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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Ya know - I'm just gonna keep talking to myself until someone replies...

    or, I'm gonna go to bed.

    Speaking of bed...anyone else have a problem with imagining Wraith in their jammies, all tucked away under fluffy warm blankies? I do...just seems...weird. I'd much rather imagine Wraith sleeping standing up, fully clothed (as if their clothing was part of their exoskeleton). Or, if they do sleep lying down, then maybe naked, wrapped in a gooey, cocoon-like 'bed' - like what they keep their food in, only not as restrictive. That would be neat - each day they arise, their bodies all slimy like slugs. Slippy Wraith!

    reads, snorts...falls into gutter

    now we could start about reproduction organs...which would be well seen on nude wraith...thinks abotu what JM the wraith special....

    special prongs in the prong reagion



      Wraith handginas?
      I hope yer tongues get bitten off!


      I wonder if Wraith have marriage ceremonies, or even a queen coronation ceremony.

      Todd could be a married wraith! Which is probably why he wears the earring and finger jewelry!


        Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
        Okay, so this is my vision of Wraith Culture. Let's take a vote on the different aspects, and if you totally disagree with a section I've written down, add your own in the space provided. Let's deliberate and bargain over what we can all live with. Okay? So here it goes:

        WK, that's too much for my poor tired brain to wrap itself around tonight. I'll look it over in the morning (I may actually get to take my day off tomorrow instead of working on my day off which is why I'm so stressed these days) and comment on it then.

        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Ya know - I'm just gonna keep talking to myself until someone replies...

        or, I'm gonna go to bed.

        Speaking of bed...anyone else have a problem with imagining Wraith in their jammies, all tucked away under fluffy warm blankies? I do...just seems...weird. I'd much rather imagine Wraith sleeping standing up, fully clothed (as if their clothing was part of their exoskeleton). Or, if they do sleep lying down, then maybe naked, wrapped in a gooey, cocoon-like 'bed' - like what they keep their food in, only not as restrictive. That would be neat - each day they arise, their bodies all slimy like slugs. Slippy Wraith!

        I kinda like the idea of Wraith in jammies with fuzzy blankies.... especially after seeing that picture of Todd in the hoodie.
        Sparrow hawk



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Can't you just hear Todd now when you run your tongue down the center of his palm? "AAAaaaaaAAAAHHHH!!!"

          Gee...thanks. I think...
          Sure can. As long has he washes his hands first, dont want any nasty human left on there

          your no more insane than the rest of us, others just dont seem to understand. I know im in good company


            Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
            Wraith handginas?
            I hope yer tongues get bitten off!


            I wonder if Wraith have marriage ceremonies, or even a queen coronation ceremony.

            Todd could be a married wraith! Which is probably why he wears the earring and finger jewelry!
            They all seem to wear the finger jewelry. I haven't really noticed any others with earrings, though. Just Todd.

            The "prong" reference reminded me of Peter DeLuise. He was the one that mentioned it in the Wraithal Discrimination special. I think someone mentioned that he was the director of the most recent Sanctuary episode too.... the one entitled "Nubbins". I'm detecting a definite trend here. I think you folks in the gutter better move over and make room for Peter.
            Sparrow hawk



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Ya know - I'm just gonna keep talking to myself until someone replies...

              or, I'm gonna go to bed.

              Speaking of bed...anyone else have a problem with imagining Wraith in their jammies, all tucked away under fluffy warm blankies? I do...just seems...weird. I'd much rather imagine Wraith sleeping standing up, fully clothed (as if their clothing was part of their exoskeleton). Or, if they do sleep lying down, then maybe naked, wrapped in a gooey, cocoon-like 'bed' - like what they keep their food in, only not as restrictive. That would be neat - each day they arise, their bodies all slimy like slugs. Slippy Wraith!

              Im going to go with them stayn in their leathers, ya need to be prepard for anything. but
              I could deffinetly go with naked in animal furs, yah i know disturbing, but o so comfy.


                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                Okay, so this is my vision of Wraith Culture. Let's take a vote on the different aspects, and if you totally disagree with a section I've written down, add your own in the space provided. Let's deliberate and bargain over what we can all live with. Okay? So here it goes:


                Social Interaction

                -Culture of systemic violence and power quests
                Need a promotion? -- Kill the guy ahead of you "artfully"
                Need a queen? Kill the competition, she'll think you're cool and get a tattoo in the process.

