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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    That's because he's clumsy (*S4 blooper real).


    What DVD?

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      I thought we should call him Nitro.

      RE: The feeding slit. Okay...I am so gonna be gross here...

      You know the whole 'handgina' joke, looks like his has its hymen still intact. I wonder if the make-up guys were having a laugh with this one.

      Oh boy...

      I can't believe you just said that!

      I thought that maybe it was an 'in' and an 'out'... Kinda like females have their stuff separate as well...

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post

        What DVD?

        The S4 boxset has bloopers on one of the DVDs...Penny Wraith is a clumsy bugger...with a very foul mouth. Todd just kinda points, as if to say, 'did you see that? This idiot just messed up the shot!'



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          The S4 boxset has bloopers on one of the DVDs...Penny Wraith is a clumsy bugger...with a very foul mouth. Todd just kinda points, as if to say, 'did you see that? This idiot just messed up the shot!'

          I love that part.


            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            Yes, human fat.
            you know the stuff Nazi's made candles into and Fight Club made the soap from

   I just had to say that. I know I can have a sick sense of humour.

            Well you did say you felt bitter.

            Nice bit of Wraith eye candy through, at least for as long as they remained in the epsiode.---- now who sounds bitter? hum


            Gospiky the Season 4 DVD with blooper is number 2 episode 5 to 8. Hope that helps.

            Last edited by MCH; 18 October 2008, 04:38 PM.
            Thanks to DS for my siggy


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
              Ok, new Wraith names. I'm thinking since Penny's Wraith in Outsiders resembles Todd, let's give him a T-name, like: Tory (conquerer, victor) or Theron (hunter) or, hey, how about Tariq (nocturnal visitor). Lol!
              Sorry I couldn't find one for
              illiterate bomb fodder


              Das named the
              illiterate bomb fodder

              Think it was


              For the Penny Wraith out ofthe 3 above names I like Troy short and sweet
              abit like the lenght of the time some of the Wraith where on screen

              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post

                I asked a friend to cap some yummy new Penny!Wraith pictures, and me has spotted something!


                He had a tattoo at his left eye's left side.
                so he does, but why is the left side of

                his hair pink. Is he a punk Wraith? Or is just my eyesight?

                Thank for the the screencaps.

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  I'm not in the mood for brain is dead today.

                  No, I'm not alright. I've had a wave of depression building since yesterday (work/stress related, I'm sure), and it hasn't gone away. Also, I killed Todd. Or Jimmy. Or one of them. Yes, I ran over one of my praying mantis'. I'm hoping it wasn't one of the ones I named - I did seem to have a lot this year, and most were in the back yard - this one was up by the, I'm hoping it was a mantis from a different 'hive'. I hate killing things...

                  And I'm so-so about the episode last night. I'm just sick of the Lanteans getting away with mindless killing - and the fans rooting them on - while one poor Wraith gets a hunger pain, and everyone shouts 'kill it! It's EVIL!'

                  The fan mentality is more upsetting than the show's mentality.

                  Sorry to hear about your mantis and that may be you ran over Todd or Jimmy over.

                  Outsider has caused quite a stir on Gateworld on various thread about the Wraith how many did not survive. The actions of the Villagers/ Shepherd / Carson et al.

                  I said this before

                  One Man/Woman's hero another Man/Woman terrorist.

                  The thing about Scfi is that if it well written (and some fans have there doubts about this episode) it makes you think discuss, you can explore ideas and feelings with like minded fans of the show. You say your "sick of the Lanteans getting away with mindless killing - and the fans rooting them on" that's fair enough. I do feel that the writter are going for an "overkill" of the Wraith. But if the writer is baseing his ideas for an epsiode on events from around the world, I can see where the story line come from ie for me the Middle East. (Been alot in the news about dead soldiers coming home in my news recently). If it not then that one sick writer.

                  Anyway hope you fell better soon. Think you need some Wraith Gutter time.

                  Anyone got some good screencaps of all our favorate Wraith plus a large bucket to catch the drool? .


                  Das the middle Wraith in you current siggy if you don't know who he is yet? I think he the one that WK???? did a nose job on. It was done round about the time Rhys was on screen or just after. Hope that helps.
                  Last edited by MCH; 18 October 2008, 04:43 PM. Reason: Middle Wraith Das Siggy
                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    *reads reactions to Outsiders* To all of you who have watched Outsiders and are not happy with it; all I have to say is...

