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    Originally posted by Aidan View Post
    Just so long as they spare Todd! I will be devastated if he doesn't return in Season Five.
    Welcome - and agreed! More Todd! But as Spikey pointed out - Chris is in Sanctuary (which was just picked up by Sci Fi), so not sure he'll be able to swing both productions. If they just have him a couple times, I'd be happy - but make those appearances MEANINGFUL - full episodes of Todd, like Common Ground.

    Originally posted by cryogenic_limbo View Post
    That's true. Sadly. I wish that they would get rid of those stupid stereotypics and create more realistic characters that are not either 'good' or 'evil'. I like Todd a lot, because he's that kind of character.
    Exactly. Keep him where he is - keep us, and the Lanteans, guessing. Make him do some things that are truly good (restoring Shep's life, for instance), and some things that are a bit naughty (hacking McKay's computer) - but don't make him pure evil. That would be TOO cliche.

    Originally posted by TheWraithSteve View Post
    I agree with you Sparrow hawk I wouldn't think ronon will have a change of heart and help todd for ronon he's a wraith and that is one race he would love to see fall to his feet but it would be interesting to see them work together knowing "IF" they accomplish "The death of Micheal" ronon might turn to try and kill todd just b/c he's a wraith and without sheppard to stop him from succeding but
    Todd is very smart he's probably figured out every battle tatics ronon uses and could possibly beat him
    I would LOVE to see Todd and Ronon in a little hand-to-hand battle - would love for it to be a draw (tie), and would love for Sheppard to break it up, and make them appologize to one't happen! They'll just both snarl at each other, and give each other dirty looks the rest of the day.

    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
    Lol yes, but that was kinda meant to do that. Remember that he takes whatever information he can get unnoticed, and he's not there to make best friends with the Lanteans.

    He'd grow irritated after a while, I think. It's not in the nature of the Wraith to make jokes, act friendly, and stuff. It's neat that he appears to be somewhat different, but he should not be tempted too much. If you lock him and Shep in a room, and Todd needs to feed, he'll do it.
    I have a LOT to say about Todd's relationship with the Lanteans - when I get a chance, I'll share. Much on my mind about it right now. And yes - Todd needs to feed - we know that, but we also know he has a certain amount of self-control, unlike other Wraith we've seen. In Miller's Crossing he could have attacked McKay out of desperation - without thinking about the consequences. If he started to feed, even if he was shot - he'd probably kill McKay and the guards, just like in Common Ground. But he restrained himself, nearly to the point of death. He's not totally like other Wraith in this regard.

    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    true. they'll never be friends due to the need to feed issue. todd acted civil on atlantis because he knew if he misbehaved, he'd be killed. still, he's done a lot of things that are uncharacteristic for a wraith and yet he's still 100% wraith as we saw in kindred I. that's the thing I like most about him.
    Agreed. He could be an ally, but one that is allowed to come and go as he pleases so that he can feed without the Lanteans interferring. Don't ask, don't tell policy. They need to respect the fact that he needs to eat, and you can't starve someone to death because you disagree with WHAT they have to eat.

    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
    He's the kind of Wraith that knows that acting all grumpy and going all 'feed me', 'bow before your god', 'they'll come for me and kill you all', etc isn't going to matter. It only shows patheticness. He knows it's not the way to getting out of there, but being somewhat sneaky is. Not meaning the tracking device he had in/on him, but the way he maneuvered himself out of captivity in BAMSR. 'Such an alliance will have to be negotiated about, personally.' And then Brendan's smile. Sooo sweet.
    That was class. He needed off of Atlantis SO bad - he needed his freedom, and the Lanteans weren't treating him much better than the Genii. At least the Genii let him feed on prisoners. He was in the same situation, just with different masters. Amazing he doesn't hate the humans like Michael does.

    I don't think he at any point was really actively afraid of being killed. He knows they're just bluffing, see the 'You always say that, but you'll always come around.' He knows them now. He's not afraid any more.

    And I really didn't see Todd as being different in The Kindred I. He had a clear goal, and that was getting the info on the Hoffan drug. What he offered in return was pretty meager, really. The answer would have been 'a person who was once a Wraith, but now a Hybrid'. Wow. Some info in exchange for a life saving drug. I liked the negotiation part on his home turf. The Hive in sunlight was cool. Seemed kinda small, though. They should have shown the guys walking next to it at some point.

    He would be a leader who could bring the Wraith into the future. They're not facing silly people any more, but humans from another galaxy with better ships than they do. Which makes me wonder if they'll ever be able to update Hive Ships or not...
    Would love to see them update - would love to see Todd be the one to bring the Wraith into a new, positive era. But for some reason, I just don't think the PTB have as much vision for the Wraith as we do.

