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    I meant common ground won the h&h season three game... not the tournament.

    Last edited by naamiaiset; 14 May 2008, 03:12 AM.


      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      common ground just won in the stargate atlantis season 3 tournament.

      Awesome! It was an EXCELLENT episode! <3


        Well guys, this is early for me to be going to bed, but I have to check on meh kitten and watch some movies. Don't post ten pages or more without me!



          Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
          Well guys, this is early for me to be going to bed, but I have to check on meh kitten and watch some movies. Don't post ten pages or more without me!
          I doubt that! xD Seeing as how you were the main person I am talking to- that would be kind of difficult to do by myself without double posting! xD

          Have a good night and dream about your loyalty to Steve! xD *waves*


            Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
            @ MCH

            Sent the ABC by email, don't know if it will work, so posting here too! Enjoy


            nice siggy again

            Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
            @toomuchcaf: Thanks for the link. Now I understand it a bit better - and I would probably understand even more if I had a clue what Face-book is about. And about your little post last night: I have always loved the Spud Troopers and I agree that a Wraith Mr. Potato Head would be incredible and incredibly funny! I'm enjoying your wraith-initions, too.

            @Wraithie: Too bad they don't allow the animation. I'm happy that I saw the sig before you took it down. I'm glad the fire is subsiding and I hope it is out for good (things looked pretty bad in that newsclip). Now if we could just send some of Masterling's rain down to you, everything would work out perfectly.

            @karhedron: I would love to see that Todd vs. Michael fight, too. We did talk about that earlier in the thread, but it bears repeating. And I still wonder (spoiler for Last Man):
            whether or not Michael still has the Wraith healing ability and virtual immortality now that he now longer feeds on human life-force.
            I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out.

            @Wraith Cake: I liked her in all of her phases, but I can see that the eyes in phase ii might have been a little unnerving.

            @das: that was one scary picture. I'd hate to have fire so close to my (or my family's) house. Don't forget that you are going to reply to my comment about Todd giving info to the Lanteans when your life calms down a bit. No rush. But I am interested in what you (and the rest of the WDC) think about it.

            To restate the topic: Do you think that Todd would be cautious about letting the SGA folks learn about how the Wraith live (reproduction, homelife, rearing of young)? I think he might be concerned that they would take whatever they learned and use it against the Wraith.
            Unfortunatly, I think you are right.

            Originally posted by TehOpheliac View Post
            Ohh. Can I join? <3



              Took me forever to find this... *grumble, grumble dial-up*

              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk
              All of us would love to see the Wraith culture more thoroughly explored on SGA. It seems that we are going to get more episodes dealing with the Wraith next season, but I think they will deal more with the issue of control of the Pegasus Galaxy and possibly relations between the Wraith and humans, rather than details of Wraith home life.
              I think you're right - it will be more about Wraith/human relations (which might be good) than Wraith culture/society. However, I think we will have some Wraith culture slip in. For instance, what's going to happen with Rodney, Ronon and Shep stuck on the Todd's hive ship while Todd and Teyla are off on their adventure? I REALLY hope they have some fun with that, and give us some insight into Wraith society/culture. IF I was writing it, I'd have a faced Wraith or two 'trying' to entertain the humans...can't you just imagine the awkwardness??! Uncomfortable silence and equally uncomfortable glances, along with pained smiles and forced politeness. Would be cool.

              Ugh, a moment's madness:

              Shep (to the Wraith): "So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Sing? Dance? Play games?"

              Rodney: "Yes, yes, yes. Games. It makes sense. Most cultures engage in games of challenge, both to develop physical prowess and to sharpen mental abilities. Even the most primitive of societies have such games, so certainly one as advanced as yours must..."

              Wraith (exchange knowing glances, then one speaks): "Yes. We have a game."

              Rodney: "Really? Can you...can you show us? I mean, we know so little about your culture, let alone what sort of recreation you engage in...except the runner thing...which is more like a sport, I suppose...or a type of tort..."

