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    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    true. they'll never be friends due to the need to feed issue. todd acted civil on atlantis because he knew if he misbehaved, he'd be killed. still, he's done a lot of things that are uncharacteristic for a wraith and yet he's still 100% wraith as we saw in kindred I. that's the thing I like most about him.
    He's the kind of Wraith that knows that acting all grumpy and going all 'feed me', 'bow before your god', 'they'll come for me and kill you all', etc isn't going to matter. It only shows patheticness. He knows it's not the way to getting out of there, but being somewhat sneaky is. Not meaning the tracking device he had in/on him, but the way he maneuvered himself out of captivity in BAMSR. 'Such an alliance will have to be negotiated about, personally.' And then Brendan's smile. Sooo sweet.

    I'd better tag the rest:

    I don't think he at any point was really actively afraid of being killed. He knows they're just bluffing, see the 'You always say that, but you'll always come around.' He knows them now. He's not afraid any more.

    And I really didn't see Todd as being different in The Kindred I. He had a clear goal, and that was getting the info on the Hoffan drug. What he offered in return was pretty meager, really. The answer would have been 'a person who was once a Wraith, but now a Hybrid'. Wow. Some info in exchange for a life saving drug. I liked the negotiation part on his home turf. The Hive in sunlight was cool. Seemed kinda small, though. They should have shown the guys walking next to it at some point.

    He would be a leader who could bring the Wraith into the future. They're not facing silly people any more, but humans from another galaxy with better ships than they do. Which makes me wonder if they'll ever be able to update Hive Ships or not...

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
      He's the kind of Wraith that knows that acting all grumpy and going all 'feed me', 'bow before your god', 'they'll come for me and kill you all', etc isn't going to matter. It only shows patheticness. He knows it's not the way to getting out of there, but being somewhat sneaky is. Not meaning the tracking device he had in/on him, but the way he maneuvered himself out of captivity in BAMSR. 'Such an alliance will have to be negotiated about, personally.' And then Brendan's smile. Sooo sweet.

      I'd better tag the rest:

      I don't think he at any point was really actively afraid of being killed. He knows they're just bluffing, see the 'You always say that, but you'll always come around.' He knows them now. He's not afraid any more.

      And I really didn't see Todd as being different in The Kindred I. He had a clear goal, and that was getting the info on the Hoffan drug. What he offered in return was pretty meager, really. The answer would have been 'a person who was once a Wraith, but now a Hybrid'. Wow. Some info in exchange for a life saving drug. I liked the negotiation part on his home turf. The Hive in sunlight was cool. Seemed kinda small, though. They should have shown the guys walking next to it at some point.

      He would be a leader who could bring the Wraith into the future. They're not facing silly people any more, but humans from another galaxy with better ships than they do. Which makes me wonder if they'll ever be able to update Hive Ships or not...

      maybe he wasn't actively afraid of being killed, but if he acted up, would atlantis have hesitated? I don't think so. in their eyes, he's an enemy first and ally second.

      I agree todd would be a great leader, not only because he's wise/smart, but he's already been of great standing among wraith. with wraith so divided though, I don't know if all the hives would unite or not. if they did unite under todd, he could pose a threat... (which I hope he doesn't.)
      Last edited by naamiaiset; 02 March 2008, 05:03 PM.


        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
        He's the kind of Wraith that knows that acting all grumpy and going all 'feed me', 'bow before your god', 'they'll come for me and kill you all', etc isn't going to matter. It only shows patheticness. He knows it's not the way to getting out of there, but being somewhat sneaky is. Not meaning the tracking device he had in/on him, but the way he maneuvered himself out of captivity in BAMSR. 'Such an alliance will have to be negotiated about, personally.' And then Brendan's smile. Sooo sweet.

        I'd better tag the rest:

        I don't think he at any point was really actively afraid of being killed. He knows they're just bluffing, see the 'You always say that, but you'll always come around.' He knows them now. He's not afraid any more.

        And I really didn't see Todd as being different in The Kindred I. He had a clear goal, and that was getting the info on the Hoffan drug. What he offered in return was pretty meager, really. The answer would have been 'a person who was once a Wraith, but now a Hybrid'. Wow. Some info in exchange for a life saving drug. I liked the negotiation part on his home turf. The Hive in sunlight was cool. Seemed kinda small, though. They should have shown the guys walking next to it at some point.

        He would be a leader who could bring the Wraith into the future. They're not facing silly people any more, but humans from another galaxy with better ships than they do. Which makes me wonder if they'll ever be able to update Hive Ships or not...

        I agree, those are some great scenes. He always seems to find a way to make things work out to his advantage. I just watched The Seer again today.
        I needed a Todd fix since he wasn't in Kindred II.

        Seeing Todd offer to shake hands with Sam always makes me smile! And his laugh and the way he looks around at the guards after she leaves the cell is just priceless!

