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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Hello everyone.

    I just want to welcome all the new members to the WDC

    WELCOME: JENKM1216 @ CHOCOLATELOVINGENTITY by the way love your on screen name since chocolate is one of my favorite food groups yes, food groups. It's nice to see you back Reed and please stay this time

    @ das: a BIG WRAITHY HUGGLES to you. If I can create a huggin' Wraithy smilies for you I would or, for any one else thats gettin' the Wraithy blues.

    I want to thank everyones complements on the wally I did A big THANK-YOU. I will play around to see if I can create another one. I am so picky when I make this wallys. When I make one I look at it then say ugh it sucks then I discard it and, try again.

    Take Care:



      MCH - I find there is an inconsistency in the writing of SGA...

      Obviously, Common Ground was meant to show the Wraith in a more understanding and sympathetic light, but that was NOT followed through, and the next time we see Todd, Sheppard wants to double-cross him and kill him. Very inconsistent, there.

      With Michael, the writers really showed how immoral the Lantean's actions were - how wrong they were for forcing change on another creature and experimenting on someone against their will...not once, but twice. Still, instead of using that as a springboard to understanding the Wraith and finding some way to bridge the gap between their cultures, the Lanteans just go right back to the whole 'kill the Wraith' mentality.

      People ask why the Wraith haven't found an alternative food source for themselves. Why should they? They have a perfectly good one as it is right now (well, before Michael started poisoning their food supply). But prior to Michael's interference, the Wraith had no reason to look for something else. Maybe NOW they will.

      But humans had every reason to try to find a solution to the Wraith feeding problem. When they learned that the Wraith CAN eat normal food as children, but lose the ability at puberty...and when Carson equated it with diabetes - then WHY didn't the humans try to find a 'cure' for the Wraith's 'diabetes'??? Instead, they put all their effort into finding a cure for the WRAITH - finding a way to strip them of their identity - including their appearance, personality and memory.

      The humans may have it in their power to find the much easier solution of discovering a way for Wraith to absorb nutrition from regular food, but instead they use their time, intelligence, and energies looking for ways to get rid of the Wraith as a species.

      Heck, we don't even do that to animals. If we have an animal with a special need, we go out of our way to find some way to help it. But the Lanteans treat Wraith as something expendable...taking a phrase from the old American West, 'The only good Wraith is a dead Wraith' - that's the Lantean creed.

      And just like in the American West, white men saw the Indian as a deadly threat, and in some cases, those prejudices still run deep. I see the same attitude in the writing of SGA - even when writers move forward a bit, and show the human side of the Wraith, they do little in advancing Lantean sympathies towards the Wraith...and it's that sympathy that is needed in order for the Lanteans to even try to find a way to coexist with the Wraith (either by giving them a WIDE berth with a live and let live attitude, or by finding an alternative food source for them).

      My only hope now is that Todd, KNOWING that his food source is his main vulnerability, will - with the data supplied to him by the Lanteans - discover an alternative food source, OR discover the reason why Wraith cannot metabolize normal food and find a cure for it. He's got to be worried that more and more enemies are trying to starve the Wraith out of existence, so maybe...maybe he'll find a solution.

      Of course, that would mean that Todd is more than a scientist - he'd have to be a doctor, as, scientist, computer geek, commander, diplomat, catwalk model...what CAN'T this guy do??



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Thanks, have renewed my faith in men...

        Now I have to behave myself and act like a lady...


        Thanks for the compliments. You have me blushing

        Ah. If only life were easy and there were also some nice women around to counter the balance of the negative ones..... In response to your lovely compliment. All I keep bumping into are the loony ones and all the ones that I get on really well with seem to be taken or already seeing people.
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          **waves** I'll be lurking for a bit while I read through some of the pages. I really like reading about Wraith-positive posts. I've always been one for seeing the grey areas of things. ^_^

          I'm also here to gather theories and ideals for Wraith-centric plot bunnies (mostly Michael as I'm writing Michael/Teyla fics). Plus this place seems like a pretty cool place to hang out.