                    HA! I didn't know Carson was going to be in this, and when I saw that he was- I decided to skip the episode to save myself the grief. Go me! Nyaah! (I tease, I tease! )

                    Das, thanks for clearing up the spoiler rules for me. That was so much clearer. Thanks!

                    One more point I want to reiterate about The Lost Tribe, and also involving The Queen, that someone else brought up...
                    Someone mentioned that in The Queen, Teyla deliberately sent Wraiths to their deaths in a poor strategic attack on the encroaching hive. And that Todd realized it. And at the end of The Queen, Teyla threatened Todd that if he ever did anything that conflicted with Atlantis's interests, she'd have him killed. Teyla's action showed that even though they may be allies and working for both their interests, she views Todd's assets as completely disposable.

                    Using an analogy: this would be like two armies working together to help one of them, but treating their ally's future resource as a convenience and disregarding said ally's values and feelings towards the resource.

                    So I agree with that poster that this is another reason Todd is so quick to believe in betrayal, doubtful of their sincerity, and completely unable to trust the Lanteans to destroy the Attero device. So far, he STILL has no proof that they will be considerate of him or his interests, and if they need him gone, they would do it.

                    On a different subject... I've been thinking about the relationship between the Ancients and humans. And I think how the Ancients regard the humans all those thousands years ago is the same way the Wraith regards humans now. That is, even though humans were sentience, they were considered lesser. Though some Ancients were more "sympathetic." I think their attitude towards the Wraith eating humans were more of, "Oh no! Human (animal) cruelty!" (Personally, I think humans were lab rats created by the Ancients, so that they could studied themselves more without doing experiments that may threaten Ancient lives.) It's only later as humans evolved that they were willing to respect them more. But it's more of a patronizing sort of respect. Or begrudging in the, "Damnit, we have to be considerate and can't act superior to them anymore."

                    I also think that most Ancients wouldn't care that the Wraith were eating humans as long as the Wraiths weren't attacking them and disrupting their experiments. Do you think the Ancients provided relief and apologies when the Attero device went off?

                    Lastly, I wonder if the Wraith have "no need to explain themselves" is because they're telepathic. They generally don't use mouths to talk.


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      I'm not in the mood for brain is dead today.

                      No, I'm not alright. I've had a wave of depression building since yesterday (work/stress related, I'm sure), and it hasn't gone away. Also, I killed Todd. Or Jimmy. Or one of them. Yes, I ran over one of my praying mantis'. I'm hoping it wasn't one of the ones I named - I did seem to have a lot this year, and most were in the back yard - this one was up by the, I'm hoping it was a mantis from a different 'hive'. I hate killing things...

                      And I'm so-so about the episode last night. I'm just sick of the Lanteans getting away with mindless killing - and the fans rooting them on - while one poor Wraith gets a hunger pain, and everyone shouts 'kill it! It's EVIL!'

                      The fan mentality is more upsetting than the show's mentality.

                      I love, love, love praying mantis. When I was walking through the grad residence in university, it was in the fall sometime, I came across a praying mantis sitting in the middle of this huge almost empty parking lot. I was so afraid the poor thing would get run over, because it looked half frozen to death, so I picked it up. It didn't squirm or move or anything. The only thing it did was look up at me with almost reptile eyes. It was almost saying, "who are you...and what are you doing?". Then I put it down on one of those cement barricade thingies. It was a bit of shelter from the wind, and definitely out of reach of car tires and pedestrian feet.
                      Well, I hope you feel better Das. I hear having a bit of fish oil helps with depression--omega 3 fatty acid puts fat in the brain...which is suppose to help with depression. Or perhaps urine therapy will help:
                      (I hope this cheers you up)

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        That's because he's clumsy (*S4 blooper real).

                        It's probably because he's tall. I'm rather tall, and I do stupid awkward clumsy things all the time. My husband is fond of reminding me in the most hilarious way. I think you just forget where your arms end and where your feet start. I was incorrigibly awkward as a teenager.
                        This thought is so adorably cute: a clumsy, awkward wraith. I love it.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Too lazy and too many caps to multicap. So lemme just say:

                          I love that S4 blooper with BP and Todd. And I have to say Penny and I have similar potty mouths. Almost the exact same phrase comes out of my mouth whenever I almost bite it or am surprised. I watch that over and over again if I want a good belly laugh.

                          So, if no one disagrees, shall we dub Outsider's Penny Wraith "Nitro" in honor of his demise? And don't forget we need to name FC/TLT Penny Wraith too. We can call him Troy since that's what MCH's suggestion.

                          @das - again, you and the handgina jokes have me on the floor. But you're right! It does look...different.

