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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
    Hi all,
    Seeing everones artwork inspired me. I can't draw, so I went with words
    Here's a modern haiku. I hope I haven't subconsiously used bits of others work. if so, please tell so I can alter it. Also, please forgive if its not anygood. I'd just like to contribute something. I'm nervous can you tell? I don't normally talk this much!

    My eternal bliss
    In a moments suffering,
    A gift by wraiths hand
    Love it!!! And welcome!! Do not be nervous! We're just a bunch'a crazy Wraith-worshipping fans!

    Ah...Australia. Will get back to you on that in a few moments...

    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    I was browsing on Gataaeworld found the following news about Fox releaseing on the 8th July 2008 the Season 4 DVD box,
    Wait - I thought the new season started in July, too? I wrong??? Ugh. When does S5 start???!

    BUT what also caught my eye was GATEWORLD POLL.

    On new recurring charactors.
    Thanks!!! I ALWAYS miss those polls!! I voted for dear ol' Todd!! Woot! When I get home, I'll vote for him again!

    Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
    Hi MCH, thanks for the comment.
    What you're thinking of is called the Haka, its a maori tradition of challenge, it goes (kamatee kamatee koora koora?). The Haiku is japanese form of poetry, made of 5/7/5 'on', but nowadays they make it syllables.
    I love the Haka, too...big rugby fan, here! (Probably the only female rugby fan in all of the USofA... ) NZ All Blacks are my fav, but I like the Wallabies, too. I even have an official Wallaby jumper! I wear it and people look at me funny... like, 'what the heck is that?!'


    Originally posted by Risem View Post
    Yay! I still can't believe people like FRAN more than Todd though!
    That's men for ya - 'cause I doubt any of us catty women are voting for Fran!

    Originally posted by Vanaheim View Post
    Hello from France

    I'm a worshipper french of Wraiths since I saw Steve and the scientific wraith in Allied. They are so fascinating, the perfect blend of bestiality (?) and intelligence.. I love them

    But.. I'm only fan of Wraiths in the french forum. I defend them ! lol I'm very pleased to be in this forum. But my english is very very deplorable Excuse me

    For my first message, I give you my first drawing of wraith (I'm beginner lol) and sorry for the bad quality of the scan

    First, welcome!!! Bonjour!

    Second - wonderful Wraithy drawing!! I LOVE the tattoo!! Great job, and thanks for sharing!!!

    Third - you English will ALWAYS be better than my French! You are doing fine!!

    Do you go to Joe Mallozzi's blog (one of the producers)??? He speaks French (French Canadian French, but still French) - and if you ask him a question in French, he will answer in French.

    Go and ask him LOTS of Wraith questions for us all (he's tired of me... )

    He did answer Spikey, though...about Coolidge, or something. No idea what that was about...



      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
      Risem and Wraithworshipper - your suggestions for the sig were so good that i decided to use both text's what do you all think?


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      That's men for ya - 'cause I doubt any of us catty women are voting for Fran!
      Totally, I forgot "mainly" men watch stargate. They'd vote for the hot girl haha. We vote for the hot wraith.


        Oh, did anyone notice the cover of the latest SG mag, where it said '2 Wraith posters' inside?? It said, 'Sweet Dreams' - didn't the girl who asked for the Wraith poster say she wanted to hang it above her bed, or something? If so - lol...nice for the magazine to give her a special message right on the cover of the book!



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          He did answer Spikey, though...about Coolidge, or something. No idea what that was about...

          Das, I just figured out the secret to getting a question answered.

          Here it is:

          Ask something no one cares about, and get a reply.

          Brilliant, or what?

          But we do know then that Inquisition doesn't feature Coolidge. So no higher IOA dude?

          After the weekend, I'm gonna ask him something else. If you don't pry too much for ep titles, but general things, he might answer you quicker...

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Oh, did anyone notice the cover of the latest SG mag, where it said '2 Wraith posters' inside?? It said, 'Sweet Dreams' - didn't the girl who asked for the Wraith poster say she wanted to hang it above her bed, or something? If so - lol...nice for the magazine to give her a special message right on the cover of the book!

            I can't remember that far back!
            But if they did it's a really sweet thought!


              I was away so I'm trying to catch up...
              das and Shantaia I love your new sigs
              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post

              sig making is addicting, isn't it?
              much more than I expected



                Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                Here's to add to the growing amount of Wraith art...

                I love the art on this thread. I think the Wraith would be quite pleased that they've amassed such a talented group of followers.
                Just awesome
                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                Hey, Wraith Cake! How's about a siggie and a wallie?


                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                And part 2, siggie and wallie!

                Two for the price of none! I know...I'm baaaaad!

                LS - thanks for the links



                  Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                  Risem and Wraithworshipper - your suggestions for the sig were so good that i decided to use both text's what do you all think?

                  Ahhh! Missed that! Very nice! (I loves me some Todd!) Love the verse with it - perfect!!!

                  So many nice sigs and wallies - I just don't have time to mention them all! Well done!!



                    There are so many posts it's really difficult to catch up...
                    Originally posted by Reed
                    What if Teyla gets infused with Wraith DNA? She'd have the ability to feed then cause she'd take on physical Wraith traits. She can't walk in that Hive a human the Wraith would sense it.
                    I really don't think they would go as far as altering her DNA. If something like that happens it would be due to Michael or Teyla would have to have a REALLY good reason to risk that. And as somebody mentioned before, Todd's plan really reminds Ford's plan in its sillyness

                    Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                    Hello everyone.
                    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                    As BlueJay said I should share this :

                    Great again
                    Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                    My eternal bliss
                    In a moments suffering,
                    A gift by wraiths hand
                    I like it very much
                    Originally posted by Risem View Post
                    Nice! It would better with some text somewhere on it.
                    Agreed Nothing comes to my mind right now
                    Originally posted by Vanaheim View Post
                    Hello from France
                    Welcome and I love your drawing
                    It's great that so many people get inspired here



                      Originally posted by Reed
                      Question about The Queen.
                      What if Teyla's told to feed on a human?
                      That's not something that can be faked.
                      That's a really good question. How would she get around that?