    As far as Todd being afraid of getting killed - not afraid, just cautious. He knows if he moves too quick, if he makes a gesture towards a human (like the scientist in Allies when he touched Rodney's shoulder) - any of that might get him shot. He keeps his cool, his self-control, his arms harmlessly at his side, knowing the slightest aggressive move may mean his death.

    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    maybe he wasn't actively afraid of being killed, but if he acted up, would atlantis have hesitated? I don't think so. in their eyes, he's an enemy first and ally second.

    I agree todd would be a great leader, not only because he's wise/smart, but he's already been of great standing among wraith. with wraith so divided though, I don't know if all the hives would unite or not. if they did unite under todd, he could pose a threat... (which I hope he doesn't.)
    Yeah, if he steps out of line, he's dead. I think the opposite is different for him - I think the Lanteans would have to do something really mean to him for him to kill one of them at this point. I think he's actually enjoying the alliance for the most part, though they have put a wedge in there by keeping him as a prisoner, and not as an ally.

    Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
    @Spikey -- the ship in Kindred I looked small because it was just a cruiser, not a hive-ship. That's what the transcript said, anyway.
    I think - as someone said - that the ships (cruisers, hives) double as outposts. Just like the big hive in The Rising became a base when on the planet, so too...I think cruisers are like mobile outposts. Probably what happened is those Wraith had feed on culled humans they had in storage...and died right there in their ship. The living crew may have landed the ship when they realized something was wrong, and contacted Todd - it could have been a cruiser from his hive, afterall.

    Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
    Remember when Sam asked John about contacting Todd again? John said that Todd didn't have anything else and that unless he had something, he wasn't any use to them.

    Quoting from memory:
    John: I assume that he was lying, and told him that unless he had something else for us, he wasn't going to be of any use.

    From John's delivery of that line, I'm thinking that John knew that Todd wasn't lying and that he was creating an excuse to not give Todd the rest of the Hoffan Plague research. However! Doesn't Sheppard owe Todd the rest of the research, anyway? Todd did give them accurate intel about where Teyla was. It was just that they arrived too early and only found Carson. Should they be faulting Todd for not being able to retrieve Teyla? I feel like Sheppard went back on his word.

    The future relations between Todd and Sheppard seems unsure.
    As far as the Hoffan drug goes, I believe Todd got what he wanted in Kindred I, and right now doesn't need anything more. I also think that - if they want to keep the character alive, but can't use him much because of Heyerdahl's schedule - the tablet Rodney gave him is a good way to keep him in the episodes without him actually appearing. Alive, and offscreen, is better than dead and gone forever.

    As far as the future of Todd and Sheppard goes - it's been on shaky ground since the beginning. Todd must do something really MAJOR to gain their trust...but not sure the writers have such a thing in mind. I mean, if Todd saved Teyla and brought her back all by his onesies - THAT would make a huge impression, especially if he asked for nothing in return. But like I said - that won't happen. Maybe he could do something else...just not sure what at this point.

    Maybe he could save Ronon - god, an episode with Ronon and Todd trapped together on a planet, fighting big bad guys as a team and relying on each other for THAT would be sweet. I just don't trust Ronon not to kill Todd in his sleep, though...



      Originally posted by Icarium View Post
      But I totally agree Don't mind my grumbling about a cruiser I just thought that Todd may really trust Shep or he becomes overconfident with the Lanteans.

      BTW, a very nice picture


      @ das: OMG, that is a long post.
      I think you are rigth with everything exept the cruiser - I rather think it's a stationary outpost. Either Todd really trusts the Lanteans (unlikely) or he doesn't care if they know its location (more likely)



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        I would LOVE to see Todd and Ronon in a little hand-to-hand battle - would love for it to be a draw (tie), and would love for Sheppard to break it up, and make them appologize to one't happen! They'll just both snarl at each other, and give each other dirty looks the rest of the day.
        I don't know why but Todd's knife doesn't want to leave my mind I think it would be sweet to see them in knife kombat, of course not a fight-to-death but just to see them 'dancing with knives'

        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        As far as the future of Todd and Sheppard goes - it's been on shaky ground since the beginning. Todd must do something really MAJOR to gain their trust...but not sure the writers have such a thing in mind. I mean, if Todd saved Teyla and brought her back all by his onesies - THAT would make a huge impression, especially if he asked for nothing in return. But like I said - that won't happen. Maybe he could do something else...just not sure what at this point.
        Oh, I'd love too see that That would be really unexpected. But if Todd could get to Teyla somehow (even unintentionally) the best choice would be to hand her over to the Lanteans. It depends how much Todd 'enjoys' the alliance. Because if he didn't hand her over and Shep would find out...there would be no chance for cooperation in the future and Todd realizes that.

