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Wraith Defenders Club

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    thank god for small miracles now if only they'd do something about bringing back Carson and Weir and booting Carter... then we'd be in fandom heaven
    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


      Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
      I hope not! I really want wraith to be born like humans which means they are conceived like humans, which means they have "fun" like humans! I mean - ewwwww! I can't picture sexy Steve, Erik, Shawn, Micheal, Gabriel, Jimmy or any of the other's being born like that. I would prefer the notion that there are female wraith around, we just having seen any other than the queens and the keeper.
      From further back in the topic -

      Originally posted by wriathlord
      also found this it has some more details on the episode
      The relevant information is -

      The Wraith explains that not all of the hives agreed to the plan and that some of them don’t have queens to create new soldiers should any of them be lost.

      If this is correct it means that the Queens really are the only females creating new Wraith.

      Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
      As far as how they can reproduce so fast, I haven't worked that part out yet...but I will!
      I speculated on the lines of the Queens laid eggs which hatched into a larval stage (looking like mini iratus bugs or maggots). These grew, shed their skins etc and eventually spun cocoons to pupate into humanoid infants. But ..

      It looks like I was definitely wrong about the infants so perhaps I can now stop thinking of Steve, Erik and all the others wriggling around in a maggot stage as well


        i hate you all for this! >.<i always thought they didit like a human but then it reverted to bug reproduction with the queen laying thousands of eggs, ill have to rething this idea now... hmmm maybe the eggs will expand into cocoons? it is possible.. well to my severely sleep deprived mind... and laura your right! they should have fun with that! i mean if they are part human they will want to have "fun". ok thats enough from me on this topic dont wanna warp your minds

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          Originally posted by susanne View Post
          i hate you all for this! >.<i always thought they didit like a human but then it reverted to bug reproduction with the queen laying thousands of eggs, ill have to rething this idea now
          Most Wraith are still drop dead gorgeous no matter how they're born. I'm hoping we get to see the 'twin brothers' of those two cuties who had a brief appearance in Sateda - the one with the hunting goggles and the one with the braid (who doesn't have any facial hair for some reason).


            Originally posted by susanne View Post
            i hate you all for this! >.<i always thought they didit like a human but then it reverted to bug reproduction with the queen laying thousands of eggs, ill have to rething this idea now... hmmm maybe the eggs will expand into cocoons? it is possible.. well to my severely sleep deprived mind... and laura your right! they should have fun with that! i mean if they are part human they will want to have "fun". ok thats enough from me on this topic dont wanna warp your minds
            which just supports my conclusion that most are gay/bi... i mean it's a closed off, all male society, so if they want to have "fun" they're gonna be hard pressed to find a female to have "fun" with
            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              which just supports my conclusion that most are gay/bi... i mean it's a closed off, all male society, so if they want to have "fun" they're gonna be hard pressed to find a female to have "fun" with
              Maybe they just don't need to have 'fun' in that way. One thing I'm fairly certain of, though. It's a question about Wraith which SGA is never going to answer.


                le sigh... true... so very true.... too bad though... idk, maybe one of the writers will one day feel obligated to answer all our wraith related questions and write an entire book on them....
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                  le sigh... true... so very true.... too bad though... idk, maybe one of the writers will one day feel obligated to answer all our wraith related questions and write an entire book on them....
                  they better >.< i would so go and buy that book just to find out it'd be a bestseller

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    I am most surprised that you all find this so very shocking. Susanne? Laura?
                    It is stated that they have more iratus related dna then human. And i am sure that the wraith are even more sensual in some matters ( one of them is which you all are referring to) then humans are. You do not know what is behind the curtains. I am sure most wraithworshippers are selected. And also used for a certain purpose. The Wraith are not so cold and aloof as they seem from the outside. i won´t mind to be cuddling a Wraithmale once in a while :-D Anything better then human .... excuse the pun....Human males are often so!


                      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                      which just supports my conclusion that most are gay/bi... i mean it's a closed off, all male society, so if they want to have "fun" they're gonna be hard pressed to find a female to have "fun" with
                      True! In Misbegotten - (which has cuties in it but I don't like how they treated Micheal) - they were all males on that hive- only the queen was around...They showed them by a camp fire standing in a circle of brotherhood so they are very close and social with each other. I would imagine that the human part of them might go for some "fun" and if the only females are queens or just very few in numbers, they would have to seek comfort from each other.

                      I would want to be a Queen. I'd have my pick and I'd pick them all...except the wraith King, commander - whatever.. just not my type. Nasty hair.
                      Atlantis Girl

                      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                        Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
                        I am most surprised that you all find this so very shocking. Susanne? Laura?
                        It is stated that they have more iratus related dna then human. And i am sure that the wraith are even more sensual in some matters ( one of them is which you all are referring to) then humans are. You do not know what is behind the curtains. I am sure most wraithworshippers are selected. And also used for a certain purpose. The Wraith are not so cold and aloof as they seem from the outside. i won´t mind to be cuddling a Wraithmale once in a while :-D Anything better then human .... excuse the pun....Human males are often so!
                        LOL - I'm a selective veiwer - I select the human side, not the bug side because I've seen the whole bug mating thing on Animal planet and it's not what I would want from Sexy Steve, Shawn, Erik..(the list is many)!

                        But - I agree that worshipers are chosen and that they have a strong sensual side - no matter how they come into the world. The wraith with the really nice back side checked out the worshipper in "The Hive" and Gabriel mentioned that they give the gift of live to their most loyal worshipers so perhaps a human who has earned favor would be kept young with this gift.

