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    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
    I agree with you about seeing him become an outcast. Right now, Todd is merely odd-man-out by choice. Once Todd secures some kind of continuing future for his kind, I don't see him being loved for anyone!
    Not quite we still love him.

    But as for SGA yeah I tend to agree I could see him being shun like Michael was ...... so that rates a boo hiss so not fair.....

    Sometime if someone has the courage to look beyond the normal boundaries of their life, and devolopes new radical ideas the rest of society cannot see the benefits of these ideas. So they shun the couragous one.
    (Not bad for someone who is still giggling from Das Season 6 and still got hiccups.)
    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      @ Craig the Wraith - your song on Mallozzi's site is EXCELLENT!!!! I didn't want to say too much there because I didn't want to overpower your post there. Love the words! I HOPE this is getting through to him, and the rest of TPTB. We love the Wraith, and need them to stay!

      Great job, you and Kaeyla done good!!!

      Again, I applaud you!



        Ah shoot! blushing bright green there. Guilty as charged.Kaeyla and I came up with it last night- it is amazing what ya can do with a Dolly Parton song isn't it...

        if anyone wants i can reproduce it here- or someone putting a link to it or something!!
        Last edited by Craig the Wraith; 02 October 2008, 12:23 PM.
        Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


          Originally posted by Craig the Wraith View Post
          Ah shoot! blushing bright green there. Kaeyla and I came up with it last night- it is amazing what ya can do with a Dolly Parton song isn't it...
          It's not just amazing, it's downright SCARY!!!

          I couldn't have said it better than you did with that song. Just so great!

          Also loved the bit about the Great Dane at the end - THAT must've been HORRIBLE!!! Ugh!



            I just thought of something that kinda made me chuckle. The Wraith warriors kinda remind me of hockey/football players. My three, older brothers (born a year apart each) were about their size when they played football in high school. It's pretty hard to keep up with a teenage boy's appetite, much less three, much worse three with football practice every day and a game once a week. I used to go grocery shopping with my mother during that time at a place called Food4Less. We'd get a gigantic cart and fill it to overflowing - once a week. People thought we were preparing for a nuclear holocaust (this was the 80s after all). There was no such thing as leftovers during those 4 to 6 years.

            So, the Wraith connection? Well, we know for Wraith "hunger burns like a fire". What if their hunger and metabolism doesn't change with the alteration? Suddenly we've got very hungry Wraith to compete with for the *same* food sources. (I'm now thinking of how I had to guard my plate to keep my brothers from stealing the food right off my plate. ) A new war breaks out between the Wraith and Atlantis over fertile food-producing worlds, lands and villages. I just think it would be hilarious if this "cure" totally backfires in their faces. (Of course, the writers would never let that happen )

            Yeah, I'm one of those people that, even though the majority of my species considers itself top of the foodchain, I don't agree.



              Ah maybe i will come up with another song, Das- but i just love writing songs and we were on a roll...the great dane belonged to a group male friends and every friday they would give it its favourite food and by 6.30am next day if they were not fast enough letting him out the lagoon would be inside the back door!!!

              I really love the wraith and i want them to go on no matter how hungry they are- they are fantastic and cool. we are the ones that can make that happen- even with funny songs or not!!!

              I am of the belief all hungers are one if wraith are that hungry with food what are they like in bed!!! Ah now iam being rude - sorry- sheepish wraith smile

              Time for me to go to my hibernation pod- walks off singing 'Joe On Screen!'
              Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                I just thought of something that kinda made me chuckle. The Wraith warriors kinda remind me of hockey/football players. My three, older brothers (born a year apart each) were about their size when they played football in high school. It's pretty hard to keep up with a teenage boy's appetite, much less three, much worse three with football practice every day and a game once a week. I used to go grocery shopping with my mother during that time at a place called Food4Less. We'd get a gigantic cart and fill it to overflowing - once a week. People thought we were preparing for a nuclear holocaust (this was the 80s after all). There was no such thing as leftovers during those 4 to 6 years.

