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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    Here's a Superwraith on the Destiny.

    Great job ciannwn. It looks great! Oh I wish that this could happen on the Destiny.
    Just like the movie Alien. Oh well...
    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
    Nina: Everything else was taken.


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      A surreal portrait of Steve.

      Hehe nice picture as Ford once said "he looks kinda peaceful"


        Originally posted by Isolde View Post
        Part 14 available with extra helpings of curveballs. I do wish he would tell me everything he has planned.
        Ohh.. I don't know I've missed your great story.. Todd and Jen! I wish I didn't find it tonight because I'll be away for two days and I've only gotten up to chapter 12. Cannot wait to read the rest of it!

        Meeting mommy is always so hard..

        * * * * * * * * *
        "You are more like Wraith than you know."
        "I'm not sure I like the sound of that."
        "There is much about Wraith that you do not know, Sheppard."
        - John Sheppard and Todd, "Common Ground"

        "We all agree the Ancients were pretty screwed up. All the ones I met were arrogant and condescending and not for good reason. Now they made giant mistakes and never fixed them." - John Sheppard


          Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
          *shows up with stack of magazines*
          "New magazine out now. It called Teen Wraith.

          Originally posted by spinny magee
          Hehe nice picture as Ford once said "he looks kinda peaceful"
          Thank you.

          Originally posted by geekywraith
          Great job ciannwn. It looks great!
          Thank you.

          Originally posted by geekywraith
          Oh I wish that this could happen on the Destiny.
          Just like the movie Alien. Oh well...
          So do I. It would really liven SGU up for me.

          Originally posted by Starry Waters
          Now that might be intersting. I might watch the show if that happened!!
          I'd definitely be watching the show if it involved a Superwraith turning into a gorgeous faced male. Sadly the character would find clothes to wear as soon as he started looking more human - after all, I don't think SGU is supposed to be that more adult.


            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            Love it! Wanted to green you bur GW won't let me. *scowls at GW*

            Have some wraithy MENTAL GREEN instead.
            Don't worry, I can. Taken cared of
            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


              Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
              *shows up with stack of magazines*
              "New magazine out now. It called Teen Wraith. We will be coming out with parenting side magazines very soon, along with some ones that are going to make worshipers and wraith squeeky alike. Oh and we now have a nearly complete list of all of the staff working at Hive 18 Printing.--> " - Queen Malka

              *Pass out copies of Teen Wraith ( ) with some assistance from some inters*
              Princess Adalia when do I get to be queen. I love that. ha ha!!
              Hot or not!! ROFL!! oh I have to look at this more closely. This caption reminds me a conversation some of my wraithy gals had in my story. I think I will PM you what they were talking about. Could be a great story for the magazine.

              Oh soo this magazine that wil make worshippers and wraith squeeky, hmmmmm waiting for that one with great anticipation.

              Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
              "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
              Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                Princess Adalia when do I get to be queen. I love that. ha ha!!
                Hot or not!! ROFL!! oh I have to look at this more closely. This caption reminds me a conversation some of my wraithy gals had in my story. I think I will PM you what they were talking about. Could be a great story for the magazine.

                Oh soo this magazine that wil make worshippers and wraith squeeky, hmmmmm waiting for that one with great anticipation.

                Princess Adalia going to keep popping up.

                The ones that will make worshipers and wraith squeaky...well you just have to read the list of upcoming magazines. It on the staff page.


                  Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
                  Princess Adalia going to keep popping up.

                  The ones that will make worshipers and wraith squeaky...well you just have to read the list of upcoming magazines. It on the staff page.
                  Right! I am going to read the staff page.

                  Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                  "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                  Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                    Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                    though some humans eat animals and they don't have to as they have other alternates to what they can eat.
                    SOME of you can eat other things than meat. I no longer have a choice as all I am able to digest are proteins (& this means meat - nuts etc are too difficult), a tiny amount of fats and simple sugars. The amazing thing is that I am still alive at all since I have been almost entirely gutted.... literally. For me, vegetables are the ultimate torture - I can eat them but I then have to face the agonizing consequences. By the way, for all you Vegans out there, plants scream when you harvest them.... who's a barbarian now?


                      Originally posted by katzarai View Post
                      SOME of you can eat other things than meat. I no longer have a choice as all I am able to digest are proteins (& this means meat - nuts etc are too difficult), a tiny amount of fats and simple sugars. The amazing thing is that I am still alive at all since I have been almost entirely gutted.... literally. For me, vegetables are the ultimate torture - I can eat them but I then have to face the agonizing consequences. By the way, for all you Vegans out there, plants scream when you harvest them.... who's a barbarian now?
                      I once saw a documentary which showed some evidence of that: that plants were aware of those who ate or tried to destroy them. I always thought the argument on what exactly was sentient a bit biased...
                      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                        Originally posted by katzarai View Post
                        SOME of you can eat other things than meat. I no longer have a choice as all I am able to digest are proteins (& this means meat - nuts etc are too difficult), a tiny amount of fats and simple sugars. The amazing thing is that I am still alive at all since I have been almost entirely gutted.... literally. For me, vegetables are the ultimate torture - I can eat them but I then have to face the agonizing consequences. By the way, for all you Vegans out there, plants scream when you harvest them.... who's a barbarian now?
                        you aren't the only person I know who can't eat vegetables. my fiance is the same way. he can't touch them as they make him sick. He also can't stand the flavors of many of them as well. so he sticks to the proteins. I am not a big protein eater myself because I am the opposite way. my body seems to reject large amounts of it. it's going to be an interesting household. but your situation just sounds very tough.

