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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Spikey - true, I want Todd and his select few to be ALLIES...but that doesn't mean I want the rest of the Wraith dead. In fact...I'm trying to figure out ways to bring some of the bad boys Bob...and skanky ol' Edward....that is, if a guy can actually be called 'skanky'...


    Silly das! I don't know if they can be brought back, as JL doesn't play a Wraith any more!

    Focus on coming out with more nice Todd-centric stories!

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      Originally posted by Reed
      All males aren't Wraith haters. I'm a guy and think the Wraith are pretty cool.

      Welcome back, Reed. A lot of us were disappointed when we found out that a Wraith liking guy got away...Er...didn't hang around for us to with!

      No. Seriously. Good to see we didn't scare you off completely. We're gonzo, but we're basically harmless.


      Even tried to find your profile to invite you back....

      @Sparrow_hawk: You do have a point. I'm just running on fumes. I'm so exhausted. What with my garden, all these threads I'm subscribed to, Photoshop and sooooo many new toys (I don't know whether to bless or curse whoever it was in whichever thread it was who said to check out Kai's Power Tools! OMG! That led me to Obsidian Dawn Free Photoshop Brushes, etc. Can we say "Download fren-zy!"),...train of thought just derailed. I think you're getting the picture anyway. I'm just not in the mood for anybody trying to convince me that I need to peel myself off of Todd and the other HAWT Wraith Lads because of their xeno-phobic, human-centric point of view! It just isn't going to happen, so I'm leaving it where I can't see it...maybe until I'm in a better state of non-exhaustion.

      Hugs! (in case I came across harsh...I can't really tell right now. I have too much to do today, so I can't go back to bed. I wouldn't sleep anyway, thinking about all I need to do today. Meh.




        Originally posted by fugiman
        Still what prevents the wraith from feeding on animals?
        As has been brought out, it was established in Suspicion/Poisoning the Well that Sheppard brought all sorts of living creatures to Steve, but he was unable to feed on them. I'm sure if he was hungry enough, he would have fed on them even if he didn't care for their 'taste' it seems that they cannot gain nutrition from anything other than humans.

        Originally posted by StarOcean
        I don't think Wraith, as a race, are evil.
        Exactly - 'Wraith' are not evil, though some individuals within the species may be (the Superwraith in Sateda comes to mind). Steve, even Bob, were not evil...they were just acting out of a need to survive. For instance, if Bob had been 'evil', he would have fed to his heart's delight while on Atlantis, starting with those in command, and working his way down the chain of command. But he had a different mission, and only took what he needed without trying to single-handedly defeat the Lanteans.

        They are aliens. They're not even human aliens (Teyla, Ronon, Genii, Jaffa, etc). We shouldn't judge them or think of them by our standards. We might not ever be able to truly comprehend them.
        Exactly, just like we can't impose human standards on our dogs and cats. WE would NOT lick ourselves in public, but for a dog or a cat it is nothing - not embarrassing at all. I think Wraith-haters need to realize that the Wraith are not a different HUMAN race (like black, white, hispanic, etc) but a different SPECIES. Totally different standards apply to them so that they can function among their kind.

        Even Carson says so in that he thinks it's unnatural. Which boggles my mind.
        THIS also boggles my mind. If they are the result of some 'natural' process, then why say their existence is unnatural? REPLICATORS are unnatural - they are man-made! But Wraith are the result of a natural process of birth, life, death, etc...

        Ugh. Stupid writers...they don't even know what it is they have created!! LOL! It's like they just come up with ideas, without thinking things through.

        Originally posted by StarOcean
        Also, does it bother anyone that Todd's belt buckle is crooked? I feel like that's an oversight. It should be perfectly aligned!

        Or maybe it's a indication, like with his hair that's occasionally find its way into his collar, that while Todd seems all held together now, he's still affected by his Genii imprisonment.
        I've noticed this too - either crooked, or sometimes his belt is sagging (Todd needs to eat more!). Some of it is due, I believe, to the restraints they have on him, but other times I think it's just a reflection of either Todd's general feelings toward his own appearance (he cares, but he's not as prissy as Steve was about it), or a reflection of the actor's personality. Not sure about Penny, but Chris comes across as a sort of laid back sort, and so this may come through in his handling of Todd. "Yeah, belt's crooked. If you want to get within arm's reach to fix it for me, so be it..." *sly grin*

        I've also noticed that Todd - despite being well-spoken - does NOT speak as formally as Steve, and Shawn, and even Bob. He uses more contractions (that is what they are called, right? LOL...English class was a loooong time ago!), and tends to not pronounce his words as precisely. Again, a reflection of his personality - Todd is more laid back, less uptight then the likes of Steve...

        Originally posted by Risem
        Wowy, I've had to read through so much! You like talking guys! *squishes you all*
        I like being squished!!!


        Originally posted by GoSpikey
        Focus on coming out with more nice Todd-centric stories!
        I am, I am!!! I've also been wondering...JM has been very mum about Todd overall, only saying that he's in 3 episodes so far. He hasn't said which actor is portraying him... A little mention about Chris would be nice...

