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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    And no - not from Europe - I'm from NEW JERSEY!!! ACK!!! LOLOL!...but I'm from the good part!

    We're supposed to have a storm Friday into Saturday - I HOPE it doesn't interfer with my electric, or satellite...if I miss this episode, I'll be so mad!! (and they're showing The Seer at 2 am Saturday, so gotta record that one, too...never saw The Seer... )

    You, seeing my Michael before ME?

    Ah man, I can't chat on Saturday morning then. Cos I won't have the ep yet, and you'll have seen it! Aaaarggggh!

    I should go ask someone when she has it available herself... Or something alike...

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      Hey guys. I got a question. Before I joined GWF I made some Wraithy Valentines pictures. I known Valentines Day is over well I consider Feb is be Valentines month. So how do I upload these pic? Do I join a Web hosting place like Photobucket or Imageshack, or can I up load them from my computer. Some of the files can be quiet large like 1200 x 780 pix I have one of Steve, our Todd and the Wraith Scientist from "Allies"



        Do you have a live journal? There's a community called wraithsteve where you can link them on?

        And yes, put them in photobucket first.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Oh My beating wraith heart! I just saw the Hive ep. and that male wraith was absolutely gorgeous
          and have anyone had weird wraith dreams b/c I keep having this dream where I'm a was freed by todd/Ace and as we walked around atlantis freeing other wraiths todd and I slipt and suddenly todd started running and ronon had a nail gun scream at me and todd that we were dead everytime I ran ronon was infront of me the last time I ran he had put strings on the ends so he shoot todd down and then me then we where back to what we were started
          it was just weird


            Originally posted by TheWraithSteve View Post
            Oh My beating wraith heart! I just saw the Hive ep. and that male wraith was absolutely gorgeous
            and have anyone had weird wraith dreams b/c I keep having this dream where I'm a was freed by todd/Ace and as we walked around atlantis freeing other wraiths todd and I slipt and suddenly todd started running and ronon had a nail gun scream at me and todd that we were dead everytime I ran ronon was infront of me the last time I ran he had put strings on the ends so he shoot todd down and then me then we where back to what we were started
            it was just weird
            Sounds weird! I had a Wraith dream a few nights ago - I dreamt I was a human living in some sort of settlement on a beach, and we were expecting to be culled, so we'd arranged a defensive perimeter. I think I was one of the military types doing the defending...I seemed to be on the front line, anyway. A bunch of Wraith came from the *sea*, for some reason - just rose up out of it - and there was a firefight with lots of explosions. I was running away from the sea towards a secure encampment, with a Wraith (I don't know if it was a particular one) hard on my heels. Finally he either grabbed me or I fell, I don't remember - but suddenly I was lying on my back on the sand, in the middle of a battlefield full of corpses, and as he started to feed on me, I woke up...

            It was a very odd dream. I don't usually have dreams about stuff from TV shows! Shows how much the Wraith have captured my imagination
            'A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.' - Nietzsche
            'Real-time genetic mutation. More than human! The next step in our evolution as a species!.' - Lord Kane
            'I don't want to be a *god*. I just want to bring fire to the people - and I want my cut.' - Lex Luthor
            'What one has, one ought to use, and whatever he does he should do with all his might.' - Cicero


              Like so many others, I have been lurking a bit on this thread for a few days, but thought I would finally pop in and say hi!

              Like Spikey, I just watched Poisoning the Well again -- poor Steve! I felt so bad for him. Humans can be pretty awful. I also missed the Seer and am very glad they are rebroadcasting it so I can see how Todd got into Atlantis in the first place. I started watching the series with the episode after that one, got completely hooked, went on Amazon and ordered the first three seasons and finally finished them all last week. What a wild ride!

              I'm really looking forward to these next three episodes!

              By the way, I thought the Wraith Defenders Club was an interesting choice for a name. I can't imagine from what the Wraith would need to be defended -- except perhaps from the whims of producers and writers. But sign me up!
              Sparrow hawk



                Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                By the way, I thought the Wraith Defenders Club was an interesting choice for a name. I can't imagine from what the Wraith would need to be defended -- except perhaps from the whims of producers and writers. But sign me up!

                I think "Defenders" refers more to the fact that we tend to identify with them in a moral sense, more than anything else.

                Aiiii, I want The Kindred now. T_T

                L I V E J O U R N A L
                because I tend to disappear


                  I had a thought I'd like put out for discussion regarding Midway.
                  I suppose we'll find out soon how it is that the Wraith who attacked Midway "procured" the information they needed from Todd and whether he shared it willingly or not. But I would like to suggest that Todd would not be unhappy to see Midway gone.

