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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    Shawn is very upset that you mistook him for Steve. I think you'll have to catch him to make him feel better.

    The siggie is made from a photo I took of Shawn when we visited London. He wanted to shop at the Fortnum and Mason food hall because it supplies the British royal family.
    A sorry for that Shawn I always mix you up with Steve you both look so distinguished.

    Ok Shawn weather you ready or not here I come...... er hang on is that Steve dame the pair of they are playing a trick on me... the boys are creeping round.... MCH pops up from behind a tree.... eventually the boys come round a tree bump into one another and fall into the speacial gutter trip carefully prepared by MCH earlier. MCH jumps in behind them...

    I was taught that a girl can never have to many gutter traps prepared.

    He's just made a note on his Runner Hunters' Weekly - get Shawn to bake a giant hollow cake for my hatching day party
    I always said he was a smarty pants
    Waits for Fred to get the hang of rowing before deciding which side of the lake I should be on. He's going round in circles at the moment.
    Emmmm Ciannwn, MCH Steve and Shawn we've looked out of gutter trap and we all agree that

    Don't wait too long waiting, cos he not sitting in the centre of the boat and the tighter the circle the more that boats looks like it going to tip.... errr going going going abit more going gone and that one very big splash. Think you can wait he not sinking to much, but there is a Wraith size tidal wave heading for you so before you go to the rescue. Ciannwn .... hang on ....

    Oppps.... thanks Steve and yes you Shawn for the quick shelter you raised so we don't get wet from Fred tidal waves.....

    You ok Ciannwn? Cos we think Fred sunk.... and we can't get out quick enough too much water in gutter to help you...

    Last edited by MCH; 08 March 2009, 12:49 PM. Reason: Got abit mixed up with spelling and the tidal wave.
    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      MCH I think by rights you should take over the kissing of Shawn here since you were the one who upset him... my lips are gettuing worn out here!

      Oh, Steve! There you are... my lips are a bit sore... yes, you can kiss them better if you like, Steve!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        I always said he was a smarty pants
        Boris: Why do conversations in this hive always come back to pants?

        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        Don't wait too long waiting, cos he not sitting in the centre of the boat and the tighter the circle the more that boats looks like it going to tip.... errr going going going abit more going gone and that one very big splash. Think you can wait he not sinking to much, but there is a Wraith size tidal wave heading for you so before you go to the rescue. Ciannwn .... hang on ....
        He had enough trouble with that boat the first time. I don't know why he wanted to try rowing again.

        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        Oppps.... thanks Steve and yes you Shawn for the quick shelter you raised so we don't get wet from Fred tidal waves.....

        You ok Ciannwn? Cos we think Fred sunk.... and we can't get out quick enough too much water in gutter to help you...
        Fred crawls to shore and then collapses and mumbles something about needing this kiss of life technique he's heard about. I turn him over and give him a demonstration.


          Hang on Todd Pet if you got Shawn and it definately Steve with me in the gutter, who this other Wraith with us .... Penny oh my it's Penny, should have known with that pink hair... phew

          Thanks to DS for my siggy


            Originally posted by MCH View Post
            Hang on Todd Pet if you got Shawn and it definately Steve with me in the gutter, who this other Wraith with us .... Penny oh my it's Penny, should have known with that pink hair... phew

            No, youre' kissing Shawn now - you took over cos it was you who upset him by mistaking him for Steve...
            ... Steve is ksissing my lips better because Shawn wore them out and made them all sore...
            ...I've no idea who the pink haired wraith is in the gutter with you... OMG! Maybe it's...da da da! ... Karl !!!!!

            btw Steve doesn't do the gutter - it;s far too dirty!
            He has his own special place...
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              MCH I think by rights you should take over the kissing of Shawn here since you were the one who upset him... my lips are gettuing worn out here!

              Oh, Steve! There you are... my lips are a bit sore... yes, you can kiss them better if you like, Steve!
              Anything for a friend TP, you understand, hum this may take some time though Shawn is sulking yup he is definately in a sulk.

              And so it Penny he just jumped out of the gutter and stomping across the forest. Will someone help Penny please.