        Okay, Wraith worshippers - guys and gals alike! I'm off to church, so while I'm gone, go pester JM with your concerns!!

        I must say that I would LOVE to hear an answer from him about the disregard for the Wraith as intelligent creatures, referring to their evolution as 'unnatural', and insisting on villanizing them based simply on the fact that they have a specialized diet, as if that makes them inherently evil, or something. Also, the whole inconsistency in the portrayal of the Wraith on the part of the writers - some showing a sympathetic view, while others insist on keeping them labeled as 'evil'.

        Yeah, shutting up now...



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Hey, gals...notice how all the Wraith haters are male...?

          Betcha they're jealous that so many women swoon over the sexy good looks of green, life-sucking bugmen!


          How is your hubby in that way? Lol! At least he seems to adapt well to your, er, desires... (I'm not going to say it, this time!)

          Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
          The first thing I told my friend after watching Poisoning the Well was that Steve was one sexy alien. My husband fails to see my attraction. LOL
          His loss!

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Thanks, have renewed my faith in men...

          Now I have to behave myself and act like a lady...

          Das? Trying to behave like a 'lady'? Oh boy... Now we're gonna see it...

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Of course, that would mean that Todd is more than a scientist - he'd have to be a doctor, as, scientist, computer geek, commander, diplomat, catwalk model...what CAN'T this guy do??



          Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
          I'm also here to gather theories and ideals for Wraith-centric plot bunnies (mostly Michael as I'm writing Michael/Teyla fics). Plus this place seems like a pretty cool place to hang out.
          Welcome here, too, Sasusc! I don't need to tell you again how I wanna read more of your work, so I hope that you'll be getting a lot of great plot bunnies, and that your pen (or fingers) will be fluent, and that you'll have a lot of time on your hands, and gusto.

          Is there a plot bunny of the silly post I made on M/T this morning? The one that mentions Croya?

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            A big welcome to any and all newcomers.
            Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
            Great sig! Thanks for the welcome!
            No problem JenKM1216 and thanks.
            Originally posted by Icarium View Post
            Love it
            Thanks Icarium.
            Originally posted by Reed
            All males aren't Wraith haters. I'm a guy and think the Wraith are pretty cool.
            Welcome to the club Reed and your absolutely right not all of us Guys hate the Wraith i absolutely love them.

            Oh and i hope you or anybody else doesn't mind me saying this but it's great to see another guy in this thread.
            Last edited by wraithlord; 13 April 2008, 07:05 AM.


              Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
              And with the Runners (like Ronon--and I'm assuming all Runners have an ablility to be able to resist Wraith feeding), what else are you going to do with your food if you can't eat it? You play with it. The Runners aren't yummy and edible. What's left to do with the food but to chase it with a folk around the dinner plate or even to study it and find out why you don't like it or can't eat it.
              You assume incorrectly.

              The Runners can most certainly be fed on. I think they just see it as a waste, because they're soooo defiant, and strong, and mad at the Wraith, that they decide to play with them instead of simply feeding on them.

              Joe M confirmed this in his blog (they can be fed upon just fine).

              Originally posted by fugiman View Post
              Still what prevents the wraith from feeding on animals? They choose to eat sentient beings who can talk and use machine tools. I mean other then that what is the dffernce in terms of being food? I mean why can't the wraith eat cows, chickens, deer, monkeys, gorillas, or anything but they choose humans and targets them specfically. I mean there is no bilogical reason why they can't eat something else
              Please excuse me, but could you pull up a couple of pictures of this luxuriant amount of cattle you think the PG has? I don't remember seeing that much of them, and I'd like to see if you have a point, or not.

              Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
              Hey, GoSpikey! That cat walk sig of Todd was great! And hey, I noticed they all show Todd with his right foot first.

              But where did I make a 'catwalk' Todd sig? Unless you mean the 'bringing back sexy' one...

              I'm very much guilty for having made that one!

              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
              Guys you are insane - 7 pages in one night

              I absolutly love you for it

              So many great thoughts!

              Welcome Sasusc, Reed and JenKM1216

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Wraith hive ships seem very organic in nature. ie: the holding cells and stuff.

                Are they living ships?
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                  Wraith hive ships seem very organic in nature. ie: the holding cells and stuff.

                  Are they living ships?
                  Yes, they heal themselves at least partially, I believe...

                  In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                  I wish I got to know you better.


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    Yes, they heal themselves at least partially, I believe...

                    That would be a fantastic area to be explored. Not that the idea of living ships is new and all. I mean we've had them in movies since the 50s but it'd be a nice area for the show to touch on....
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                      That would be a fantastic area to be explored. Not that the idea of living ships is new and all. I mean we've had them in movies since the 50s but it'd be a nice area for the show to touch on....
                      That might just have been the "great weakness" they apparently spoke off, in the episode 'Aurora'.

                      Nobody is making bugspray or a chemo-mixture to attack the organic vessels...

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me since last night. I remember seeing several, but my kids keep distracting me, so I gave up on multiple quotes. LOL

                        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                        Nobody is making bugspray or a chemo-mixture to attack the organic vessels...
                        *dies* I could just imagine a giant aerosol can of Wraith ship spray...

