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    Originally posted by Icarium View Post
    OMG, being here is getting dangerous Run for your lives!!!
    And I thought that the worst thing a Wraith can do to you is to suck your life!

    run? now why would we do that?
    Last edited by naamiaiset; 04 March 2008, 11:27 AM.



      It's an infectious disease, isn't it?



        Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post

        It's an infectious disease, isn't it?
        and there's no cure for it.


          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
          and there's no cure for it.
          Oh, no!

          Runs to favorite wraith to get comforted.



            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
            and there's no cure for it.
            Getting under the sheets and sweating it out, it is...

            Where's Inanna with her lovely Michael Siggy?

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by StarOcean
              Please start a new thread if you aren't going to post in the Todd Saved the SGA thread. Though I think it's probably relevant. His relationship with the Expedition is what makes the show so interesting right now. But I also think having a separate thread mainly about them is good. Embedded in the WDC thread, it'll get lost and un-revisted eventually.
              I started working on it last night - but got tired. It's gonna be long and needs lots of editing.

              Definitely they can read human minds while feeding. But I'm wondering if they can pick up human thoughts if humans think loudly. And someone like Mckay, probably thinks loudly.
              I think they can sense feelings, not necessarily read thoughts. I read somewhere that they can't read minds - that's what makes Teyla special.

              McKay always says his thoughts out loud - silly man that he is!

              And strange that Sheppard hasn't asked Todd to try. It would makes sense to ask. Though it's probably because it seems Teyla can only interact with Queens and not males.
              Sheppard would only ask Todd in desperation. Remember what Bob did to Teyla? And the Queen? Both attacked her while in her mind, and so I don't think Shep would want to risk that with Todd. He'd have to really trust Todd completely, and not sure Shep is there yet.

              There's so much we do not know about the Wraith. But that's okay! I like theorizing and making stuff up when need be!
              Exactly. Love this sort of thing - so much better than gossiping about real people.

              Of course he would! But think of it this way. Sheppard could get to practice combat with an actual Wraith, without fear of getting fed on. And then we could get to see Todd being amused and smirky!

              But I don't think Teyla could go toe-to-toe with Todd. Didn't she quickly lose to Steve? Ronon's probably the only one who would find Todd a challenge. He'd love it too. It's an excuse to beat up a Wraith that he's not allowed to kill yet.

              And I hope Todd is good with hand-to-hand combat and that the time with the Genii didn't rust him badly.
              Well, Todd kicked some Genii butt during his escape - remember how he broke that guy's neck? Just took his big ol' hand and twisted the guy's head nearly off. He was totally badass during that escape, and so I think he still knows how to fight.

              Yeah - he might be too much for Teyla - but Ronon - those two could go at it for a while. Only problem is I think the Wraith are somewhat resticted by their clothing - at least the one's of Todd's class. I wonder what he wears under that coat (shirtwise) - and if they can take the coats off to fight. It just seems like it would restrict their movements too much - though it didn't seem to affect Steve.

              Yes! And Todd looked away first! Awww!
              Him's a good boy.

              I think I want Michael to come out on top in this instance. It'll make Todd and Sheppard value their relationship more because they'll need each other to fight Michael better. I think...
              Yeah, that's true. I guess it all depends on the fight, and the stakes. If it's a ship to ship battle, I'd want Todd to come out on top. If it's a battle for control of power - maybe Michael right now, and Todd later.

              Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that Mckay told Todd that they weren't going to let him go in Miller's Crossing.
              Exactly. Todd was a prisoner - he was starving - and he had no hope of escape at that point. He was at the mercy of the humans, and Sheppard was very eager to kill him (and/or destroy his hive) in The Seer, so I'm thinking he was in no hurry to find a suitable meal for Todd. But I'll go into that further in the thread I want to make.

              Offtopic: My secret fear of Todd's fate is that the IOA/SGC decide that they want to study him as a specimen. In which case, I rather Todd die and his body destroyed. *shudders* I had a worry moment when I saw Todd on Earth. Todd ending up in SGC hands worries me more than Michael having him.
              That would totally suck. But it would be such a human thing to do - we are, afterall, more like Wraith than we know.

              Edit: Here we go!
              An old friend returns, loyalties are reversed,
              And a ghost from the past has us fearing the worst.
              Old friend - Carson, obviously. Loyalties reversed? Could be Todd. Could be Kannan. Could be a lot of things. Some think this applies to Broken Ties, and has something to do with Ronon. Could be - better that than having Todd turn on us.