              I can't get out the the gutter Shawn!!!! What has TP been teaching you... oh never mind you doing just fine,

              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                No, youre' kissing Shawn now - you took over cos it was you who upset him by mistaking him for Steve...
                ... Steve is ksissing my lips better because Shawn wore them out and made them all sore...
                ...I've no idea who the pink haired wraith is in the gutter with you... OMG! Maybe it's...da da da! ... Karl !!!!!

                btw Steve doesn't do the gutter - it;s far too dirty!
                He has his own special place...
                TP I don't do muddy gutter either .... not going to tell you all my secrets but Steve trying to make you feel sorry for him. Means he gets more kiss.

                Pink haired Wraith that Penny isn't it? Or was it Karl, think I need my eyes testing .... mind you I can't see cos of Shawn, hang one Shawn need to speak to TP weather it Karl or Penny they are in a sulk and I can't leave Shawn on his own.. Shawn!

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Originally posted by MCH View Post
                  Anything for a friend TP, you understand, hum this may take some time though Shawn is sulking yup he is definately in a sulk.

                  And so it Penny he just jumped out of the gutter and stomping across the forest. Will someone help Penny please.

                  I can't get out the the gutter Shawn!!!! What has TP been teaching you... oh never mind you doing just fine,

                  Shawn is veryh good at kissing (and no drool! )... burt not quite as good as Steve hmmmf...hphm... no Steve is... hmf..mump...definitely... mmm... a much better.... hmph, mmm... kisser!
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    Shawn is veryh good at kissing (and no drool! )... burt not quite as good as Steve hmmmf...hphm... no Steve is... hmf..mump...definitely... mmm... a much better.... hmph, mmm... kisser!

                    MCH and Steve manage to draw breath, TP, I noticed that Shawn and Steve can both leave you speechless .... .... .... in certain situations particularly in the kissing department ....

                    Steve !!!!, mmmm ... you've definately .... mmmm .... got the .... humfff .... hang *!¬*¬* of human ***oh yeah *** kissing.

                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      Originally posted by MCH View Post
                      MCH and Steve manage to draw breath, TP, I noticed that Shawn and Steve can both leave you speechless .... .... .... in certain situations particularly in the kissing department ....

                      Steve !!!!, mmmm ... you've definately .... mmmm .... got the .... humfff .... hang *!¬*¬* of human ***oh yeah *** kissing.

                      There are manywraith who have the power to leave me unconscious... but there are none - none! - who can leave ME speechless!!!!!!

                      Steve: Oh yeah, I can vouch for that - that woman can sure talk - even in her sleep she talks!!!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        There are manywraith who have the power to leave me unconscious... but there are none - none! - who can leave ME speechless!!!!!!

                        Steve: Oh yeah, I can vouch for that - that woman can sure talk - even in her sleep she talks!!!
                        Steve, There is speechless and speechless suggest try more, much more kissing TP want mind that, and she'll have to stop talking while your kissing and when she taking breath between kisses.

                        But can't help you when she talks in her sleep, er emmm suggest ear plugs. You ask TP what there for in between the kissing and breathing.

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          I'm really tired tongiht - must be all that chasing and kissing!
                          Gonna say goodnight now, MCH - been great talking to you again! *hug*

                          *wanders off with Steve*
                          *points to location*

                          Steve: I just purr in her ear and stroke her back - then she stops talking and purrs instead!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            goodnight TP
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              I'm really tired tongiht - must be all that chasing and kissing!
                              Gonna say goodnight now, MCH - been great talking to you again! *hug*

                              *wanders off with Steve*
                              *points to location*

                              Steve: I just purr in her ear and stroke her back - then she stops talking and purrs instead!
                              good night TP, Sweet wraithy dreams
                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                I'm really tired tongiht - must be all that chasing and kissing!
                                Gonna say goodnight now, MCH - been great talking to you again! *hug*

                                *wanders off with Steve*
                                *points to location*

                                Steve: I just purr in her ear and stroke her back - then she stops talking and purrs instead!
                                Ok night night Steve and TP, sweet wraithy dreams to you both.....

                                Come on Shawn lets go, MCH needs to make sure she never forgets who Shawn is every again ....

                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

