minutes. I actually went off and had dinner while it was loading.

    Anyway, just wanted to SQUEEEEEE because Epiphany's on tonight! I'm going out tonight though and I have to work tomorrow morning so I won't be able to watch it until the evening. I've been waiting for it for so long already, what's another few hours?

    Some GW pics from Epiphany:


      Mustn't... look... at... spoiler... pics...

      I'm well and truly spoiled for "The Hive", but I want "Epiphany" to be a surprise. Unfortunately, that means I have to wait until the 13th of January...

      And if my computer keeps acting like this this, I'm going to kick it so high it'll burn up in reentry...

      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


        i hear ya CeeKay...i don't wanna wait any longer for january too...why can't they just let everyone suffer at the same time


          g'nite all you shep is time for me to turn in for the nite



            Well, I've read one good review of 'Epiphany' on the bulletin board at and one not so good here at GW. Looking forward to seeing a thunker's view!!


              Guess I'll put this whole bit in spoiler tags...

              I hate to say it, but I was disappointed with this episode. It just seemed kind of choppy, or like something was missing. Maybe it's that element of danger thing that was brought up here. Ok, so Shep gets tossed around by the beast... but it didn't seem nearly as life-threatening as the spoilers made it out to be. The second time they don't even show it! I never felt the danger or the rush I got watching one of my fav eps like the Storm. Emotionally something seemed lacking too. The woman from the spoiler pics tells Shep she's had visions of him and he's "the one" etc etc..then they kiss, and..nothing. Cut to a completely different scene. The emotional stuff is never resolved.. guess they ran out of time or something. She didn't even get his shirt off! (on camera) After six months he doesn't seem changed at all, or we don't get the chance to see it. Please, give us more Shep character development! Make more use of Joe's talent!

              I feel bad sounding so negative... onto the good! Joe, of course, was excellent. There were some great lines, like Shep naming McKay's invention a "MALP-on-a-stick" (camera taped to a stick). McKay saying to Shep "What is it with you and ascended women?" and Liz to Shep: "the beard is interesting" Hee. I thought I saw some grey in the beard. Maybe it was just the lighting
              Last edited by Merentha; 28 November 2005, 11:57 PM.


                Must... not... read... spoilers... ARGH !!! It's so hard !!!

                Good news, the rep system is back ! So you know what it means... green shower !
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Originally posted by Merentha
                  Guess I'll put this whole bit in spoiler tags...

                  I hate to say it, but I was disappointed with this episode. It just seemed kind of choppy, or like something was missing. Maybe it's that element of danger thing that was brought up here. Ok, so Shep gets tossed around by the beast... but it didn't seem nearly as life-threatening as the spoilers made it out to be. The second time they don't even show it! I never felt the danger or the rush I got watching one of my fav eps like the Storm. Emotionally something seemed lacking too. The woman from the spoiler pics tells Shep she's had visions of him and he's "the one" etc etc..then they kiss, and..nothing. Cut to a completely different scene. The emotional stuff is never resolved.. guess they ran out of time or something. She didn't even get his shirt off! (on camera) After six months he doesn't seem changed at all, or we don't get the chance to see it. Please, give us more Shep character development! Make more use of Joe's talent!

                  I feel bad sounding so negative... onto the good! Joe, of course, was excellent. There were some great lines, like Shep naming McKay's invention a "MALP-on-a-stick" (camera taped to a stick). McKay saying to Shep "What is it with you and ascended women?" and Liz to Shep: "the beard is interesting" Hee. I thought I saw some grey in the beard. Maybe it was just the lighting
                  Thanks for that Mer! I'm not surprised about Epiphany, since reading spoilers I had a really bad feeling! I think SGA has lost it's gritty element, and is too middle of the road now. It needs more of a sense of danger! And to TPTB, PLEASE,please,please use Joe Flanigan's talents alot more. It is starting to grate that he's not getting the 'meaty' storylines, and that another character is. After all he IS the leading man! Rant over!


                    I am about to watch 'Epiphany' and I read the spoilers...

                    I don't want it to be disappointing, I have waited so long for it! And I don't want Atlantis to lose some of the stuff that makes it so good, which is the love for detail and the lack of choppiness..
                    After the reviews I read, I doubt it'll be that good!

                    OK, maybe I should watch it first!
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Thanks for that Mer! I'm not surprised about Epiphany, since reading spoilers I had a really bad feeling! I think SGA has lost it's gritty element, and is too middle of the road now. It needs more of a sense of danger! And to TPTB, PLEASE,please,please use Joe Flanigan's talents alot more. It is starting to grate that he's not getting the 'meaty' storylines, and that another character is. After all he IS the leading man! Rant over!
                      Uh oh, it doesn't sound very good...
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by florence
                        Uh oh, it doesn't sound very good...
                        It doesn't, does it? Oh well, never mind! Wish I could see it now!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          It doesn't, does it? Oh well, never mind! Wish I could see it now!!!!!!
                          Same here !!! Why do I have to go to work today ? I have more important things to do !!!
                          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                            Originally posted by Linzi
                            Thanks for that Mer! I'm not surprised about Epiphany, since reading spoilers I had a really bad feeling! I think SGA has lost it's gritty element, and is too middle of the road now. It needs more of a sense of danger! And to TPTB, PLEASE,please,please use Joe Flanigan's talents alot more. It is starting to grate that he's not getting the 'meaty' storylines, and that another character is. After all he IS the leading man! Rant over!
                            Word to that! Bring on the gritty! Storm/Eye had it, Conversion had it, but we need moooore.


                              Originally posted by Merentha
                              Word to that! Bring on the gritty! Storm/Eye had it, Conversion had it, but we need moooore.

                              what about the flashbacks to Shep's past? Afghanistan? Did they cut those too? I figured this would end up sucking. TPTB have lost all sense of the gritty and the the intensity that made SGA so wonderful in Season one. I've only felt that for 3 eps this entires season. Well...3 1/2. And they would drop the ball on the ONLY Joe/Shep ep we're getting in season 2. All the reviews I've read are leading me to believe the focus is ONCE AGAIN on Rodney. Blech.


                                Originally posted by Merlin7
                                what about the flashbacks to Shep's past? Afghanistan? Did they cut those too? I figured this would end up sucking. TPTB have lost all sense of the gritty and the the intensity that made SGA so wonderful in Season one. I've only felt that for 3 eps this entires season. Well...3 1/2. And they would drop the ball on the ONLY Joe/Shep ep we're getting in season 2. All the reviews I've read are leading me to believe the focus is ONCE AGAIN on Rodney. Blech.
                                No flashbacks or backstory whatsoever I too am not looking forward to the McKay eps

