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    Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
    I replied there too (hee hee hee)

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
      I replied in the Todd appreciation thread.

      Noooo, I loved it! Wraith sure know how to build magnificent transports. It reminded me of the queen arrival in "Allies", in a good way. This ship landing in the 302 bay was impressive, frightening and beautiful.

      I know they are; we've got rather obvious spoilers, including a video. I fear the next episode will feel like a damp squib after such a great one. Let's face it, I loved the new bad guys arrival. They are evil wraith mass-murderers, but evil wraith mass-murderers with style. But Asgards?! Meh, sounds lame.

      OK, I keep Todd.

      Found these ones

      THANK YOU! One of them is becoming wallpaper. Not as good as you guys make, but...

      As for the Lost Tribe...

      Asgards... how boring.

      Originally posted by MCH View Post
      **** looks around so she doesn't trip over T64 who still in gutter*****
      Hey, watch out! That's my feeding hand you've stepped on. Kenny and I like it down here, if you don't mind...

      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
      Super big spoilers and response to this:
      I have heard exactly the same thing. I think I heard it at the convention I went to this summer. Anyhow, I believe the Asgard are now an almost extinct race of people thanks to the wraith. So, the Asgard want the wraith to go bye-bye. Though, I don't know how those skinny guys would fit into those regular looking suits.

      That's what I thought so, also. I hoped, though. Boring...

      Originally posted by MCH View Post
      Yes you are

      Seriously not telling cos that person could be wrong. Also if I did I'd spoil everybody's fun and that's not fair. He was a real fool to do what he did. Good job he wasn't on this thread cos he'd not got out alive. They pulled no punches in their comments.


      PS Scfi channnel has just let the cat out of the bag about the lost tribe -damn.
      Well, I won't go to the SciFi. If it's not who/what I think it should be, or hoped it would be... blah.

      ***Going back into the gutter to catch up with Kenny and Douglas. They're working on the undercarriage of their transport ship.***
      HONOR. A story.



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Coolness! This picture reminds me of an evil grinning mosquito...with a long, slit-like eye. Anyone else see it?

        I love it when they give me that evil grin.
        HONOR. A story.



          Hi, Sparrow hawk! Long time, no see!

          AAAAAHHHHH!!! I need a TODD FIX!!! Any ideas????!



            Oh Das yor Song is Great... But I have one from a german board and it´s in german... I try to translate it

            Orginal German:

            ein wraith der steht im walde ganz still und stumm,
            er sieht sich nach nem menschelein zum laben um !
            warum steht er da nur rum ?
            weshalb geht er nicht herum ?
            weil er keinen jäger hat ,
            den hat wer kaputtgemacht !

            ein wraith der steht im walde ganz still und stumm,
            er hat jetzt einen menschen und er bringt ihn um !
            jetzt geht es ihm wieder gut ,
            nur jetzt packt ihn seine wut !
            wer hat seinen jähäger kaputt gemacht ??

            er geht in den wald hinein,
            vom laufen tut ihm weh sein bein !
            der wraith er fängt gleich an zu wein´n !
            ach scheiss doch auf den jähäger das sagt der wraith !!
            ich fahre jetzt nach hause und ich geh ins bett !!

            zweiter teil :

            der wraith er kommt jetzt an am schiff
            die königin ist angepisst ,
            "wer hat deinen jähäger kaputt ge-macht?"
            "pass auf ihn auf das hab ich doch ge-sagt!"

            der wraith er weiss nicht was zu tun,
            er will jetzt einfach nurnoch ruhn !
            doch unser wraith der könnte kotzen
            die königin hat sein quartier verschlossen !

            wutentbrannt rennt er zurück
            "was soll das denn du altes stück?"
            die königin der wraith sie faucht ihn an,
            da wird dem wraith glatt angst und bang

            ich werd den jenen welchen finden
            und ihn an ein bäumchen binden ,
            so sprachs unser wraith und ging
            er hat ein neues schiff bekommen
            was ein ding

            durch das stargate gings zurück
            dieses a**** reiss ich in stück
            wo ist denn dieser mann versteckt
            mit glück ist er bereits verreckt

            der wraith er steht schon wie-hieder im walde rum
            er wirkt gar so als hätt er nichts zu tun
            im dorfe hat man ihn entdeckt
            "ein wraith er ist im wald versteckt!"

            der wraith er hat ihn ausge-macht
            dieser mann hat seinen jähäger kaputt ge-macht
            komm mal her du alte sau
            den hintern ich dir jetzt verhau
            der wraith hat seinen job echt gut ge-macht
            der mann hat einen mohonat im stehn ver-bracht !

            zuhause auf dem mutterschiff
            die königin ist ganz entzückt
            du hast deinen jähäger zurück ge-bracht
            drum wünsche ich dir wohlverdiente GU-TE NACHT !!!