              Shep (out of the corner of his mouth): "Rodneeeey. Not a good time to be bringing that up..." (quickly changing subject, to the Wraith) "We'd like to see this game of yours...if it's not a problem, or anything. I mean, we wouldn't want to inconvenience you..."

              Wraith (with a sly grin) : "It is no trouble, I assure you."

              Ronon: "This is a bad idea..."

              (later, in a large 'room' deep within the hive, the three humans hang upside down, suspended from the ceiling by a mesh of membrane and umbilicals wrapped around their arms and torso and legs. They are also naked. Below them the two Wraith pace, long sticks in hand.)

              Ronon: "Told ya this was a bad idea..."

              Rodney: "I feel like a human pinata. And if they keep me upside down like this much longer, it's not gonna be candy that comes out of me, but more like...breakfast. I knew I shouldn't have had the sausage..."

              Shep: "Well, they haven't hurt us yet, they just keep pokin' us with those sticks..."

              Rodney: "What do you mean, they haven't hurt us? Unless, of course, you're speaking for yourself, because right now from where I hang, my pride isn't fairing very well at all..."

              Ronon: "Same here. Once I get down, I'm gonna kill 'em, if for nothin' else but making me see McKay naked."

              Rodney: "Yeah, like this is easy for me, too? I SO did NOT need to see that tattoo of yours. I mean - really? A butterfly?"

              Ronon (growing irritated): "It's not a butterfly, and it's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark."

              Rodney: "Well, it looks like a butterfly...on your ass."

              Ronon (anger increasing): "Nobody told ya to look, did they?"

              Rodney: "I couldn't exactly miss it, now could I?"

              (Anger growing, the two men start swinging until they collide into one another like two heavy sacks of flour, spinning them around until the umbilicals suspending them twist together)

              Shep (noticing the Wraith below growing excited, and placing what seem to be bets upon a table): "Guys! Knock it off! This is what they want. I think it's like their version of a dog fight, or something..."

              Rodney (slowly drifting back and forth after twisting free from Ronon): "Well, this is a stupid game. I mean, what's the point? Just have us winding around each other like human tetherballs?"

              Shep: "I dunno. I guess they don't want their food killing each other, they just want us to get riled up and angry...make us turn on each other. Maybe it makes us taste better, or tenderizes us, or something. They put us in an uncomfortable situation, provoke us...then they must bet on who loses their cool first..."

              Rodney: "That would be Ronon..."

              Ronon: "Shuddup."

              Rodney: "Make me, Conan!"

              (again the two start men start slamming into one another, while Sheppard dangles helplessly off to the side, and sighs)

              Shep (mumbling to himself): "Why can't the Wraith just play Sudoku like normal people..."

              Todd is the one who seems the most willing to share information about the Wraith and their history with his human colleagues. But he has seen what the SGA folks are capable of and is aware of their propensity for using their knowledge to solidify their position in Pegasus at the expense of the Wraith such as :

              1. the retrovirus first used on Michael then weaponized to use against a Wraith hive-ship,

              2. Helping to develop the Hoffan drug

              3. Re-activating the Replicators attack code so they would start attacking the Wraith again).

              I would think that Todd might be reluctant to share information that could be used to harm his species. If the humans knew too much about Wraith reproduction and development, they might try to use it to keep them from ever becoming fully adult Wraith. From the human standpoint, this would be good since they would never have the need to feed on humans. But from the Wraith standpoint, it would mean the elimination of their species.
              This is what confused me about his willingness to share information about the cloning facility, and the war with the Ancients. By doing so, he proved that the Wraith only won by numbers, and not through strategic skill. He basically supported the idea that the Wraith are not as mentally sharp as they may seem, and instead resort to more primative means of victory - sheer numbers over intelligent planning.

              (It could be argued that the idea to defeat the Ancients through numbers instead of strategy was an intelligent decision, but it could also be seen as a lazy one since the Wraith didn't bother to develop better weapons, shields, cloaking capability, etc...all their tech is offensive in nature, not defensive, which is why they are so easily defeated now.)

