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    I *think* 'the Wraith' might refer to Michael's hybrids - which I wish the would STOP calling Wraith because they're not.



      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      @ Icarium - Todd has very sexy hands - I have noticed them since first seeing CG. I like long, slender fingers like that...yum!!
      You notice the strangest things on a first look... Or when you stare at a screen too badly.

      And Todd does take pride in his appearance. He probably likes his hair just the way it is - that's his 'style' (since the Wraith seem very style conscious, I assume that Todd has his hair arranged that way on purpose). He also wears jewelry (earring, finger-thingy), and quickly got rid of his old prison clothes for a nice spiffy new leather coat. Regardless of what some people may think, TODD believes himself to be quite the Dapper Dan.
      Oh come on, he's seen what old Wraiths look like (Sateda - ew!) and he knows he's aged well! And he's got a great character face which can very nicely be worked with. His hairdo and things are perfect!

      LOL! LOVE that pic - not sure where I saw it first, but love it! That's James Lafazanos - one of his characters in The Hive - the dirty boy one...

      Aka the one you were caught staring at, yes...

      Edit: *Looks at that picture* ZOMG!

      And awe, my head... Toopid tablets no worko. It's from hunger... *Goes to grab an apple*
      Last edited by GoSpikey; 26 March 2008, 02:40 PM.

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post





          [QUOTE=dasNdanger;7966599]@ Icarium - Todd has very sexy hands - I have noticed them since first seeing CG. I like long, slender fingers like that...yum!![/QOUTE]

          Yes...he really does! Todd has it all: height, shoulders (pads not required!), large hands w/long fingers and nice nails, hair you can get a good grip on....


          I digress.

          [QOUTE]And Todd does take pride in his appearance. He probably likes his hair just the way it is - that's his 'style' (since the Wraith seem very style conscious, I assume that Todd has his hair arranged that way on purpose). He also wears jewelry (earring, finger-thingy), and quickly got rid of his old prison clothes for a nice spiffy new leather coat. Regardless of what some people may think, TODD believes himself to be quite the Dapper Dan. [/QOUTE]

          I'll bet he does, but he's kinda old fashioned with it. He's got the "classic classy" look rather than the "spoiled dandy".

          [QUOTE]LOL! LOVE that pic - not sure where I saw it first, but love it! That's James Lafazanos - one of his characters in The Hive - the dirty boy one...


          Wraithworshipper suddenly has "Nasty" by Janet Jackson rattling around in the ol' brain pan.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            You notice the strangest things on a first look...
            I love men who have pretty hands...Johnny Depp's are very sexy, too. Todd's are very 'expressive' in Common Ground - he flexes his hand a lot, and it just 'looks' hungry. So, yeah...I noticed it...

            Or when you stare at a screen too badly.
            (damn you and your memory!! ... )

            WW - oh, yes - that one IS a nasty boy! So dang hot, too! LOLOL! My tastes in Wraith are deteriorating...



              Originally posted by GoSpikey

              Edit: *Looks at that picture* ZOMG!
              That's his STUNNER!...i think.



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                That's his STUNNER!...i think.

                OMG! I can't believe I just went back for a closer look! Wait a minute...yes, I can.



                  Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                  OMG! I can't believe I just went back for a closer look! Wait a minute...yes, I can.

                  no worries...I went back for THREE closer looks...and I still think it looks...

                  like a prong.



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    no worries...I went back for THREE closer looks...and I still think it looks...

                    like a prong.

                    *Shakes head at all those spoiler tags*

                    A correct observation is a correct observation



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      I love men who have pretty hands...Johnny Depp's are very sexy, too. Todd's are very 'expressive' in Common Ground - he flexes his hand a lot, and it just 'looks' hungry. So, yeah...I noticed it...

                      (damn you and your memory!! ... )

                      WW - oh, yes - that one IS a nasty boy! So dang hot, too! LOLOL! My tastes in Wraith are deteriorating...

                      He does? Can't remember it on the top of my brain, but must look again closer, next time. If it's his feeding hand, maybe he's just happy he can move it again, remember how they kept it in an iron thing? Poor Todd.

                      *g* I'm quite happy that that thought returns to my brain every few pages. Just so I can tease you again. Kinda like that other thing?

                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      That's his STUNNER!...i think.

                      Huh? What? We're supposed to look at something more close by? Hmm.

                      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                      OMG! I can't believe I just went back for a closer look! Wait a minute...yes, I can.
                      *Sigh* Guess I should to the same?

                      Edit: That the second one? Right?