            -entgültiges ende-

            Translated (Very Bad Excuse!!!)

            One Wraith stand in the wood quite still and silent,
            he sees himself after his human order to feast!
            why he stands as only ?
            why does he not around?
            because he has no hunters,
            the corrupt who has done!

            One Wraith stand in the wood quite still and silent,
            He now has a decent and he brings it around!
            now it is him well again,
            only now it packs it s anger!
            who has made his Dart broken down?

            He goes into the forest,
            does he run from his leg hurt!
            The Wraith, he immediately begins to be crying!
            oh **** but on the Dart says the Wraith!
            Now I drive home and I go to bed!

            Part Two:

            The Wraith he's now on ship
            The Queen is pissed now,
            "Who has broken your Dart making?"
            "pass it on to the I but says!"

            The Wraith he does not know what to do
            Now he just wants to resting!
            but we could Wraith of puke
            The Queen has sealed his quartier!

            enraged he runs back
            "What should you because the old piece?"
            Queen of the Wraith it hissed at him
            since the Wraith is smooth and fearful bang

            I will find what those
            him to a tree tie,
            Thus spoke our Wraith and went
            He has a new boat will
            what a ding

            Stargate went through the back
            this **** a piece I snatch
            where is this man hiding
            with luck, he is already dead

            The Wraith as he is already in wood
            he even acts as if he had nothing to do
            in the village has discovered it
            "a Wraith he is hiding in the forest!"

            The Wraith he has selected it makes
            This man has broken his Dart
            come forth thou ancient times
            the rear, I beat you now
            The Wraith has a really good job making
            the man has a different stand in month brought!

            home to the mother ship
            The Queen is quite delighted
            you have your Dart brought back,
            I wish you well-deserved GOOD NIGHT!

            I hope you understand it....


              Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
              Oh Das yor Song is Great... But I have one from a german board and it´s in german... I try to translate it...

              Translated (Very Bad Excuse!!!)

              One Wraith stand in the wood quite still and silent,
              he sees himself after his human order to feast!
              why he stands as only ?
              why does he not around?
              because he has no hunters,
              the corrupt who has done!

              One Wraith stand in the wood quite still and silent,
              He now has a decent and he brings it around!
              now it is him well again,
              only now it packs it s anger!
              who has made his Dart broken down?

              He goes into the forest,
              does he run from his leg hurt!
              The Wraith, he immediately begins to be crying!
              oh **** but on the Dart says the Wraith!
              Now I drive home and I go to bed!

              Part Two:

              The Wraith he's now on ship
              The Queen is pissed now,
              "Who has broken your Dart making?"
              "pass it on to the I but says!"

              The Wraith he does not know what to do
              Now he just wants to resting!
              but we could Wraith of puke
              The Queen has sealed his quartier!

              enraged he runs back
              "What should you because the old piece?"
              Queen of the Wraith it hissed at him
              since the Wraith is smooth and fearful bang

              I will find what those
              him to a tree tie,
              Thus spoke our Wraith and went
              He has a new boat will
              what a ding

              Stargate went through the back
              this **** a piece I snatch
              where is this man hiding
              with luck, he is already dead

              The Wraith as he is already in wood
              he even acts as if he had nothing to do
              in the village has discovered it
              "a Wraith he is hiding in the forest!"

              The Wraith he has selected it makes
              This man has broken his Dart
              come forth thou ancient times
              the rear, I beat you now
              The Wraith has a really good job making
              the man has a different stand in month brought!

              home to the mother ship
              The Queen is quite delighted
              you have your Dart brought back,
              I wish you well-deserved GOOD NIGHT!

              I hope you understand it....
              Yes, I understood it - Especially that last part.

              Is that a song parody (like mine)? What that means is that you take the words of a popular song, and change them to fit the Wraith. The song I used is an old song by The Beach Boys called 'Fun, Fun, Fun'. So, is your song based on a popular song, or is it an orginal song, made just for the Wraith??



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Hi, Sparrow hawk! Long time, no see!

                AAAAAHHHHH!!! I need a TODD FIX!!! Any ideas????!

                Hi everyone! Sorry I've been out of touch so long. I was in Italy, then got back and found that my computer internet browser wasn't working. It's fixed now and I'm trying to catch up on everything! I haven't watched Trackers yet, but did see The Queen and First Contact, two wonderful episodes that reveal so much about Todd! Das, I can't help you much with your Todd craving other than to chat about him a bit:

                Queen and First Contact spoilers:
                Todd proved himself once again to be a brilliant manipulator of the humans in The Queen, using them to re-establish himself as leader of the Alliance. w00t!

