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    Hey - I think they stole my idea! LOLOL! I just went back and read my 'Stray Cats' story that I posted here back in May (I'm sure First Contact was written by then, but STILL! ) Two parts, at the beginning of my story:

    (There are three Wraith in this story - for the sake of visualization, main Wraith is a cross between Steve and Bob - picture the two silent ones as something like the leering Edward Sleazyhands, and the more subdued Penny Wraith)

    Now - I know that the three Wraith in FC were Kenny, Todd and Billy (was that Billy?). In my story, Todd was still on his ship. Still...this is the scene we saw - Todd, the one doing the talking, while two stood silent behind him, one leering (to me, it was Kenny), one more subdued.

    The tattooed Wraith huffed, and looked away. “We do not have time for an exchange of insincere pleasantries,” he snarled to no one in particular. “Our hive will be here shortly, and our Commander expects all arrangements to be completed by the time he arrives.” Slowly he returned his gaze to Sheppard. “You promised us sustenance - that is why we are here. Nothing more.”

    Okay - was this not very similar to the exchange between Woolsey and Todd??? I'm just sayin'...lolol.

    I should get roylaties.



      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      The other part that totally slays me is:
      After Todd speaks to his people (which, don't ask me why, I REALLY found him sexy what he did with the whole earpiece and everything.


      EDIT: @das - LOL about the Keller thing. Hey, why not? Maybe he can use the gene therapy on her and make her his new Queen. (Since he's now probably *very* wary of Teyla! )

      Earpiece!Todd was yummy! What I always wanted to see... *g*

      Oh, and please put the appropriate things in spoiler tags, like I've done in the quote, please! The forum has certain rules, you see...

      Originally posted by masterling View Post

      That would be too funny!!!! Todd would definitely win that one. Rodney would give up or pass out and we alll know that todd could take ronon. And as for keller, i think she kinda has a thing for bad a$$ boys, and who is the bigger bad A$$...Todd, commander of an alliance of bad boys clad in leather, and after the cool "glow sticks" i bet he is way better to party with than ronon. (if he was hiddn those big sticks in his sleeve, just imagine what else he is hiddn )
      I'm soooo *not*

      starting the Todd/Keller Ship & Discussion Thread, lol! Someone else'll need to do it!

      Maybe it's because he senses she's played a Wraith girl in a different life... *g*

      And yes, Rodney does have a bad a$$...

      Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
      Todd losing two more ships was so heartbreaking.
      It was sooo...

      heartbreaking, in fact, that it needs spoiler tags, too...

      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      HA! Just went through the credits and they named the Wraith from The Queen's hive. So no more Lemmy, instead he's Billy!

      Edit: Billy Wraith played by James Chutter.

      They named him? Where could we vote for that?

      Billy? Seems like they indeed are going to try to use up every silly name possible!

      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      I agree, the infirmary scene is sad, but it's also a nice insight into todd. it adds a new layer to his character. is it me or has the team (at least sheppard and keller) been a bit more sympathetic towards todd? or understanding of his situation?
      We could already see

      him 'opening up' so much in The Queen, the whole 'sorry', 'welcome to my Hive', 'please, sit', 'am I disturbing you', etc. He's really making an effort in having that coalition work.

      I do hope that they aren't always going to write him like that, in a way, because they're humanizing him A LOT in this season, so far. It's not like things ended in a very fluffy way in 'The Kindred I' that they now, suddenly have to almost pet each other, right?

      Oh, and can you already see the possibilities for Enemy At The Gate? If one of those he brings in don't agree with the treatment, they now have access to hyperdrives that don't explode thanks to the Attero Device... He just keeps silent, and when it's okay, he can bail and fly to a bigger enemy alliance, or whatever, and offer up the data on the hyperdrives. Since he can also tell them about the possible 'future' for the Wraith, they'll just decide to go to Earth, another location they have from the Daedalus. Todd had better fight on the Lanteans' side, if he's in there to fight, that is. Because you can't chase a group of updated Hives with older versions, so to speak... Maybe he'll come to warn the Lanteans, an that's it?

      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      Still, if I knew that monster could suck the life out of me with his hand and that was his main ambition in life, my knees would still be knocking!
      *Watches mfw's knees knock*

      Oh, he'd so 'help' you with his calming voice! *g*

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Kenny didn't say a word, but he was absolutely GORGEOUS standing behind Todd. His buddy wasn't bad, either. But Kenny just had this expression on his face - I don't think it was planned, but to me it was like he was thinking, 'Humans to the left of me, humans to the right, and here I am, stuck in the middle with Todd..." (adapted from the old song, 'Stuck in the Middle With You').