                -Earn your stripes by hunting a Runner. There are some highly prized ones, but if you loose, you'll probably loose your life. If you win, you bring back the runner's head, plus the heads of all the wraith in your hunting team.

                -Revenge your brothers at all costs: loyalty to hive and queen first, alliance and extended family second.

                -Never show weakness.

                -Never reveal your name

                -Remain taciturn and always talk of yourself in the third person.


                -Ancestor Worship, and the god of the Iratus. Iratus god, gives power, strength, immortality. Wear Iratus emblem on shield guard chain mail and over doors and in the great Hive Halls.

                Never reveal you name to your enemy, they will have power over you.

                -One great warrior makes human sacrifices at the mouth to the iratus cave. Prize humans are sacrificed.


                -Play string instruments, which require a great deal of hand skill--and math.

                -Make textiles and tapestries.

                -Studying mathematical designs.

                -Young wraith after the age of six, and who have been streamed into the "intellectual class" must learn, language, science, math, biology, and medicine.

                -Young wraith after the age of six, and who have been streamed into the "warrior class" must learn to take orders, handle weapons, fight in combat, strength train, and generally not to think critically.

                -Painting tattoos, the fine art of


                -A matriarchy, and autocracy.
                Female a "Queen" who runs the hive with a few male advisers, has learned math, science and in particular strategic warfare. Runs the culling routes, guards those who sleep, and at times provides her hive with her ova in order to create clones, usually for fighting.

                -Occasionally, a male will lead in the absence of a queen. Males can lead equally well, but most males are sterile therefore are not seen as resourceful as a queen who has the ability to repopulate her hive.

                A group of male advisers, in turn advise the scientists, and skilled professionals. As well as the military leaders who head up warriors.

                Social Services

                -Loyalty is the motto amongst the warrior class; loyalty is an unreliable "ideal" in the intellectual class superseded by ambition.

                Because there are so few females, male wraith comitatus create the emotional need marriage fulfills in human societies.

                Due to the war with the ancients, the wraith called on all their fertile females to offer their ova up for cloning. The wraith's ova were completely depleted, and many of these females died in the war. As a result there are very few fertile female wraith and the wraith females that are fertile to not have enough genetic dissimilarity with males in her hive to successfully produce healthy off-spring. Wraith prefer to clone as a viable reproduction device. Wraith females do not desire any inference of male domination, therefore they only engage in coitus with a select few, for the pleasure of it, on their terms.

                See sex

                Extended Relations

                They have genetic, but not filial obligations to other hives. Hive of birth is priority.


                There are elaborate death ceremonies for the valued fallen. This is where we find the most out about wraith culture. They stock their graves full of treasures, and sacrifice countless humans as guards for their cherished fallen warrior.


                Well food, we know food, but they also like the fruit of the vine, and feed their young wraith a type of viscus honey meal mixed with fruit and grain. They also eat raw meat, with the blood still in it.

                wow, thats a bit to much for me think about right now. But i'll sleep on it and try to post tomorrow


                  I remember seeing the wraith discrimination clip!

                  I was rollin on the floor when torri said she'd do a wraith!


                    Todd, naked, cuddled up in animal furs...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....*drools....THUD!!!*

                    I can certainly live with that! (Tyler Wraith - any of them - too. Steve, however, would have to be draped in silk, and Eddy is bondage leather all the way!!!)



                      I second that das....*thunk*



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Todd, naked, cuddled up in animal furs...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....*drools....THUD!!!*

                        I can certainly live with that! (Tyler Wraith - any of them - too. Steve, however, would have to be draped in silk, and Eddy is bondage leather all the way!!!)

                        ahhh eddy, that boy is just trouble!


                          Originally posted by masterling View Post
                          ahhh eddy, that boy is just trouble!

                          That he is.
                          But he seemed to take pride in his appearance, and in his equipment.
                          Ya know, for some reason, I suspect the lad spends hours...
                          just polishing his stunner.



                            This is from another thread - just trying to stick with my 'theme' tonight...




                              das you are horrible



                                Jeez, I leave you all alone for a few days and this is what I come back too? Hot tubs, naked wraith on fur beds, and handgina licking? *sigh* This gutter is starting to look more like a tent city.

                                Oh well, when in Rome...

                                I was going to type "*pitches tent in gutter tent city*" here, but then I realized that could be taken wrong, so uh... *constructs temporary outdoor shelter in the vicinity of a large number other temporary outdoor shelters which is itself in an undesirable area where refuse accumulates*