                And then the follow-up in First Contact when Woolsey and crew show up and request that Todd fulfill his end of the bargain by proceeding with the gene therapy research -- Todd was so uncharacteristically rude and brusque with Woolsey. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't being his usual smooth, charming self until that amazing scene with Keller. "But then, what would we do? Who would we be?" It gave me chills. Eliminating the Wraith's ability and need to feed on humans would completely re-define the species. Todd realizes that and sees with painful clarity that his choices will determine the future of his race. Todd truly wants the best for his people. He just isn't sure yet about the right course to take. What a terrible burden to bear. No wonder the poor guy is so edgy. CH did an amazing job of acting in both shows!

                I thought it was interesting that Todd never once suggested that he would be willing to take the therapy. He suggests a strategic use for it, giving it to soldiers with a limited life expectancy to conserve scarce resources, and says something about having reservations about asking those around him to take it for the benefit of humanity. What did the rest of you think?

                I thought it was really cool that Todd knew instantly why the cruisers exploded when they tried to jump to hyperspace. And that he knew the name of a device that was only used for about 3 days 10,000 years ago - probably during the war with the Ancients. I think that pretty well confirms that Todd was there fighting in the war 10,000 years ago and was most likely a high ranking commander, privy to all sorts of top secret information.

                das and degilwin, I love the songs!

                I'll try to catch up on reading posts and checking out the artwork later this week. Now I'm off to work.
                Sparrow hawk



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Yes, I understood it - Especially that last part.

                  Is that a song parody (like mine)? What that means is that you take the words of a popular song, and change them to fit the Wraith. The song I used is an old song by The Beach Boys called 'Fun, Fun, Fun'. So, is your song based on a popular song, or is it an orginal song, made just for the Wraith??

                  This song is a quite well known children song in Germany and Austria



                    Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                    Hi everyone!
                    Welcome back, world traveler! Hope you had a great time!

                    Queen and First Contact spoilers:
                    Todd proved himself once again to be a brilliant manipulator of the humans in The Queen, using them to re-establish himself as leader of the Alliance. w00t!

                    And then the follow-up in First Contact when Woolsey and crew show up and request that Todd fulfill his end of the bargain by proceeding with the gene therapy research -- Todd was so uncharacteristically rude and brusque with Woolsey. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't being his usual smooth, charming self until that amazing scene with Keller. "But then, what would we do? Who would we be?" It gave me chills. Eliminating the Wraith's ability and need to feed on humans would completely re-define the species. Todd realizes that and sees with painful clarity that his choices will determine the future of his race. Todd truly wants the best for his people. He just isn't sure yet about the right course to take. What a terrible burden to bear. No wonder the poor guy is so edgy. CH did an amazing job of acting in both shows!

                    I thought it was interesting that Todd never once suggested that he would be willing to take the therapy. He suggests a strategic use for it, giving it to soldiers with a limited life expectancy to conserve scarce resources, and says something about having reservations about asking those around him to take it for the benefit of humanity. What did the rest of you think?

                    I thought it was really cool that Todd knew instantly why the cruisers exploded when they tried to jump to hyperspace. And that he knew the name of a device that was only used for about 3 days 10,000 years ago - probably during the war with the Ancients. I think that pretty well confirms that Todd was there fighting in the war 10,000 years ago and was most likely a high ranking commander, privy to all sorts of top secret information.
                    I'm majorly multitasking this morn - laundry, cleaning up, showering, getting ready for work, etc...but will comment on one thing:

                    I couldn't agree with you more about what you've said, especially at how well Chris handled this role in both episodes. BUT...I never realized that Todd, personally, has not agreed to try the therapy...hmmmm. Gives me much to think about. Obviously, he LIKES the taste of human defiance. Says a lot about him...he's not quick to jump on something new, despite the Hoffan-poisoned humans out there, and all. And, maybe he just prefers feeding on humans.

                    A Wraith like Shawn, I would think, would have no problem switching to normal food because he enjoyed it already. But Todd? He didn't even attempt to eat the fruit - and the way he put it down on the table suggested, to me, a lack of familiarity with the food, and a rejection of it. I wonder if Todd has ever eaten normal food, if even just for a moment's pleasure, or whether he has no interest in it at all.

                    Personally, I prefer Todd as a human feeder, just because it gives him such a great edge, and then there is the humor, mainly aimed at Rodney. But the only way we can hope for Todd to be saved, is if he accepts the therapy. Otherwise, he will always be the 'enemy'.



                      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                      This song is a quite well known children song in Germany and Austria

                      Aaaah! What is the name of it?? Can I hear it anywhere on the internet??