                So, the Wraith connection? Well, we know for Wraith "hunger burns like a fire". What if their hunger and metabolism doesn't change with the alteration? Suddenly we've got very hungry Wraith to compete with for the *same* food sources. (I'm now thinking of how I had to guard my plate to keep my brothers from stealing the food right off my plate. ) A new war breaks out between the Wraith and Atlantis over fertile food-producing worlds, lands and villages. I just think it would be hilarious if this "cure" totally backfires in their faces. (Of course, the writers would never let that happen )

                Yeah, I'm one of those people that, even though the majority of my species considers itself top of the foodchain, I don't agree.

                I actually mentioned this on Mallozzi's blog a few days ago. What if the Wraith still have ravenous appetites, and start eating everything in sight, thus becoming like a plague of locusts? I could live with that! (And it'll teach those stupid humans to leave well enough alone!)

                @ Craig the Wraith - Any chance of you sharing some of your pictures in Wraith attire here? Pleeeeeaaase.



                  Originally posted by Craig the Wraith View Post
                  Ah maybe i will come up with another song, Das- but i just love writing songs and we were on a roll...the great dane belonged to a group male friends and every friday they would give it its favourite food and by 6.30am next day if they were not fast enough letting him out the lagoon would be inside the back door!!!

                  I really love the wraith and i want them to go on no matter how hungry they are- they are fantastic and cool. we are the ones that can make that happen- even with funny songs or not!!!

                  I am of the belief all hungers are one if wraith are that hungry with food what are they like in bed!!! Ah now iam being rude - sorry- sheepish wraith smile
                  You're asking the wrong girl, here! I am of the firm belief that all male Wraith are virgins. Why? Because I believe that the queens eat the male after mating, like praying mantis. So, if a male is alive, that means he's never mated. Poor guy...

                  (I might be wrong, however...)



                    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                    why would todd attack the lanteans/humans if they cure him/wraith of feeding and basically save his race?
                    I imagine
                    that the wraith in their pride do not see the "humans" of the Pegasus Galaxy as a threat; they don't even see humans as equals let alone a threat. It seems that they see the Lantians merely as humans in control of "ancient" technology and without it they would be technological eunuchs. Even the Queen from Allies suggestively said, "this which you NOW control..." The truth of the matter is that they are very much like us: even when confronted with a realistic threat of annihilation (extinction as a species), most would refuse to stop the process that will wipe them out. Ring a bell with any of us? What about global warming?? It takes a long, long time for a society to become enlightened.

                    This is totally off topic, but I'm wondering for American wraithers out there
                    did you see Sarah Pallin's interview on ABC News? (I think it was ABC--I'm pretty sure??), Wolf Blitzer, a very vocal republican, didn't know what to say. I'm a little torn because the English Canadian Debates will be on at the same time as the US vice presidential debates will be in full swing. I don't usually watch American debates, but I think this will prove to be an interesting one. I wish Hilary had been appointed V.P. And when I can, I watch both the French and English Can. debates.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally Posted by Craig the Wraith View Post
                      Ah maybe i will come up with another song, Das- but i just love writing songs and we were on a roll...the great dane belonged to a group male friends and every friday they would give it its favourite food and by 6.30am next day if they were not fast enough letting him out the lagoon would be inside the back door!!!

                      I really love the wraith and i want them to go on no matter how hungry they are- they are fantastic and cool. we are the ones that can make that happen- even with funny songs or not!!!

                      I am of the belief all hungers are one if wraith are that hungry with food what are they like in bed!!! Ah now iam being rude - sorry- sheepish wraith smile

                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      You're asking the wrong girl, here! I am of the firm belief that all male Wraith are virgins. Why? Because I believe that the queens eat the male after mating, like praying mantis. So, if a male is alive, that means he's never mated. Poor guy...

                      (I might be wrong, however...)

                      I'm of the belief that the non faced wraith are eunuchs and intentionally made so. I think among the faced wraith there's a lot of "male camaraderie" if you know what I mean 'cause there don't seem to be a whole lot a female companionship hangin' about. And--I think the queen and her commander have a "working relationship" which also applies to procreation (I keep thinking how beautiful the Primary was and how ugly her commander was--for this alone I want to believe they don't get the ol' heave hoe on but merely fertilize seeded pods). However, I do wonder what Mantis and the Keeper did (from Rising Part II) to keep themselves occupied--being the very few faced wraith awake in such a large lonely dark ship. They must've played a great deal of hopscotch.


