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    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
    Ew. *Thinks of Karl* But he probably didn't look for a Queen again after his died. He took over himself and immediately started prepping Midway?
    Karl is Cute. Absolutely marvelous wraith. Poor Karl...

    Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
    And I don´t think that Michael make experiments with his self
    I am sure that Michael makes "experiments" with himself.
    I have some Wraith DNA in my genetic make-up, that makes me want to use trench coat.


    "Jaffat tulloo... Helmat paukkuu..."


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Heya, all....

      Now - some thoughts....

      In SoW, when we saw the scientist (Penny) helping with the birthing got me to thinking about the hive mentality, and the relationship Wraith have with one another.

      Think about that scene for a minute. PennyWraith (we need to give him a name - I say 'Judas', because he betrayed Todd) - so, 'Judas', dressed ever so smartly in his shiney black leather, not a hair out of place...'delivers' the warrior. He opens the membrane encasing the warrior, he puts his hands right in there and takes the 'newborn' Wraith into his arms, and then places the mask over his face before passing him off to the others. When you think about it - that's a very intimate scene. I don't know about you folks, but the thought of assisting in a birth - human or otherwise - kinda freaks me out because it's MESSY! But Judas Wraith didn't seem to mind - it was all very natural to him, as if he's 'birthed' many Wraith warriors before. In the end he's standing there, his hands and arms and coat dripping with amniotic fluid, pulling the membrane away as the others take the newborn away.

      If it had been me, I would have run and jumped in the shower to wash all the ickiness away!! But for him, there was nothing disgusting at all - this was his way - the way of the Wraith - and he's probably done it hundreds of times before. It's not a role you think of a male playing. It was as if he was a nurse...a role usually portrayed by a woman. I just find it very interesting how they showed it in the episode, and wonder if all Wraith have assisted in the birth of masked warriors. Can you picture Steve? Bob? Todd? The Defiant One? Allies Scientist? The Condemned Wraith? Can you imagine any or all of them 'delivering' new Wraith warriors?

      Please discuss...

      It would all be natural to the males to do that sort of thing. Unless there is a secret stash of females around that we don't know about they are the only ones who can do those things. The queen looked weak after her work and it wouldn't make sense for one female to care for all the young, plus they were hatching out while she was still hooked up.
      The males would have to take care of everything for the young particularly those that were not drones. As we saw in instinct, Ellia was a child and would therefore need to be taught and the instructors were probably males.
      Which makes you think if they would have class rooms to teach as we do.
      Since they also eat as we do there would have to be an adult that would gather and prepare supplies. Unless their worshippers do that, but don't know if they would trust their offspring in the hands of humans.
      Since their society is hive based, young would be very important. In insect colonies nurseries are attended to and protected as the offspriong are the future of the colony. But since wraith live so long maybe this isn't the case with them.


        Originally posted by Ashimjara View Post
        Looks exciting - I have a lot to look forward to it seems!
        Me too I just now noticed micheal with black hair and teyla's getting big I wonder what micheal will do to teyla

        BlueJay and Das that is something to think about I still wonder if a wraith can woman can give a natural birth in some ways ( this is just me and I know some might disagree) but I think in the wraith home world somewhere that the humans (Atlantis crew) haven't touch is a very secret society in which they might have a village where their is more women to mate to develope offsprings for them selfs and maybe some of our know wraith could have once (or use to for the deceased ones) fathered their offspring before leaving b/c still thinking of what steve said the wraith are a very patient race so if they do have that much patients then they could have that it just its well hidden from humans to locate and destroy.
        That is just a thought


          Originally posted by BlueJay
          It would all be natural to the males to do that sort of thing. Unless there is a secret stash of females around that we don't know about they are the only ones who can do those things. The queen looked weak after her work and it wouldn't make sense for one female to care for all the young, plus they were hatching out while she was still hooked up.
          The males would have to take care of everything for the young particularly those that were not drones. As we saw in instinct, Ellia was a child and would therefore need to be taught and the instructors were probably males.
          Which makes you think if they would have class rooms to teach as we do.
          Since they also eat as we do there would have to be an adult that would gather and prepare supplies. Unless their worshippers do that, but don't know if they would trust their offspring in the hands of humans.
          Since their society is hive based, young would be very important. In insect colonies nurseries are attended to and protected as the offspriong are the future of the colony. But since wraith live so long maybe this isn't the case with them.
          Thanks for the feedback.

