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Wraith Defenders Club

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    I was in strange mood today and felt like whumping a wraith. Don`t get me wrong I love the wraith, so I am not sure if this is the righ place to post the first chaper of my story. It's just I have newer written any fanfiction before and I would feel better if you guys geive me feedback on it than posting it straight away on a fanfiction site.

    If it is absolute crap please tell me so.

    I think it needs to be rated PG 14 for language and sickness
    I hope you don't think I am a sick nutcase now.

    Chapter 1

    Inner monologue in italics

    He awoke to an unpleasant feeling, like if his heart was pumping ice crystals through his blood vessels instead of warm blood. The more he returned to the world of consciousness the more the unpleasantness turned into pain, incredible pain. Everything hurt and movement seemed an unbearable agony, even such a simple thing as to open his eyes was not accomplishable.

    After what seemed like hours, or were it just mere minutes, it was difficult to tell, the pain eased off, just a little. Enough though to force his eyelids open and realising that this place was definitely not, where he had been stunned. … Stunned?! Now since when does a stunner cause this much pain? Something is wrong, very wrong indeed.

    His vision was all blurred, but he could make out, that he was in a dark room, which was not of wraith design. It was all cold and lifeless – all stone, and come to think of it, this place’s stench insulted his nostrils. Slowly the pieces of his memory begun to reassemble:

    I have been on a mission….yes that was it, I have been on a mission to hunt down this traitor of a wraith, this Lantean lover, who would let himself be imprisoned by those humans… Would ally with them ... How could a wraith in his right mind consider working together with food? Well, the replicators were a serious threat, but the we are completely capable of dealing with those machines ourselves. We have done so before, we would have done it again, without help of the Lanteans! But this wraith seemed to be strange anyway; hey he was imprisoned before by even less evolved humans. What were they called again? Hmm…a, yes - Genii. That wraith must be an idiot. Imprisoned twice by humans in less than 100 years. That was quite an accomplishment in terms of stupidity. I never ever would have let a human humiliate me in such a way; I would have found a way to free myself very quickly. But then, maybe the Genii have burnt away his brain. And then this piece of filth dared to crash his hive into the cloning facility and kill my beloved queen. Not even enough there, that dirtbag had the imprudence not to die with his hive but to take a dart and take flight through the gate. What a coward. I had the “honour” to hunt down this piece of garbage and kill it. The running wraith had decided to take refuge in the underwood of a creepy red leafed forest, full of thorns at some backwater planet, long deprived of human life. I was hunting him, had almost gotten him, but then unbelievable enough this stupid human loving wraith had stunned me. Not so a fool after all then …

    But how does this place relate to my mission?

    Slowly he got aware of an additional stinging pain between his shoulders; some kind of sting was piercing his skin there. Cursing the thorned forest he reached for it and pulled it out. To his surprise the thorn turned out to be a from of crude weapon, a little dart aligned with feathers. As his vision had cleared now, he could see that the head was covered with some sticky substance. Poison? - That would explain the pain.

    As the effects of the poison wore off, he picked himself up from the muddy floor to assess the situation. While doing so he instantly realised that he was on a different planet as the gravitation was slightly stronger. The room seemed to be more carved out of stone than actually built, the only exit was barred by a door made of wood. The wraith could not suppress a grin. Whoever brought him here could not possibly have imagined that this battered, rotten door could hold him, even tough it was locked. He kicked it hard, just for the fun of it and to let off steam. That poison stuff had really hurt. As expected the door was no barrier whatsoever and upon punching several times it splintered in all directions. One of the pieces got stuck in his thigh. He pulled it out and discovered that his regeneration abilities where not as strong as he would have liked them to be as the wound took some time to heal.

    The poison must have weakened me considerably. Whoever had the insolence to bring me here will serve me as meal.

    And with a big stride he went through the doorway, or to put it better he tried to get through the doorway, which resulted in an eruption of red light and a howl of pain on the wraith’s side. Slowly he extended his hand to the doorway again and got another energy jolt. The air between the door frame and the corridor was separated by red ripples of energy.

    Oh great, a force field… in a cave, behind a rotten wooden door, just great. That day gets better by the minute.