        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Maybe he could save Ronon - god, an episode with Ronon and Todd trapped together on a planet, fighting big bad guys as a team and relying on each other for THAT would be sweet. I just don't trust Ronon not to kill Todd in his sleep, though...
        Imagine Todd gives Ronon the gift of life and they become best... well, maybe just friends



          Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
          @ das: OMG, that is a long post.
          Yeah, @das recently visits WDC rarely but (to compensate that? ) she does that extensively

          Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
          I think you are rigth with everything exept the cruiser - I rather think it's a stationary outpost. Either Todd really trusts the Lanteans (unlikely) or he doesn't care if they know its location (more likely)



            Regarding my post on the Hoffan research deal between Todd and Sheppard; I feel like I wasn't clear about what was worrying me. I know that Todd isn't being a freebie intel resource and that the relay station is their way of trading information.

            I was just worried that their "trade" relations were starting to degrade already because I thought Sheppard didn't keep his end of the bargain in giving Todd the Hoff research. That Sheppard was already stabbing Todd in the back. If you remember, Sheppard was ready to betray Todd in The Seer after getting the virus.

            So far, they haven't betrayed each other yet.

            I know there's a great leap of faith to be taken in this shaky alliance. But so far, those two are even in the "you do me a favor, I do you one." And I consider them equaled, even after Todd stole the Midway info. I'm of the opinion that was an instance of, "You did me a disfavor, and I'll do you one too." They treated him as a captive, so I think he reacted accordingly. If they hadn't, I don't think he'd would have actively stolen info. He'd probably just settle with picking things up by the wayside.

            And I do wonder how well does his telepathy work. He might have lifted thoughts off of the staff. Though I wonder if he's a bit "broken" due to his captivity with the Genii. His telepathy might be better than other Wraiths, or it might have been but now has deteriorated. Speaking of which... I'm surprised that he didn't have the Genii razed. Wonder if he knows Sheppard killed Kolya?

            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Exactly. Keep him where he is - keep us, and the Lanteans, guessing. Make him do some things that are truly good (restoring Shep's life, for instance), and some things that are a bit naughty (hacking McKay's computer) - but don't make him pure evil. That would be TOO cliche.
            Agreed. I love that he helps them out. And I like to believe that he wouldn't intentionally do anything to harm Sheppard's crew. Yet.

            I would love to see Ronon and Todd spar each other for a bit too. No wait. I would love to see Sheppard and Todd spar. As in Sheppard might considered Todd to be a good opportunity to practice defense against Wraith. And most definitely Sheppard would break up a fight between Ronon and Todd. He already intervene when they had a staring contest in BAMSR.

            I have a LOT to say about Todd's relationship with the Lanteans - when I get a chance, I'll share. Much on my mind about it right now. And yes - Todd needs to feed - we know that, but we also know he has a certain amount of self-control, unlike other Wraith we've seen.
            Do share! Don't keep us in suspense. I've remember some of your past posts and I like your thoughts.

            And yes, Todd's has a great amount of self-control!

            That was class. He needed off of Atlantis SO bad - he needed his freedom, and the Lanteans weren't treating him much better than the Genii. At least the Genii let him feed on prisoners. He was in the same situation, just with different masters. Amazing he doesn't hate the humans like Michael does.
            *blinks* It is amazing that he doesn't hate humans. That hadn't occurred to me. I was busy wondering how much more Michael would hate Todd. Michael already hates the Wraith, I'm thinking he might single out Todd if he knew the history Todd had with Sheppard.

            Being captive again probably didn't do Todd's psyche any favors. I think one of the reasons why he's so calm is that he's holding himself together and not spiral into a trauma state. Who knows what else Kolya did to him. But I disagree about Sheppard not treating him better and being in the same situation. I think Kolya used the feedings to show how much control he had over Todd's life and to run experiments on how much one could survive a feeding.

            As for trusting Todd, I think Sheppard may start to realize that he can trust Todd not to harm him and his people. But he can't trust Todd when it comes to other people because Todd has to eat.

            The Last Man speculation...
            Maybe Todd is going after Michael to kill him? Because I would really hate for Todd to join him. Or already is allied with him, as Naamiaiset speculated. Or maybe he wants to make an alliance with Teyla?

            Though I'm wondering if this means Todd is going to get captured by Michael. He does get whumped a lot off-screen.