                      A couple of thoughts I was having. First of all, I dropped off to bed last night around 10 and I was reading thread 346, now it's 5:00 and you guys are already at 351--that's awesome. I think we're getting a lot more traffic and chattin' at the club here!!
                      Second, I was reading Joe M.'s blog a few days ago and he said something about coming up with interesting names was the most difficult part of his job. Do you think this is the season where the wraith will reveal their "true" names?? I hope so.

                      Third and finally, (hee hee) I was thinking about the wraith--shocking I know--I was thinking about how tactile they are (touchy touchy feely feely). I don't mean in a play with food sort of way, but in a "I receive comfort from touch". For instance, Science wraith (it's not Greg, I can't remember what we called him) guides Rodney down the hall. Todd, tries to lean on Sheppard for support; All wraith queens like to sensually touch the humans both worshippers and food; TP wraith in the Hive doesn't give a thought to all that umbilical fluid on him when he's "birthing" the clone wraith and so on. The Lantian humans don't seem to "touch" as much, except for the odd "full" hug and smooch, but nothing as common. I thought that was interesting.

                      Finally, sorry I'm blathering--last thing, how can the wraith not be some sort of science construct? I say this rhetorically because of how they feed. Andee F. was saying the wraith rings are finger armour, as well as slicing and dicing. She mentioned in an interview that a wraith needs to protect his fingers and hands--these get cut off and it's game over. What a poor evolutionary design, eating through your hands. There isn't any "complex" creature, I mean even as simple as an ant, that feeds through its hands on earth--I don't think. This makes them extremely vulnerable in battle. Evolution, does behave logically, for the most part. Even the iratus bug does not eat through its hands.
                      Sure, they may be stellar in some physical respects but highly vulnerable in others.

                      What do you guys think??

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                        Hi everyone,
                        I have been looking at everyone's artwork and it is beautiful!. If you like doing digital painting and drawing I found a program called ArtRage by Ambient Design. They are a New Zealand company.

                        It comes in two programs one, is a basic called a starter kit this is the free version and, the other is a paid version it come with more options. The whole interface looks more like an easel. I just thought I pass this info for those who like to paint and draw. I download the free version but I haven't done much because I am learning how to paint dititally. There are two places you can download to get the free program. Check it out there are reviews from both places.

               in the bar type in artrage or you can go to the website it's self

                        Take care and happy painting
                        Thank you!!! I love this forum. I'm going to try it out.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Ok, lets see if I get the hang of this multiquotes!

                          Originally posted by Risem View Post

                          Welcome! You'll find we're a friendly bunch; you'll be one of the gang in no time.
                          Originally posted by wraithlord View Post

                          Welcome to the club toomuchcaf.
                          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                          [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"]Is it okay to join? Whatta ya mean 'is it okay to join?' Of course, it's okay to join! The more the merrier! Now don't you be shy..'cause we sure aren't, and those of us that were when we signed up (I wasn't one of those), have gotten over it! Now...there's a big difference between shy and insecure. If you're a tad insecure, that's okay, Honey. You've come to the right clinic, er, forum.
                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          welcome vanaheim, toomuchcaf, and any other new members!
                          Thank you all for your welcome. And I must say, reading and looking at all the great stuff on this thread is very therapeutic

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Love it!!! And welcome!! Do not be nervous! We're just a bunch'a crazy Wraith-worshipping fans!

                          I love the Haka, too...big rugby fan, here! (Probably the only female rugby fan in all of the USofA... ) NZ All Blacks are my fav, but I like the Wallabies, too. I even have an official Wallaby jumper! I wear it and people look at me funny... like, 'what the heck is that?!'

                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          I have a question, Manchester UK had the Commonwealth Games in 2002. The New Zealand Rugby Team at their welcome ceremony did a traditional match haiku greeting. So can modean haiku for greeting only or used for storys or poems?
                          Thanks das, and for both you and MCH I have this link that goes to a haka, which is very 'sweet'. My kids love it.

                          And to Vanaheim, love your art, and I believe we have definitely found a great bunch to associate with.


                            Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                            Thanks Icarium, one thing I notice, it takes me ages to do a post, and by the time I get it up, someone else already has something I want to respond to.
                            Ah well, I'll get quicker with practice.


                              Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                              And part 2, siggie and wallie!

                              Two for the price of none! I know...I'm baaaaad!
                              Ohhhhhhhh THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!! Ha Ha.

                              This is soo cool. Thank you so much! I had a very large laugh out loud. I'm fantasizing about this, but what if I could get that program that allows face images to look like they are singing or saying what you want them to say. Then I could hook up this picture and *actually* have the keeper say what you've written out loud. That would be so awesome and I'd be so tempted to show it in class.

                              Thank you thank you. I'm going draw (or think of something) for you. I don't know if I'm as talented with the captions you create but I'm going to try to do somethin'


                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                                Hello everyone.
                                I just joined up at gateworld because of this thread, to say to everyone that I love your artworks and discussions (I've been reading for the past few weeks, only just got up the courage to post).
                                I've only ever posted on imdb (2 times), so please forgive me if I don't do something properly, it may take a while to learn the etiquette involved (if its ok for me to join in?) I love the atlantis series, only just started watching them last year. And I have to say that the Wraith are my favourite characters!
                                Oh ya, join the chat chat--welcome welcome. We love to chat and post and the peeps here are quite funny, so enjoy.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