              What fanfic? I looked. There's almost zero. *sulks*
              I dunno. I don't read fan fic...though I sometimes write stuff that's in my head for my own enjoyment. Don't usually share it.

              You mean Todd has been disillusioned to Sheppard's charm and doesn't like them anymore but he knows how to manipulate them?
              This goes along with the thread I want to make - but basically, Todd was open to trust, but realized the humans were more like Wraith than he realized, too. There is a turning point, I feel, for Todd and his perception of humans and how to deal with them - but I will post that in my new thread. Hopefully I'll get to it tonight.

              I like this idea that they can sleep standing! I wonder for how long though? I can't remember if horses can sleep standing for long periods. I do remember that they can function with short sleep periods.
              It makes sense. They are very disciplined creatures. They are also more closely related to bugs than to humans. Bugs don't lay down and sleep - they rest in a standing position, always ready to flee, or fight, or do whatever else they need to in order to survive. It would make sense that the Wraith are the same - when healthy. The only times I've seen Wraith lie down are when they are starving (Todd), or - in Steve's case - probably hungry and a bit weak, but not starved yet. I can't remember if we see Greg lying down - I don't remember. But they don't seem to sit a lot, either.

              By the way, many pages back there were a discussion about Wraith reproduction. I was thinking... maybe they lay eggs AND can have live births. Or that they can change sexes. Check out aphids:

              Or that they have more than two genders. They got queens, which are fall completely in the female catergory, drones who have no reproductive capability, and workers; who run the range of completely biologically male, to being hermaphrodites, or to being female in that while they look male- they're functionally female. So three genders and five sexes.

              Or maybe they're also like seahorses? The males carry the babies.
              It would not surprise me that they are - or some are - hermaphrodites, or can in some way change genders. They seem very asexual - well, except for Todd, he seems quite masculine, as did Greg, and perhaps Bob. But Steve, the guys from Midway, the male Keeper - several others - are all very androgynous-like. In fact, when I had my sister watch, she kept saying that Steve and the Queen in The Rising were the same

              Would be nice to know a little more about this. I don't see the males as carrying the young, unless they are in egg form. That is quite common in the insect world - for an adult to carry a bunch of eggs on their back, or something. Thing is - because the Wraith live so long, they may not reproduce very fast. And reproduction may be reserved for only the elite - the Queens, and ones like that 'King' from Sateda. Guys like Steve may never have had a chance to breed - or are forbidden to until they reach a certain status.

              Maybe the facial markings symbolize those of breeding age/ability, while those without them are not quite there yet.

              Originally posted by Shanthaia
              Todd lay down on this bed in the jail of Common Ground?! Have we seen the same comon ground? Todd's cell was completly blank as was Sheppard's.
              Thanks for the pictures. Yeah, in Common Ground, Todd was sitting/lying on the floor - you hear the chains drag a little as he moves his leg. After he feeds the first time, he's able to stand on his own (walks to the window between the cells), and then we see him as we do in that picture - standing in his cell. I really think the Wraith do prefer to stand...they don't have chairs at their control consoles like humans do, and only the Queens (and that King) seem to have 'thrones'. And they cocoon their food in the standing position, too.

              Okay - side thought from Miller's Crossing:

              After Todd feeds, he quickly finishes the we see him quite active, standing while working and not sitting. He feels good! But a few things strike me about that scene.

              The only one who seems bothered by what just happened is Sheppard - who is probably the only one in the room who has actually seen a Wraith feed, and so knows what it's all about. The medical team, the guards, all seem rather...indifferent. If I had just witnessed a feeding, I would be looking at the other guys with me like this: But everyone is just going about like it's business as usual. For Todd, of course, it is nothing. He took his fill and feels no shame over it, and rightly so. In some ways I feel cheated that he fed off-screen - though, I suppose, that leaves more to our imagination...

              Which brings me to some new do you think it happened? How did things go in that room between Wallace, and Todd.

              I wonder if Wallace came in on the gurney, or if he walked in. If he walked in, I wonder if Sheppard 'introduced' them - I mean...what do you say? "Wraith, this is Wallace - Wallace, this is the Wraith - enjoy your dinner"????

              I also wonder if it is in a Wraith's ability to make the feeding process less painful for the victim. If so, would Todd have fed 'gently'? Or would he have fed on the guy like he did on those Genii?

              And finally - can you just imagine Todd's surprise when Sheppard brought him something to eat? He was probably a bit dumbfounded. I wonder if he smelled Wallace

              I can just imagine him flexing his feeding hand in anticipation while Wallace is being prepared - I can imagine Wallace's fear (I wonder if they stunned him or gave him a sedative or something to make it easier for the guy?) - I can imagine Todd vocalizing his satisfaction. Then - after feeding - I see Todd just stepping away and going right to work, without giving the body another look as others cleaned up after him (we do get to see a bit of that - but not enough).

