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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Sorry - I get a bit of Todd, too. ACTUALLY...

    Joe Mallozzi finally acknowledged one of my comments on his blog. He was trying to figure out my line of reasoning that the Wraith kept balance in the PG by culling humans and keeping them from over-populating planets...and he said, (Quote): "I’m not sure I’m following your line of reasoning unless…Todd, is that you?!"

    So...looks like I'm more like Todd than I know...

    Grindhouse is an American movie in the fashion of cheesy flicks from the 1950s-1970s. This one was a double feature, directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. I was watching the Planet Horror one, about flesh-eating zombies. Very gory and disgusting... yuck!

    Lol, I'm thinking he knows you always ask him something Wraith/Todd related, and he's starting to recognize you. That's why he said 'Todd'. Cos he knows which comments you've made in the past.

    Very neat.

    Ah okay...

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      Yeah, I'm getting a very Wraithy reputation...


      I just found out that 'Kolya' (R. Davi) eats at my FAVORITE local restaurant! We went there for breakfast, and I saw his picture on the wall. I asked about it, and they said he was just there two months ago, and is somehow a friend of the owner.

      Sooooo...NEXT time I see 'Kolya', I'm gonna lay into him about how poorly he treated dear ol' Todd...

      I hope our paths cross - I've enjoyed the actor in other movies (Goonies, for one), so it will be fun if I get to meet him.

      I'm still smiling about the 'Todd' I should bleach my hair white, and shave off my eyebrows...



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

        maybe I should bleach my hair white, and shave off my eyebrows....

        and enter Andee Frizzell's Wraith competition?

        I'm thinking of Wraithing my husband!!

        Tune In, Turn On, Burn Out .......


          @ Hi das I really enjoyed your comdic skit a few post back. A great pick me up since I have been feeling under the weather of late. Maybe the PTB should hire you as another writer. I was JM blog to post and, yes I read yours I like that "Is that you Todd", just keep em guessing. I hope he addresses my post too.

          And speaking of his blog there is a episode in season five called "The Queen" first I thought I was going to be another Wraith story but it is a Sheppard and Rodney story following the Harmony story. And here I thought Sheppy and Roddy were going to dress in drag. That would be a very funny episode kind of that old movie "Some Like It Hot." an old movie that was made in 60s with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon who dress in drag to hide from gangsters so, they join an all girl band. The movie time line takes place in the 1920s. That's so strange because the movie was on TV not to long ago

          Getting back to our Wraith and Todd I asked him if we will see Todd or any Wraith in the fifth season. Hope he answers with a responding YES! or I am I just dreaming.

          Just a thought came to my mind. We should have a letter campain ( sorry about the spelling my head is still throbbing due to a head cold) to save the Wraith and Todd. It worked for Jerico and hopefully it will work for the Wraith.



            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            And speaking of his blog there is a episode in season five called "The Queen" first I thought I was going to be another Wraith story but it is a Sheppard and Rodney story following the Harmony story.

            Getting back to our Wraith and Todd I asked him if we will see Todd or any Wraith in the fifth season. Hope he answers with a responding YES! or I am I just dreaming.

            Just a thought came to my mind. We should have a letter campain ( sorry about the spelling my head is still throbbing due to a head cold) to save the Wraith and Todd. It worked for Jerico and hopefully it will work for the Wraith.

            About 'Harmony'. I haven't seen the ep yet, but wasn't it boring? Do they just pick out the most boring eps of the season and make a follow up story about it? I'd prefer another Wraith ep (if you change the title), or another Michael ep (keep it and it had better be Teyla). ^^

            Maybe ya should wait till after today's ep with starting those 'save Todd/Wraith' campaigns... We don't know what they're doing in TLM, yet.

            If das mails me after she's seen the ep and starts yelling in it, I'll know it isn't good.

            Oh boy.

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              I'm afraid that I won't SEE TLM! I have satellite, and we're getting a nor'easter tonight, into tomorrow. Wind, rain...I just hope my power doesn't cut out, or my satellite signal goes out. I will cry if I miss this one!!!

              I'm trying to keep busy until then, without thinking too much about it...just don't want to get too excited until AFTER I've seen the episode....