          Yeah - I suppose the males would be the ones who tend to the young.

          How does that make you feel about the Wraith in general? In human societies, the women are usually the caregivers/nourishers, while the men are traditionally the providers. But in Wraith society the males are the ones who nourish, sustain, and probably raise the young. And for some reason, I believe the Wraith to be very hard teachers. I don't know if they'd have classrooms - I think the Wraith learn through experience, and can see them as having an 'apprentice-based' way of teaching. Also, the telepathy may play a part, instilling knowledge instantly through a mind-meld. And - much of what the Wraith do is instinctive - feeding, hunting - it is all based on instinct, according to what Michael said to Teyla, when he said he was going to feed on her, not by choice, but by instinct.

          So, perhaps the faced-Wraith just begin learning as soon as they are born - learning through example, through experience, and through instinct. REALLY would like to see more of do they bring up their young and train them. We know the runners are used to train them to hunt, but what else are they taught?

          AND who makes their coolio clothes! LOL.

          Would be nice to see a more personal side to the Wraith...



            Originally posted by cryogenic_limbo View Post
            Karl is Cute. Absolutely marvelous wraith. Poor Karl...

            I am sure that Michael makes "experiments" with himself.

            Self: His own personal science project.

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by TheWraithSteve
              Me too I just now noticed micheal with black hair and teyla's getting big I wonder what micheal will do to teyla

              BlueJay and Das that is something to think about I still wonder if a wraith can woman can give a natural birth in some ways ( this is just me and I know some might disagree) but I think in the wraith home world somewhere that the humans (Atlantis crew) haven't touch is a very secret society in which they might have a village where their is more women to mate to develope offsprings for them selfs and maybe some of our know wraith could have once (or use to for the deceased ones) fathered their offspring before leaving b/c still thinking of what steve said the wraith are a very patient race so if they do have that much patients then they could have that it just its well hidden from humans to locate and destroy.
              That is just a thought
              Ah yes - the idea that they are a patient race may suggest also that they do not reproduce quickly - the unmasked Wraith, that is. It would be good to see more insight into this - to see exactly what their 'family' structure is - do they have children? Do they have mates? Or do they reproduce like some species were many males mate with one female (or exchange genetic material in some way), and no one is ever considered a 'son' or 'father' or 'daughter' - but all are just Wraith - all related through the hive, regardless of how you came into being.



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Ah yes - the idea that they are a patient race may suggest also that they do not reproduce quickly - the unmasked Wraith, that is. It would be good to see more insight into this - to see exactly what their 'family' structure is - do they have children? Do they have mates? Or do they reproduce like some species were many males mate with one female (or exchange genetic material in some way), and no one is ever considered a 'son' or 'father' or 'daughter' - but all are just Wraith - all related through the hive, regardless of how you came into being.

                8-ish hrs to go for me, still. *Goes to sleep through them*

                Das, mail me if it's brill or not? General non spoilery reaction?

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  If they had an apprentice based way of teaching wouldn't that develop a sort of father son relationship, if not with all of them just some. An older wraith passing on their knowledge to a younger one would have to feel a certain level of responsibility and over time this may develop into a more meaningful bond than just teacher and student.
                  With the telepathy, just how advanced is the wraiths ability? They can project what they are seeing and such but would they be able to pass on something more advanced like a science concept or mathematics etc.
                  Their most basic needs like hunting and feeding would be instinctual, but more advanced learning would still require a teacher.
                  FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    8-ish hrs to go for me, still. *Goes to sleep through them*

                    Das, mail me if it's brill or not? General non spoilery reaction?
                    Okay - I'll be on my sloooooow connection at home, so hopefully I'll get to you before you see anything on-line.

                    I have mixed feelings about tonight...I'm thinking Todd will make a token showing - nothing more - and maybe Michael at the end. I just hope Todd's bits are GOOD. Maybe he'll tell a joke, but he doesn't seem to be in a laughing mood...

                    Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                    If they had an apprentice based way of teaching wouldn't that develop a sort of father son relationship, if not with all of them just some. An older wraith passing on their knowledge to a younger one would have to feel a certain level of responsibility and over time this may develop into a more meaningful bond than just teacher and student.
                    With the telepathy, just how advanced is the wraiths ability? They can project what they are seeing and such but would they be able to pass on something more advanced like a science concept or mathematics etc.
                    Their most basic needs like hunting and feeding would be instinctual, but more advanced learning would still require a teacher.
                    Not totally sure what their telepathy is like - outside of what we've seen. But if they can make people do things (like Teyla with the Queen, and Michael with Teyla), then I assume they have a powerful level of control.