              So, how do you see that moment? Do you think Wallace was sedated, or fully awake? Do you think Todd fed on him viciously, or do you think he took it a bit easy? Do you think he was shocked that the humans would even provide him with a meal, or do you think he 'expected' it because Rodney desperately needed him to save his sister?

              Discuss away!



                I'm too tired to discuss. I'll do that tomorow.

                There is a fanfiction on that topic on

                It's not necasserily my opinion but read for yourselfs:

                I think it starts good but ends, well not to my taste. But hey everybody is allowed to vioce an opinion. I am sure there are people who think this is great
                And thanks to the author for comming up with it in the first place!




                  I think it's time for you to check into "wraith addicts anonymous"

                  Who said anything about being anonymous????
                  There are just some additicions that are just soooooooo much fun, along with watching yet again Michael... and Common Ground think I'm well wraith out.

                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    Originally posted by MCH View Post

                    I think it's time for you to check into "wraith addicts anonymous"

                    Who said anything about being anonymous????
                    There are just some additicions that are just soooooooo much fun, along with watching yet again Michael... and Common Ground think I'm well wraith out.

                    all right, "wraith addicts not-so-anonymous" . and now you've made me want to go and watch common ground again.


                      Originally posted by MCH View Post

                      I think it's time for you to check into "wraith addicts anonymous"

                      Who said anything about being anonymous????
                      There are just some additicions that are just soooooooo much fun, along with watching yet again Michael... and Common Ground think I'm well wraith out.

                      I watched a few min of Michael, too, today, but then switched over to Common Ground. I thought I'd better put them on on DVD instead of pc... But since I was upstairs, and Todd started calling... CG again, it was.

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        I am relatively new to SGA, starting with season 4 and then going back to just finish watching the last two in syndication.
                        I'm in the middle of a fanfic involving the Wraith and would appreciate any specifics -- I've checked the gateworld omnipedia. Still wondering about how they evolved, how they feed, do we know anything else about their culture beside the fact they are lifesucking vampires. Any help here would be appreciated. thanks.


                          Originally posted by dreamer one View Post
                          I am relatively new to SGA, starting with season 4 and then going back to just finish watching the last two in syndication.
                          I'm in the middle of a fanfic involving the Wraith and would appreciate any specifics -- I've checked the gateworld omnipedia. Still wondering about how they evolved, how they feed, do we know anything else about their culture beside the fact they are lifesucking vampires. Any help here would be appreciated. thanks.
                          welcome to wraith world.

                          there's a lot of wraith information in this thread and I think these are helpful also -



                            Originally posted by dreamer one View Post
                            I am relatively new to SGA, starting with season 4 and then going back to just finish watching the last two in syndication.
                            I'm in the middle of a fanfic involving the Wraith and would appreciate any specifics -- I've checked the gateworld omnipedia. Still wondering about how they evolved, how they feed, do we know anything else about their culture beside the fact they are lifesucking vampires. Any help here would be appreciated. thanks.
                            You missed a good deal of Wraith in Season Three and should try to watch it, especially Common Ground where Todd is introduced.

                            The links that Naami listed are good and I would also suggest looking in the More Wraith Character Development and Todd Saved the Wraith and SGA threads. I'm pretty new to all this myself, and I found it helpful to go back a ways in the thread to get an idea of what is going on here.

                            For a start, you might want to watch all of the Wraith related episodes again to glean any details that are strictly canon (approved party line Wraith facts).

                            To quote Todd "There is much about Wraith that you do not know...", and TPTB have not really given us much information about their culture.

                            A few facts that I think we can accept as accepted Wraith lore:

                            - I know that Beckett hypothesized that the Wraith evolved from the Iratus bug DNA somehow blending with the DNA of humans on that planet (Rising and 38 Minutes if I remember correctly).

                            - In one of Joe Mallozzi's blogs he mentions that the Queens rule their individual hives and will occasionally make alliances with another hive.

                            - We know that they are divided in to factions and are very suspicious of one another (Todd to Sheppard in The Seer).

                            -We know that they are in the midst of a civil war because they were wakened early and there is not enough food to go around (can't recall the episode).

                            -We know that they hibernate for long periods of time during which the Hive is maintained by a Keeper (Rising) and if the Keeper is killed the Hive awakens.

                            -We know that they cull the human worlds for food and keep them from getting to technologically advanced.

