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Wraith Defenders Club

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    I thought the Tracker Wraith (can't remember his name, sorry!) was gonna feed on the little girl. But I'm a bit confused if he was able to sense she was most likely going to die. Sure there was visible injury but for example when the Hoffan patient was offered to Steve to feed upon, why wasn't Steve able to sense the patient had cancer and also had been infected with the virus. Can Wraith sense if their prey (humans) are ill if there are no visible injuries?

    This reminded me of a document I saw about African rats trained to sense if a person had somesorta virus. Can't remember what virus or illness it was but apparently people came to the rat training center and the rat sniffed around a bit and gave a signal if the person had the illness

    Originally posted by Carrion Kitten View Post
    The Keeper died from a similar stab wound - and she was well fed. The amount of bodily harm it takes to kill a wraith seems to be rather inconsistent.
    Neck seems to be a weak spot for the Wraith, just like it is to us humans. The Primary also died immediately when Todd stabbed her. In seasons 1 and 2 it took a lot of firepower to kill a Wraith but later seasons they died from a simple shot to the chest. Especially the drones were dropping down like flies.


      Originally posted by Leleth View Post
      I thought the Tracker Wraith (can't remember his name, sorry!) was gonna feed on the little girl. But I'm a bit confused if he was able to sense she was most likely going to die. Sure there was visible injury but for example when the Hoffan patient was offered to Steve to feed upon, why wasn't Steve able to sense the patient had cancer and also had been infected with the virus. Can Wraith sense if their prey (humans) are ill if there are no visible injuries?
      From Poisoning The Well -

      (In the cage, the Wraith takes in a deep expectant breath. Merell walks inside the cage. As the marine closes the door behind him, Merell starts to unbutton his nightgown. As the door slams shut, the Wraith stands and faces Merell. He walks closer and inspects him for a few moments.)

      WRAITH: He is weak.

      Maybe Steve's conclusion was drawn through observation but, unless a particular ailment has obvious symptoms, there's no reason why a Wraith should be able to diagnose it. Humans who have recovered from the Hoffan plague are healthy so there'd be no way of knowing that they're infected with the virus even if Wraith can sense the strength of an individual's life force.


        Originally posted by Leleth View Post
        Can Wraith sense if their prey (humans) are ill if there are no visible injuries?
        Great thought to ponder. Steve questioned if the human he was offered was supposed be sustenance, detecting the human was weak. I've read stories of animals that can detect things like specific diseases, pending seizures, and so forth. With their superior senses, Wraith could do the same. (?)

        Another thought from 'Rising': the severed arm we saw crawling on the ground was probably trying to reunite with the owner. So, in 'Broken Ties,' couldn't Rhys have just picked up his hand, held it in place, and let it regenerate back together? Maybe I have watched too much Subspecies movies?


          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
          Another thought from 'Rising': the severed arm we saw crawling on the ground was probably trying to reunite with the owner. So, in 'Broken Ties,' couldn't Rhys have just picked up his hand, held it in place, and let it regenerate back together? Maybe I have watched too much Subspecies movies?
          Beckett's suggestion in Rising 2

          WEIR: What about the movement Major Sheppard saw?

          BECKETT: As far as independent behaviour, I'd say that anything he saw was caused by a residual command reaching the severed nerve endings.

          Not that this really makes sense if you think about it -

          He looks in horror as he sees an alien-looking hand, severed just below the elbow. The hand is dragging itself along with its fingers.

          How was the ex owner using his hand if dragging itself along the ground was due to a residual command?


            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
            Another thought from 'Rising': the severed arm we saw crawling on the ground was probably trying to reunite with the owner. So, in 'Broken Ties,' couldn't Rhys have just picked up his hand, held it in place, and let it regenerate back together? Maybe I have watched too much Subspecies movies?
            well wraith are a space vampire of some sorts
            The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
              So, in 'Broken Ties,' couldn't Rhys have just picked up his hand, held it in place, and let it regenerate back together? Maybe I have watched too much Subspecies movies?
              I've wondered about that too. IMHO technically that should work.

              Also worth thinking over: if there are Wraith who lost their feeding hands due to accidents or whatever, would the other Wraith of their hives let those unlucky guys die, or would they keep them alive by using the Gift? Or are there Wraith doctors who can sew a new hand back on?


                Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                Also worth thinking over: if there are Wraith who lost their feeding hands due to accidents or whatever, would the other Wraith of their hives let those unlucky guys die, or would they keep them alive by using the Gift?
                Maybe it depends if the unfortunate Wraith has friends who want to keep him alive.

                Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                Or are there Wraith doctors who can sew a new hand back on?
                It's possible but the thought of a new hand doth make me think of Igorth.


                  Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                  Also worth thinking over: if there are Wraith who lost their feeding hands due to accidents or whatever, would the other Wraith of their hives let those unlucky guys die, or would they keep them alive by using the Gift? Or are there Wraith doctors who can sew a new hand back on?
                  With their organic technology, being able to grow bone masks and all, maybe they could grow muscle tissue for hands too. We, without having thousands of years of such experience, are presently able to take a single muscle cell from an adult animal and grow muscle tissue out of it.

                  I really, really wish we got to see a Wraith receive The Gift of Life on the show.


                    *ponders upon what she could do with a wraith whose feeding hand is incapacitated in some temporary fashion*

                    *rattles shackles*

                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Great pic Ciannwn. I love it.


                        Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
                        Great pic Ciannwn. I love it.
                        Thank you. I'll have to go back to some other pics I never got round to finishing.


                          More Wraith pondering, this time about Todd being poetic in 'Vegas'... The Wraith likely have some form of poetic literature and probably can't see humans being able to understand and appreciate it. The Wraiths' meditative leanings and Todd's appreciation for the stars fits the poetic creativity mold. Poetry is a type of literature and is a disciplined, learned art form. It's doubtful SGC taught Todd about poetry; it more likely came from his own Wraith culture.


                            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                            More Wraith pondering, this time about Todd being poetic in 'Vegas'... The Wraith likely have some form of poetic literature and probably can't see humans being able to understand and appreciate it. The Wraiths' meditative leanings and Todd's appreciation for the stars fits the poetic creativity mold. Poetry is a type of literature and is a disciplined, learned art form. It's doubtful SGC taught Todd about poetry; it more likely came from his own Wraith culture.
                            It's a very loose description of poetry, and more like the ramblings of a half-starved loon... but that's just me. I saw it as him speaking the images he saw coming from Spike, as he toiled in the desert to build the whatnot, not some vain attempt at freeverse. I think from that sample, we can say the Bard is quite safe.

                            Not that I don't think Wraith have poetry, art or other forms of expression. Their jewellery is nice, and they have a natty line in tailoring, and I bet they even have music. *imagines all those beautiful harmonies and shivers* Mmmm...
                            Last edited by Isolde; 10 January 2011, 01:09 PM. Reason: cos I needed to say I think poetry and lit would need to be part of their culture


                              Todd and his liking of stars hints that the Wraith can and do appreciate beauty. I don't see why beautiful verbal symmetry... thing should be an exception How much the Wraith as general care about it, that is a completely different thing. I think they go more for telepathic multi-sensory art if any art at all.

                              Then something not verbally beautiful xD I decided to post a fanfic.

                              Sadly it is in Finnish because my current English and writing really doesn't work together... But if my memory is working properly, me and Leleth are not the only ones who speak Finnish in VDC, so I'll advertise a bit. Sorry, other people

                              Really, why didn't I listen to my poor teachers when they tried to make me learn English? This lack of skill is ruining my... my life! LIFE, do you hear! I'd love to share fic with more that one or two people but here I am, rambling about my ruined life, and it must be 100:th time or so -_-

                              Anyway! It is a small series of wraith personality descriptions I wrote when I was trying to get hold of my actual SGA project. Here goes Todd, ja suomeksi lähtee:


                                I'm in agreement that Vegas Todd's "poetry" was more along the lines of a telepathic link to Spike. I hesitate to call any AU version of Todd a "loon", half-starved or not, but I know what you mean, Izzy and agree with you.

                                I also agree that Wraith have to have some kind of artistic culture - they have various methods of body adornment (jewellery, clothing, tattoos, hair styles and braiding) and since body decoration is a basic form of art it;s not too big of a step to suggest that a technologically advanced race would have more complex artstic expressions too.
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