              Todd - as he SHOULD be written - would not be so eager to reveal Wraith secrets. But the writers are using him to 'explain' things, which isn't a good idea (like in SoW). the Wraith have 'no need to explain themselves', and that is how it should be, especially with Todd, who they are portraying as a Wraith who plays things close to the vest. Of course, in SoW Todd had to explain himself because Sheppard was threatening his life. But they need to be careful that they don't having him say TOO much, or it will ruin his whole 'I've got a secret and I'm not telling you what I'm really up to' persona.

              So, in a perfect SGA world, Todd would never reveal too much about Wraith reproduction, or their tech, or their numbers, or anything (unless he was forced to in order to get help from the humans). But even if he was desperate for help, I'd hope he'd only say JUST enough to get what he needed, and no more.

              Last edited by dasNdanger; 13 May 2008, 11:43 PM.


                I would like to welcome all new member that have joined in the last 24 to 48 hours. A Great Big WELCOME!! This club is growing by leaps and bounds. Who said the Wraith were hated no not in this club.

                I have a lot to catch up on. Things sure move along when you go away for a few days.


                  Good Lord there is so much to catch up on!. I better grab a cup of Joe(coffee) no, not Joe Mallozzi. hee hee. and, read, read, and read.



                    You COULD write the script of the show. McKay,Ronon and Sheppard in the flesh.
                    This made my day. Thank you

                    A cup of JM? ... now...thats kind of scary
                    Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                    Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                    You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                    The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                      Ok, there is just too much too get caught up on.

                      @das: I'm glad to here that your sis's house is safe. The one thing about us humans we are best when we are at our worst. Your sister helping out people when they lost their home.

                      @ Toomuchcaf: I love your Wraith dictionary is it ok to snruch them

                      @MCH: Now I got a new expression "Go Wraith yourself" I'll remember that one when someone gives me a hard time or, those annoying telemarketers that keep phoning me all the time.

                      Oh, speaking of fire well, fire alarms that is. When I got home this evening I made myself some dinner and put on some music ready to relax then some bozo pulled the fire alarm. I took my sandwich, yes, that was my supper a sandwich, my coffee, got to bring sustance with me, my bag, it has my life in it. left my apt. locked of course, then waited for the fire department to arrive. yeah, someone pulled the alarm. oh well, go thing I wasn't in the shower. That would freak me out! Thinking the place is on fire and your in the shower. OK I'm OT

                      anyways Take Care:


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Took me forever to find this... *grumble, grumble dial-up*

                        I think you're right - it will be more about Wraith/human relations (which might be good) than Wraith culture/society. However, I think we will have some Wraith culture slip in. For instance, what's going to happen with Rodney, Ronon and Shep stuck on the Todd's hive ship while Todd and Teyla are off on their adventure? I REALLY hope they have some fun with that, and give us some insight into Wraith society/culture. IF I was writing it, I'd have a faced Wraith or two 'trying' to entertain the humans...can't you just imagine the awkwardness??! Uncomfortable silence and equally uncomfortable glances, along with pained smiles and forced politeness. Would be cool.

                        Ugh, a moment's madness:

                        Shep (to the Wraith): "So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Sing? Dance? Play games?"

                        Rodney: "Yes, yes, yes. Games. It makes sense. Most cultures engage in games of challenge, both to develop physical prowess and to sharpen mental abilities. Even the most primitive of societies have such games, so certainly one as advanced as yours must..."

                        Wraith (exchange knowing glances, then one speaks): "Yes. We have a game."

                        Rodney: "Really? Can you...can you show us? I mean, we know so little about your culture, let alone what sort of recreation you engage in...except the runner thing...which is more like a sport, I suppose...or a type of tort..."

                        Shep (out of the corner of his mouth): "Rodneeeey. Not a good time to be bringing that up..." (quickly changing subject, to the Wraith) "We'd like to see this game of yours...if it's not a problem, or anything. I mean, we wouldn't want to inconvenience you..."

                        Wraith (with a sly grin) : "It is no trouble, I assure you."

                        Ronon: "This is a bad idea..."