      Todd seemed a bit depressed, and for exactly what you said. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
      Since the first part of your post was about FC, I've put it in tags. Maybe you could do the same...

      I hope that,

      next episode, or in Infection, they'll just tell him what happened in the AT, so he'll know what he's fighting for: his own survival, and death isn't far off.

      Like he said, those who seem more likely to fall in battle can feed on different things, too big a loss to have them feed on humans, and die 5 minutes later...

      That might leave the cullings restricted to mostly the faced Wraith, and perhaps a certain amount of Warriors to serve as pre-tasters.

      I liked how Todd confided in Keller. It was nice to see him speak his mind freely. She’s the first one he’s actually opened up to, besides Sheppard back in prison. He torments Rodney, tries to out-snark Sheppard, stands up to Ronon, and is baffled by Teyla. But Keller? He lets his guard down with her. I find it an interesting writing choice, since the same scene could have taken place between Todd and Kenny, with no human ever knowing their apprehensions.
      Just imagine...

      *Todd lands his shuttle*

      *Doors go open*

      *Teyla standing there, right in front of him, in the hallway*

      Think he would have snarled that she was 'checking up' on him again?

      I would like to know if there was any collaboration between this episode and The Queen as far as their interaction goes. I say this because in The Queen, Todd speaks soothingly to Keller, perhaps sensing her nervousness over having to explain the Michael thing to another Wraith. He knows she’s not full of ego like Rodney and Shep and Ronon, and even Teyla. Keller is different. Perhaps he senses her compassion, perhaps he doesn’t see her as a threat, who knows. But I really liked it, I liked how he let his guard down with her instead of someone else, then caught himself, and went back to work. I wonder if there was anything planned there between the two episodes to show character development between these two, or if it just worked out that way by ‘accident’.
      Or maybe...

      he's just spotting an innocent looking young blond girl, and there's a certain itch in his hand during that.

      Come on, he must like constantly be determining and order in which to feed off the Lanteans, if he ever gets pushed into it.

      Yeah, okay, that won't happen, because he's not one to follow his hand, but, you know... For silliness' sake, it's ok to say it once.

      That also said, YES!! Sheppard and his ‘I have a relationship with Todd’ was a hoot! It just plays right into my theory that Sheppard wants Todd, BAD. See how disappointed he was that he couldn’t cozy up to the big green fella on this mission? Poor guy - absolutely gutted. Like I said a few days back - it’s not McKay Shep is eyeing up, but his old dinner date. That ‘gift of life’ must be a hellava thing…like oysters smothered in Love Potion #9.

      Notice the part I put in bold:
      Todd's 'confession' to Keller. If you didn't catch it, watch it again - he really let his guard down, then he caught himself. It was a very 'human' moment...he was NOT being Wraith there...he was letting his weakness show. Is he getting tired? Or is Keller just the sort who wins men's hearts? God - can you see it? Ronon, Rodney AND Todd, all competing for Keller's affections??! LOLOL...
      Yeah, I think that...

      he's getting tired, as you say. I mean, who wouldn't be? The huge responsibility he has on his shoulders right now. Normally it's a Queen and a Commander that rule the alliance together. He might just start to realize how much of a responsibility it is, and how *maybe* that one Primary wasn't doing too bad a job at it after all.

      There's a whole alliance to meet too, maybe, so you kind of know what fish you got in your bowl, er, yeah.

      Todd is also the one to become more human with other people, 'thanks to' all the time he spent in jail next to those others in captivity, so maybe he 'breaks' more easily, will turn quicker to his human part, or the kind of talking he did in Common Ground. He of course also knows that, when dealing with humans, you have to show yourself a bit, or an act of being more human, since you can't all be uptight all the time. You chase them away quicker, and your race will be scre- you get the point.

      Originally posted by SpetzAU
      OK, I know this is the pro-Wraith thread but please refer to the aforementioned as the esteemed "D Jackson, PhD"
      Last edited by GoSpikey; 27 September 2008, 08:30 AM. Reason: Fixed my 1 typo, and let naami's sit there. ;)

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
        starting the Todd/Keller Ship & Discussion Thread, lol! Someone else'll need to do it!