                            -We know that all of the hives awakened at the same time. Steve tells Sheppard that all are awake and will feed in their own territory to gain strength before doing anything else in Poisoning the Well.

                            -We know that they were fighting the Replicators and, thanks to Todd's intervention, allied themselves with the humans to defeat them inBe All My Sins Remember'd.

                            -We know that the Queen produces soldiers that are hatched from pods in their adult forms ([I]Spoils of WarI]).

                            -We know that they (somehow) also have children that develop into adults (Instinct).

                            -Technical facts: Their ships come in three sizes: Hives, Cruisers and Darts. You have to be a Wraith or at least have Wraith DNA to pilot the ships. The ships are "alive" and self-repairing. The pilot links his mind somehow with the ship through the control panel to operate it (Be All My Sins Remember'd and Spoils of War).

                            I'm sure I missed a bunch of information, but that is all that comes into my weary brain right now. Many of the people who post here have a lot more of this information ingrained in their brains than I do. And you know who you are...

                            Most of what is in the threads is speculation, and much of the material in this particular thread is great stuff. But since the Wraith have not been developed very far in the series (much to our dismay), all we really have is speculation born of our excessively active imaginations.

                            Welcome to the Wraith Defenders!
                            Sparrow hawk



                              Reflections on Wraith and comments on Miller's Crossing:

                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              It would not surprise me that they are - or some are - hermaphrodites, or can in some way change genders. They seem very asexual - well, except for Todd, he seems quite masculine, as did Greg, and perhaps Bob. But Steve, the guys from Midway, the male Keeper - several others - are all very androgynous-like. In fact, when I had my sister watch, she kept saying that Steve and the Queen in The Rising were the same
                              Oh, please das, let's say not say Steve is asexual. Too many hearts would be broken! But yes, Todd is most definitely masculine. And darn sexy.

                              Thanks for the pictures. Yeah, in Common Ground, Todd was sitting/lying on the floor - you hear the chains drag a little as he moves his leg. After he feeds the first time, he's able to stand on his own (walks to the window between the cells), and then we see him as we do in that picture - standing in his cell. I really think the Wraith do prefer to stand...they don't have chairs at their control consoles like humans do, and only the Queens (and that King) seem to have 'thrones'. And they cocoon their food in the standing position, too.
                              O.K. I'm convinced that they sleep, at least sometimes. And they certainly do appear to prefer standing (perhaps so we can better admire their fabulous black leather coats).

                              Okay - side thought from Miller's Crossing:

                              After Todd feeds, he quickly finishes the we see him quite active, standing while working and not sitting. He feels good! But a few things strike me about that scene.

                              The only one who seems bothered by what just happened is Sheppard - who is probably the only one in the room who has actually seen a Wraith feed, and so knows what it's all about. The medical team, the guards, all seem rather...indifferent. If I had just witnessed a feeding, I would be looking at the other guys with me like this: But everyone is just going about like it's business as usual. For Todd, of course, it is nothing. He took his fill and feels no shame over it, and rightly so. In some ways I feel cheated that he fed off-screen - though, I suppose, that leaves more to our imagination...
                              You're not the only one who thought it was strange. I wondered why none of the SG personnel seemed to show any concern about it.

                              Which brings me to some new do you think it happened? How did things go in that room between Wallace, and Todd.

                              I wonder if Wallace came in on the gurney, or if he walked in. If he walked in, I wonder if Sheppard 'introduced' them - I mean...what do you say? "Wraith, this is Wallace - Wallace, this is the Wraith - enjoy your dinner"????


                              So, how do you see that moment? Do you think Wallace was sedated, or fully awake? Do you think Todd fed on him viciously, or do you think he took it a bit easy? Do you think he was shocked that the humans would even provide him with a meal, or do you think he 'expected' it because Rodney desperately needed him to save his sister?

                              Discuss away!
                              I never really thought a lot about it. I imagine Todd was pretty amazed that Sheppard actually gave in to his demands, though he did time things with incredible precision, applying the maximum amount of pressure at exactly the right moment to get what he wanted.

