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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
    Watching the Vegas scene again, I suppose I can see that it appears Todd got into Sheppard's head in some capacity. I'd always figured that he was just watching Todd intently because he'd never seen a wraith before.

    And back to Sumner, it's possible that the queen pulled the population of Earth from his mind, but I thought she'd just surmised that it had a lot of inhabitants from his continued silence.
    Of course, if they could read minds or pick up emotionally-charged chemicals from humans, Rhys would have known that Tyre was lying in Broken Ties, Betty would have seen through John's ruse in The Hive, and Dave would have sensed that something was up with Carson planning to poison him in Outsiders. Inconsistent.


      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
      Of course, if they could read minds or pick up emotionally-charged chemicals from humans, Rhys would have known that Tyre was lying in Broken Ties, Betty would have seen through John's ruse in The Hive, and Dave would have sensed that something was up with Carson planning to poison him in Outsiders. Inconsistent.
      Isn't that the problem with SGA all the way through? And isn't it also the reason why many of us have chosen to go our own, preferred route when considering the Wraith? If you look at the whole premise for the show, it was completely underwritten, and what should have been great antagonists were reduced to mere two-dimensional cardboard characters aka in SciFi writing as 'flat characters'. In the right hands, the Wraith could have been more than awesome, but what we got was adequate. Pity so few have the vision, pity the studio took the easy path, and decided against real conflict - which as anyone knows, a story is dead in the water without. *seals lips but points at SGU*

      Alien Romances etc... Jacqueline Lichtenberg hits the nail firmly on the head.


        Originally posted by Isolde View Post
        Isn't that the problem with SGA all the way through? And isn't it also the reason why many of us have chosen to go our own, preferred route when considering the Wraith? If you look at the whole premise for the show, it was completely underwritten, and what should have been great antagonists were reduced to mere two-dimensional cardboard characters aka in SciFi writing as 'flat characters'. In the right hands, the Wraith could have been more than awesome, but what we got was adequate. Pity so few have the vision, pity the studio took the easy path, and decided against real conflict - which as anyone knows, a story is dead in the water without. *seals lips but points at SGU*

        Alien Romances etc... Jacqueline Lichtenberg hits the nail firmly on the head.
        I applaud you so loudly you should be able hear it across the Channel.


          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          Isn't that the problem with SGA all the way through? And isn't it also the reason why many of us have chosen to go our own, preferred route when considering the Wraith? If you look at the whole premise for the show, it was completely underwritten, and what should have been great antagonists were reduced to mere two-dimensional cardboard characters aka in SciFi writing as 'flat characters'. In the right hands, the Wraith could have been more than awesome, but what we got was adequate. Pity so few have the vision, pity the studio took the easy path, and decided against real conflict - which as anyone knows, a story is dead in the water without. *seals lips but points at SGU*

          Alien Romances etc... Jacqueline Lichtenberg hits the nail firmly on the head.
          The Wraith have captivated my imagination like nothing ever before, even if many details about them are not thought through, like the Viper pits, goggles, and telepathy. So true about the alien romances too... even Dr. Who had companions. Todd would have been the perfect choice and we could have met some wraith/worshipper couples too.

          Love your new 'Come and get 'em, Commander!' siggie.


            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
            The Wraith have captivated my imagination like nothing ever before, even if many details about them are not thought through, like the Viper pits, goggles, and telepathy. So true about the alien romances too... even Dr. Who had companions. Todd would have been the perfect choice and we could have met some wraith/worshipper couples too.

            Love your new 'Come and get 'em, Commander!' siggie.
            I have been waiting for a Wraith/human romance since season one, that would have been so awesome and would have been so good a chance to weave some serious ethical discussions into the plot.

            In SG-1 we had the Tok'ra who showed not all Goa'uld were cruel monsters, and we had Teal'c changing sides. I soooooo waited for something like that to happen in SGA.


              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
              I have been waiting for a Wraith/human romance since season one, that would have been so awesome and would have been so good a chance to weave some serious ethical discussions into the plot.

