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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    well welcome back Trippy


      Thank you, m'dear. Shirtless Joe?

      Sig by Camy


        shirtless is always good


          Originally posted by majortrip
          Yesss...I missed the Joe hawtness these last couple of days...

          Those eyes!! Oh to have him look at me with those eyes!


            mmmmmmmmm, a little bit of tongue porn there


              Originally posted by Merentha
              LOL!! That's a funny one. But not *that* weird. If Oma's calling, it must be important. Imagine the long distance bill on that one!

              I did have a dream in which Shep ordered someone to give me a gun because "she's good with guns," he said.

              In another one I asked Joe for an autograph and he said "If I give you an autograph, you should have to give me an autograph" Uhh..ok!

              And those are the more normal of my dreams, haha
              Good with guns ? That's because he doesn't know what you can do with whips !
              Your other dream, it's not a dream, it's a premonition ! (or whatever it's called in english, I don't have my dictionary here )
              Cause it's what's going to happen when you'll meet him at the Vancouver con !
              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                Beloky - great icons ! Btw, I think it was you who did the 'Stay away from the Hair !' icon... I wanted to tell you that I snurched it and that I use it as MSN avatar (it's a warning for my so-called-friends who keep on threatening me with scissors ! ) So, thanks a lot !

                Trippy - Welcome back ! How did you survive to all that food ? And most important, how did you survive without your daily Shep fix ?
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Well, I hope you all had a nice holiday. We don't have Thanksgiving over here, but I do remember all that food when I was in the US for Thanksgiving a few years ago

                  I wonder what Joe ate on Thanksgiving...

                  *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                    Morning all!

                    Flo, I love your dream! That's great and not weird at all!

                    Mer, yours with the gun has some weird Freudian meaning I'm sure (got a few ideas but not PG enough to mention here!) The autograph one is funny. Perhaps you're destined for great things?

                    Beloky, great icons, thanks!

                    Trippy, welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I love Mexican food too, anything fattening - I love! Must say, please don't explode though!It'd mess up your computer!

                    PM, liked your Booty stuff! LOL!


                      Originally posted by florence
                      Beloky - great icons ! Btw, I think it was you who did the 'Stay away from the Hair !' icon... I wanted to tell you that I snurched it and that I use it as MSN avatar (it's a warning for my so-called-friends who keep on threatening me with scissors ! ) So, thanks a lot !
                      Thanks and yes that was from the first ones I did. Nice way to make a warning...


                        An oldie...but a goodie!!

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Yeah, going without my Joe fix was hard

                          The in-laws have dial-up- we logged on to find movie times and it was agonizing; I'm so spoiled to DSL.

                          I love food- all kinds. I helped cook this year, so I know at least some of it was healthy

                          Sig by Camy


                            Good morning, everyone!

                            Just received this VCR Alert...

                            Danielle Steel's Family Album
                            Starring Jaclyn Smith, Michael Ontkean, Joe Flanigan, Kristin Minter, Brian
                            Krause, Leslie Horan.
                            Based on Danielle Steel's novel of a celebrated actress-filmmaker whose
                            family life is marked with love and strife. 214 minutes, 1994
                            Sun Dec 18 04:26P on Lifetime Movie Network
                            Mon Dec 19 05:45A on Lifetime Movie Network

                            Tell Me No Secrets
                            Starring Lori Loughlin, Bruce Greenwood, Joe Flanigan, Max Gail, Wendy
                            Gazelle, Tracy Walter.
                            A district attorney's life is endangered when the rapist she unsuccessfully
                            tried to convict is set free. 105 minutes, 1997
                            Mon Dec 26 09:45P on Lifetime Movie Network
                            Tue Dec 27 02:30P on Lifetime Movie Network


                              thanks for the info...i get that channel too


                      's vewy vewy quiet in here. Time to make some noise!

                                Sig by Camy