        Maybe it's because he senses she's played a Wraith girl in a different life... *g*

        And yes, Rodney does have a bad a$$...
        as you'll be busy starting the todd/woolsey thread.

        don't you dare!



          Todd doesn't even have the littlest tiny bit of respect for Woolsey. I like it.

          Speaking about Woolsey, wasn't he gonna order Ronon to do his paperwork? When is that? When the season is done and there's no more paperwork to be done?

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Sorry, fellow Wraithies, I've been kind of quiet (actually VERY quiet). Life, ya know...

            But I had to just say --

            This was an awesome episode. Everyone was top notch. The conversation between Todd and Keller was a heart wrencher. And Todd's anger and disappointment. Endgame indeed. I do think that once again Shep and Todd will collaborate, once those two get together and get their stories right. I think that's where it's heading. Because, let's face it, that end game weapon is blowing up the gates as well...

            Whoever is the writer of this one--my hats off to him.

            That explosion of the Atlantis tower--there were some people badly hurt there. Or should have been.
            HONOR. A story.



              Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
              Whoever is the writer of this one--my hats off to him.
              martin gero wrote it.


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                martin gero wrote it.
                I will hold on until the next episode--to make sure I still like it and they don't blow it...--but I would like to find a place to comment to Martin Gero and compliment him. Next to CG, this is shaping up to be perhaps the best Todd episode. Not to overlook The Queen.
                Except in the Queen I found Tey'la... well... not sure. I was not impressed. Ok, hold the tomatoes!
                HONOR. A story.



                  Ok, just to clarify: Billy the Wraith was the Wraith listed as Bridge Officer Wraith in The Queen, played by James Chutter. In FC:
                  he is the Wraith left in command of Todd's hive while the delegation is on the Daedalus. The delegation was Todd, Kenny and a new unnamed Wraith, who looks alarmingly like my friend Josh from high school!

                  Todd's hair:
                  Yeah, I noticed the knot or the loose braid just like the one in CG. But is it me or was Todd's hair longer? Maybe he got extensions for the "special occassion"?

                  FC is available on Amazon now and I downloaded it this morning. I actually counted the time of all the Todd scenes (though not accurately all the Todd screen time - that would be too frustrating for me to count - lol) and it actually added up to:
                  4 minutes and 46 seconds! Less than 5 minutes!!! There better be more of him in TLT! I have to say, though, those precious seconds that he was on screen, every glance, every expression, every line was of enormous weight.

                  Now that I've watched the episode, uh, let's see five times now, I noticed something - an error, maybe:
                  When Todd is on the Daedalus talking to Billy on the Hive, it shows Todd on the viewscreen in the Hive. How is this being projected? I thought this was supposed to show something of their telepathic abilities, but then Todd wouldn't have had to use the comm system, right? Before we have seen this projection from hive to hive, but I don't think we've seen it from hive to Earth battle cruiser before. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

                  Finally, some non-Todd moments that I liked:

                  *Ronon's look at Rodney as he followed Keller to the Daedalus.
                  *Sheppard: "I have a relationship with Todd!" to Woolsey. LOL
                  *Woolsey: "Todd has less baggage with me than he does with you!" Jealous much, Woolsey? lol
                  *McKay to Jackson about Sheppard: "You know he could have been in Mensa" followed by their geeky school boy snickering.
                  *Caldwell's "Robert who?" to Woolsey.
                  *Sheppard in his quarters: "Oh, yes, I was just resting my eyes...Who said that?"
                  and finally
                  *McKay: "Oooh, it's like the Bat Cave!"

                  So, I did like a little bit more about this ep than just the Wraith/Todd element.



                    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                    uh, let's see five times now, I noticed something - an error, maybe:
                    When Todd is on the Daedalus talking to Billy on the Hive, it shows Todd on the viewscreen in the Hive. How is this being projected? I thought this was supposed to show something of their telepathic abilities, but then Todd wouldn't have had to use the comm system, right? Before we have seen this projection from hive to hive, but I don't think we've seen it from hive to Earth battle cruiser before. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
                    in "allies", I assume michael and the queen use their screen in the hive to communicate with atlantis' control room. isn't that basically the same thing? (I'm just guessing. I'm no tech wizard. )
                    Last edited by naamiaiset; 27 September 2008, 11:00 AM.