          Originally posted by fugiman View Post
          They choose to eat humans and destroy their worlds instead of using their superior tech to solve their problem of eating by using mindless clones

          Because when everyone woke up they started culling worlds instead of waiting to see their new food and those who were awake were eating humans still

          So really they haven't stalled they just choose not to focus on alernate food because I think they enjoy the hunt or why would they have runners?
          I've been reading your agrument about why Wraith are evil. You just seem to be forgetting that the Wraith don't see humans as "people" or their equals. Humans are food. Why would they search or create alternate food souce if there is food just laying about waiting to be taken? There wasn't a food shortage before they all were awaken. They had no reason to go looking for a new food source. Say you stick a lion in a cage/fence full of lambs (alot of them). Outside this cage/fence is a larger cage filled with zebras. The lion would have to find a way to get over the cage/fence to get to the zebras. Why would the lion work hard to get to the zebras when there are lambs right in front of him? He wouldn't. He would eat at the lambs he wanted whenever he was hungry. The lambs population will shrink and grow, and the lion would have no reason to look outside his cage/fence to search for food. The Wraiths are the lions and the humans are the lambs (and the zebras are the clones/alternate food source). They don't need to look for an alternate source of food. It's sitting right there in front of them.

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Hey, gals...notice how all the Wraith haters are male...?

          Betcha they're jealous that so many women swoon over the sexy good looks of green, life-sucking bugmen!

          **snorts** That is too funny!


            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
            I'm blissfully free of irritation right now, so I was wondering if you realize that by "feeding it", you're encouraging it to stay around and pester you in the hopes of a conversion?
            I have no problem with fugiman or any other person who would like to pose questions and challenges to members of the WDC, as long as they do it in a thoughtful and respectful way. Fugiman has done that. I enjoy discussion and debate, and I hope we are open-minded enough to allow it here. We don't want to be like the Lanteans, do we?

            @ChocolateLovingEntity: I'm late again, but welcome!

            Welcome to you, too, Sasusc!
            Last edited by Sparrow_hawk; 12 April 2008, 07:59 PM. Reason: correction & addition
            Sparrow hawk



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              MCH - I find there is an inconsistency in the writing of SGA...

              Obviously, Common Ground was meant to show the Wraith in a more understanding and sympathetic light, but that was NOT followed through, and the next time we see Todd, Sheppard wants to double-cross him and kill him. Very inconsistent, there.

              With Michael, the writers really showed how immoral the Lantean's actions were - how wrong they were for forcing change on another creature and experimenting on someone against their will...not once, but twice. Still, instead of using that as a springboard to understanding the Wraith and finding some way to bridge the gap between their cultures, the Lanteans just go right back to the whole 'kill the Wraith' mentality.

              Yeah. What's with that? It just smacks of lazy writing and not wanting to take the long road and flesh out the wraith character but just keep them reduced to a status of "weekly enemy" bah humbug.

              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              People ask why the Wraith haven't found an alternative food source for themselves. Why should they? They have a perfectly good one as it is right now (well, before Michael started poisoning their food supply). But prior to Michael's interference, the Wraith had no reason to look for something else. Maybe NOW they will.

              But humans had every reason to try to find a solution to the Wraith feeding problem. When they learned that the Wraith CAN eat normal food as children, but lose the ability at puberty...and when Carson equated it with diabetes - then WHY didn't the humans try to find a 'cure' for the Wraith's 'diabetes'??? Instead, they put all their effort into finding a cure for the WRAITH - finding a way to strip them of their identity - including their appearance, personality and memory.

              Yes and this really bugs me. Why not cure them of what I view an "eating disorder" ala diabetes instead of trying to rewrite their whole genetic code. Much like using a 20 pound mallet to drive in a 2 inch nail...

              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              The humans may have it in their power to find the much easier solution of discovering a way for Wraith to absorb nutrition from regular food, but instead they use their time, intelligence, and energies looking for ways to get rid of the Wraith as a species.

              Heck, we don't even do that to animals. If we have an animal with a special need, we go out of our way to find some way to help it. But the Lanteans treat Wraith as something expendable...taking a phrase from the old American West, 'The only good Wraith is a dead Wraith' - that's the Lantean creed.

              And just like in the American West, white men saw the Indian as a deadly threat, and in some cases, those prejudices still run deep. I see the same attitude in the writing of SGA - even when writers move forward a bit, and show the human side of the Wraith, they do little in advancing Lantean sympathies towards the Wraith...and it's that sympathy that is needed in order for the Lanteans to even try to find a way to coexist with the Wraith (either by giving them a WIDE berth with a live and let live attitude, or by finding an alternative food source for them).

              My only hope now is that Todd, KNOWING that his food source is his main vulnerability, will - with the data supplied to him by the Lanteans - discover an alternative food source, OR discover the reason why Wraith cannot metabolize normal food and find a cure for it. He's got to be worried that more and more enemies are trying to starve the Wraith out of existence, so maybe...maybe he'll find a solution.