                          @spikey - loved your quip about the "difficulty" of the Todd quiz. Also thank you thank you thank you for that shot of "Nitro". *drool* Please send any more you find our way! (I'm still waiting for macsyourman to get caught up with capping TLT!)

                          @MCH - the Wraith wigs tend to look pink in more natural light. They look best under stage lights or during night shoots. Also, I didn't realize there was that much reaction from the rest of the community to Outsiders. I'm more of an "insider" and just tend to hang out in Wraith-related threads (don't mean to be narrow minded, I just don't have the time). So non-Wraith fans are upset about the Wraith stupidity and high body count?
                          I haven't even gone into how I feel that Atlantis treated the villagers. I kept thinking "Go home, you idiots! You're just meddling!" I felt like most non-Americans feel about my country always going in an meddling around where we're not wanted. I wonder if that was a political dig from the writers? It's fine to send aid (like Carson) but don't start telling other people how to run their governements. Sorry, I don't normally like to dive into politics, but, well, it was there. *jumps out of political morass*.

                          I also had been thinking about how the Ancients saw the humans of the Pegasus as inferior and their little lab rats. And they were the ones that were always screwing things up and then never bothered fixing things. I always saw the Wraith as the "Gods" overthrowing the "Titans" in that way. The Ancients just went on spawning all their "creations" without thinking of cause and effect and then their own creations (even if they were an accident) ended up overthrowing them. *sweet*



                            WK - that is...disturbing.

                            Personal OTish stuff:

                            I feel a tad better, but certainly not 100%. I know I'm stressed over work, but this feels more like when the good ol' chemical depression sets in. I can't put a finger on the trigger, unless it's diet, or weather. Also, I can hardly walk - I think I have plantar fasciitis - it's been almost 8 weeks of foot/heel pain, but just recently increased over the last few days. I have an appointment with the foot doctor on the 27th, but until then, I am in a lot of pain, now even when not on my foot. Let's just put it this way - I HOPE it's plantar fasciitis, and not something more serious. I really need a sexy Wraith to snuggle up with...

                            A couple of things. First, tonight when I went to pick up dinner at this Italian restaurant we like (and one Robert Davi has visited ), I noticed their delivery guy, He looked EXACTLY (not kidding) like Dave the Wraith!! Of course, he wasn't green, and he had tousled blond hair instead of long white hair - but otherwise, it WAS Dave. Okay - Dave, if Dave was 5'6". But still...same mouth, same nose, same profile - EXACT. I was standing there, thinking, "oh my....the gals at the WDC would just tear this poor lad apart!'

                            Kenny Wraith needs a name for Outsiders. I guess we'll let the guy in the center of my sig remain Craig, just because he is so dang pretty! (I still think he survived Ronon's gun blast...surely it was only on stun...).

                            So, what do we name Tyler Wraith? And what do we name the fella with him? Both had lovely hair, with Tyler being his handsome buggy self, and the other guy looking almost...pretty.

                            Anyway - we should throw some ideas out there. Wish Tyler would stop back and give us a name for his Wraith in this one, it would be fun! Hee...maybe we should call him 'Tubbs'...



                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              It's probably because he's tall. I'm rather tall, and I do stupid awkward clumsy things all the time. My husband is fond of reminding me in the most hilarious way. I think you just forget where your arms end and where your feet start. I was incorrigibly awkward as a teenager.
                              This thought is so adorably cute: a clumsy, awkward wraith. I love it.


                              Greeeeeaat. Now I have this mental image of Penny Wraith as a 10-month old Labrador puppy.



                                I loved that bit of the blooper reel too! I was of course hoping to see Todd do something silly but Christopher is too much of a professional for that

                                Speaking of Chris...I was watching Season 7 of Smallville yesterday and hearing him say "I love you Kara" made my heart leap out of my body and fly to another country. Just as well it came back because I replayed that part 30 or so times! It's easy for me to close my eyes and hear Todd saying "I love you Cassandra" instead!! MAJOR THUNK!!!

                                I changed the Wraith tag pic to say Who? instead of What the?:

                                What the? is a segment from an Australian show that most people won't get so Who? is better.

                                You know why I couldn't find the "public" option for my photo album? Because the font was black on a black background. Silly me had to hightlight the box to see the text.

                                PS: And Todd's gonna be in 2 more episodes!
                                (Sorry I've been saying that out loud to everyone over the last two days and now it's crept onto my keyboard too!). There are some people I live with who have actually started to throttle me over it.
                                Cass Todd -

