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Wraith Defenders Club

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    We can capture them, and take turns, errr braiding thier hair...



      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
      Sneaks serious 'quality time' with the three when LS isn't looking!
      Oh now I have to after Bob



        Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
        We can capture them, and take turns, errr braiding thier hair...
        We could crimp Steve's hair. So It could look wavey



          Okay - again - great sigs and jokes and stuff!! I'm on dial-up and finding browsing a bit hard tonight... (I must get around to greening people - I am SO bad about that because I always forget!!! This is the first forum I've ever been on with this feature, so it often slips my mind.)

          Oh god, I think I'm a Stever! I bought the Steve action figure - it is just the Erik figure repainted (that's how it is advertised), but it's a limited offer so worth getting it. I have Steve and Erik, but keeping Steve in his package for now. Erik is on my desk, surrounded by about 8 Wolverines, and an 18" Captain Jack Sparrow. It's like my fandoms all threw up on my desk at once...

          Shawn, btw, probably was very picky - I think he eats the same stuff JM blogs about. Heh - maybe we should give Shawn the last name of 'Mallozzi'....

          (oh, and yes - I'm feeling a little better, but still very apprehensive about the fate of the Wraith (as a whole) in S5, not to mention what they may be doing to Todd.)

          Last edited by dasNdanger; 09 May 2008, 08:44 PM.


            Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
            And while you are having some serious fighting over them... i will date the Queens
            Oh, now you will be in Wraith heaven.



              Lol. Somone would have to hold him down.
              Steve: What are you doing? I spent hours with a straightener!



                I gets the feeling that we are acting a bit wraithy (territorial)


                  Oh god, I think I'm a Stever! I bought the Steve action figure - it is just the Erik figure repainted (that's how it is advertised), but it's a limited offer so worth getting it. I have Steve and Erik, but keeping Steve in his package for now. Erik is on my desk, surrounded by about 8 Wolverines, and an 18" Captain Jack Sparrow. It's like my fandoms all threw up on my desk at once...
                  Lol! What are the odds! I just bought Steve and Erik off of Diamond Select Toys!!



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Shawn, btw, probably was very picky - I think he eats the same stuff JM blogs about. Heh - maybe we should give Shawn the last name of 'Mallozzi'....

                    Can just hear a ring announcer now! "And ovah in the green cornah, we have Shawn 'Baby Boy' Mallozzi!"

                    Stuffs Greg into a livestock crate and quietly ships him out of state.




                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Okay - again - great sigs and jokes and stuff!! I'm on dial-up and finding browsing a bit hard tonight... (I must get around to greening people - I am SO bad about that because I always forget!!! This is the first forum I've ever been on with this feature, so it often slips my mind.)

                        Oh god, I think I'm a Stever! I bought the Steve action figure - it is just the Erik figure repainted (that's how it is advertised), but it's a limited offer so worth getting it. I have Steve and Erik, but keeping Steve in his package for now. Erik is on my desk, surrounded by about 8 Wolverines, and an 18" Captain Jack Sparrow. It's like my fandoms all threw up on my desk at once...

                        Shawn, btw, probably was very picky - I think he eats the same stuff JM blogs about. Heh - maybe we should give Shawn the last name of 'Mallozzi'....

                        Hi das I glad you are feeling better. They were sold out of the Steve action figure at WEM but, the clerk said they will be getting Steve in soon. They had lots of Rodney and Dr. Wier. The guy said some came in a bought the Steve just before I got there darn! One question: The action figure is suppose to be "Steve" but, I think he looks like Erik. What do you think.? Not unless there are other male Wraith action figures.



                          Originally posted by Reed
                          I started reading and there's now 50 new posts. It's impossible to keep up with this thread
                          Blame the ladies...i got NOTHING to do with that fighting stuff.
                          *hrm* *cough*

                          *runs for his life*
                          Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                          Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                          You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                          The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                            Hi Reed, Yeah, this is a pretty busy hive.
                            and Hi to WraithWorshipper.


                              Hmm...We have a Wraithworshipper and a Wraith Worshipper. Do we now have a WraithWorshipper? LOL
                              Ish confused.


                                @Karhedron: Are you up really early, or did you never go to bed? It's about 6:46AM over there!