        I can't wait to see what happens in The Last Man, but I just know they are going to leave me hanging and make me crazy waiting for the whole summer to have things resolved in the Season 5 opener!

        @Spikey -- the ship in Kindred I looked small because it was just a cruiser, not a hive-ship. That's what the transcript said, anyway.
        Sparrow hawk



          Originally posted by Aidan View Post

          That makes me incredibly happy to hear! You have just made my day! May I ask, how did you find out?
          Hi, Aidan Where did you find that picture of Todd The one in your signature I have never seen this one before. I would put in on my desk top. Then I would get the feeling his eyes are following me where ever I go ha ha



            Helloooo to all of WDC! I'm new here and totally a Todd worshipper.

            Something's been worrying me about the Kindred II and I wanted everyone else to share my fears. Because you know, misery loves company!

            Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

            Quoting from memory:
            John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

            From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

            The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.


              Naami -

              I like your new sig!
              Sparrow hawk



                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                Helloooo to all of WDC! I'm new here and totally a Todd worshipper.

                Something's been worrying me about the Kindred II and I wanted everyone else to share my fears. Because you know, misery loves company!

                Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

                Quoting from memory:
                John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

                From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

                The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.

                sheppard's quote was "I assume he's lying. Until we can come up with something that he can use, he's not much good to us." (from the transcript page) todd and atlantis have a "I'll help you if you can help me" basis, it was reflecting that is all. todd gave them the intel, so now it's on atlantis to provide todd something before he'll help them again. the poison/hoffman research wasn't even mentioned in kindred II anyway... which was weird.

                welcome to WDC.

                and thanks sparrow.
                Last edited by naamiaiset; 02 March 2008, 08:52 PM.


                  Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                  Helloooo to all of WDC! I'm new here and totally a Todd worshipper.

                  Something's been worrying me about the Kindred II and I wanted everyone else to share my fears. Because you know, misery loves company!

                  Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

                  Quoting from memory:
                  John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

                  From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

                  The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.
                  Welcome, StarOcean!

                  Yeah, I'm worried about Todd's future in SGA next season, too.
                  It was awfully convenient for TPTB to have Rodney give Todd an address where he could leave information for them (in Kindred I. It gives them a way to continue to refer to Todd without actually having him in a particular episode. Then when Sheppard is talking about Todd at the beginning of Kindred II, I realized Todd wasn't going to make an appearance.

                  Actually, I interpretted Sheppard's comment a little differently. I kind of thought that they would have given Todd the rest of the Hoffan drug info after he gave them the lead that resulted in their finding Carson. And I thought that Sheppard was griping that, now that Todd had what he wanted, he wasn't interested in exchanging more information . But that is just speculation on my part. Considering the timeline there, if Todd does have the information he needs, he is probably pretty busy working on an antidote. He might not want to be bothered helping the Atlanteans search for their little lost lamb.

                  And Todd's information was accurate. He told Sheppard that Wraith worshippers mentioned that "one of their people" was being kept at that location. He was right; it just happened to be Carson instead of Teyla.
                  I'm not sure what next season holds, but from the MGM trailer, it looks like we'll get to see Todd in The Last Man.
                  Todd's my favorite Wraith. I hope to see more of him in future SGA episodes and more Wraith character development in general!
                  Sparrow hawk



                    Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                    Helloooo to all of WDC! I'm new here and totally a Todd worshipper.

                    Something's been worrying me about the Kindred II and I wanted everyone else to share my fears. Because you know, misery loves company!

                    Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

                    Quoting from memory:
                    John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

                    From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

                    The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.
                    Hi StarOcean

                    Welcome to the WDC where everything in this thread is Wraith. I would love to give you some insight on your question but I can't since I have not seen that episode yet it will be broadcast tomorrow night.( Monday.) I just wanted to welcome you here. It is nice to have another Todd or Wraith supporter


                      Naamiaiset wrote:
                      sheppard's quote was "I assume he's lying. Until we can come up with something that he can use, he's not much good to us." (from the transcript page) todd and atlantis have a "I'll help you if you can help me" basis, it was reflecting that is all. todd gave them the intel, so now it's on atlantis to provide todd something before he'll help them again. the poison/hoffman research wasn't even mentioned in kindred II anyway... which was weird.
                      My reply:
                      Ah, I see! I misheard the line as "until he can come up." And wow, the transcript is up already? That was fast. And you're right that the Hoff research wasn't mentioned, especially in that exchange between John and Sam about Todd. Which was what made me to think that John didn't keep his end of the bargain.

                      Sparrow_hawk wrote:
                      Actually, I interpretted Sheppard's comment a little differently. I kind of thought that they would have given Todd the rest of the Hoffan drug info after he gave them the lead that resulted in their finding Carson. And I thought that Sheppard was griping that, now that Todd had what he wanted, he wasn't interested in exchanging more information . But that is just speculation on my part. Considering the timeline there, if Todd does have the information he needs, he is probably pretty busy working on an antidote.
                      My reply:
                      I like your interpretation! Especially the idea that Todd's busy working on the antidote. And I hope only on the antidote. I really hope he isn't turning the research into a weapon.