    The wraith inspected the door frame, this time being careful not to venture too far, as he felt no need for more pain. The frame seemed to be ordinary stone, there was no sign from where or how the field was generated. This was just too much for one day and he screamed his fury out. Afterwards he felt slightly better. Having a clear head again, the wraith inspected the walls of his cell again. Just to make sure he had not overlooked anything.

    As he examined the wall opposite of the door he suddenly felt watched, turning around quickly he saw two completely white eyes watching him. They were kind of mesmerizing and he found he had trouble pull away of these eyes to study the rest of his captor. The being at the other side of the force field seemed to have a normal face, completely black of colour, with a nose and a mouth, framed by long white hair, but apart from that it was the strangest thing he had ever seen. It was definitely not human or wraith or anything else he had seen or heard of in his life. It seemed to draw out all the light from it’s surrounding, making it difficult to tell were the being ended and the dark corridor started. He saw himself confronted with pitch-black with two white eyes staring at him. The wraith stared back.

    The black being started to grin, thereby exposing sharp white teeth. “So much defiance” its voice was a hissing whisper “you are going to be very entertaining”. The grin was really nasty by now. The wraith growled in anger. “Now, what will I call you? What about Fluffy?” The prisoner could not hold down his fury any longer. “The moment I can lay hand on you I will make you suffer for your imprudence” he spat at his captor. “Oh, really?! That will be amusing” the grin got even broader exposing even more pointed teeth “You are going to be a good pet. I shall have lots of fun to watch you suffer.” Then the creature dissolved into the thin air, leaving a very irritated wraith.

    What kind of insane being was that?

    Last edited by Shanthaia; 24 January 2008, 10:28 PM.



      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post

      I was in strange mood today and felt like whumping a wraith. Don`t get me wrong I love the wraith, so I am not sure if this is the righ place to post the first chaper of my story. It's just I have newer written any fanfiction before and I would feel better if you guys geive me feedback on it than posting it straight away on a fanfiction site.

      If it is absolute crap please tell me so.

      I think it needs to be rated PG 14 for language and sickness
      I hope you don't think I am a sick nutcase now.

      Chapter 1

      Inner monologue in italics

      He awoke to an unpleasant feeling, like if his heart was pumping ice crystals through his blood vessels instead of warm blood. The more he returned to the world of consciousness the more the unpleasantness turned into pain, incredible pain. Everything hurt and movement seemed an unbearable agony, even such a simple thing as to open his eyes was not accomplishable.

      After what seemed like hours, or were it just mere minutes, it was difficult to tell, the pain eased off, just a little. Enough though to force his eyelids open and realising that this place was definitely not, where he had been stunned. … Stunned?! Now since when does a stunner cause this much pain? Something is wrong, very wrong indeed.

      His vision was all blurred, but he could make out, that he was in a dark room, which was not of wraith design. It was all cold and lifeless – all stone, and come to think of it, this place’s stench insulted his nostrils. Slowly the pieces of his memory begun to reassemble:

      I have been on a mission….yes that was it, I have been on a mission to hunt down this traitor of a wraith, this Lantean lover, who would let himself be imprisoned by those humans… Would ally with them ... How could a wraith in his right mind consider working together with food? Well, the replicators were a serious threat, but the we are completely capable of dealing with those machines ourselves. We have done so before, we would have done it again, without help of the Lanteans! But this wraith seemed to be strange anyway; hey he was imprisoned before by even less evolved humans. What were they called again? Hmm…a, yes - Genii. That wraith must be an idiot. Imprisoned twice by humans in less than 100 years. That was quite an accomplishment in terms of stupidity. I never ever would have let a human humiliate me in such a way; I would have found a way to free myself very quickly. But then, maybe the Genii have burnt away his brain. And then this piece of filth dared to crash his hive into the cloning facility and kill my beloved queen. Not even enough there, that dirtbag had the imprudence not to die with his hive but to take a dart and take flight through the gate. What a coward. I had the “honour” to hunt down this piece of garbage down and kill it. The running wraith had decided to take refuge in the underwood of a creepy red leafed forest, full of thorns at some backwater planet, long deprived of human life. I was hunting him, had almost gotten him, but then unbelievable enough this stupid human loving wraith had stunned me. Not so a fool after all then …

      But how does this place relate to my mission?