            Really curious about how Todd's knife comes into play. Think maybe he picked something up from the humans and has started concealing weapons on himself like Ronon?


              I forgot all about his knife!

              Oh boy...

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Welcome - and agreed! More Todd! But as Spikey pointed out - Chris is in Sanctuary (which was just picked up by Sci Fi), so not sure he'll be able to swing both productions. If they just have him a couple times, I'd be happy - but make those appearances MEANINGFUL - full episodes of Todd, like Common Ground.

                Exactly. Keep him where he is - keep us, and the Lanteans, guessing. Make him do some things that are truly good (restoring Shep's life, for instance), and some things that are a bit naughty (hacking McKay's computer) - but don't make him pure evil. That would be TOO cliche.

                I would LOVE to see Todd and Ronon in a little hand-to-hand battle - would love for it to be a draw (tie), and would love for Sheppard to break it up, and make them appologize to one't happen! They'll just both snarl at each other, and give each other dirty looks the rest of the day.

                I have a LOT to say about Todd's relationship with the Lanteans - when I get a chance, I'll share. Much on my mind about it right now. And yes - Todd needs to feed - we know that, but we also know he has a certain amount of self-control, unlike other Wraith we've seen. In Miller's Crossing he could have attacked McKay out of desperation - without thinking about the consequences. If he started to feed, even if he was shot - he'd probably kill McKay and the guards, just like in Common Ground. But he restrained himself, nearly to the point of death. He's not totally like other Wraith in this regard.

                Agreed. He could be an ally, but one that is allowed to come and go as he pleases so that he can feed without the Lanteans interferring. Don't ask, don't tell policy. They need to respect the fact that he needs to eat, and you can't starve someone to death because you disagree with WHAT they have to eat.

                That was class. He needed off of Atlantis SO bad - he needed his freedom, and the Lanteans weren't treating him much better than the Genii. At least the Genii let him feed on prisoners. He was in the same situation, just with different masters. Amazing he doesn't hate the humans like Michael does.

                Would love to see them update - would love to see Todd be the one to bring the Wraith into a new, positive era. But for some reason, I just don't think the PTB have as much vision for the Wraith as we do.

                As far as Todd being afraid of getting killed - not afraid, just cautious. He knows if he moves too quick, if he makes a gesture towards a human (like the scientist in Allies when he touched Rodney's shoulder) - any of that might get him shot. He keeps his cool, his self-control, his arms harmlessly at his side, knowing the slightest aggressive move may mean his death.

                Yeah, if he steps out of line, he's dead. I think the opposite is different for him - I think the Lanteans would have to do something really mean to him for him to kill one of them at this point. I think he's actually enjoying the alliance for the most part, though they have put a wedge in there by keeping him as a prisoner, and not as an ally.

                I think - as someone said - that the ships (cruisers, hives) double as outposts. Just like the big hive in The Rising became a base when on the planet, so too...I think cruisers are like mobile outposts. Probably what happened is those Wraith had feed on culled humans they had in storage...and died right there in their ship. The living crew may have landed the ship when they realized something was wrong, and contacted Todd - it could have been a cruiser from his hive, afterall.

                As far as the Hoffan drug goes, I believe Todd got what he wanted in Kindred I, and right now doesn't need anything more. I also think that - if they want to keep the character alive, but can't use him much because of Heyerdahl's schedule - the tablet Rodney gave him is a good way to keep him in the episodes without him actually appearing. Alive, and offscreen, is better than dead and gone forever.

                As far as the future of Todd and Sheppard goes - it's been on shaky ground since the beginning. Todd must do something really MAJOR to gain their trust...but not sure the writers have such a thing in mind. I mean, if Todd saved Teyla and brought her back all by his onesies - THAT would make a huge impression, especially if he asked for nothing in return. But like I said - that won't happen. Maybe he could do something else...just not sure what at this point.

                Maybe he could save Ronon - god, an episode with Ronon and Todd trapped together on a planet, fighting big bad guys as a team and relying on each other for THAT would be sweet. I just don't trust Ronon not to kill Todd in his sleep, though...

                Das it would be interesting to see ronon try and put differences aside when under attack but than
                I could never trust ronon my mom always say ronon is no good most of the time and that she loves the way todd never flinch or budge when ronon trys to do that Mr, Big Bad wraith killing thing he do


                  Originally posted by TheWraithSteve View Post
                  Das it would be interesting to see ronon try and put differences aside when under attack but than
                  I could never trust ronon my mom always say ronon is no good most of the time and that she loves the way todd never flinch or budge when ronon trys to do that Mr, Big Bad wraith killing thing he do
                  *endlessly scrolls down the page*

                  Could have taken some of that out, you know...