                        (later, in a large 'room' deep within the hive, the three humans hang upside down, suspended from the ceiling by a mesh of membrane and umbilicals wrapped around their arms and torso and legs. They are also naked. Below them the two Wraith pace, long sticks in hand.)

                        Ronon: "Told ya this was a bad idea..."

                        Rodney: "I feel like a human pinata. And if they keep me upside down like this much longer, it's not gonna be candy that comes out of me, but more like...breakfast. I knew I shouldn't have had the sausage..."

                        Shep: "Well, they haven't hurt us yet, they just keep pokin' us with those sticks..."

                        Rodney: "What do you mean, they haven't hurt us? Unless, of course, you're speaking for yourself, because right now from where I hang, my pride isn't fairing very well at all..."

                        Ronon: "Same here. Once I get down, I'm gonna kill 'em, if for nothin' else but making me see McKay naked."

                        Rodney: "Yeah, like this is easy for me, too? I SO did NOT need to see that tattoo of yours. I mean - really? A butterfly?"

                        Ronon (growing irritated): "It's not a butterfly, and it's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark."

                        Rodney: "Well, it looks like a butterfly...on your ass."

                        Ronon (anger increasing): "Nobody told ya to look, did they?"

                        Rodney: "I couldn't exactly miss it, now could I?"

                        (Anger growing, the two men start swinging until they collide into one another like two heavy sacks of flour, spinning them around until the umbilicals suspending them twist together)

                        Shep (noticing the Wraith below growing excited, and placing what seem to be bets upon a table): "Guys! Knock it off! This is what they want. I think it's like their version of a dog fight, or something..."

                        Rodney (slowly drifting back and forth after twisting free from Ronon): "Well, this is a stupid game. I mean, what's the point? Just have us winding around each other like human tetherballs?"

                        Shep: "I dunno. I guess they don't want their food killing each other, they just want us to get riled up and angry...make us turn on each other. Maybe it makes us taste better, or tenderizes us, or something. They put us in an uncomfortable situation, provoke us...then they must bet on who loses their cool first..."

                        Rodney: "That would be Ronon..."

                        Ronon: "Shuddup."

                        Rodney: "Make me, Conan!"

                        (again the two start men start slamming into one another, while Sheppard dangles helplessly off to the side, and sighs)

                        Shep (mumbling to himself): "Why can't the Wraith just play Sudoku like normal people..."

                        We need to elect das to be one of the writers for SGA. das doesn't have to uproot and move to Vancouver just email your scripts to the PTB. TPTB can pay for your high-speed internet. sounds good.



                          Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                          I have made a sig for Eric as promised, unfortunately, his name does not lend well to puns, so couldn't be as creative

                          another great entry to the dictionary, keep em coming.

                          A warm wraithy welcome to you LiliJ & TehOpheliac

                          Wraithie i missed the animated sig, could you post it on a page behind spoilers perhaps?

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Ugh, a moment's madness:

                          Shep (to the Wraith): "So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Sing? Dance? Play games?"

                          Rodney: "Yes, yes, yes. Games. It makes sense. Most cultures engage in games of challenge, both to develop physical prowess and to sharpen mental abilities. Even the most primitive of societies have such games, so certainly one as advanced as yours must..."

                          Wraith (exchange knowing glances, then one speaks): "Yes. We have a game."

                          Rodney: "Really? Can you...can you show us? I mean, we know so little about your culture, let alone what sort of recreation you engage in...except the runner thing...which is more like a sport, I suppose...or a type of tort..."

                          Shep (out of the corner of his mouth): "Rodneeeey. Not a good time to be bringing that up..." (quickly changing subject, to the Wraith) "We'd like to see this game of yours...if it's not a problem, or anything. I mean, we wouldn't want to inconvenience you..."

                          Wraith (with a sly grin) : "It is no trouble, I assure you."

                          Ronon: "This is a bad idea..."

                          (later, in a large 'room' deep within the hive, the three humans hang upside down, suspended from the ceiling by a mesh of membrane and umbilicals wrapped around their arms and torso and legs. They are also naked. Below them the two Wraith pace, long sticks in hand.)