              In SG-1 we had the Tok'ra who showed not all Goa'uld were cruel monsters, and we had Teal'c changing sides. I soooooo waited for something like that to happen in SGA.
              Until 'Michael' I viewed SGA with a jaundiced eye, and that episode is everything a great show should be. And they wussed it. *throws up hands in despair* Can you imagine if they'd developed the idea in that properly, shown how the Wraith and human population of Pegasus were intertwined and reliant on each other? If they'd developed the ethical dilemmas, shown us Wraith society, stopped painting them black... given us some interspecies romance, kicked the 'humans are good' thing in the pants... The list is endless.

              For all that, like you Orb, irrespective of all the flaws, the Wraith ignited my imagination like nothing else ever has, and I will always be a defender.

              The siggie is all Dray's fault. I love it.


                I have been waiting for a Wraith/human romance since season one, that would have been so awesome and would have been so good a chance to weave some serious ethical discussions into the plot.
                I was hoping to have seen a romance (even if it was to be short lived) with Michael and Teyla. It would of definately made some conflicting feelings inside both of them.

                As for wraith/human pairings in general romance is probably one of those things you have to assume does happen. Atleast I assumed this anyway. They don't seem to have alot females so some probably did get close with some of the human females while on cullings or with worshippers.
                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                  Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                  I was hoping to have seen a romance (even if it was to be short lived) with Michael and Teyla. It would of definately made some conflicting feelings inside both of them.

                  As for wraith/human pairings in general romance is probably one of those things you have to assume does happen. Atleast I assumed this anyway. They don't seem to have alot females so some probably did get close with some of the human females while on cullings or with worshippers.
                  Common Ground and Infection revealed that Wraith are not evil but suffer from hunger, have individual personalities apart from the hive mind, and have feelings (Todd's concern for his crew and shock at John letting him down). Such a romance would have been believable, especially with those facts established. Of course, the romantic couple/s should get away unharmed too!


                    Welcome Leeta.


                      Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                      I was hoping to have seen a romance (even if it was to be short lived) with Michael and Teyla. It would of definately made some conflicting feelings inside both of them.

                      As for wraith/human pairings in general romance is probably one of those things you have to assume does happen. Atleast I assumed this anyway. They don't seem to have alot females so some probably did get close with some of the human females while on cullings or with worshippers.
                      There was that unforgettable look from Eddie to Neera in The Hive:


                      Neera also got to wear Wraithy clothing in colors like Queen Mina's and had arm bracers on her sleeveless arms like Eddie.:


                      ... and what a beautiful, romantic cell to place Neera in with John, the door looking like a stained-glass window:


                      This suggests consideration and care devoted to worshippers in both material resources and affection.


                        Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                        Alien Romances etc... Jacqueline Lichtenberg hits the nail firmly on the head.
                        I asked my husband what he thought of Janeway and he liked her because she was a bit 'Maggie Thatcherish' in his opinion.

                        Janeway not getting involved in romances made sense to me. She was the captain and getting too close to crew members would have made things very difficult for her. She sometimes had to send her crew members into dangerous situations so it was better not to marry one in case there was the temptation to find excuses to keep him safe. Chakotay was also her first officer - if a romance with him went badly it could have made their working relationship awkward. It's not like he could have requested a transfer to another ship if things went pear shaped.

                        Wraith, wraith, wraith

                        Shawn looking a bit puzzled.


                        Fred 'cos I think he's cute.



                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          Fred 'cos I think he's cute.
                          He is.


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            I asked my husband what he thought of Janeway and he liked her because she was a bit 'Maggie Thatcherish' in his opinion.
                            This is scary. You do realise this, huh?

                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            Wraith, wraith, wraith

                            Shawn looking a bit puzzled.

                            Fred 'cos I think he's cute.

                            Fred is def cute, and Shawn is handsome.
                            Last edited by Rosehawk; 12 October 2010, 09:22 PM. Reason: Removed IMG tags


                              There was that unforgettable look from Eddie to Neera in The Hive:

                              That look alone makes me love 'The Hive' episode. I wasn't sure if it was just me that thought Eddie gave Neera a pleased look. I wonder if she got to know him if you know what I mean.
                              The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                                I'm sorry for the double post. I can't edit my posts yet XD but I also wanted to add that Shawn strikes me as someone who would enjoy their worshippers. I mean he did say he and his crew enjoyed the finer things in life. I doubt that just included wine.
                                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!