                  In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                  I wish I got to know you better.


                    As usual, you gave me a lot to think about, das.

                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    He could be an ally, but one that is allowed to come and go as he pleases so that he can feed without the Lanteans interferring. Don't ask, don't tell policy. They need to respect the fact that he needs to eat, and you can't starve someone to death because you disagree with WHAT they have to eat.
                    ***** He needed off of Atlantis SO bad - he needed his freedom, and the Lanteans weren't treating him much better than the Genii. At least the Genii let him feed on prisoners. He was in the same situation, just with different masters. Amazing he doesn't hate the humans like Michael does.
                    Although I realized that the Atlanteans were treating Todd as a prisoner instead of as an ally (as he deserved to be treated) I never really made the leap to equating it with his imprisonment by the Genii. But you are right - he was just trading masters. Maybe Todd is willing to endure it at that point, not just because he wants to get the virus completed, but because of the debt he feels he owes to Sheppard. And because he had given his word that he would work with them.

                    Would love to see them update - would love to see Todd be the one to bring the Wraith into a new, positive era. But for some reason, I just don't think the PTB have as much vision for the Wraith as we do.
                    Yeah, I have great ambitions for Todd, too. And I share your concern that TPTB never planned to use the Wraith that way. But I hope they will let the Wraith continue to evolve and adapt to the Atlanteans. And I hope Chris Heyerdahl wants to keep playing Todd for a long time to come.

                    As far as the future of Todd and Sheppard goes - it's been on shaky ground since the beginning. Todd must do something really MAJOR to gain their trust...but not sure the writers have such a thing in mind. I mean, if Todd saved Teyla and brought her back all by his onesies - THAT would make a huge impression, especially if he asked for nothing in return. But like I said - that won't happen. Maybe he could do something else...just not sure what at this point.
                    I'm not sure Todd is really interested in regaining their trust. I think he'll work with them when their goals are the same, but he doesn't work for them. However, if Todd was the one to return Teyla to Atlantis, they would owe him big time!

                    Maybe he could save Ronon - god, an episode with Ronon and Todd trapped together on a planet, fighting big bad guys as a team and relying on each other for THAT would be sweet. I just don't trust Ronon not to kill Todd in his sleep, though...
                    OOOHH! That would be wonderful! Just what I had in mind when I saw that MGM preview.

                    Hmm. Do Wraith sleep? I know that Todd slept after the escape from the Genii prison, but if they are not injured, do they need to sleep?

                    And like Spikey asked, how does Todd's knife fit into all of this?

                    And one more thing: I have a vague memory of the line "Scavenging the ruins of a dead world" stuck in my mind in connection with The Last Man. Where the heck did I hear it? Was it in JM's blog? Some spoiler entry somewhere? But anyway, it seems like it would fit perfectly into the encounter between Ronon and Todd.
                    Sparrow hawk



                      Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                      And one more thing: I have a vague memory of the line "Scavenging the ruins of a dead world" stuck in my mind in connection with The Last Man. Where the heck did I hear it? Was it in JM's blog? Some spoiler entry somewhere? But anyway, it seems like it would fit perfectly into the encounter between Ronon and Todd.
                      "Joe Mallozzi described the auditioning process for this episode, making reference to a line of dialogue, “Same as you. Scavenging the ruins of a dead world.” Source: Joe Mallozzi’s blog (July 20 entry)"

                      it's what todd says to ronon when they first see one another in the last man. the todd-ronon meeting is what has me most intrigued.
                      Last edited by naamiaiset; 04 March 2008, 10:01 AM.


                        Originally posted by StarOcean
                        Regarding my post on the Hoffan research deal between Todd and Sheppard...I was just worried that their "trade" relations were starting to degrade already because I thought Sheppard didn't keep his end of the bargain in giving Todd the Hoff research. That Sheppard was already stabbing Todd in the back. If you remember, Sheppard was ready to betray Todd in The Seer after getting the virus.

                        So far, they haven't betrayed each other yet.
                        It is possible. But if they do, it's the Lanteans fault. These guys screw EVERYTHING up! I will get into this later...just debating whether or not to start a new thread about it because it is just about Todd & the Lanteans, and what I think so far about their relationship. It might derail the Todd saved the SGA not sure where to post it...