                        Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                        "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                        Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                          Thanks for the sympathy but it actually gets better.... not. My surgical team managed to kill me on three of the occasions they were elbow deep reefing out innards to make me 'better'. Now I don't know about you but my definition of health doesn't involve being in screaming agony every time I breathe and spending half my life vomiting. At this point, I'd really like to be a wraith - at least then I wouldn't have to eat (not that I do a great deal of it). Just to make life worse, I really love silverbeet, brussel sprouts (hey, they're not that bad - steam 'em & drizzle a little oil or melted butter over), beetroot and cauliflower.

                          On the other psuedopod, it does leave me in a position to understand others' problems really well - even if theirs seem so much easier to deal with than mine much of the time.


                            Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                            I wonder if humans were on the top of the food chain - if humans sucked the life out of other creatures in will react the SGA team? I don't think they will want a genocide or develope a retro virus. Double standarts.

                            They could find a way to co-exist with the Wraith. That's true. I was amazed when they tried the retro virus for the SECOND time on Michael. After he could be a very usefull ally and help them in many ways.
                            Human beings are a very egocentric race, everything exists to service them in the race consciousness. This is why anything that has the temerity to kill or injure a human tends to be driven into extinction or at very least severely endangered. The bias against the Wraith is very similar to the old European attitude towards the African nations. They are different and must be inferior - even more so because they depend on human prey to survive. You can also see this kind of superior attitude in early science fiction writing - the god-like humans help out those inferior aliens or kill them following a bad decision making process. (This often involves some other alien race with large breasted and hugely attractive females.)

                            As for the Micheal question, Torri has been reported as unhappy with Weir being tasked with re-administering the retrovirus. Personally I wonder if she was actually overruled by the IOA who insisted on this action. It would have been difficult to sustain him in Atlantis but the occasional wraith hunt would have sufficed to feed him - however unpalatable fellow wraith are. There would also have been security concerns but given the opportunity to belong somewhere doubtless Micheal would have been far more co-operative than during his previous incarceration. I can well believe that the Bureaucracy was tin-plating it's collective assets in the mistaken belief that he was too dangerous to leave in play.

                            Had I been in charge, I'd have sent out the hunting parties for wraith snacks and picked his brains for everything I could get before putting him to work. Not only could he have been useful with the ship, wraith tech and translation but obviously Micheal is one of those first class brains - the kind that can do almost anything they want. Imagine if he'd collaborated with Carson on the retrovirus to humanise the wraith instead of turning it to his own ends? Or working with McKay to improvise a manual interface for the hive ship? The possibilities are seemingly endless and I can't believe that Weir would have been blind to that.

                            As a final note, I don't believe that as things stood in the Pegasus, humans would ever choose to try co-existing peaceably with the Wraith so long as they preyed on humans. Cloning and intensive farming methods wouldn't be solutions - flavour of the prey is very important to the wraith until it becomes a pure survival situation. The Asgard seem to have engineered themselves into a single specimen which, as a result has to be a blank slate or else they would all wind up eventually being the same person in a multitude of identical bodies. Besides, for an Asgard to survive by 'killing' another Asgard - a person with similar potential doesn't sit well with the apparent philosophy of that race. Just how this technology could be applied to humans is uncertain and the one thing we can be sure of is that an essentially brain dead non person wouldn't have that desirable fear taste as they wouldn't be able to feel fear.

                            Intensive farming, on the other pseudopod, would have the Earth humans up in arms. For them it would be worse than the current hunting lifestyle as the people would be brought up for the purpose of being food with no chance to fight or escape. At least as free humans, the current population can try to fight or escape - even if in almost every case they fail miserably.

                            If anything I've said here doesn't make sense or is presented in a way that is less easy to understand, I apologise. It is now 6:45 AM where I am and I've been up for almost 48 hours now.


                              Originally posted by katzarai View Post
                              Thanks for the sympathy but it actually gets better.... not. My surgical team managed to kill me on three of the occasions they were elbow deep reefing out innards to make me 'better'. Now I don't know about you but my definition of health doesn't involve being in screaming agony every time I breathe and spending half my life vomiting. At this point, I'd really like to be a wraith - at least then I wouldn't have to eat (not that I do a great deal of it). Just to make life worse, I really love silverbeet, brussel sprouts (hey, they're not that bad - steam 'em & drizzle a little oil or melted butter over), beetroot and cauliflower.

                              On the other psuedopod, it does leave me in a position to understand others' problems really well - even if theirs seem so much easier to deal with than mine much of the time.
                              Hi Welcome to GW and WDC thread. Hope you'll like it here. Me like brussel sprout too.
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Originally posted by katzarai View Post
                                If anything I've said here doesn't make sense or is presented in a way that is less easy to understand, I apologise. It is now 6:45 AM where I am and I've been up for almost 48 hours now.
                                Hello and welcome to the WDC No need to apologise - feel free to write whatever you think/feel.
                                ~ Created by Draygon ~

