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    Yeah, it would be great fun to finally see a Wraith in Vegas!

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      oh my goodness I laughed my socks of with glee when I read that one. Brillant...whether authentic or not- I hope it is !!

      I also had to chase my socks the other day when I laughed at Todd and Dumbledore being compared- even more brillant. I do not know if i am going OT here so
      Well in that case Gabriel/Todd should be welcoming us to his 'HiveWartz' and not his hive or Hogwartz. Is the wraith tattoo on his head comparable to Harry Potter's scar- Toddy Potter and his wand ??? Also if Gabriel/Todd is being Dumbledore- does that make SCi fi into Dolores Umbridge and MGM into the Ministry of Getrida Magic???. Wraith have a type of their magic all of their own.

      Also i was having a sly laugh because Hive has another meaning in old English slang from the tudor times -a) it entirely changes the meaning of Todd saying 'Welcome to my Hive!' b) being a male he would not have one at all! These bad old folk from the 15th century!!

      i really hope that they had not made the wraith voices too human- i love those deep vibrating voices and i have never had trouble with wraith actors emoting their feelings through all the facial masks at all with regards to softening their make up-i love Wraith as they are smart and lovely with a lovely line in clothing!

      I dream of Steve everynight because he is so wonderful...One where we were sitting under an oak tree on a bright summer's evening, by a brook. He was all dressed in a white long flowing robe rather beautiful in design. He was testing me on something all the while he had this leaf held in his right hand." He asked meBy observation, tell me what you can see that does not belong here?" i looked i could not see anything thing that did not belong here... then i looked at Steve and ssuddenly saw the leaf he had been gracefully stroking under his chin and whiskers was actually an Autumn leaf from a tree not from an oak it was summer in the dream and there were no trees other than oaks there...Steve told me i had passed the test whatever it was- but i had no idea where he got that leaf from!

      i once dreamt of Michael and that we were both running through my local hospital, looking for away out through all the dreary endless corridors. something we could not see was hunting us down and when we looked back our shoulders everything was being warped in a the blackest darkest vortex i ever saw. Michael was exactly how he was in no Mans land and Misbegotten before they gave him that retrovirus rubbish- i had the dream the night before i saw Misbegotten...I have not thought of that horrible dream for a very long time.
      We are angels of death in black leather
      Your demons without wings, we glide
      We are angels in black with a hunger
      Not your sheep to change or guide.
      We are angels in the blackness for ever


        Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
        oh my goodness I laughed my socks of with glee when I read that one. Brillant...whether authentic or not- I hope it is !!

        also had to chase my socks the other day when I laughed at Todd and Dumbledore being compared- even more brillant. I do not know if i am going OT here so [SPOILERS]Well in that case Gabriel/Todd should be welcoming us to his 'HiveWartz' and not his hive or Hogwartz. Is the wraith tattoo on his head comparable to Harry Potter's scar- Toddy Potter and his wand ??? Also if Gabriel/Todd is being Dumbledore- does that make SCi fi into Dolores Umbridge and MGM into the Ministry of Getrida Magic???. Wraith have a type of their magic all of their own.
        Hey! hey! hey!, watch it Kaeyla, stop it. It is still my hus you are referring to, take it easy on him nah? Or this Wraithwizard might turn you into something unnatural

        Also i was having a sly laugh because Hive has another meaning in old English slang from the tudor times -a) it entirely changes the meaning of Todd saying 'Welcome to my Hive!' b) being a male he would not have one at all! These bad old folk from the 15th century!!

        OMGH! Slaps her forehead...How did we end up here Kael?

        i really hope that they had not made the wraith voices too human- i love those deep vibrating voices and i have never had trouble with wraith actors emoting their feelings through all the facial masks at all with regards to softening their make up-i love Wraith as they are smart and lovely with a lovely line in clothing!
        Yeah those twits of make-up department have done something to Gabriels nose! Suddenly there is a small lit on the tip of his nose. Also the frowning expression is not quite Gabriel. But maybe this is just a moment we only know when we see the episode. But if it is...They have a very angry wife on the door.

        I dream of Steve everynight because he is so wonderful...One where we were sitting under an oak tree on a bright summer's evening, by a brook. He was all dressed in a white long flowing robe rather beautiful in design. He was testing me on something all the while he had this leaf held in his right hand." He asked meBy observation, tell me what you can see that does not belong here?" i looked i could not see anything thing that did not belong here... then i looked at Steve and ssuddenly saw the leaf he had been gracefully stroking under his chin and whiskers was actually an Autumn leaf from a tree not from an oak it was summer in the dream and there were no trees other than oaks there...Steve told me i had passed the test whatever it was- but i had no idea where he got that leaf from!
        It´s quite clear Kaeyla...Steve´s an ELF!!!! ...orso...

        i once dreamt of Michael and that we were both running through my local hospital, looking for away out through all the dreary endless corridors. something we could not see was hunting us down and when we looked back our shoulders everything was being warped in a the blackest darkest vortex i ever saw. Michael was exactly how he was in no Mans land and Misbegotten before they gave him that retrovirus rubbish- i had the dream the night before i saw Misbegotten...I have not thought of that horrible dream for a very long time.
        i know what it means....but i will tell you along more personal means....


          Now that we are discussing dreams anyway...
          Anyone who can help me out here?

          i have much trouble to come forward with this, but maybe one of you all can give me a suggestion.
          I had this Dream about Gabriel/ Todd twice this night
          I have experienced something with Gabriel, Gabriel was was riding on a motorcycle. ( WOW!) and he was passing me. I screamed: Gabriel please come back!!!! He turned his head. Stopped, he turned around, stopped before me and said I had to climb on. So there I was with him on this motorcycle and we drove off into .... just very far away. Just to nowhere and everywhere. No destination. Just freedom you know...Feeling the wind in my hair and having my nose put in his hair and firmly holding on to him. Just the mind on zero and riding with him endlessly on the roads. That itself was awesome. But somehow we both felt sad. i Still havent figured that. Why we felt sad. It was like we had eachother, and we were glad about that, but everything else was gone. Just this ackward loneliness. we both experienced this loneliness. We both felt thesame. That was a comfort, but...still.....So we just drove off....

          Now i had this dream twice this same night. It is haunting me all day and not because i am holding on to it. I am starting to wonder where this comes from. This motorcycle is it a kind of a metaphor? If i had thesame dream twice in thatsame night then there is something quite urgent. I think.

          Anyone who has any ideas?


            I'm not good at telling this stuff - this Chris as a masked Wraith?? (From Mallozzi's blog yesterday)


            I can't tell...I mean, it looks a little like him...but maybe not...his ear seems different. NOT that I'm familiar with Chris' ears...but...yeah, I have seen them before in Smallville.

            Last edited by dasNdanger; 11 September 2008, 12:40 PM.


              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              I'm not good at telling this stuff - this Chris as a masked Wraith?? (From Mallozzi's blog yesterday)

              I can't tell...I mean, it looks like him...but maybe not.
              I didn't notice the right pic, but yep, that's exactly what I thought when seeing the left one. (Then I forgot to ask, damn.) But as I mostly know Chris as Todd, er... I'm can't tell for sure.
              My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
              Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                I've been looking at pics of Chris (Halling) in the cell scene with Teyla from Kindred 2, and I'm not sure this guy is him...but only a slight diff in the nose and ear (Chris has a smaller, pierced earlobe). Otherwise, they could be twins. I wonder if it's his brother?



                  That's what I thought, das. I was pretty sure it wasn't Chris but, damn if there isn't a lot of similarities. This guy seems a bit older too. Older bro? Cousin? He's pretty cute. I remember looking at those pictures and thinking, "Wow, why are they wasting all that 'physical' talent underneath those masks!"


                  Edit: Btw, das, I tried greening you because of your new sig, but it wouldn't let me. I love that picture of Nuada tinkering with the "egg". It's a "hands" thing again.


                    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                    That's what I thought, das. I was pretty sure it wasn't Chris but, damn if there isn't a lot of similarities. This guy seems a bit older too. Older bro? Cousin? He's pretty cute. I remember looking at those pictures and thinking, "Wow, why are they wasting all that 'physical' talent underneath those masks!"


                    Edit: Btw, das, I tried greening you because of your new sig, but it wouldn't let me. I love that picture of Nuada tinkering with the "egg". It's a "hands" thing again.

                    Thanks about the sig. I think his hands are lovely, too...

                    I asked JM if it was a relative, or something...doubt he'll give me an answer, though. But it looks very much like Chris, except his ears seem different...and it's so hard to tell because I've seen so little of Chris without a LOT of hair, or in Wraith make-up.

                    @ BlueJay - I gave you MY reply on JM's blog - not sure you saw it, so will repost it here:

                    @ BlueJay - Since Joe probably won’t answer any of your questions, I’ll try…

                    *How much of a backstory was worked out for each character before the series really got going and how much was created later as stories progressed? Also, how much detail was worked out concerning species of Pegasus, like the wraith.

                    Backstory? We don’t need no stinkin’ backstory!

                    *Do wraith have their own creation mythology and historical/mythical figures? A religion? -i would really like to know this!

                    Todd is God, that is all you need to know.

                    *Ever going to see the wraith homeworld? in a movie?

                    From what I understand, it’s located somewhere in Germany.

                    *Do wraith sleep? (not hibernation) I ask because when Todd was on Atlantis in ‘the seer’ we see him sitting but was a cot brought in for sleep? or did Todd sleep standing or sitting or not at all?

                    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Wraith made the mistake of feeding upon horses, and thus absorbed some of their DNA. This doomed them to two things: 1. Unless they’re colicky, they would forever sleep standing up, and 2. The solution to all Wraith problems simply would be, “shoot it.”

                    On a more positive note, however, it’s also how they developed those beautiful white manes of theirs…so, it wasn’t all bad (Steve’s ancestors had obviously fed upon Lipizzans…while Todd’s, it seems, preferred Shetland ponies ).

                    *Where do the wraith get the material for those spiffy coats of theirs cause i’ve never seen any livestock anywhere. Did you all decide not to have things like horses and cows on the show cause it was easier that way and not really necessary to the show? So what are their outfits made from? How do they make it? Is there a wraith with the designated task of making the clothes for the others?

                    The Wraith are actually animal activists now, and members of Peta. Therefore all of their clothing is made out of naugahyde, created by their very own Designer to the Swarm, Hyves Saint Laurent.

                    *Do changes in the outfit signify designation or did the costume department just want to do something new?

                    Continuity? We don’t need no stinkin’ continuity!

                    *’Broken Ties’ wraith looked greasy, we’ve seen this before on Todd in ‘Millers Crossing’. Is this a result of stress/ hunger on the body? And after Todd fed did he clean himself up? Which brings us to their personal hygeine if you care to make any comments.

                    It’s just a puberty thing. Their skin clears right up after mating. (Which plays right into my theory that Todd’s big secret agenda is merely a plan to get a date, which will finally come to fruition in the first SGA movie, The 10,000-Year-Old Virgin.)

                    *Ok, i was thinking about this a while back so what the hell i’ll ask. Do wraith have body odour? I was just thinking of Todd locked in that cell for so many years and if the Genii would have just turned a big hose on him if he started to get whiffy.

                    Woot! Wet Prisoner Contest!! I’m in!!

                    (For the record - and I have this on good authority - the Wraith smell like Halloween masks…and Mane ‘n Tail Shampoo. )

                    Good god i have a one track mind.

                    And I absolutely love you for it! *smooches*
                    RE: Todd & Teyla:

                    The scene where Todd is holding Teyla's hand - do you think Todd is giving her his knife, for protection? I know we'll find out in less than 24 hours now, but I'm wondering if he's giving her something. Some have suggested he's giving her the Queen's necklace, which is also a big possibility, and would make sense, based on what Rachel said about this episode in that interview.


                    EDIT: Ah, nevermind, BlueJay - I see that you saw it on JM's blog. Glad it made you laugh! I'll just leave it here for funsies.
                    Last edited by dasNdanger; 11 September 2008, 07:17 PM.


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Thanks about the sig. I think his hands are lovely, too...

                      I asked JM if it was a relative, or something...doubt he'll give me an answer, though. But it looks very much like Chris, except his ears seem different...and it's so hard to tell because I've seen so little of Chris without a LOT of hair, or in Wraith make-up.

                      @ BlueJay - I gave you MY reply on JM's blog - not sure you saw it, so will repost it here:

                      RE: Todd & Teyla:

                      The scene where Todd is holding Teyla's hand - do you think Todd is giving her his knife, for protection? I know we'll find out in less than 24 hours now, but I'm wondering if he's giving her something. Some have suggested he's giving her the Queen's necklace, which is also a big possibility, and would make sense, based on what Rachel said about this episode in that interview.


                      EDIT: Ah, nevermind, BlueJay - I see that you saw it on JM's blog. Glad it made you laugh! I'll just leave it here for funsies.

                      O-M-G, das! ROTFLMAO!!! It took me a little while to read that because I had to keep wiping the tears away from my eyes. The standing-up-sleeping then and then the Lippizaner/Shetland...omg. brb
                      *Phew* ok, got control of myself. Started to lose it again. And again when I read the 10,000 Year Old Virgin and Mane 'n Tail. My stomach hurts. And it's quivering like I feel like I'm gonna lose it again at any second. You are on a roll! Freakin' hilarious. Now how am I going to get to sleep now that you've got me all wound up? Ah, but thanks for the ab-workout!


                      Edit: And I still can't green you! Arrrrrgh! Here you go:
                      Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 11 September 2008, 08:26 PM.


                        I second mfw - that is awesome das!



                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          O-M-G, das! ROTFLMAO!!! ...Ah, but thanks for the ab-workout!


                          Edit: And I still can't green you! Arrrrrgh! Here you go:
                          You're welcome! And no worries about the green - I'm just glad I made someone laugh!

                          What's even more funny (to me) is googling Shetland pony We had a Shetland growing up, so I'm well-familiar with their manes (and shaggy winter coats). But it's still hilarious to look a picture of one, and think of Todd...



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            You're welcome! And no worries about the green - I'm just glad I made someone laugh!

                            What's even more funny (to me) is googling Shetland pony We had a Shetland growing up, so I'm well-familiar with their manes (and shaggy winter coats). But it's still hilarious to look a picture of one, and think of Todd...

                            *still wiping tears away*
                            I know! I saw the Lipizzaner horses perform when I was about 12. And now I'm thinking of Steve being put through the paces and made to leap through the air and hop around and prance in the exaggerated fashion. Oh lord. What have you started!?
                            Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 11 September 2008, 09:03 PM.


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                              RE: Todd & Teyla:

                              The scene where Todd is holding Teyla's hand - do you think Todd is giving her his knife, for protection? I know we'll find out in less than 24 hours now, but I'm wondering if he's giving her something. Some have suggested he's giving her the Queen's necklace, which is also a big possibility, and would make sense, based on what Rachel said about this episode in that interview.

                              Was just about to go off to bed and then I started thinking about that pic, so blew it up on my wallpaper and

                              It does look more like a knife. It looks kind of blu-ish and silver - the color of their weapons. And it seems to protrude on the opposite side. This makes me think that Teyla cannot feed and so Todd is giving her some kind of weapon to defend herself. (Little does he know she'll turn around and use it on him!) But then, maybe it's something else completely.

                              All I know is that in less than 24 hours we'll find out everything! (About the episode anyway...certainly not about the Wraith )


                              All I know


                                Originally posted by kaeyla View Post

                                I dream of Steve everynight because he is so wonderful...One where we were sitting under an oak tree on a bright summer's evening, by a brook. He was all dressed in a white long flowing robe rather beautiful in design. He was testing me on something all the while he had this leaf held in his right hand." He asked meBy observation, tell me what you can see that does not belong here?" i looked i could not see anything thing that did not belong here... then i looked at Steve and ssuddenly saw the leaf he had been gracefully stroking under his chin and whiskers was actually an Autumn leaf from a tree not from an oak it was summer in the dream and there were no trees other than oaks there...Steve told me i had passed the test whatever it was- but i had no idea where he got that leaf from!
                                Cool dream. Steve the mystical teacher


                                Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
                                Now that we are discussing dreams anyway...
                                Anyone who can help me out here?

                                i have much trouble to come forward with this, but maybe one of you all can give me a suggestion.
                                I had this Dream about Gabriel/ Todd twice this night
                                I have experienced something with Gabriel, Gabriel was was riding on a motorcycle. ( WOW!) and he was passing me. I screamed: Gabriel please come back!!!! He turned his head. Stopped, he turned around, stopped before me and said I had to climb on. So there I was with him on this motorcycle and we drove off into .... just very far away. Just to nowhere and everywhere. No destination. Just freedom you know...Feeling the wind in my hair and having my nose put in his hair and firmly holding on to him. Just the mind on zero and riding with him endlessly on the roads. That itself was awesome. But somehow we both felt sad. i Still havent figured that. Why we felt sad. It was like we had eachother, and we were glad about that, but everything else was gone. Just this ackward loneliness. we both experienced this loneliness. We both felt the same. That was a comfort, but...still.....So we just drove off....

                                This Gabriel/Todd dream is too cool. Gabriel/Todd the wild one. Born to Wild.

                                You guy have such vivid Wraith dreams ! . I can't remember any of my dreams lately. I would be cool to have a Steve, Todd, Prince Nuada dream I wouldn't want to wake up.

                                Happy Dreaming.