                        As for them being organic, I remember McKay saying at some point that the ships were partially organic. I can't remember which episode or which season, and I'm too lazy to look right now. (When you watch all four season in one week, some of them blur together.)

                        It is interesting to speculate if the ships are their weakness. The Wraith pretty much admitted they don't know how everything with their ships work, so I'd say that leaves a pretty big opening for a mode of attack.

                        I've recently found myself wondering about the Wraith home planet. We've seen young female Wraith--Ellia. This leads me to wonder if there are female Wraith other than the Queens. We know the Queens make the clones and such, but perhaps there are different kinds of Wraith females. I'm partly leading up to wondering if perhaps some of the males in the hives actually might have mates and families back "home." Just because Todd didn't respond to McKay's appeal to his sense of family in McKay and Mrs. Miller doesn't necessarily mean much. It could be he doesn't have a family of his own. Especially when we remember he was imprisoned for "many years."

                        These are just some thoughts that ran through my mind as I began a Todd-centric fanfic story last night.


                          Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
                          I've recently found myself wondering about the Wraith home planet. We've seen young female Wraith--Ellia. This leads me to wonder if there are female Wraith other than the Queens. We know the Queens make the clones and such, but perhaps there are different kinds of Wraith females. I'm partly leading up to wondering if perhaps some of the males in the hives actually might have mates and families back "home." Just because Todd didn't respond to McKay's appeal to his sense of family in McKay and Mrs. Miller doesn't necessarily mean much. It could be he doesn't have a family of his own. Especially when we remember he was imprisoned for "many years."

                          These are just some thoughts that ran through my mind as I began a Todd-centric fanfic story last night.
                          Well, in a few eps we did see the wraith "home world" or at least the original planet of the Iratus bug. It didn't seem to have any intelligent life on it.
                          Also, the queens don't produce clones. In SOW the queen made a batch of warriers which were then cloned. It's also thought they must make the faced warriors somehow in a similar way.
                          Also I don't think they have more females as the wraith seems completely hive based, IE females are much rarer than males.


                            Originally posted by Risem View Post
                            Also I don't think they have more females as the wraith seems completely hive based, IE females are much rarer than males.
                            Hmm... I find it odd that the Wraith wouldn't seek out Ellia's crashed ship in hopes of survivors if females are so very rare. Needing the Queens in order to survive as a species would put severe limitations on their abilities to advance. Perhaps this could be the weakness referred to? Back to my point, if females are so very rare, one would think the Wraith would overrun the planet where Ellia's ship crashed in hopes of her survival. Worst case scenario, they cull the humans there without finding her.

                            I dunno. That whole situation makes me believe there is more to the Wraith than Queens who create everyone from their hive. I get the feeling questions like this will forever remain unanswered. I don't think the SGA writers are as interested in things like this as fans are.


                              Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                              . check out Kai's Power Tools! OMG! That led me to Obsidian Dawn Free Photoshop Brushes, etc. Can we say "Download fren-zy!"),...train

                              Obsidian Dawn!!! I love her brushes she evens has pattens for photoshop. She also give tutorials on how to use the brushes. Kai powers tools I check that out last night but I was to blurry eyed to read everything. There are all kinds of free thing out there too. Just google free photoshop styles, brushes, and patterns.There is another site called Free Photoshop brushes ok I know this is a Wraith form but, you need info on how to make beautiful Wraith pictures and signatures right

                              Take Care:



                                Originally posted by JenKM1216 View Post
                                As for them being organic, I remember McKay saying at some point that the ships were partially organic. I can't remember which episode or which season, and I'm too lazy to look right now. (When you watch all four season in one week, some of them blur together.)
                                I do the same thing--watch an entire season in one night and don't remember where which characters said what. However, I do know that McKay says this to the wraith scientist in The Siege Part II end of season one

                                It is interesting to speculate if the ships are their weakness. The Wraith pretty much admitted they don't know how everything with their ships work, so I'd say that leaves a pretty big opening for a mode of attack.
                                I think the wraith have many weaknesses, just not the same as humans. I have wondered though how did their organic ships come about. The idea of organic ships is old to SciFi. You see the "dog" (or dart) ships in Battle Star Galatic and the Vorgons in Babylon Five

                                I've recently found myself wondering about the Wraith home planet. We've seen young female Wraith--Ellia. This leads me to wonder if there are female Wraith other than the Queens. We know the Queens make the clones and such, but perhaps there are different kinds of Wraith females. I'm partly leading up to wondering if perhaps some of the males in the hives actually might have mates and families back "home." Just because Todd didn't respond to McKay's appeal to his sense of family in McKay and Mrs. Miller doesn't necessarily mean much. It could be he doesn't have a family of his own. Especially when we remember he was imprisoned for "many years."
                                I have often speculated on this. I often think, well the queens are for breeding drones and warriors, but perhaps the sentient wraith are raised in families. Elia certainly needed a family (and had one in her human father), so clearly the wraith are social creatures and need that interaction and deep attachment in order to live.

                                So, I hear what you're saying.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