                  The gate bridge brings the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies closer together. One result of that is for the Stargate personnel and IOA to view the Wraith as a fairly immediate threat to Earth. Without the bridge, the galaxies become distant neighbors once again. If someone, like maybe Todd, was thinking ahead toward a possible non-aggression pact between the humans of the Milky Way galaxy and the Wraith, that might be a very useful development. Perhaps there could be a Cold War situation where the Wraith laid claim to one section of Pegasus and all worlds therein; and in return for the non-interference with their way of life, agreed to leave Atlantis and it's neighboring worlds un-culled and free to live in peace. A super-power standoff like the US and USSR in the old days.
                  Last edited by Sparrow_hawk; 21 February 2008, 05:24 PM. Reason: typo
                  Sparrow hawk



                    like your pic shanthaia but you need to move the word (in). It's almost on his pretty face. and popcorn is not only good for eating but for throwing at the screen in protest when the wraith slaughter starts because screaming in outrage would wake people up.
                    FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                      I just signed at Photobucket. Now I hope I can upload those Wraithy Valentines. Here it goes. I hope I don't get into trouble with this pics. I have seen other SGA &SG1 on other websites I tried the little mountain picture but it didn't work.

                      So I tried to upload a pic from my computer. So if it works your welcome to take it. If it does not work then I will go over the "How to upload thread. I pic is of Steve and, I thought he needed a tattoo. I hope I didn't violate any forum rules.

                      It seem when I start typing away all my spelling seem to leak out of my brain

                      Last edited by LiquidSky; 11 March 2008, 11:22 PM.


                        that's sweet
                        FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                          Hi It's me again. Just trying out the Photobucket thing I got a picture of the Wraith Scientist from Allies. Like I said from a previous post I created Valentines pics of some Wraiths Yes i know Valentines is over but you can use them next time or if you are in a Wraithy Valentine mood.

                          Well it worked ENJOY! have have another with Todd but, i have to resize it .



                            Heya, all....

                            Just going off to bed - but wanted to say a few things.

                            1. Wraith dreams. I mentioned a few days ago that I had a Wraith dream where they were all humanized (it was right after watching Allies) - and all the 'human' Wraith were professional bocce ball players.

                            2. Just in case I've missed someone - Welcome to all the new Wraith fans!! We are a fun bunch, so enjoy!

                            3. Sparrow Hawk - interesting idea about Midway. I really hope they do something like that - somehow let the Wraith do what they do best, without the threat of annihilation. I hear there is some concern that the Ark of Truth movie may signal an end to the Wraith - I just really hope TPTB leave SG1 OUT of SGA...and allow SGA to develop as a series in its own right.

                            4. Liquid Sky - NICE Valentine!!! Oh my...Steve is absolutely the sexiest one of's that sly little smile of his, just slays me. EDIT: OH! Second one is great, too!!

                            Now - some thoughts....

                            In SoW, when we saw the scientist (Penny) helping with the birthing got me to thinking about the hive mentality, and the relationship Wraith have with one another.

                            Think about that scene for a minute. PennyWraith (we need to give him a name - I say 'Judas', because he betrayed Todd) - so, 'Judas', dressed ever so smartly in his shiney black leather, not a hair out of place...'delivers' the warrior. He opens the membrane encasing the warrior, he puts his hands right in there and takes the 'newborn' Wraith into his arms, and then places the mask over his face before passing him off to the others. When you think about it - that's a very intimate scene. I don't know about you folks, but the thought of assisting in a birth - human or otherwise - kinda freaks me out because it's MESSY! But Judas Wraith didn't seem to mind - it was all very natural to him, as if he's 'birthed' many Wraith warriors before. In the end he's standing there, his hands and arms and coat dripping with amniotic fluid, pulling the membrane away as the others take the newborn away.

                            If it had been me, I would have run and jumped in the shower to wash all the ickiness away!! But for him, there was nothing disgusting at all - this was his way - the way of the Wraith - and he's probably done it hundreds of times before. It's not a role you think of a male playing. It was as if he was a nurse...a role usually portrayed by a woman. I just find it very interesting how they showed it in the episode, and wonder if all Wraith have assisted in the birth of masked warriors. Can you picture Steve? Bob? Todd? The Defiant One? Allies Scientist? The Condemned Wraith? Can you imagine any or all of them 'delivering' new Wraith warriors?

                            Please discuss...

                            Last edited by dasNdanger; 21 February 2008, 09:32 PM.


                              Thank you all for the warm welcome. It was much appreciated after a horrible days work.


                              It's funny you mention cats purring as i read a lot of fanfiction and lately writers have been putting into their stories that the male wraith purr. My first thought was a wraith wouldn't purr, their insects not cats even though it would be.....interesting, if they could.
                              But then i thought that wraith and cats do have similarities. They're both sharp clawed, fanged, agile with slitted glow in the dark eyes and sneaky! Very very sneaky, just like every cat i've ever had.
                              So while it's highly unlikely, i'll be thinking about a purring wraith, probably Todd, for a while now.
                              FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                                Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                                like your pic shanthaia but you need to move the word (in). It's almost on his pretty face. and popcorn is not only good for eating but for throwing at the screen in protest when the wraith slaughter starts because screaming in outrage would wake people up.
                                Thank you!

                                That was my first go ever on doing somthing like that. I know it is not as fantastic as some other signatures.

                                Throwing with popcorn in protest is just fine as long as you don't have to clear up the mess afterwards