                              I would think that Wallace would have been sedated if not completely unconcious before Todd started to feed. From Sheppard's description in Common Ground, having a Wraith feed on you is very painful. But maybe part of that was because Todd was starving at the time and fed very aggressively. Can a Wraith feed more gently if they really want to? I'm not sure, but if anyone could do it, it would be Todd. He seems to have a great degree of self control. Maybe they can withdraw life more gradually and less painfully from their prey if they want to. However, that would draw out the process. Tough question. I see Wallace wheeled in, sedated, on a gurney; Sheppard telling Todd that Wallace understands what he is getting into, that Wallace has agreed to let Todd take his life, and that they have made it as easy for Wallace as possible by sedating him; Sheppard turning his back while Todd feeds (probably squirming uncomfortably); the dead-pan SG guards keeping their weapons trained on Todd to make sure he doesn't look for a second course. And, since you ask, I think Todd would feed as he always does, but he might try to stifle his display of pleasure a bit, so the guards don't panic.
                              Last edited by Sparrow_hawk; 05 March 2008, 04:20 AM. Reason: correct typos and complete thoughts
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                                You missed a good deal of Wraith in Season Three and should try to watch it, especially Common Ground where Todd is introduced.

                                The links that Naami listed are good and I would also suggest looking in the More Wraith Character Development and Todd Saved the Wraith and SGA threads. I'm pretty new to all this myself, and I found it helpful to go back a ways in the thread to get an idea of what is going on here.

                                For a start, you might want to watch all of the Wraith related episodes again to glean any details that are strictly canon (approved party line Wraith facts).

                                To quote Todd "There is much about Wraith that you do not know...", and TPTB have not really given us much information about their culture.

                                A few facts that I think we can accept as accepted Wraith lore:

                                - I know that Beckett hypothesized that the Wraith evolved from the Iratus bug DNA somehow blending with the DNA of humans on that planet (Rising and 38 Minutes if I remember correctly).

                                - In one of Joe Mallozzi's blogs he mentions that the Queens rule their individual hives and will occasionally make alliances with another hive.

                                - We know that they are divided in to factions and are very suspicious of one another (Todd to Sheppard in The Seer).

                                -We know that they are in the midst of a civil war because they were wakened early and there is not enough food to go around (can't recall the episode).

                                -We know that they hibernate for long periods of time during which the Hive is maintained by a Keeper (Rising) and if the Keeper is killed the Hive awakens.

                                -We know that they cull the human worlds for food and keep them from getting to technologically advanced.

                                -We know that all of the hives awakened at the same time. Steve tells Sheppard that all are awake and will feed in their own territory to gain strength before doing anything else in Poisoning the Well.

                                -We know that they were fighting the Replicators and, thanks to Todd's intervention, allied themselves with the humans to defeat them inBe All My Sins Remember'd.

                                -We know that the Queen produces soldiers that are hatched from pods in their adult forms ([I]Spoils of WarI]).

                                -We know that they (somehow) also have children that develop into adults (Instinct).

                                -Technical facts: Their ships come in three sizes: Hives, Cruisers and Darts. You have to be a Wraith or at least have Wraith DNA to pilot the ships. The ships are "alive" and self-repairing. The pilot links his mind somehow with the ship through the control panel to operate it (Be All My Sins Remember'd and Spoils of War).

                                I'm sure I missed a bunch of information, but that is all that comes into my weary brain right now. Many of the people who post here have a lot more of this information ingrained in their brains than I do. And you know who you are...

                                Most of what is in the threads is speculation, and much of the material in this particular thread is great stuff. But since the Wraith have not been developed very far in the series (much to our dismay), all we really have is speculation born of our excessively active imaginations.

                                Welcome to the Wraith Defenders!
                                What comes spontaniously to my mind on missing things:

                                - young wraith can feed like humans but loose this ability when they grow up (Instinct)

                                - Adult wraith still can consume solid food, the taste gives them plaesure but it can not sustain them. They have difficulty swallowing it though (Condemed)

                                - Wraith are patient (Poisioning the well)

                                - The Keepers are the ones with the best ability/ understanding how to repair wraith technology (allies)

                                - they are self confident, sometimes more than is good for them (hey, about nearly every wraith episode shows that)

                                - Wraith mental abilities get stronger when joined (missbegotten) and is a means of some commonicating faster than light. (Hive came relativly quickly - they were not stuck on this planet for years.

                                - Wraith are very territorial, but exspecially so, when resoursces are scrase (lost boys)

                                - Wraith queens are physiologycally quite diffrent from the males (no mans land - retro virus does not work on them)

                                - They have no problem with canabalism when short of food (the defiant one, allies)

                                - The process of feeding is reversible = gift of live (common ground, travelers)

                                - They have stationair outposts (reunion, SOW, kindred1) which are the same in design, but which looks diffrent from design of hives and cruisers

                                If you are interested on the technical stuff:
                                Everything you ever wanted to know about Hiveships/Wraith.
                                I couldn't come up with half of the stuff there - they calculated how much energy is in a blast of a hive wow

                                Sorry have to get going, may contiue later on.