                      And thanks for the welcomes!


                        Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post

                        @Spikey -- the ship in Kindred I looked small because it was just a cruiser, not a hive-ship. That's what the transcript said, anyway.
                        That wraith "cruiser" looks to me like an outpost. Like the one seen in Reunion





                          Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                          @Spikey -- the ship in Kindred I looked small because it was just a cruiser, not a hive-ship. That's what the transcript said, anyway.
                          I never said that Michael had a Hive Ship... A Cruiser is all he needs... He doesn't have that many people there...

                          Edit: Ignore me, ignore me... Was just beginning my day.

                          I haven't seen 'Reunion' yet, so I don't know that. And yeah, that was what I thought, the thing looks so small. And it would be strange to have them run around in an 11km long ship...

                          So it's an outpost, or a Cruiser? Which one? Michael's Cruiser looked entirely different. But if it was just an outpost, why would they have dead Wraith in there? Unless they fed, quickly went there, and dropped dead on the spot? I doubt Todd would make the effort of dragging 3 Wraith bodies from the Hive with him just to put them there so the Lanteans can see what's happening, definitely since he thinks they already know what's going on.

                          Last edited by GoSpikey; 03 March 2008, 03:30 AM.

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                            Hi, Aidan Where did you find that picture of Todd The one in your signature I have never seen this one before. I would put in on my desk top. Then I would get the feeling his eyes are following me where ever I go ha ha

                            I'm guessing it's a combination from Spoils of War pictures.

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.



                              *Combines some posts.*

                              Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                              Helloooo to all of WDC! I'm new here and totally a Todd worshipper.

                              Something's been worrying me about the Kindred II and I wanted everyone else to share my fears. Because you know, misery loves company!

                              Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

                              Quoting from memory:
                              John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

                              From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

                              The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.

                              The thing you have to keep in mind is that Todd isn't going to play their new information bank. If Todd's back gets scratched, so will the Lanteans' backs.

                              Todd's busy working on the vaccin. He'll have gotten the rest of the research right after Carson was brought back, I think, and in the transmission the question for more information could have been mentioned. But no answers from Todd, as he's busy and not in need for anything right now.

                              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                              Naami -

                              I like your new sig!
                              ME TOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                              Welcome, StarOcean!

                              Yeah, I'm worried about Todd's future in SGA next season, too.
                              It was awfully convenient for TPTB to have Rodney give Todd an address where he could leave information for them (in Kindred I. It gives them a way to continue to refer to Todd without actually having him in a particular episode. Then when Sheppard is talking about Todd at the beginning of Kindred II, I realized Todd wasn't going to make an appearance.

                              Actually, I interpretted Sheppard's comment a little differently. I kind of thought that they would have given Todd the rest of the Hoffan drug info after he gave them the lead that resulted in their finding Carson. And I thought that Sheppard was griping that, now that Todd had what he wanted, he wasn't interested in exchanging more information . But that is just speculation on my part. Considering the timeline there, if Todd does have the information he needs, he is probably pretty busy working on an antidote. He might not want to be bothered helping the Atlanteans search for their little lost lamb.

                              And Todd's information was accurate. He told Sheppard that Wraith worshippers mentioned that "one of their people" was being kept at that location. He was right; it just happened to be Carson instead of Teyla.
                              I'm not sure what next season holds, but from the MGM trailer, it looks like we'll get to see Todd in The Last Man.
                              Todd's my favorite Wraith. I hope to see more of him in future SGA episodes and more Wraith character development in general!
                              Don't forget that Chris Heyerdahl has a role to play in Sanctuary also. And, sorry to say, but we've been spoiled this last season. Almost every third ep had Todd in it. That's A LOT. As much as we would like him to be in season 5 this much, it's not going to happen. But he'll come back, though. And he needs to be a character that comes back once or twice a season (heart bleeds to say this) just to keep him interesting, and to see what he's up to now.

                              Besides, they're speaking about a new enemy. And some whump eps, and a Daedalus one, etc. I wouldn't know where to put him in those eps.

                              Can't wait for Todd's scene(s) in The Last Man. I wonder what he's after. Remember that he knows there's something special about Teyla, too, and that the kid is even more formidable. I just hope he's not gonna turn into Mikey Two... But he probably won't, cos you know, they put teasers together like this so we would expect the worst. Besides, remember that time will be turned back, so it can all be undone.

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                                That wraith "cruiser" looks to me like an outpost. Like the one seen in Reunion


                                You took it out my mouth I also thought it's an outpost.
                                But, on the other hand, why would Todd reveal the location of such facility to the Lanteans? If it were a cruiser, it would be more logical

                                Hello to all new members of WDC!

                                @naamiaiset - your siggy with Todd is great!