      Slowly he got aware of an additional stinging pain between his shoulders; some kind of sting was piercing his skin there. Cursing the thorned forest he reached for it and pulled it out. To his surprise the thorn turned out to be a from of crude weapon, a little dart aligned with feathers. As his vision had cleared now, he could see that the head was covered with some stick substance. Poison? - That would explain the pain.

      As the effects of the poison wore off, he picked himself up from the muddy floor to assess the situation. While doing so he instantly realised that he was on a different planet as the gravitation was slightly stronger. The room seemed to be more carved out of stone than actually built, the only exit was barred by a door made of wood. The wraith could not suppress a grin. Whoever brought him here could not possibly have imagined that this battered, rotten door could hold him, even tough it was locked. He kicked it hard, just for the fun of it and to let off steam. That poison stuff had really hurt. As expected the door was no barrier whatsoever and upon punching several times it splintered in all directions. One of the pieces got stuck in his thigh. He pulled it out and discovered that his regeneration abilities where not as strong as he would have liked them to be as the wound took some time to heal.

      The poison must have weakened me considerably. Whoever had the insolence to bring me here will serve me as meal.

      And with a big stride he went through the doorway, or to put it better he tried to get through the doorway, which resulted in an eruption of red light and a howl of pain on the wraith’s side. Slowly he extended his hand to the doorway again and got another energy jolt. The air between the door frame and the corridor was separated by red ripples of energy.

      Oh great, a force field… in a cave, behind a rotten wooden door, just great. That day gets better by the minute.

      The wraith inspected the door frame, this time being careful not to venture too far, as he felt no need for more pain. The frame seemed to be ordinary stone, there was no sign from where or how the field was generated. This was just too much for one day and he screamed his fury out. Afterwards he felt slightly better. Having a clear head again, the wraith inspected the walls of his cell again. Just to make sure he had not overlooked anything.

      As he examined the wall opposite of the door he suddenly felt watched, turning around quickly he saw two completely white eyes watching him. They were kind of mesmerizing and he found he had trouble pull away of these eyes to study the rest of his captor. The being at the other side of the force field had seemed to have a normal face, completely black of colour, with a nose and a mouth, framed by long white hair, but apart from that it was the strangest thing he had ever seen. It was definitely not human or wraith or anything else he had seen or heard of in his life. It seemed to draw out all the light from it’s surrounding, making it difficult to tell were the being ended and the dark corridor started. He saw himself confronted with pitch-black with two white eyes staring at him. The wraith stared back.

      The black being started to grin, thereby exposing sharp white teeth. “So much defiance” its voice was a hissing whisper “you are going to be very entertaining”. The grin was really nasty by now. The wraith growled in anger. “Now, what will I call you? What about Fluffy?” The prisoner could not hold down his fury any longer. “The moment I can lay hand on you I will make you suffer for your imprudence” he spat at his captor. “Oh, really?! That will be amusing” the grin got even broader exposing even more pointed teeth “You are going to be a good pet. I shall have lots of fun to watch you suffer.” Then the creature dissolved into the thin air, leaving a very irritated wraith.

      What kind of insane being was that?

      you felt like doing a wraith LOL i think we all thought of that one before and oh *$#@ the new epsiode of SGA comes on soon


        lol fluffy? haha i know who it is its sesshomaru from inuyasha lol in ur fic


          Sorry, I have never seen inuyasha.
          But its nice, that you don't tell me to stop being silly right away.
          Do you think its worth writing the rest of my story down and posting it?



            This is Inuyasha:

            Sessoma Inuyashas brother:

            @wraith_ownage Do you know steve in the maehtrix?

            Oh and for all others here:


              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

              Writing fiction is too hard. I have the attention span of a flea on a hot brick. If I can't start and finish a piece in a few minutes, it'll never get done - so I prefer doing little 'skits', like this - it's a lot more fun!

              they're called drabbles sweetheart usually 500 words or less with no discernable plot or meaning... usually a flash of insight or a snippet of dialogue....

              Originally posted by Ebeneezer_Goode
              it's called a "child-friendly environment" please censor any and all offensive language... and keep in mind, this is a global forum, so not everyone is as fluent in english as you are....
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                Thanks Degilwen.
                I am not sure where the simmilarities between my pitchblack creature with white eyes and Sessoma are, except the white hair. But wraith have lovly white hair too.
                As nobody has told me to stop posting my story, I sooner or later going to post the second chapter.

