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Wraith Defenders Club

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    I know, I know, this is not the better place for this, but I need the support of my people in this little "problem".
    A friend of mine was banned for sometime, from Deviantart, because she refused to do a comission for one person, that "person" reported her gallery, as a revenge, telling that was higly erotic, even if all was rated mature. Please read here


      I'm not even surprised at that. That sort of attitude is just one of many reasons why I've left deviantART.
      Some centuries, it just doesn't pay to get out of hibernation...

      Fanfiction * Into the Hive - A Wraith-centric ficlet collection * Hive Ebonstar - A collection of Wraith headcanons and character references


        Originally posted by Shaded Mazoku View Post
        I'm not even surprised at that. That sort of attitude is just one of many reasons why I've left deviantART.
        Thanks for your understanding, in times like this, I wish to leave DA...


          @ DS - I've bookmarked it too and left a message for you on FB. Bravo!

          @ DianaMuca - I'm so sorry to hear that and have left a message for you on your link *hugs*
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
            I know, I know, this is not the better place for this, but I need the support of my people in this little "problem".
            That's awful.


              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
              May I have your attention for a hive announcement?

              The Wraith Advent Calendar 2011 is online now: Get your daily wraithy surprise!

              Details about the project can be found here: We still need contributions.
              I booked marked it as well

              Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
              Thanks for your understanding, in times like this, I wish to leave DA...
              I am sorry to hear about your friend, But i do not blame you i am paranoid lately around online sites as well. I hope your not upset with me bugging you about that Shawn drawing a few months ago before. I understand that everyone here is busy lately with holidays and such.


                Love the entries for days 2 and 3 of the calendar.


                  Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
                  I know, I know, this is not the better place for this, but I need the support of my people in this little "problem".
                  A friend of mine was banned for sometime, from Deviantart, because she refused to do a comission for one person, that "person" reported her gallery, as a revenge, telling that was higly erotic, even if all was rated mature. Please read here
                  Hell! That is scary. I also noticed your friend was a Snape fan. This makes me sad as Snape fans should not find themselves suspended! I've noticed there's some pretty nasty flamers out there, and whoever caused trouble for your friend definitely fits the bill. There also seems to be a lot of them on, not so much among Wraith fans (as we are a pretty supportive community), but definitely within the more substantial fandoms like Harry Potter. For example, there is a fanfic I am currently subscribed to that is a bit... risque... and flamers have been giving the poor author a really hard time. It makes writing and other artistic pursuits so damned difficult. I do not understand why people have to be so negative about other's works - and the fact that this was over a refused commission makes it even worse. I don't use dA much, but I hope that your friend has some success


                    I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but just out of curiosity, when you guys write wraith OC into fan fiction how do you decide on their names?

                    I've spent a little time trying to came up with names for the wraith villains for this one story and I haven't yet thought of one that the Atlantis Team might name them that doesn't make them sound too goofy. And I don't think I'd feel comfortable trying to think of what the wraith call each other (if anything) because we haven't really been given any hints.
                    "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                    *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                    "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                      Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                      I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but just out of curiosity, when you guys write wraith OC into fan fiction how do you decide on their names?

                      I've spent a little time trying to came up with names for the wraith villains for this one story and I haven't yet thought of one that the Atlantis Team might name them that doesn't make them sound too goofy. And I don't think I'd feel comfortable trying to think of what the wraith call each other (if anything) because we haven't really been given any hints.
                      I think a lot of Wraith fanfic authors have taken a leaf out of the Legacy book. Descriptive names that hint at their physical appearance or personality. For example: "Guide" for Todd.


                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but just out of curiosity, when you guys write wraith OC into fan fiction how do you decide on their names?

                        I've spent a little time trying to came up with names for the wraith villains for this one story and I haven't yet thought of one that the Atlantis Team might name them that doesn't make them sound too goofy. And I don't think I'd feel comfortable trying to think of what the wraith call each other (if anything) because we haven't really been given any hints.
                        Oh, this is a good question! The names Wraith have has been a dilemma. I know some costumers have opted for an alien name. I do also like the descriptive name, as that was used in another fan fic as well. And of course, the Sheppard style of naming Wraith is interesting. I'm doing that now, since I am involved in the costuming aspect of Stargate fandom, running Wraith Never Ending, affiliated with SG-Ops and Jaffa Legions, as well as conversing with the Tok'Ra resistance. I've asked the SG-Ops to give my Wraith Queen persona a name, a la Sheppard style. They are still deciding. But I have chosen to go with the descriptive name after much contemplation of a Wraith name and not using one but generally just what others know of what my Wraith Queen looks like and what Hive I command. Resurrection is my Wraith name. Befitting in more ways than one.
                        Generally, what Addicted stated. I think to Wraith it's more than just a simple name like what Sheppard has a tendency of doing - Steve, Bob, Todd -, but as stated, a description... as a whole. The name of a particular Wraith is their personality and how they behave on every level, their physical appearance, whom they are associated with and their past, their Hive or Hives, etc. They are, after all, telepathic.
                        So... a choice: a singular human name given by Sheppard, a descriptive name, or something so generic as an alien name. Or all the above.