                        I could cuddle with a wraith male you go wraith...err. well anyway agree! It is a great topic to explore and make me want to be a writer on many possibilities!!

                        PS - how do you guys do several quotes on one post? I don't get it!!
                        Atlantis Girl

                        Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                        please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                          so in other words they're all bisexual? im starting to like this anyhow in responce to xeph... would shawn like to help clear this up or would he try and break me limb from limb for asking if he's gay? the question answers itself hmmm i wonder... anyone remember sedeta?
                          the hive had a king instead, maybe.... they do what certai species of toad do only less extreme, change their sex. that way the hive would have plenty of offspring and the wraith could revert afterward?

                          we'll never know until one of the damn writers writes this.

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                            LOL - I'm a selective veiwer - I select the human side, not the bug side because I've seen the whole bug mating thing on Animal planet and it's not what I would want from Sexy Steve, Shawn, Erik..(the list is many)!
                            There's a limit to how many bug habits I like to think of where mating's concerning such as the possibility of a Queen eating her chosen male. Recent studies of the praying mantis seem to indicate that it's not as common in the wild as once thought - maybe Iratus bug females never or only rarely do this so Wraith males may or may not be safe during romantic encounters. Being lunch as well could make for some interesting male psychological conflicts, though. The bug side regards passing on ones genes as an honour worth dying for while the human side thinks "I hope she never notices me,".

                            We know of two Wraith who fed on others of their own kind. The Commander in 'The Defiant One' and the Queen in 'Submersion' ate their own crews in order to survive. The fact that two of them did this suggests that it might be a natural form of behaviour when in desperate circumstances. Hopefully, though, a Queen who found a male worth mating with would keep him alive so he could continue to pass on his genes.

                            We still don't know how Queen's create new soldiers, though. What if they just place a hand on Iratus bugs to inject them with human DNA so they mutate? We know that Michael produced his super-soldiers from Iratus bugs by feeding them on humans so they'd acquire the DNA. Something like this would answer questions about Wraith reproduction without SGA going into areas which might make some viewers blush.

                            Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                            But - I agree that worshipers are chosen and that they have a strong sensual side - no matter how they come into the world. The wraith with the really nice back side checked out the worshipper in "The Hive"
                            Females are shown to be very sensual. The Keeper caressed Sumner's face and I think the Queen in 'The Hive' did something similar to Sheppard. The Queen in 'Allies' definitely ran a hand up the humanised Wraith's leg before she fed on him. For all we know that male Wraith in 'The Hive' could have been thinking how nice the worshipper would taste if she was on the menu.

                            Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                            and Gabriel mentioned that they give the gift of live to their most loyal worshipers so perhaps a human who has earned favor would be kept young with this gift.
                            Giving them such a reward would encourage loyalty even more than just letting them live.

                            Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                            I could cuddle with a wraith male you go wraith...err. well anyway agree! It is a great topic to explore and make me want to be a writer on many possibilities!!
                            Most of the males I'd like to cuddle are dead. I like to think there's a Stargate parallel universe where they survived so I could cuddle the scientist and brush his hair.

                            Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                            PS - how do you guys do several quotes on one post? I don't get it!!
                            I just divide a post I'm qoting up into sections and copy and paste the bracket quote equals name reverse bracket and finish up with bracket slash quote reverse bracket. (Had to put it in words otherwise it would just come out looking like an ordinary quote). If I'm quoting someone from another post in my reply I just substitute the name. It doesn't seem to matter about the number because I've found it's put in automatically.

                            Originally posted by susanne
                            the hive had a king instead, maybe.... they do what certai species of toad do only less extreme, change their sex. that way the hive would have plenty of offspring and the wraith could revert afterward?

                            Aaarrggh!!!! Am now wondering what the Sateda King would have looked like if he'd changed sex. A heavily built, bald but for one braid Queen in a dress is not an appealing mental image.

                            The information from Stargate SG! Solutions, if correct, indicates that they don't change sex.


                            The Wraith explains that not all of the hives agreed to the plan and that some of them don’t have queens to create new soldiers should any of them be lost.

                            They wouldn't have this problem if males could become females for a while. It also wouldn't be a problem if Queens created soldiers from Iratus bugs because male geneticists could do the same thing in a laboratory. I'm guessing that there will be some things we'll never find out.

                            One thing we do know. Wraith seem to get a lot of pleasure from eating whether it's humans or, in the case of Shawn, ordinary well cooked meals. What if being fed by a 'brother' is a very pleasurable experience for a Wraith? It could take the place of sex.


                              Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                              PS - how do you guys do several quotes on one post? I don't get it!!
                              you click the button b/t the "Quote" and "QR" buttons, and make sure it turns orange... that means you've selected the post to be quoted in your reply... once you're ready to reply to the thread, make sure you click the "Post Reply" button, or you won't get your quotes... and then you type your responses accordingly and submit reply

                              Originally posted by susanne View Post
                              so in other words they're all bisexual? im starting to like this anyhow in responce to xeph... would shawn like to help clear this up or would he try and break me limb from limb for asking if he's gay? the question answers itself hmmm i wonder... anyone remember sedeta?
                              the hive had a king instead, maybe.... they do what certai species of toad do only less extreme, change their sex. that way the hive would have plenty of offspring and the wraith could revert afterward?

                              we'll never know until one of the damn writers writes this.
                              that was my original thesis yes and i think in the case of Sateda, it was just an overly aggressive Male who had no respect for his Queen and challenged her authority and won.... to the Wraith, you're either food or stronger than him.... or that's how i see it...
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                it is possible a guy wraith could go on a testosterone trip....*shivers* never be in the middle of one

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