              Of course, that would mean that Todd is more than a scientist - he'd have to be a doctor, as, scientist, computer geek, commander, catwalk model...what CAN'T this guy do??


              Excellent points that you make.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Masterling that is very lovely picture of Todd it does look like an oil painting



                  Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                  I've been reading your agrument about why Wraith are evil. You just seem to be forgetting that the Wraith don't see humans as "people" or their equals. Humans are food. Why would they search or create alternate food souce if there is food just laying about waiting to be taken? There wasn't a food shortage before they all were awaken. They had no reason to go looking for a new food source. Say you stick a lion in a cage/fence full of lambs (alot of them). Outside this cage/fence is a larger cage filled with zebras. The lion would have to find a way to get over the cage/fence to get to the zebras. Why would the lion work hard to get to the zebras when there are lambs right in front of him? He wouldn't. He would eat at the lambs he wanted whenever he was hungry. The lambs population will shrink and grow, and the lion would have no reason to look outside his cage/fence to search for food. The Wraiths are the lions and the humans are the lambs (and the zebras are the clones/alternate food source). They don't need to look for an alternate source of food. It's sitting right there in front of them.
                  They do seem to like it though, I mean the wraith really like to hunt us down and capture us and then eat us. Also they don't mind making most of humans stick in the middle ages

                  Of course I will say this has only happened from the wraith that we have seen and I'm not sure if other wraith are all alike but all the wraith (other then Todd) are evil IMO
                  Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                  A Face you Can Trust
                  So whats the worst that could happen?
                  Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                  It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                    Hello everyone.

                    I just want to welcome all the new members to the WDC

                    WELCOME: JENKM1216 @ CHOCOLATELOVINGENTITY by the way love your on screen name since chocolate is one of my favorite food groups yes, food groups. It's nice to see you back Reed and please stay this time
                    Thank you for the welcome. I've had a great time since joining the forum and starting my comments this morning. I LOVE the Wraith Defenders Club!


                      Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                      They do seem to like it though, I mean the wraith really like to hunt us down and capture us and then eat us. Also they don't mind making most of humans stick in the middle ages

                      Of course I will say this has only happened from the wraith that we have seen and I'm not sure if other wraith are all alike but all the wraith (other then Todd) are evil IMO
                      Do you like eating food? Isn't hunting a sport? Some people like hunting--the thrill of the chase and whatnot, but not everyone. They same could be said of the Wraith. Some of them find that fun. We've only seen a handful of Wraith and it's by no means how every Wraith opperates. And with the Runners (like Ronon--and I'm assuming all Runners have an ablility to be able to resist Wraith feeding), what else are you going to do with your food if you can't eat it? You play with it. The Runners aren't yummy and edible. What's left to do with the food but to chase it with a folk around the dinner plate or even to study it and find out why you don't like it or can't eat it.


                        Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                        ...All I keep bumping into are the loony ones
               ARE hanging out with a buncha dames who think green men with no eyebrows and extra nostrils are sexy hot...sooooooo....

                        Yes and this really bugs me. Why not cure them of what I view an "eating disorder" ala diabetes instead of trying to rewrite their whole genetic code. Much like using a 20 pound mallet to drive in a 2 inch nail...
                        Oh, yes!! It's JUST like that! LOL! And yes - it is a laziness on the writer's part. For one, the production isn't THAT big - there should be more consistency where the Lantean view of the Wraith is concerned. For instance, WHY did Sheppard feed Todd in Miller's Crossing? First and foremost, it was to save his friend, McKay, from doing something stupid, and second, it was to hopefully save Rodney's sister. BUT he would NEVER have given Todd a meal IF he REALLY thought the Wraith were evil (I made myself dizzy typing that... ). No - Sheppard has come to realize that the Wraith have a real dietary need, and that they feed to survive, and not because of some evil motivation on their part.

                        Now - since then, Sheppard still threatens to kill Todd, though he has backed down a LITTLE on that one. He's still as snarky as hell with him, but that's okay. The true test will be next season - if Sheppard goes right back to 'we have to kill the Wraith so they won't eat people' - then WHAT was the whole point to his actions in Miller's Crossing? I am really hoping there will be consistency here, with Sheppard, and the Lanteans in general, realizing the difference between a the need to eat, and the desire to kill ONLY for the sake of killing and to gain power (as Michael is the Genii and Replicators have done).