                    As far as the father-son relationship from the apprentice form of teaching - I'd agree with you if we were talking humans. But we're talking Wraith - and Wraith seem to be rather rough with one another. I think with them an apprentice relationship would be more like least, attitude-wise. 'Karl' certainly didn't treat his scientist gently, and the Queens are rough with their I think that the Wraith do a lot of hissing, and perhaps physical discipline, if their students don't catch on as fast as they should. They are not gentle creatures by any means.

                    I would like to see the writers explore this a bit - but not sure they will.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      I have mixed feelings about tonight...I'm thinking Todd will make a token showing - nothing more - and maybe Michael at the end. I just hope Todd's bits are GOOD. Maybe he'll tell a joke, but he doesn't seem to be in a laughing mood...
                      I just saw the kindred part 1, I can say todd and michael have a few appearances each. todd seems... different... maybe you'll see what I mean when the episode is on for you. the wraith telepathy ability is also involved. I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil anything.
                      Last edited by naamiaiset; 28 April 2008, 11:38 AM.


                        Hi I was just over at Andee Frizzell's Blog who plays all the hive queens is having a contest. It's called look like a wraith contest. You dress up or look like a wraith and sent a photo to an email she has posted on her blog. The best wraith costume will win a signed autograph from her. So here is a chance to go all out like a wraith. So get into your best wraithy mood and dress to the wraithy nines. I don't know how to link to web site but, her blog is Andee Frizzell Blog I am sure the contest is going to the end of Feb. Tis time to play dress up and have some I think.


                          Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                          Hello at all hello all new Wraithys...
                          Shan your Valentines Wraith are sweet but on Valentine you need music and I found this yesterday in the www:

                          and @ das nice that you discuss on Noir´s SiFi Channel page
                          Like that Wraith band. Have tunes in my head.

                          Everyone loves a well dress Wraith

                          da da da da something like that

                          ah no music icons.


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset
                            I just saw the kindred part 1, I can say todd and michael have a few appearances each. todd seems... different... maybe you'll see what I mean when the episode is on for you. the wraith telepathy ability is also involved. I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil anything.
                            Yes - Todd DID seem different. LOVED it! He was much more Wraithy in this episode. For one thing, he wasn't in human bondage - he was free, on his own turf, and very confident. He wasn't as guarded with how he spoke, or acted. I loved the second scene, when he comes swaggering into the room, all nonchalant. He was in his element, and it was very good to see.

                            He was also suspicious of the humans, something we haven't seen in a while. This is may be the first time we see a bit of Todd from Common Ground, where he didn't expect Sheppard to uphold his end of the bargain.

                            Todd also seemed angry; perhaps - like Rodney suggested - he's getting hungry, and grumpy. Even if it wasn't hunger, Todd certainly came across as more aggressive in his tone, and certainly the one in control in this situation. I also love how he boldly approaches the humans - even on his home turf - unarmed, without a guard, while allowing the humans to have their arms drawn on him. He knows he must not do anything that appears to be an aggressive or threatening move because the humans are just looking for a reason to kill him.

                            A lot of people are comparing him to Ba'al (sp?) - but I'm not familiar with that character. I hope Todd's not whatever that guy was...I like Todd just as he ally who may - once in a while - look out for himself, not unlike what the Lanteans do to him.

                            Though Todd only had a couple scenes, they were good ones, and it was nice to see him at ease in his own element. Good stuff.



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              How does that make you feel about the Wraith in general? In human societies, the women are usually the caregivers/nourishers, while the men are traditionally the providers. But in Wraith society the males are the ones who nourish, sustain, and probably raise the young.
                              Wraith are descended from insects and they have a hive/nest system like bees and ants. Faced males seem to be the equivalent of workers so it would make sense if they were the ones who tend and raise the young. The males seem to have different tasks as well - scientists, masked warrior commanders, ship pilots etc. so maybe there's a specialised group for infant care as well.

                              One thing that raises a question is the adult Wraith in 'Instinct'. He must have known that infant Ellia was alive but he didn't kill Zadek and raise her himself. Did he think Ellia would be safer where she was just in case the villagers somehow managed to kill him?


                                In reference to The Kindred Part 1:
                                I'm seriously scared for the wraith now! NO killing wraith! This is bad! I dislike Michael now. *Quivers*