                        I know there's a great leap of faith to be taken in this shaky alliance. But so far, those two are even in the "you do me a favor, I do you one." And I consider them equaled, even after Todd stole the Midway info. I'm of the opinion that was an instance of, "You did me a disfavor, and I'll do you one too." They treated him as a captive, so I think he reacted accordingly. If they hadn't, I don't think he'd would have actively stolen info. He'd probably just settle with picking things up by the wayside.
                        Again - I have a lot of thoughts about this - but you are onto something here, as far as I'm concerned.

                        And I do wonder how well does his telepathy work. He might have lifted thoughts off of the staff. Though I wonder if he's a bit "broken" due to his captivity with the Genii. His telepathy might be better than other Wraiths, or it might have been but now has deteriorated. Speaking of which... I'm surprised that he didn't have the Genii razed. Wonder if he knows Sheppard killed Kolya?
                        I think they can't read humans' minds. But they can force out information (like the Queens do). I am very curious about Todd's telepathic abilities, and whether or not he can tap into Teyla's mind and discover where she is. Now that he knows about her abilities, he MIGHT try...or, Sheppard might force him to try... (typical).

                        I would love to see Ronon and Todd spar each other for a bit too. No wait. I would love to see Sheppard and Todd spar. As in Sheppard might considered Todd to be a good opportunity to practice defense against Wraith. And most definitely Sheppard would break up a fight between Ronon and Todd. He already intervene when they had a staring contest in BAMSR.
                        Todd would wipe the FLOOR with Sheppard. Now...Teyla...she might do a number on him. It's really time to see more Wraith hand-to-hand...and Todd would be a perfect opportunity, especially if he's fighting with the good guys.

                        Loved that staring contest - that was so funny! They were both giving each other the 'slow burn' - like two little kids, and daddy Shep had to break them up! Fun stuff!

                        *blinks* It is amazing that he doesn't hate humans. That hadn't occurred to me. I was busy wondering how much more Michael would hate Todd. Michael already hates the Wraith, I'm thinking he might single out Todd if he knew the history Todd had with Sheppard.
                        Oh, yes. If Michael knew about Todd, Todd would be in deep poo right now. I really hope Michael doesn't learn about Todd too soon...unless, of course, it means Todd kicking Michael's butt!

                        Being captive again probably didn't do Todd's psyche any favors. I think one of the reasons why he's so calm is that he's holding himself together and not spiral into a trauma state. Who knows what else Kolya did to him. But I disagree about Sheppard not treating him better and being in the same situation. I think Kolya used the feedings to show how much control he had over Todd's life and to run experiments on how much one could survive a feeding.
                        Yes - but Sheppard had no intentions of EVER feeding Todd - or, it seems - of letting him go. It was only the thing with Rodney's sister that opened up the opportunity for Todd to get a hot meal. At least Kolya (and whoever else had control of Todd before) did feed him, even if he starved him in between feedings.

                        As for trusting Todd, I think Sheppard may start to realize that he can trust Todd not to harm him and his people. But he can't trust Todd when it comes to other people because Todd has to eat.
                        I think there is a teaser in one of Mallozzi's poems about an ally becoming an enemy - not sure the exact wording. I HOPE it doesn't mean Todd - but Weir or Michael or someone else. I wish I could find it - but ...ugh...I have a lot of other stuff to post right now...

                        The Last Man speculation...
                        Maybe Todd is going after Michael to kill him? Because I would really hate for Todd to join him. Or already is allied with him, as Naamiaiset speculated. Or maybe he wants to make an alliance with Teyla?

                        Though I'm wondering if this means Todd is going to get captured by Michael. He does get whumped a lot off-screen.

                        Really curious about how Todd's knife comes into play. Think maybe he picked something up from the humans and has started concealing weapons on himself like Ronon?
                        Not sure what is going to happen in TLM. I suspect that Todd and Michael will NOT meet face to face...I suspect that Todd's role will be very small, and that it will involve another exchange of information. It would be sweet if it involved more - especially if it involved Todd REALLY helping the Lanteans and making them listen to him for a change...but...doubt that will happen.

                        Originally posted by TheWraithSteve
                        Das it would be interesting to see ronon try and put differences aside when under attack but than
                        I could never trust ronon my mom always say ronon is no good most of the time and that she loves the way todd never flinch or budge when ronon trys to do that Mr, Big Bad wraith killing thing he do
                        I like your mom!

                        If Ronon and Todd were in a battle together, fighting side by side, I can actually see Ronon taking a cheap shot or two at Todd - maybe a jab to the ribs, or something. "Sorry! I was trying to hit the other guy." Todd would just snarl at him because he knows that Ronon is just looking for an excuse to kill him. Ronon is a very dirty fighter. My older sister likes him - she's a dirty fighter, too...