                        fugiman - of course the Wraith enjoy the hunt, and the kill. It is part of appetite stimulation. Just like a cat will play with a mouse before it kills and eats it, so the Wraith enjoy the hunt, and the kill. Even though they have human qualities, their basic biology is still more insect-like, which means they are driven by instincts...the instinct to hunt and consume food. Just like animals in the wild who spend their lives learning to hunt, and learning to kill and looking for food, so do the Wraith. Food - and feeding - is their life. And just like we enjoy a very delicious meal, so do they.

                        Have you ever been STARVING, really hungry...and FINALLY you get something to eat?? Doesn't it taste better than life itself? Don't you find yourself enjoying the meal, perhaps humming, 'mmmmmmm!' under your breath with each tasty bite? I know I have! So it would only make sense that the Wraith enjoy their food as much as we enjoy ours - it's what brings them the most pleasure in life!

                        And like others have said, the Wraith do not look at humans as equals, they see them as food only. Todd, perhaps, is seeing things differently - Michael, of course, has - and because of it has decided that neither human nor Wraith deserve to live. Michael knows that humans are no better than the Wraith - perhaps they are even worse!!!


                        Because Wraith, like big cats in the wild, claim no real morality. Life and death comes natural to them. Feeding on other living things is part of their way of life, they do not question the morality of it because - for them - there is nothing wrong with it, just as there is nothing wrong with a wild animal eating whatever it is their nature dictates for them to eat.

                        Humans, on the other hand, DO make such moral determinations - they do create a moral code and then enforce it upon others. But by doing so, they must answer each time they break their own code. So, each time a human kills a Wraith, or a Genii, or anyone else they see as a threat, they are going against their own moral dictates, thus making them more culpable for their actions.

                        In other words, the Wraith preach one thing, and do accordingly: "If you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for one drop of water, or would you take more?" Wraith do not pretend to be something they are not, they don't hide what they are, nor are they ashamed of their need to feed in order to survive. "All living things must eat."

                        But the humans? They preach one thing, but do another: "Thou shalt not kill...unless I don't like what you eat, or don't like your system of government, or don't like the fact that you live in a galaxy we just invaded, and want to reshape according to our moral vision."

                        Yeah - see...I have a real problem with the whole Humans Playing God thing, which is basically what has been happening in the PG ever since the Lanteans determined that they were the sole protectors of all that is human in the universe, everyone else be damned.

                        Okay - I am really rambling now...but I hope you get my point. The Wraith are what they are by birth; humans, on the other hand, are what they are by choice. They can choose to allow someone to live, or die...but the Wraith are not blessed with such a choice...eventually, for a Wraith to live, a human must die. It is how nature in the PG works, and nature - in and of itself - is not evil.

                        Last edited by dasNdanger; 12 April 2008, 08:50 PM.


                          Originally posted by fugiman View Post

                          That is why I deem the wraith evil,
                          You deem the Wraith evil!!! Just look at your sig. Wanting Anubis for President say a lot of what you don't thinks is evil. Didn't Anubis went back on his word and, destroyed Abydos ?



                            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                            You deem the Wraith evil!!! Just look at your sig. Wanting Anubis for President say a lot of what you don't thinks is evil. Didn't Anubis went back on his word and, destroyed Abydos ?

                            I really can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not

                            Still prove what good they have done?
                            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                            A Face you Can Trust
                            So whats the worst that could happen?
                            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                              Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                              Still prove what good they have done?
                              todd/wraith did contribute the hive ships in BAMSR that led to destroying the replicators. without the wraith help in the fleet, who knows how many worlds the replicators would still be annihilating. I'd say that was beneficial to all concerned, wraith included (and yes, I know, one good deed doesn't erase bad ones). it all comes down to nature and I don't think wraith can be judged evil when they only do what's necessary to ensure their survival. the same can be said for humans. it's one continuous chain reaction. just hypothetically, if you were a creature that needed to feed on a human as your only way to live, wouldn't you? or would you let yourself die? you might have a different view if you were in the wraith's spot. maybe the wraith aren't justified in everything they do (runners), but humans hunt for sport too. in the end, you just can't fight evolution and it's all viewpoint/opinion.
                              Last edited by naamiaiset; 12 April 2008, 09:58 PM.


                                Still what prevents the wraith from feeding on animals? They choose to eat sentient beings who can talk and use machine tools. I mean other then that what is the dffernce in terms of being food? I mean why can't the wraith eat cows, chickens, deer, monkeys, gorillas, or anything but they choose humans and targets them specfically. I mean there is no bilogical reason why they can't eat something else
                                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                                A Face you Can Trust
                                So whats the worst that could happen?
                                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

