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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

    Notice the part I put in bold:
    Todd's 'confession' to Keller. If you didn't catch it, watch it again - he really let his guard down, then he caught himself. It was a very 'human' moment...he was NOT being Wraith there...he was letting his weakness show. Is he getting tired? Or is Keller just the sort who wins men's hearts? God - can you see it? Ronon, Rodney AND Todd, all competing for Keller's affections??! LOLOL...

    I just saw the episode myself (hee hee--yesterday Sat.) and I have to say it was great, really great. These are my thoughts on the whole interaction between Todd and ... you know
    Keller. I think Todd is the sort of character that always anticipates a not so "happy" outcome. In terms of his feelings about the betrayal, when I go back and look at his face, it seems that he is grieved and torn and ambivalent all at the same time. Nonetheless, he is a wraith of action and matters must be dealt with quickly, then feelings are sorted out later. If he wanted to take over the ship, it was quite obvious he had the means to do so as soon as he entered it (with that glow stick thingy), but he only used it when direly threatened--which he was. So, for his part it seems he was dealing on the up and up. This would make sense as he had developed more that a tenuous trust with the humans.

    Re: Keller. As we've discussed here to death, Todd is not a stock type character; he is not black and white, he is not a baddie; he is not a goodie. As JM had said previously, he responds logically in any given situation. What this directly implies is that he is a wraith of reason, one who appreciates it and desires it from others.
    He knows that with these particular humans, the humanity he has can be expressed. This does fulfill a need for him which is not "openly" permitted in his culture. I believe he was "thinking aloud" to Keller, and honestly, this particular human culture gives him the needed permission to do this. I keep rethinking in my head what I would have said were I in Keller's position.

    [I think the wraith are beautiful bla bla bla....]

    Re: Who the Wraith are.
    Todd's scant vulnerable thoughts have told us more about all of wraith culture than I think we've seen in five years. Two brief sentences and he summarized their whole self identity. "What would we do?" "Who would we be?"

    In the arena of critical logic, a unit I have to teach my grade 12 students, often definitions occur because of what one is not. In other words, when there is no known explanation for a phenomenon, one way of defining "it" is by stating what it is not. For instance, early explorers to Australia did not know what the little duck-billed, egg-laying rodent (platypus) "it" was, but they could tell what it was not: not a duck, and not a rodent. Thus, a new category was introduced. The platypus is the last of its particular branch of monotremes (mammals that lay eggs). Eventually, it was determined to be a "rodent" of sorts in that it is a mammal.

    To sum up, the wraith have defined themselves by what they do not want to be "human". They have spent their entire existence defining themselves this way. It is a paradox we have heard several times: the wraith make comparisons to humanity, have stated our great similarities, yet have always considered humanity an anathema to them. It is almost like a culture of self loathing--no wonder they value life (even their own kind) so little.

    So, whether the wraith are more buggy or more human, the issue Todd seems to be wrestling with is the state of the wraith's "humanity"; Indeed only their humanity (even if they are only half and originated from insects) affords them the things they have: culture, language, intellect, bipedal motion, philosophy, snappy sense of fashion. This is the paradox Todd is wrestling with. This is the paradox Victorian society wrestled with when they realized that "WE ARE" essentially hairless apes.

    Last edited by Wraith Cake; 28 September 2008, 06:09 PM. Reason: No reason, just sittin' 'round rereading posts.
    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
      Beware the spoilers for season 5 episodes. Anyway...
      I watched the episode again twice (actually, once in full and the second time only the new aliens intrusion on Atlantis and the Todd parts ) and yeah, he seems really uneasy. I believe he's torn about whether or not he should accept the therapy. It must be really difficult to face such a drastic change after 10,000 years of basically no evolution... I believe the worst part is that nobody, except Keller, is willing to acknowledge how hard this choice is for him.

      But I don't think the opportunity to reject the therapy is the reason why he instantly suspected them of activating the Attero device. It seems rather obvious that Todd was already around 10,000 years ago, so he probably witnessed the effect. His hive might have captured some Ancients alive after that and obtained information about the device. And today, he knows the Atlantis team are the only ones in the galaxy capable of knowingly activating Ancient technology.

      Add to that that Woolsey's tentative speech and overall self-satisfaction was so not in tune with his own mood that he might have suspected the humans of something even before he saw his ships being destroyed. "Today is an historic day" and "I'm glad to hear that" must have sounded really bad to Todd, so when the Attero device destroyed his cruisers, there was only one logical conclusion. He might believe that Caldwell genuinely doesn't know what happened, though.
      I completely agree. I would say your observations are dead on.