                        Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk
                        As usual, you gave me a lot to think about, das.

                        Although I realized that the Atlanteans were treating Todd as a prisoner instead of as an ally (as he deserved to be treated) I never really made the leap to equating it with his imprisonment by the Genii. But you are right - he was just trading masters. Maybe Todd is willing to endure it at that point, not just because he wants to get the virus completed, but because of the debt he feels he owes to Sheppard. And because he had given his word that he would work with them.
                        Yeah - well...I have lots of thoughts about Shep isn't too far off from the Genii...

                        Yeah, I have great ambitions for Todd, too. And I share your concern that TPTB never planned to use the Wraith that way. But I hope they will let the Wraith continue to evolve and adapt to the Atlanteans. And I hope Chris Heyerdahl wants to keep playing Todd for a long time to come.
                        Yes - if Chris wants to continue in the role, and if the PTB plan to develop him more and give him a bigger role - I will be so very happy. If not - then there's always fan fic...

                        I'm not sure Todd is really interested in regaining their trust. I think he'll work with them when their goals are the same, but he doesn't work for them. However, if Todd was the one to return Teyla to Atlantis, they would owe him big time!
                        I think Todd's been burned, and he now has the Lanteans number.

                        Hmm. Do Wraith sleep? I know that Todd slept after the escape from the Genii prison, but if they are not injured, do they need to sleep?

                        And like Spikey asked, how does Todd's knife fit into all of this?

                        And one more thing: I have a vague memory of the line "Scavenging the ruins of a dead world" stuck in my mind in connection with The Last Man. Where the heck did I hear it? Was it in JM's blog? Some spoiler entry somewhere? But anyway, it seems like it would fit perfectly into the encounter between Ronon and Todd.
                        I'm wondering if that line is spoken somewhere in that scene between Ronon and Todd - hope so.

                        Todd's knife could fit into it in many ways - he could be captured, bound up again...and uses his knife to escape. He could use it in a fight with someone. He could use it to cut something out of a wall, or pluck something out of the sand. We have no idea...Maybe he'll cut his hair with it...who knows.

                        As far as sleeping - yes, I think they sleep. The also like to stand - a LOT. I think - like horses - they may be able to sleep (or at least rest) standing up. When he is weak - like when Shep first talks to him in the prison, and when he was wounded, he was on the ground. Maybe they only lie down to sleep when weak, hungry - and when they are healthy and well-fed, they sleep in a standing position. Steve also sat, and knelt on the floor...not sure how hungry he was, but Carson said he was in good condition, so he probably wasn't starving. When Steve was sitting, kneeling - he seemed to be either meditating, or sleeping. So, I think they do sleep, but perhaps they can do so sitting, kneeling, and even standing...unless they are weak, then they lie down.

                        Who knows...we can just speculate at this point. But they do cocoon people standing up - so I'm guessing it's what Wraith are used to - sleeping in the upright position...on their feet.



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                          As far as sleeping - yes, I think they sleep. The also like to stand - a LOT. I think - like horses - they may be able to sleep (or at least rest) standing up. When he is weak - like when Shep first talks to him in the prison, and when he was wounded, he was on the ground. Maybe they only lie down to sleep when weak, hungry - and when they are healthy and well-fed, they sleep in a standing position. Steve also sat, and knelt on the floor...not sure how hungry he was, but Carson said he was in good condition, so he probably wasn't starving. When Steve was sitting, kneeling - he seemed to be either meditating, or sleeping. So, I think they do sleep, but perhaps they can do so sitting, kneeling, and even standing...unless they are weak, then they lie down.

                          Who knows...we can just speculate at this point. But they do cocoon people standing up - so I'm guessing it's what Wraith are used to - sleeping in the upright position...on their feet.

                          Yeah, that sounds plausible. But you know humans can sleep in every position as well (like standing - ever read the guiness book of records? - there is a guy whos spent 17 years of his life standing, including sleep) So I think to lie down for sleep is just more comfortablen for humans Not sure if wraith bother very much about the comfortable in bed bit - they seem very practical to me, meaning sleeping in a standing position: no undressing involved-safes time, upright position - you can walk/ run around the moment you wake up....
                          Last edited by Shanthaia; 03 March 2008, 10:07 PM. Reason: spelling



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            I will get into this later...just debating whether or not to start a new thread about it because it is just about Todd & the Lanteans, and what I think so far about their relationship. It might derail the Todd saved the SGA not sure where to post it...
                            Please start a new thread if you aren't going to post in the Todd Saved the SGA thread. Though I think it's probably relevant. His relationship with the Expedition is what makes the show so interesting right now. But I also think having a separate thread mainly about them is good. Embedded in the WDC thread, it'll get lost and un-revisted eventually.