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Aaaah! What is the name of it?? Can I hear it anywhere on the internet??

                        Ein Männlein steht im Walde

                        sorry, can't find a suitable version of it for you, and I am in a hurry to get my bus to my holidays. sorry

                        have a good week!



                          Thanks! I'll see if I can find the song somewhere.

                          Heads up -
                          I started a thread on McKay and Jackson's lack of concern over the destruction of the Wraith - and thought that some of you might want to weigh in with your opinions.


                          I posted it in the First Contact forum, instead of here, because I wanted more than just our opinions. But I'm sure I'll be blasted for it, so any back-up would be appreciated!



                            Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                            Hi everyone! Sorry I've been out of touch so long. I was in Italy, then got back and found that my computer internet browser wasn't working. It's fixed now and I'm trying to catch up on everything! I haven't watched Trackers yet, but did see The Queen and First Contact, two wonderful episodes that reveal so much about Todd! Das, I can't help you much with your Todd craving other than to chat about him a bit:

                            Queen and First Contact spoilers:
                            Todd proved himself once again to be a brilliant manipulator of the humans in The Queen, using them to re-establish himself as leader of the Alliance. w00t!

                            And then the follow-up in First Contact when Woolsey and crew show up and request that Todd fulfill his end of the bargain by proceeding with the gene therapy research -- Todd was so uncharacteristically rude and brusque with Woolsey. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't being his usual smooth, charming self until that amazing scene with Keller. "But then, what would we do? Who would we be?" It gave me chills. Eliminating the Wraith's ability and need to feed on humans would completely re-define the species. Todd realizes that and sees with painful clarity that his choices will determine the future of his race. Todd truly wants the best for his people. He just isn't sure yet about the right course to take. What a terrible burden to bear. No wonder the poor guy is so edgy. CH did an amazing job of acting in both shows!

                            I thought it was interesting that Todd never once suggested that he would be willing to take the therapy. He suggests a strategic use for it, giving it to soldiers with a limited life expectancy to conserve scarce resources, and says something about having reservations about asking those around him to take it for the benefit of humanity. What did the rest of you think?

                            I thought it was really cool that Todd knew instantly why the cruisers exploded when they tried to jump to hyperspace. And that he knew the name of a device that was only used for about 3 days 10,000 years ago - probably during the war with the Ancients. I think that pretty well confirms that Todd was there fighting in the war 10,000 years ago and was most likely a high ranking commander, privy to all sorts of top secret information.

                            das and degilwin, I love the songs!

                            I'll try to catch up on reading posts and checking out the artwork later this week. Now I'm off to work.
                            This is a very interesting and excelleng observation. I missed all the nuances in that, although I viewed it about four times. I guess it registered at the periphery of my mind, and now that you put it so well, yes, now I understand a lot better.

                            The fact that Todd knew about the weapon did strike me as well, as did everyone I think, as very revealing of his age, origins and past. He is indeed different among the Wraiths, although of course, there are probably others like him, an 'old soul.'

                            And by the way, I did notice one small, small detail--when Todd, Kenny and the other Wraith (Douglas, I call him...) first came on board of the Daedalus, Kenny really looked around. I wonder...
                            HONOR. A story.



                              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                              First Contact spoilers:
                              I thought it was interesting that Todd never once suggested that he would be willing to take the therapy. He suggests a strategic use for it, giving it to soldiers with a limited life expectancy to conserve scarce resources, and says something about having reservations about asking those around him to take it for the benefit of humanity. What did the rest of you think?
                              Yep, I noticed too. Yet, the way he says "it will be very difficult for me to ask those around me to give themselves over for the good of the human race" made me wonder if, for him, the good of the human race does matter. I suspect he, himself, is willing to make some concessions, although such a sacrifice is understandably hard to accept. I think he fears losing his "wraithness", not so much because of the feeding process itself but because it means altering his DNA to make him more human... Almost a hybrid like Michael. He can't like the thought.

                              About Todd in "The Queen":
                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              But Todd? He didn't even attempt to eat the fruit - and the way he put it down on the table suggested, to me, a lack of familiarity with the food, and a rejection of it. I wonder if Todd has ever eaten normal food, if even just for a moment's pleasure, or whether he has no interest in it at all.
                              I don't know, I interpreted the same scene otherwise: To me, it seemed that he doesn't care much about pointless pleasure. I believe he likes feeding on humans more because it gives him his strength, ability to heal and longevity, as Kenny explains, than because he enjoys it. He is a pragmatist.
                              My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                              Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                                @ das here is this Song in Orginal and Yes it´s a song for Children:


                                I hope I could help you