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally Posted by Laura Dove
        Beware the spoilers for season 5 episodes. Anyway...
        But I don't think the opportunity to reject the therapy is the reason why he instantly suspected them of activating the Attero device. It seems rather obvious that Todd was already around 10,000 years ago, so he probably witnessed the effect. His hive might have captured some Ancients alive after that and obtained information about the device. And today, he knows the Atlantis team are the only ones in the galaxy capable of knowingly activating Ancient technology.

        Add to that that Woolsey's tentative speech and overall self-satisfaction was so not in tune with his own mood that he might have suspected the humans of something even before he saw his ships being destroyed. "Today is an historic day" and "I'm glad to hear that" must have sounded really bad to Todd, so when the Attero device destroyed his cruisers, there was only one logical conclusion. He might believe that Caldwell genuinely doesn't know what happened, though.
        Ya, you're right...if Todd is dealing with people he's not comfortable with it would be natural to be more defensive/aggressive. I hadn't thought of those comments as so "foreshadowing" when I first heard them. Boy, I'm glad you guys have the time to rewatch the episodes and get all the possible angles!
        "You look absolutely...delicious!" (Last words heard by several various Atlanteans.)


          It's kind of late here and I've been reading through all the comments (eyes getting bug-like from all this reading...). Not much to add to the thorough discussion.

          However, something kind of wild crossed my mind--

          It all started when I watched FC again and focused on other details that kind of slipped by. One detail really got me to pause--when Daniel stares after the new aliens and says: "I wonder what's under that armor (or inside the armor, or some such words.) Now, generally, this is a subtle and not so subtle writer's way to tell the audience--"pay attention here!" They're building a mystery here that started with Zelenka and Shep trying to cut through the armor. What was it so important underneath that it should explode rather than be discovered? Then I connected it with the title of the second episode--Lost Tribe. What tribe? Lost from where?

          Now, I ask you to think about how the armored aliens' voice sounded. Just listen to it.

          Coincidence? The special sound effect people couldn't think of another type of voice?

          What do you think? Lost Tribe? Whose Tribe?

          On another topic--was it only me who found the Wraith transport that brought Todd to the Daedalus kind of bad @ss sexy?
          HONOR. A story.



            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
            It's kind of late here and I've been reading through all the comments (eyes getting bug-like from all this reading...). Not much to add to the thorough discussion.

            However, something kind of wild crossed my mind--

            It all started when I watched FC again and focused on other details that kind of slipped by. One detail really got me to pause--when Daniel stares after the new aliens and says: "I wonder what's under that armor (or inside the armor, or some such words.) Now, generally, this is a subtle and not so subtle writer's way to tell the audience--"pay attention here!" They're building a mystery here that started with Zelenka and Shep trying to cut through the armor. What was it so important underneath that it should explode rather than be discovered? Then I connected it with the title of the second episode--Lost Tribe. What tribe? Lost from where?

            Now, I ask you to think about how the armored aliens' voice sounded. Just listen to it.

            Coincidence? The special sound effect people couldn't think of another type of voice?

            What do you think? Lost Tribe? Whose Tribe?
            Big spoiler - maybe:
            I *think* the lost tribe are supposed to be Asgards. I really don't care. I just want the Wraith murderers dead.

            On another topic--was it only me who found the Wraith transport that brought Todd to the Daedalus kind of bad @ss sexy?
            Absolutely, totally badass sexy. TOTALLY. Just perfect for Todd and Kenny...and that other guy.



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Big spoiler - maybe:
              I *think* the lost tribe are supposed to be Asgards. I really don't care. I just want the Wraith murderers dead.

              Absolutely, totally badass sexy. TOTALLY. Just perfect for Todd and Kenny...and that other guy.

              Agree. They need to be dead. However...

              I am not sure they are Asgards. Although somewhere, some place I think I read that it was Asgard technology. Somehow, though, I don't think they followed that path. I was thinking of something else. I am probably so far off, that I better just let it go.

              As for...

              ...the third Wraith. Oh, yes. Sexy badass Wraith! We need a name. Douglas? Just kidding. But, I tell you, I could watch that Wraith transport over and over. It's so... so... beautifully Wraith.
              HONOR. A story.



                Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                ...the third Wraith. Oh, yes. Sexy badass Wraith! We need a name. Douglas? Just kidding. But, I tell you, I could watch that Wraith transport over and over. It's so... so... beautifully Wraith.
                Exactly. Mr. Das watched the ep tonight for the first time, and he even commented on how cool it looked. Great lines, great detail - sexy and beautiful, like the ones who created it (the Wraith, not the FX department ).

                Okay - I just posted a bit of silliness in the First Contact forum - under 'it's been confirmed...' I hope it doesn't get me in trouble...



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Big spoiler - maybe:
                  I *think* the lost tribe are supposed to be Asgards. I really don't care. I just want the Wraith murderers dead.

                  in SOW, todd said, "my intention was to create an army to wipe out other wraith."

                  that puts him (or at least used to) with the same goal as the *insert FC alien race here*. you wouldn't have wanted todd to die also had he been successful... would you?

                  it's kind of ironic. todd tried to do away with wraith not allied to him and now he's conflicted as to what's in his species best interest.
                  Last edited by naamiaiset; 29 September 2008, 06:28 AM.


                    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                    in SOW, todd said, "my intention was to create an army to wipe out other wraith."

                    that puts him (or at least used to) with the same goal as the *insert FC alien race here*. you wouldn't have wanted todd to die also had he been successful... would you?

                    it's kind of ironic. todd tried to do away with wraith not allied to him and now he's conflicted as to what's in his species best interest.
                    But Todd didn't want to wipe out ALL Wraith. And surely, as he grew stronger he could expect hives to join him against the others, so that - in the end - more Wraith would stand with him than against him. So, even with his cloning plan, it was an attempt to save his kind, not annihilate them.

                    But now he's worried, conflicted. 'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown' - that's what we are seeing now.

                    Poor Todd...



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      But Todd didn't want to wipe out ALL Wraith. And surely, as he grew stronger he could expect hives to join him against the others, so that - in the end - more Wraith would stand with him than against him. So, even with his cloning plan, it was an attempt to save his kind, not annihilate them.
                      I know. I said those "not allied to him". it's a good thing todd failed. imagine if he'd wiped out half of his species only to have the hoff plague unleashed to wipe out the rest.

                      even todd's luck isn't that bad.
                      Last edited by naamiaiset; 29 September 2008, 05:47 PM.


                        Okay - I just posted a bit of silliness in the First Contact forum - under 'it's been confirmed...' I hope it doesn't get me in trouble...

                        Hum somebody did cos they told everybody who the lost tribe was, and put the link in to a website. The Mods closed the thread due to a rather annoyed reaction from several fans.

                        About the Wraith shuttle very bad @ss sexy. Me want one plus a Wraith- Kenny will do to fly it.
                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          Hum somebody did cos they told everybody who the lost tribe was, and put the link in to a website. The Mods closed the thread due to a rather annoyed reaction from several fans.

                          About the Wraith shuttle very bad @ss sexy. Me want one plus a Wraith- Kenny will do to fly it.

                          No - this is what I posted:



                            Now I am on bended knee here--would one of the great computer geniuses of WDC, the ones with the equipment (STOP snickering! I mean computer softwared equipment, not THE OTHER kind of equipment!) get a nice, gorgeous cap of that badass sexy Todd ship? (I meant the SHIP, not the Wraith family hyperdrive... geesh.)

                            ***crawls out of the gutter and goes away***
                            HONOR. A story.



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Exactly. Mr. Das watched the ep tonight for the first time, and he even commented on how cool it looked. Great lines, great detail - sexy and beautiful, like the ones who created it (the Wraith, not the FX department ).

                              Okay - I just posted a bit of silliness in the First Contact forum - under 'it's been confirmed...' I hope it doesn't get me in trouble...

                              LMAO! "Next time, on a *very special* SGA..." I about spit my coffee when I read "Woolsey as Mrs. Bennett". Perrrrfect! And as much as I have trouble picturing Todd dancing (especially those stupid "bunny hop" moves the Georgian Brits seemed to like) I do think he'd prove to be quite lovely at a minuet.

                              I also loved the Wraith shuttle. I really liked that they allowed the SFX team to show it slow and glide into the hangar and then land with a gentle little bounce. These guys seriously have the coolest technology. The city of Atlantis is the only decent-looking thing the Ancient ever built. The Wraith must just bust out laughing anytime they see the Puddle Jumper. "Nice mini-van, Colonel!" the Wraith pilot sneers as he blows by in his Dart "914".
                              Poor Todd. After driving the Wraith equivalent of a Jaguar, he now has to settle for driving a big clunky Buick!



                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Hum somebody did cos they told everybody who the lost tribe was, and put the link in to a website. The Mods closed the thread due to a rather annoyed reaction from several fans.

                                About the Wraith shuttle very bad @ss sexy. Me want one plus a Wraith- Kenny will do to fly it.
                                So, who is the lost tribe?

                                Sorry... I'm just being very baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
                                HONOR. A story.