                            I think they can't read humans' minds. But they can force out information (like the Queens do). I am very curious about Todd's telepathic abilities, and whether or not he can tap into Teyla's mind and discover where she is. Now that he knows about her abilities, he MIGHT try...or, Sheppard might force him to try... (typical).
                            Definitely they can read human minds while feeding. But I'm wondering if they can pick up human thoughts if humans think loudly. And someone like Mckay, probably thinks loudly.

                            And strange that Sheppard hasn't asked Todd to try. It would makes sense to ask. Though it's probably because it seems Teyla can only interact with Queens and not males.

                            There's so much we do not know about the Wraith. But that's okay! I like theorizing and making stuff up when need be!

                            Todd would wipe the FLOOR with Sheppard. Now...Teyla...she might do a number on him.
                            Of course he would! But think of it this way. Sheppard could get to practice combat with an actual Wraith, without fear of getting fed on. And then we could get to see Todd being amused and smirky!

                            But I don't think Teyla could go toe-to-toe with Todd. Didn't she quickly lose to Steve? Ronon's probably the only one who would find Todd a challenge. He'd love it too. It's an excuse to beat up a Wraith that he's not allowed to kill yet.

                            And I hope Todd is good with hand-to-hand combat and that the time with the Genii didn't rust him badly.

                            Loved that staring contest - that was so funny! They were both giving each other the 'slow burn' - like two little kids, and daddy Shep had to break them up! Fun stuff!
                            Yes! And Todd looked away first! Awww!

                            Oh, yes. If Michael knew about Todd, Todd would be in deep poo right now. I really hope Michael doesn't learn about Todd too soon...unless, of course, it means Todd kicking Michael's butt!
                            I think I want Michael to come out on top in this instance. It'll make Todd and Sheppard value their relationship more because they'll need each other to fight Michael better. I think...

                            Yes - but Sheppard had no intentions of EVER feeding Todd - or, it seems - of letting him go.
                            Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that Mckay told Todd that they weren't going to let him go in Miller's Crossing.

                            Offtopic: My secret fear of Todd's fate is that the IOA/SGC decide that they want to study him as a specimen. In which case, I rather Todd die and his body destroyed. *shudders* I had a worry moment when I saw Todd on Earth. Todd ending up in SGC hands worries me more than Michael having him.

                            I think there is a teaser in one of Mallozzi's poems about an ally becoming an enemy - not sure the exact wording.
                            I'll go look around after this post. See if I can find it.

                            Edit: Here we go!
                            An old friend returns, loyalties are reversed,
                            And a ghost from the past has us fearing the worst.

                            Yes - if Chris wants to continue in the role, and if the PTB plan to develop him more and give him a bigger role - I will be so very happy. If not - then there's always fan fic...
                            What fanfic? I looked. There's almost zero. *sulks*

                            I think Todd's been burned, and he now has the Lanteans number.
                            You mean Todd has been disillusioned to Sheppard's charm and doesn't like them anymore but he knows how to manipulate them?

                            Steve also sat, and knelt on the floor...not sure how hungry he was, but Carson said he was in good condition, so he probably wasn't starving. When Steve was sitting, kneeling - he seemed to be either meditating, or sleeping. So, I think they do sleep, but perhaps they can do so sitting, kneeling, and even standing...unless they are weak, then they lie down.
                            I like this idea that they can sleep standing! I wonder for how long though? I can't remember if horses can sleep standing for long periods. I do remember that they can function with short sleep periods.

                            Steve knelt? I don't remember this. Can you tell me when? I'd like to see this!

                            By the way, many pages back there were a discussion about Wraith reproduction. I was thinking... maybe they lay eggs AND can have live births. Or that they can change sexes. Check out aphids:

                            Or that they have more than two genders. They got queens, which are fall completely in the female catergory, drones who have no reproductive capability, and workers; who run the range of completely biologically male, to being hermaphrodites, or to being female in that while they look male- they're functionally female. So three genders and five sexes.

                            Or maybe they're also like seahorses? The males carry the babies.
                            Last edited by StarOcean; 03 March 2008, 11:39 PM.


                              Originally posted by StarOcean View Post

                              Or maybe they're also like seahorses? The males carry the babies.
                              An interesting theory StarOcean, I presume female children are rare?

                              Tune In, Turn On, Burn Out .......


                                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post

                                What fanfic? I looked. There's almost zero. *sulks*

                                go over to
                                there are some good wraith stories there.
                                FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE