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        no worries...I went back for THREE closer looks...and I still think it looks...
                        I'll never be able to look at that pic without thinking those thoughts now.


                          Okay - before things go guttery...

                          I posted this in the 'blind Shep' thread - will share it here. I suggested a scene where Shep is blind, with a Wraith helping him - the Wraith helps because he has heard of this 'Sheppard' and wants to study him closer...but he can't risk speaking or he'll be discovered as a he keeps silent. He wouldn't communicate - it would be almost like scenario of the blind man and the deaf man trying to work together - only instead of being deaf, the Wraith would just be silent (he might grunt or snort, if necessary - no snarling or growling because that would sound too Wraithy). Imagine John's frustration only 'feeling' the Wraith's presence - having to trust whoever this is who's helping him - perhaps talking to himself when the Wraith shows no reaction. A possible scene...

                          *the Wraith shoves a piece of raw, bloody meat into Sheppard's hand - expecting him to eat it*

                          Sheppard: "Aah...eww...what is this? Liver?" *sniffs it, and wrinkles his nose in disgust* "Where I come from we kill our food first..."

                          *Wraith grunts and snatches the meat away*

                          Sheppard: "Hey, wait! If that's all I'm getting..." *voice trails off and he strains to hear what his companion is doing* "You still there? Hello?" *mumbles under his breath* "Why do I have the feeling I've just discovered Bigfoot...*

                          *Wraith builds a fire and cooks the meat by throwing it directly into the flames. He waits a little bit, then stabs the blackened meat with a stick, and takes the smoldering lump to Sheppard, sticking it in his face with a grunt*

                          Sheppard *cautiously feels the hot meat, then finds the stick and takes it from the Wraith who's now forcing it into his hand* : "Ya know...I'm thinking you're not a waiter in real life, are you?" *he takes a bite of the incinerated meat and makes a face* "Agh...or a cook." *Hears the Wraith snort in disgust* "NOT that I'm complaining...just a little cracked peppercorn would be nice...or a creamy bernaise sauce..." *The Wraith snorts again, this time in aggravation as he trudges off. Sheppard listens for a minute until everything falls silent, and shrugs* "Weird guy...if it is a guy. Doesn't smell so much like a guy...smells more like...shampoo..."

                          Have a good one! I'm outta here for a bit!



                            Posted Originally By Das
                            Originally posted by ;
                            What sort of things do you think the Genii guards said about Todd - behind his back, and maybe even to his face?
                            Do you think they ridiculed him, or made 'Wraith jokes'? Do you think they tormented him, or taunted him?
                            I don't have alot of faith in human beings in this type of situation, the Wraith had killed alot of humans maybe the guards had lost family, so I guessing they'd start shouting and taunting Todd verbally and as the guards got braver to his face.
                            Keeping Todd awake all the time, keeping the light on in the cell at all the time not letting him get any rest. Controling when he feed and how long he could feed
                            Moving on to as he got physically weaker pushing and shoving him. (they could feel very brave if he had a feeding glove on)
                            Keeping Todd inside the building all the time, making sure he had no pleasures at all,thus gradually wearing him down, and when you couple that with no contact with the other wraith no wonder he was in such a state when John Sheppard arrivied.

                            One last theought Michael was rejected by his hive, after he came back from Atlantis, could it be that Todd did manage to contact his own hive or another hive and they rejected Todd's request for help, cos he gone and got himself captured?
                            Or no one came to help because it was part of a deliberate plan by the Wraith for Todd to be captured that maybe went wrong?

                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              no worries...I went back for THREE closer looks...and I still think it looks...

                              like a prong.

                              Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 01 April 2008, 07:47 AM.


                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Posted Originally By Das

                                One last theought Michael was rejected by his hive, after he came back from Atlantis, could it be that Todd did manage to contact his own hive or another hive and they rejected Todd's request for help, cos he gone and got himself captured?
                                Or no one came to help because it was part of a deliberate plan by the Wraith for Todd to be captured that maybe went wrong?

                                I honestly can't say when Todd was captured, but some of the other folks indicated that he may have been captured before the general awakening of the rest of the Wraith (Thank you Shep ol' boy!). If that's the case, I can't see a Hive Keeper waking anybody up to get his foolhide. He probably shouldn't have been off doing what he was about anyway. I don't see this habit of his going off and doing his own thing as being a new personality development. I rather think he's been somewhat of a rogue/lonewolf for quite sometime.

                                Todd admits to having lost status among the Wraith for allowing himself to be taken alive. I don't see that happening if his capture was part of some larger plan.


