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    Hi you guys have to wait until this Friday I, on the other hand have to wait until next Monday. Anyway, about Teyla/ Wraith"s chin:

    Rachel Luttrel is a very lovely actor and I think Teyla is great, however, as a Wraith It doesn't suit her well. Everyone comments on the chin. the chin is rather prominent. I think of those old Sunday comics from the one call Popeye. Sorry but, when I was reading those posts and then took another look that's when it hit me Popeye all you need to do is stick a pipe in her mouth.

    This means there is no disrespect to the actor who plays the character.

    I think the make up dept must have borrowed the prosthetics from The Gift. They probably wanted to make her look tough, saying "Don't mess with me" I think the Teyla/ Wraith charater quiet interesting.



      The first time I saw Todd welcome them on the Hive (MGM trailer), I thought of this:


      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Ok so maybe im on crack but:
        In the image of todd holding teyla’s hand,
        (todd on left, both leaning toward each other, close up) it seems as if he is placing something in her hand. The way his fingers are shaped, like its around an object. For some reason I have it in my mind that it’s the necklace the other queen was wearing. O well, maybe its just my cold medicine messing with me.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by masterling; 09 September 2008, 12:20 PM.


          After obsessively watching the MGM trailer:
          When teyla “takes down” todd, the bald wraith is seen in the back round and has a stunner pointed at either her or todd. Maybe she needs to do this to keep him safe??


            Originally posted by masterling View Post
            After obsessively watching the MGM trailer:
            When teyla takes down todd, the bald wraith is seen in the back round and has a stunner pointed at either her or todd. Maybe she needs to do this to keep him safe??
            Yep, it's more or less what Risem supposed, and I believe so too. Other than that, I agree with you all, I don't like her chin either.

            On a different topic but I was in a wraith mood with all that lovely promo for "The Queen", I was thinking about the future I'd love to see for the wraith. Of course, it'll never happen with SGA cancellation, but we can always hope to see that in future films.

            I'd like the creation of a drug that allows wraith to sustain themselves with normal food, similar to Zaddik's attempt for Ellia. Unlike a retrovirus, it would have to be injected/ingested regularly to remain effective. Whether or not wraith keep their healing abilities without feeding on humans is an open question. But at least this drug must allow them to live and remain strong, and prevent them from feeling the pain of hunger.

            Then, I'd like a wraith to join the team, but not Todd. Todd should remain the leader of his faction, and send one of his crew on Atlantis (such as Kenny, or another loyal follower). This way, we would have TWO wraith who are portrayed as individuals instead of mere "villains to be killed at the end of the episode".

            Also it seems more logical to me: Wraith probably prefer to be among their own kind, plus I don't see how Todd could abandon his dreams of regaining his status; but this wraith would simply be following his Commander's orders. This alliance would benefit Todd's hive thanks to Atlantis sharing some of their technology... willingly or not.

            Of course, many other hives wouldn't like this at all, so TPTB could continue happily killing wraith whenever they want.
            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


              Originally posted by masterling View Post
              After obsessively watching the MGM trailer:
              When teyla “takes down” todd, the bald wraith is seen in the back round and has a stunner pointed at either her or todd. Maybe she needs to do this to keep him safe??
              The bald Mr. Clean wraith also appears to lower his stunner when Teyla is in the process of putting the smack-down on Todd.

              I also hate Teyla's chin. It looks like a butt. *shrug* Maybe the wraith find butt-chins attractive?
              Last edited by dolfynnchick; 09 September 2008, 01:03 PM. Reason: typo and adding and spoiler tag


                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                Thanks a bunch, Naami! That pic was on 594. I'd missed it before.
                My mind has been on other things, closer and more important to home. Time schedules don't look like they're going to be what I, and Mine, would like them to be. Little pressures build up to big ones, and things get said that shouldn't. Then, every once in a while, things that should get said don't, either. much as I love SGA and our precious Todd...well, sometimes being bipolar just doesn't help matters any! That verse I posted a couple of days ago pretty much sums up where my head and heart have been.

                Hi had a computer crash, my laptop in intensive care, on borrowed one. Missed you all and WDC, the withdrwal very painful.

                Wraithie OT

                (Realizing I'm holding the door open for someone to be nasty but is wondering if more than three people read it.)
                Real friends don't do that and you know who your friends are.

                "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can't hurt me". Words only hurt if you let them, and when you feel fragile that when it hurts.

                Life stinks sometimes particularly it not going your way and it keeps you from someone you need. Both of you will get there. Courage. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  I liked Todd's earlier voice. He the MGM preview.


                    Originally posted by MCH View Post
                    Hi had a computer crash, my laptop in intensive care, on borrowed one. Missed you all and WDC, the withdrwal very painful.
                    Sorry to hear about the crash MCH. First the desk top and now the laptop. Maybe you should try wearing a grounding strap? My Father has to wear one, and so does one of my best friends. Your personal energies just might not be healthy for computers.

                    Wraithie OT

                    (Realizing I'm holding the door open for someone to be nasty but is wondering if more than three people read it.)
                    Real friends don't do that and you know who your friends are.

                    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can't hurt me". Words only hurt if you let them, and when you feel fragile that when it hurts.

                    Life stinks sometimes particularly it not going your way and it keeps you from someone you need. Both of you will get there. Courage. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

                    Thank you, Precious One!


                      Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                      I liked Todd's earlier voice. He the MGM preview.
                      Creepy is just how we like our Wraith Boys to sound! They can whisper sweet nothings into our ears all night long with those voices!


                        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                        The first time I saw Todd welcome them on the Hive (MGM trailer), I thought of this:


                        oh perfect... now whenever I see todd, I'll think of dumbledore.

                        but dumbledore and steve may very well be father and son...

                        Last edited by naamiaiset; 10 September 2008, 03:24 AM.


                          Steve? Dumbledore? Would that make him a Stevedore??? (stevedore n 1: a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port - longshoreman, dockhand)

                          I'm not overly fond of Teyla's chin either, but they probably wanted to give her a distinct and strong look. OR, Todd requested the look because he has a secret crush on Cary Grant...



                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            oh perfect... now whenever I see todd, I'll think of dumbledore.

                            but dumbledore and steve may very well be father and son...

                            oh-no-you-di-unt! How long did it take you to find photos that matched up? That was freakin' hilarious. Thanks for the laugh, Naami!



                              Hey, I dreamt of Michael tonight. I was trying to comfort him and convince him to stop his fight lest the Atlanteans would kill him sooner or later.
                              My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                              Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                                Aaaaaaaaaaaawwww, Laura. Did he listen?

                                Naami, too funny. But like mfw asked, how long till you fond matching pics? Unless you have, next to a Steve obsession, also a Dumbledore one, and therefore it didn't take all that long?

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