                        ~Lady B
                        Queen of HIVE 2O ~ SGC Operations ~ Tok'ra Resistance ~ Jaffa Legions


                          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                          I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but just out of curiosity, when you guys write wraith OC into fan fiction how do you decide on their names?

                          I've spent a little time trying to came up with names for the wraith villains for this one story and I haven't yet thought of one that the Atlantis Team might name them that doesn't make them sound too goofy. And I don't think I'd feel comfortable trying to think of what the wraith call each other (if anything) because we haven't really been given any hints.
                          If you are writing it from the POV of Team Shep et al, then you can do it arbitrarily - much as the characters in the show have. If, however you wish for the Wraith themselves to name each other, then I suggest you follow the principle set down in franchised book series. That has more to do with the feel of mind, and personality e.g. a banked fire = Ember. Hope that helps.


                            Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                            I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but just out of curiosity, when you guys write wraith OC into fan fiction how do you decide on their names?

                            I've spent a little time trying to came up with names for the wraith villains for this one story and I haven't yet thought of one that the Atlantis Team might name them that doesn't make them sound too goofy. And I don't think I'd feel comfortable trying to think of what the wraith call each other (if anything) because we haven't really been given any hints.
                            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                            I think a lot of Wraith fanfic authors have taken a leaf out of the Legacy book. Descriptive names that hint at their physical appearance or personality. For example: "Guide" for Todd.
                            *shudders with disgust*

                            Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                            If you are writing it from the POV of Team Shep et al, then you can do it arbitrarily - much as the characters in the show have. If, however you wish for the Wraith themselves to name each other, then I suggest you follow the principle set down in franchised book series. That has more to do with the feel of mind, and personality e.g. a banked fire = Ember. Hope that helps.
                            Much though I hate the name "Guide" for our beloved Commander, I'm in agreement here. If you're writing Wraith as seen through the SGA team's eyes, then Andy is just dandy.
                            However if you're writing Wraith from the Wraith pov, I'd suggest you either go along with the "official" franchise, or - if you're like me and couldn't give two hoots for "officialdom", make up your own naming system!

                            Personally, I never name Wraith in my fanfics, unless I'm writing about Todd, Steve etc - and even then I sometimes don't name them. It takes a little more effort but it IS possible to write well(ish) without naming them.

                            I should also add here that, while I detest "Guide" with a vengeance, I do actually like the idea behind the naming system in the Legacy series... so much so that I came up with my own Legacy style name for Steve: DeepLake, because he's cool, calm and smooth on the surface, but deep down there are trubulent, swirling, emotional depths.
                            I haven't actually written him as Deeplake yet, but I might churn something out during my Christmas holidays.

                            One day I might think of a better name than Guide for Todd... I mean, come on, there HAS to be one better than THAT! LOL

                            Any suggestions, girls? We could have a Name Todd competition! If nothing else it would generate some new Legacy-style Wraith names for fanfic writers to plunder!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Oh yes, I have one for him, which is entirely appropriate - Cunningman. LOL Or how about 'Looksgreatinblackleatherbutevenbetteroutofit'?


                                Yep, that is a definite improvement!!!

                                Seriously, "cunning" is a far more accurate description of him... I;ve been trying to think up romantic versions of something along those lines - other than Machiavelli, which is an Earth cultural ref that would be unknown to the Wraith

                                *dives back into Thesaurus*


                                Some interesting things coming up for "cunning"... including fox/foxy, which as we now all know is the meaning of the word "Todd" in old Scots

                                Naming him "Sly" sounds a little too Stalone-y for comfort! LOL

                                How about "The Artful Dodger"? Trickster? Nah, me neither!

                                "Smooth Operator" has promise, were it not for the Mowtown associations!

                                One word that caught my attention was "serpant"... something romantically serpant-y might be nice...? Feline also came up and he is a bit of a lion!

                                Or how about just plain, "Stealth"?
                                Last edited by Todd's Pet; 04 December 2011, 08:22 AM.
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