                      Actually, now that I do have a think on it, it's more likely that the queen has many lovers--whoever she wants, whenever she wants. I wonder how that whole thing works? They would have to have sex, engage in coitus that is, for the sheer fact that only a few fish, snails and all mushrooms don't engage in roundie rollie. (Well, and other species, but I think female insects carry around spermatozoa in their bodies and fertilize their own eggs at will...?) I yammer away.
                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                        I just thought of something that kinda made me chuckle. The Wraith warriors kinda remind me of hockey/football players. My three, older brothers (born a year apart each) were about their size when they played football in high school. It's pretty hard to keep up with a teenage boy's appetite, much less three, much worse three with football practice every day and a game once a week. I used to go grocery shopping with my mother during that time at a place called Food4Less. We'd get a gigantic cart and fill it to overflowing - once a week. People thought we were preparing for a nuclear holocaust (this was the 80s after all). There was no such thing as leftovers during those 4 to 6 years.

                        So, the Wraith connection? Well, we know for Wraith "hunger burns like a fire". What if their hunger and metabolism doesn't change with the alteration? Suddenly we've got very hungry Wraith to compete with for the *same* food sources. (I'm now thinking of how I had to guard my plate to keep my brothers from stealing the food right off my plate. ) A new war breaks out between the Wraith and Atlantis over fertile food-producing worlds, lands and villages. I just think it would be hilarious if this "cure" totally backfires in their faces. (Of course, the writers would never let that happen )

                        Yeah, I'm one of those people that, even though the majority of my species considers itself top of the foodchain, I don't agree.

                        You know, I often thought this. If the wraith were real (obviously their way of eating is bizarre), they would be like cats: obligate carnivores--so they would probably have to eat meat and eat it ALL THE TIME. I guess it would be the same as trying to make cats into omnivores (aside: I often wonder how cats are as healthy as they are and they don't have to eat fresh veggies or greens?) I always find that so strange, cats are mammals, are incredibly smart, exercise loyalty and compassion (my one kitty will protect the other against the vet) demonstrate cat language and yet must kill to survive. They get food energy second hand, from herbivores, AND they don't get rickets!! I always imagined that if the wraith took the gene therapy they would have to eat all the time. Hey I'm going to look up why carnivores don't need first hand energy (from veggies and photosynthesis etc. bla bla bla)

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          You know, I often thought this. If the wraith were real (obviously their way of eating is bizarre), they would be like cats: obligate carnivores--so they would probably have to eat meat and eat it ALL THE TIME. I guess it would be the same as trying to make cats into omnivores (aside: I often wonder how cats are as healthy as they are and they don't have to eat fresh veggies or greens?) I always find that so strange, cats are mammals, are incredibly smart, exercise loyalty and compassion (my one kitty will protect the other against the vet) demonstrate cat language and yet must kill to survive. They get food energy second hand, from herbivores, AND they don't get rickets!! I always imagined that if the wraith took the gene therapy they would have to eat all the time. Hey I'm going to look up why carnivores don't need first hand energy (from veggies and photosynthesis etc. bla bla bla)

                          Abit Cat OT

                          My friend cat Socks loves peas- must be cooked, my Holsten liked cheese, sardines particularly in tomatoe sauce, and he'd have sold his soul for tinned tuna, or any fresh fish, prawns, ect. He also loved licking the butter of bread, that cause some comment on my part.

                          So some cats will eat veggies and cheese. Socks vet says it ok but don't over do it. He has peas about a couple of times a week.

                          Thanks to DS for my siggy


                            Originally posted by MCH View Post
                            Abit Cat OT

                            My friend cat Socks loves peas- must be cooked, my Holsten liked cheese, sardines particularly in tomatoe sauce, and he'd have sold his soul for tinned tuna, or any fresh fish, prawns, ect. He also loved licking the butter of bread, that cause some comment on my part.

                            So some cats will eat veggies and cheese. Socks vet says it ok but don't over do it. He has peas about a couple of times a week.


                            I just read this neat article about how cats basically ingest the animal they eat. A cat won't eat a mouse's stomach contents, and passes fur, feathers and bone bits through their feces. So, basically eat it's prey like a vegetable--they eat the whole thing and digest it as energy. The article I read said that cats do not have the digestive enzymes to process plant matter; plant matter gives them gas. I found this interesting because I think this is what happens to the wraith--they get all their dietary requirements from humans by essentially digesting the human. Interesting, but at one point they were omnivores. Also, being at least half human would technically mean they were cannibals. In other words, eating humans would be bad for them because they share too much of our genetic material. Also, eating an omnivore would also not be so good, cats only eat herbivores. Interesting, interesting.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              OT, but related to the wraith:

                              Okay, reading and rereading: cats, dogs, wolves and all wild cats are carnivores. Cats cannot eat vegetables because they cannot digest them AT ALL. They will eat some types of grass in order to regurgitate bits of undigestable matter--it is healthier than trying to pass it as it may cause a blockage. Cats do not have the enzymes to ferment and digest any type of vegetable matter, they don't even eat the vegetable contents of the herbivores they devour--they shake the stomachs scattering half digested veggies hither and thither for birds to eat. All they eat is he lining of the stomach. Dogs are also primarily carnivores, but can eat a very small amount of vegetables; it is a strain on their system to eat vegetation as their bodies do not easily produce the enzymes required to digest starches and fiber. It is very unhealthy for a dog to consume more than the odd vegetable once in a while. Ultimately, our teeth reveal the type of diet we require. Cats only have incisors (for ripping and tearing flesh), Dogs mainly have incisors and their molars are not true grinders, but are designed to grind somewhat. This directly implies their diet should primarily be meat. Often pet food is designed for the "romantic fantasy" of what a pet owner WANTS to feed his or her cat or dog, rather than what that cat or dog requires nutrionally.
                              Now wraith, they have all incisors at the front, but have the same number and kind of grinders humans have at the back. So, our teeth (or beaks or mouths) directly reflect our dietary requirements. I suppose this reflects the genetic mutation of the wraith: at one point they were herbivores/omnivores, then they hit puberty and can now only eat meat--human meat. Hmmmm.... My brain is a buzz.
                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                I just read this neat article about how cats basically ingest the animal they eat. A cat won't eat a mouse's stomach contents, and passes fur, feathers and bone bits through their feces. So, basically eat it's prey like a vegetable--they eat the whole thing and digest it as energy. The article I read said that cats do not have the digestive enzymes to process plant matter; plant matter gives them gas. I found this interesting because I think this is what happens to the wraith--they get all their dietary requirements from humans by essentially digesting the human. Interesting, but at one point they were omnivores. Also, being at least half human would technically mean they were cannibals. In other words, eating humans would be bad for them because they share too much of our genetic material. Also, eating an omnivore would also not be so good, cats only eat herbivores. Interesting, interesting.

                                Cats and Wraith and how they feed. For cats veggie do give them wind but my friend cat Socks get very huffy if he doesn't get his veg. Wraith diet is eating humans,which "would be bad for them because they share too much of our genetic material" I still wonder if a the Wraith not only get fed when feeding on humans but do they absorb Human DNA and this slowly getting more human (Sorry Das) but still retain their Wraith abilities?
                                I'm not sure the Wraith as a species must evolve to changes in their environments or die. Circumstances are rapidly evolving and not to the advantage of the Wraith - the civil Wraith war - the war with Atlantis and now maybe other human societies are starting to shoot from the hip. The one thing that Atlantis has shown all the other human socieites in Pegusas Galaxy is you can kick the wraith and still live.
                                So maybe the only way is the gene therapy and get the Wraith to eat their vegiies. Hope it doesn't give them wind like cats do.


                                PS hope kitties are well.

                                PPS got to go I'm tired it's 1.17am UK time anad need to be uo at 6am.
                                Last edited by MCH; 02 October 2008, 04:21 PM.
                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