                      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                      in "allies", I assume michael and the queen use their screen in the hive to communicate with atlantis' control room. isn't that basically the same thing? (I'm just guessing. I'm no tech wizard. )
                      Ah, good point. At least there's a precedence, even if there's been no explanation.



                        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                        I never understood that cloning facility to be Todd's. I thought the Queen and commander that were there at the facility were the ones in situ, but maybe loosely allied with Todd. But then, when he came back with the three ZPMs, they turned against him. I always thought it was because he allied himself with Atlantis. The Queen was definitely ready enough to be rid of him and the commander appreciated his talents enough to attempt to stick his neck out for him. But my understanding was that they were there first and Todd was coming with the 3 ZPMs to negotiate with them.
                        Do we still need spoiler tags for "Spoils of War"? Anyway,

                        the way I see it, Todd was initially the only one who knew about the cloning facility. I'm unsure about how he intended to create his army, as he didn't have a queen any more since "The Seer"; perhaps he just intended to use the warriors he already had on his hive for the template. Regardless, his technician betrayed him, probably because he "feared being without a queen" and thus used the information and the ZPMs to be accepted into another hive... one WITH a queen.

                        But the other hive still needed Todd to adjust the cloning facility, because he was the only one with actual knowledge of it.

                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        He's like...Houdini. Next, he'll pull a rabbit out of his handgina!
                        Oh das! You almost made me spit my tea!

                        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                        I think Todd also recognizes and appreciates a fellow nerd!
                        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                        well, that explains his and mckay's "relationship".
                        My thoughts exactly.

                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        This is why I dont watch much tv - I hate waiting to find out how things will turn out because I worry too much. I much rather watch a two-hour movie than wait weeks, months, or even years to learn the fate of favorite characters. (And yes, I often check the end of books and movies to see how the characters fair - I need to be prepared for fictional deaths, seeing as I have no control over the real life ones.)
                        Same here! That's the reason why I love spoilers: So that I can prepare myself to whatever will come, instead of worrying endlessly. And I too have this unusual way of reading books, where I read a few first pages, then check the last pages, before going on with my reading.

                        Notice the part I put in bold:
                        Todd's 'confession' to Keller. If you didn't catch it, watch it again - he really let his guard down, then he caught himself. It was a very 'human' moment...he was NOT being Wraith there...he was letting his weakness show. Is he getting tired? Or is Keller just the sort who wins men's hearts? God - can you see it? Ronon, Rodney AND Todd, all competing for Keller's affections??! LOLOL...
                        I loved this part. Oh Todd... *cries*

                        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                        in "allies", I assume michael and the queen use their screen in the hive to communicate with atlantis' control room. isn't that basically the same thing? (I'm just guessing. I'm not a tech wizard. )
                        Yep, that's what I think too.
                        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                          After "The Queen" and now also "First Contact":

                          Where indeed did the telepathy thing go?

                          I understand they said that with people like Teyla out there, they didn't use it in between Hives in the same alliance any more, I think, but giving Todd an earpiece, even as sexy as he was while using it, couldn't they poke him telepathically? They know Teyla herself isn't around to intercept the message, and it's not like they wouldn't feel her presence...

                          Should we ask Joe?

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                            After "The Queen" and now also "First Contact":
                            Where indeed did the telepathy thing go?
                            Agreed. About "First Contact", the only explanation I can find is that
                            Todd's hive contacted him through the Daedalus communication system as a courtesy to the humans, but then, the humans offered Todd an ear radio as a courtesy. Maybe Billy didn't care much about privacy, as it wasn't anything secret?
                            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                              Did I mention here that, in The Queen:

                              It appeared to me that the Bald Commander spoke to the Warriors when he said something alike "Alert the Queen. We have intruders."?

                              How where they supposed to be telling her that?

                              Unless I missed a faced Wraith and he was supposed to do the talking?

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                                Did I mention here that, in The Queen:
                                It appeared to me that the Bald Commander spoke to the Warriors when he said something alike "Alert the Queen. We have intruders."?
                                How where they supposed to be telling her that?
                                Unless I missed a faced Wraith and he was supposed to do the talking?
                                Good question... I wondered exactly the same thing. I suppose
                                Todd got the telepathic message from them and said it aloud for Teyla, or something like that.

                                PS: I'm so depressed after "First Contact". Todd was as great as always but his parts just broke my heart.
                                My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                                Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)