                          Ronon: "Told ya this was a bad idea..."

                          Rodney: "I feel like a human pinata. And if they keep me upside down like this much longer, it's not gonna be candy that comes out of me, but more like...breakfast. I knew I shouldn't have had the sausage..."

                          Shep: "Well, they haven't hurt us yet, they just keep pokin' us with those sticks..."

                          Rodney: "What do you mean, they haven't hurt us? Unless, of course, you're speaking for yourself, because right now from where I hang, my pride isn't fairing very well at all..."

                          Ronon: "Same here. Once I get down, I'm gonna kill 'em, if for nothin' else but making me see McKay naked."

                          Rodney: "Yeah, like this is easy for me, too? I SO did NOT need to see that tattoo of yours. I mean - really? A butterfly?"

                          Ronon (growing irritated): "It's not a butterfly, and it's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark."

                          Rodney: "Well, it looks like a butterfly...on your ass."

                          Ronon (anger increasing): "Nobody told ya to look, did they?"

                          Rodney: "I couldn't exactly miss it, now could I?"

                          (Anger growing, the two men start swinging until they collide into one another like two heavy sacks of flour, spinning them around until the umbilicals suspending them twist together)

                          Shep (noticing the Wraith below growing excited, and placing what seem to be bets upon a table): "Guys! Knock it off! This is what they want. I think it's like their version of a dog fight, or something..."

                          Rodney (slowly drifting back and forth after twisting free from Ronon): "Well, this is a stupid game. I mean, what's the point? Just have us winding around each other like human tetherballs?"

                          Shep: "I dunno. I guess they don't want their food killing each other, they just want us to get riled up and angry...make us turn on each other. Maybe it makes us taste better, or tenderizes us, or something. They put us in an uncomfortable situation, provoke us...then they must bet on who loses their cool first..."

                          Rodney: "That would be Ronon..."

                          Ronon: "Shuddup."

                          Rodney: "Make me, Conan!"

                          (again the two start men start slamming into one another, while Sheppard dangles helplessly off to the side, and sighs)

                          Shep (mumbling to himself): "Why can't the Wraith just play Sudoku like normal people..."

                          THAT was BRILLIANT!

                          I do hope that the episode does include some interesting interaction between humans and wraith. Not just the lot of them standing around watching Todds tracker on the screen go 'bleep'. Also, i want the wraith to come off better in this ep, i don't want Rodney saving the day. It's the wraiths hive i want to see them work not him.

                          On wraith currency or lack of, they seem to not be concerned with material possessions. Their living spaces are bare. They adorn themselves yes but those things were probably created by that individual. If there are those that are particularly good at creating a piece, earings for example, then a barter system could be used. They each may be issued a standard uniform and then they can do with it as they wish.
                          Last edited by BlueJay; 14 May 2008, 03:09 AM.
                          FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                            *Drops in and out again*

                            Physio time...

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              wraith seem like humans to what I have seen so far. They are bad and good depending on the wraith. Any good wraith website or pictures to make a screensaver to. ANyone ever write and parodys or poems. I always thought the song lump would make a great parody song. maybe I will write a wraith parody and post it in here. Let they wraith feed on the bid laddens and the kenny rogers of the world. sign me up.
                              Well, there was an episode where they feed "prisoners" to the wraith. Teehee. Bad morals or not, I think I would feed people to the wraith if I got something out of it. (Steve)



                                Well, its time for me to check out, but a few points first

                                @ Das, aboslutely stageworthy.
                                @ LS, sure, snurch away, just remember to credit , and MCH is using the Michaeled.
                                @Bluejay, I agree, let the wraith scientist win the day, while rodney stands in the sidelines, gobsmacked, saying 'How did he DO that! Thats not possible!'

                                @ Karhedrons request


                                Not as good as I want it, but its late, and I just couldn't find any real decent shots (Not that she was in it for long.) I'll adjust when I'm awake
                                Last edited by toomuchcaf; 14 May 2008, 05:46 AM.