                Originally posted by LiquidSky
                @ Hi das I really enjoyed your comdic skit a few post back. A great pick me up since I have been feeling under the weather of late. Maybe the PTB should hire you as another writer. I was JM blog to post and, yes I read yours I like that "Is that you Todd", just keep em guessing. I hope he addresses my post too.
                Well...I've already said there that I'm a woman, so...unless TODD's in drag...I think they know it's not Todd. But obviously, I AM one of his worshippers.

                And speaking of his blog there is a episode in season five called "The Queen" first I thought I was going to be another Wraith story but it is a Sheppard and Rodney story following the Harmony story. And here I thought Sheppy and Roddy were going to dress in drag. That would be a very funny episode kind of that old movie "Some Like It Hot." an old movie that was made in 60s with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon who dress in drag to hide from gangsters so, they join an all girl band. The movie time line takes place in the 1920s. That's so strange because the movie was on TV not to long ago
                I love Some Like It Hot!! Great movie!! And yeah, would be sweet to see Rodney, drag. Wraith don't count because they kinda sorta look like they're in drag anyway, with the hair and the long dress-like coats and the facepaint.

                Getting back to our Wraith and Todd I asked him if we will see Todd or any Wraith in the fifth season. Hope he answers with a responding YES! or I am I just dreaming.
                He gets about 500 questions a week, and answers about 20. So, don't hold your breath. canNOT hurt to see 'Todd' on the blog. The more he sees the name, the more he may realize the importance of this character (if he hasn't done so already). I just made more pro-Todd comments there, too.

                Just a thought came to my mind. We should have a letter campain ( sorry about the spelling my head is still throbbing due to a head cold) to save the Wraith and Todd. It worked for Jerico and hopefully it will work for the Wraith.

                I'd be game for it - but I do think we should wait to see how TLM works out. My biggest concern is that they've already written Todd out, and we don't know it yet...I mean, he might get killed off in the S5 premiere for all we know. But I'll still keep putting his name out there - hopefully it'll make a difference, and encourage them to keep the guy around for a good, long while.



                  Yes TPTB seem to follow up on the most boring episodes. Harmony was very interesting I too would like to see more Wraith/Todd episodes in season five I guess will not know until The Last Man airs tonight.



                    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                    Yes TPTB seem to follow up on the most boring episodes. Harmony was very interesting I too would like to see more Wraith/Todd episodes in season five I guess will not know until The Last Man airs tonight.

                    First part was sarcasm, I take it?

                    Yup, Todd would be great in season 5. Although we've been too spoiled in season 4. He had 1/3rd of the season.

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Yeah - I really doubt we will get a lot of Todd next season....unless we get him in the second half of the season. I hope we get SOME...and not just in the premiere episode.

                      I really wouldn't mind him in fewer episodes back-to-back. I'd like to see him more spaced out throughout the season...then each time he shows up it will be a big surprise.

                      Me likies surprises!



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Yeah - I really doubt we will get a lot of Todd next season....unless we get him in the second half of the season. I hope we get SOME...and not just in the premiere episode.

                        I really wouldn't mind him in fewer episodes back-to-back. I'd like to see him more spaced out throughout the season...then each time he shows up it will be a big surprise.

                        Me likies surprises!

                        Well, if anything goes wrong (*really hope it doesn't*) we always have your great short dialogues They will have to do

                        *can't wait TLM*



                          Anyone who sees The Last Man PLEASE write down here what happens to Todd for those of us not lucky enough to see it. Details please or i'll go nuts.
                          FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                            Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                            Anyone who sees The Last Man PLEASE write down here what happens to Todd for those of us not lucky enough to see it. Details please or i'll go nuts.
                            Or, you know, DON'T, for a couple of days, since others don't wanna be spoiled and can't stay away from those spoiler tags...

                            I always hate the fact that I can't chat on here until I've seen the ep on Saturday afternoon, which means I have to wait for so many hours to peek into the board...

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Oh come on, don't be like that.
                              Some of us like to be spoiled.
                              Being spoiled is fun.
                              FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                                Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                                Oh come on, don't be like that.
                                Some of us like to be spoiled.
                                Being spoiled is fun.
                                NOT for a final ep.

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

