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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mcalex22
    Hello Beanie, Trish, PM, Trippy (thanks for the green) and all,

    Thanks for the nice wishes! Yes, I've been away, lurking, capping and generally being lazy.

    Actually I'm a little excited about the cons I'm going to - the big one is next weekend - with DH, DN and PM.... sorry for the OT mention.

    I was also watching some BTS clips of SGA during the weekend. I was listening to Martin and Joe in the Rising commentary! I think (and I'm sure Beanie knows this) Martin made a comment about how when they were filming the helicopter scene and the wind was blowing, Joe's hair (unlike Rick's) did not move an inch! And Joe said something along the lines of "That's coz I haven't washed it for a few days".

    He must very shy coz I didn't see him in many BTS shots but I remember the Wraith one where they all said the wraith were hot!

    I also read that commentary he wrote in the SGA handbook and boy was it sweet. He does write rather eloquently, eh?

    Anyhow, here are some more piccies:

    I had this in my LJ because, uh, horizontal sheppp... but it's the look he gives Rodney that really cracks me up!

    hehe, and one of my faves from Conversion:

    This one cracks me up even though it's not just Shep:

    As Joe said in his commentary/intro to the handbook, David Hewlett has a sicker sense of humour than him and it makes me wonder what sort of jokes they play on each other! Alyssa (who went to the con last week) said that Torri mentioned how the boys always get in later than the girls for makeup etc!

    Well, take care all,

    Funny, cute stories, wish I could go to a con *jealous*
    Great caps! thanks for sharing


      Mornin' all!

      Thanks for those little tidbits McAlex, some were new to me!

      I can't stop thinking about Joe and this surfing movie! Was the film is set in the 50's...what did surfers wear then? I need to get a proper picture in my mind!!! Hope it's all true, about the film I mean. I might have to see it at least 5 times on the big screen, just to take in all the scenery!!!

      It better not be one of those roles where he dies in the first 10 minutes or something! I want PLENTY of screen time!!


        Morning, Elinor! I hope he gets plenty of screentime as well. And lots of shirtlessness. And surfing = wet!jf so lots of that too.

        I think those are perfectly reasonable requests.


          Suspicion is on here and poor Shep just got whumped. Good times. I don't have caps of the whump but this will do.


            Originally posted by Naeara
            Suspicion is on here and poor Shep just got whumped. Good times. I don't have caps of the whump but this will do.

            Ooh...I love the 'eyebrow'!!


              Me too! I'm also partial to this shot:

              Elinor! I just noticed you're almost at 1200.


                Am off to bed now. Night thunkers.


                  Originally posted by Naeara
                  Me too! I'm also partial to this shot:


                  Elinor! I just noticed you're almost at 1200.
                  And you're nearly at 1000


                    I was a little creative this weekend and this came out :


                      Morning all!
                      Loved the caps Alex. As usual they are beautiful, like works of art!
                      I'm excited about the movie with surfing, if it turns out to be true. I don't think JF will have a big part though, I would've thought casting would've taken place a long time ago for main parts, but I hope to be wrong!
                      I'm still sulking about the AT business, especially after reading the GW main page report! PTB, leave Atlantis alone!!!!
                      Rant over!
                      Back to thunking!
                      Got my Official mag this morning. The JF piccies are lovely, and the fiction is good too. Looking forward to December's issue which has a JF interview!


                        Shep: Where have all my thunkers gone? Please don't leave me here with Linzi, she's such a whump addict, and quite honestly I've had enough....

                        Thanks to Alex for the beautiful piccie!


                          Don't worry Shep, I'm here too...

                          Alex, don't worry, I always notice your pics, they're so nice !
                          It's just that sometimes this thread is so busy, we can't reply to everyone (I'm already spending so much time in here, I can't imagine what it would be if I replied to every post ! )
                          I've already said this, but I think it's worth repeating it : if one of your post (the general you, not only you, Alex) gets no reply, it doesn't mean that noone wants to talk to you or that noone has seen your post. I read EVERY post in this thread (well, drooling over the pics is a much more appropriate word than reading ! )
                          I really hope that noone feels unwelcome in this thread cause it's not true. Every JF/Shep thunker is more than welcome, with or without pics.

                          We only have a few rules (in fact, these are GW rules), but they are quite easy to follow :
                          - Be respectful to the other posters
                          - If you quote a post with pics, remove the img tags so that pics show up as url links (it's nicer for those of us who still are on dial-up)
                          - You can take all the pics posted in this thread. BUT you have to upload them to your own album (no hotlinking !). And if they are manips made by someone else, please credit the authors when you post those manips.

                          Hmmm, that's it I think... Ah yes ! Don't forget the PG rule... (this one is the hardest to follow though... )

                          And now, back to pics !

                          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                            cute photo... looks as if he is concentrating really really hard on some thing
                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              Sheppy and his coffee... again!
                              I love this cap from Intruder!

                              I read every post too. I love your caps Alex. Also love Mer's, Flo's, Beanie's (though don't get me started on the elf,santa or easter bunny!!!) and everybody's!
                              I think the best piccies are on my sig tho, course I'm a little biased!


                                What about this one ?

                                Looks like he doesn't understand anything McKay is talking about !
                                Or maybe he's just singing the Scoobidoo song in his head...
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