                Unfortunallly I will not have internet for the next week or so. :-(

                I will have a lot to read afterwards. Hopefully...
                Last edited by Shanthaia; 25 January 2008, 06:33 AM. Reason: Aaahhh, I have never been good at spelling



                  Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                  Thanks Degilwen.
                  I am not sure where the simmilarities between my pitchblack creature with white eyes and Sessoma are, except the white hair. But wraith have lovly white hair too.
                  As nobody has told me to stop posting my story, I sooner or later going to post the second chapter.

                  Unfortunallly I will not have internet for the next week or so. :-(

                  I will have a lot to read afterwards. Hopefully...
                  well you siad call call him fluffy and that happens to be sesshomarus nickname so yeah thought it would be him lol and yes i got steve in the matrix
                  I WANT A WRAITH LOL


                    Don't visit Joe M's blog if you don't want to get spoiled, today.

                    That's all I'm saying...

                    Except, maybe a small: "GO MICHAEL, GO!!!!"

                    There. I said it. With 'it' being nothing at all.

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Here is chapter 2 of my story.

                      Hope you don't declare me sick after that. Its again rated PG 14 for language.

                      Hope you like it

                      Chapter 2

                      Inner monologe in ittalics

                      Another two full inspections of his prison, yielding nothing, sixteen wrathful curses at various things (including the wooden splinters at the floor, the wraith who stunned him, his captor, the wraith who stunned him, the mud and the wraith who stunned him), one angry collision with the force field and three tantrums later the wraith had worn himself out enough to be in need of some rest.

                      I absolutely hate this! That cannot be happening to me! $§’#&! I am tired. I need to sit down. But I am certainly not touching this stinking mud more than necessary and I will not be poked by those wooden splinters.

                      Glaring angrily at the mess on the floor he started to kick the splinters and muck aside, clearing a small space in a corner from that disgusting stuff as much as he was able to. Then he sank to the floor with a little sigh.

                      This place is still awfully dirty. Yuck now that smelly stuff is clinging to my coat, too. Hmmm,…never mind. I am just too exhausted to care for the moment. But there is no way that I can have a lie down without getting my hair soiled.
                      With a low groan he leaned his head on the wall and closed his eyes.

                      Was that a giggle? He tiredly opened his eyes again. There it was again, somebody was giggling, but nobody was to be seen. The wraith needn’t to either; he had a pretty good idea who was giggling anyway.

                      “What is so amusing?” he asked, he couldn’t keep his anger completely out of the question, which annoyed him further.

                      “You” came the hissed answer followed by more giggling.

                      “You know, you sound like a filthy little human girl being tickled,” the wraith spat at his still invisible captor.

                      Out of nowhere two white eyes materialized into the midair surrounded by a bit of black mist. The eyes were alive with amusment. “Now, now, Fluffy, why so irritated?” The wraith just hissed lividly.

                      “Why have you brought me here?”

                      “Because you were messing up my vegetable pitch.”

                      “I…what?! You can’t be serious about that darned forest being your vegetable pitch! I mean its just f****** thorned trees and a lot of thick thorned under growth, that can’t possibly…”

                      “You are babbling, Fluffy” the creature interrupted, “and you did harm my precious plants, which just means a lot of extra work for me to undo your damage to them.” The eyes were now very serious, from one second to the next there was no amusement left in them. “ I need some recreational activity to compensate for all the additional trouble, as you caused it you are also going to help me relax.”

                      I won’t, you insane thing. The anger showed clearly on his face.

                      “Well, then, have a good night. By the way, it is going to rain tonight, so have fun.” Even tough the mouth was not visible, the evil grin behind the statement could well be heard.

                      “I am in a cave, how could rain concern me?” the wraith asked with a little grin himself. That creature gets more annoying by the minute.

                      “You will see” With that the eyes dissolved again, though the amused chuckling was audible for another minute or so. When it finally was silent again the now incredibly pissed wraith tried to get some rest. But sleep would not come; he was too wound up for it. The wraith just sat in his corner with closed eyes and tried to think of a way out. To come up with an escape plan was not as easy as he would have thought it to be earlier this day. Oh, crap!

                      A drop on his forehead interrupted his thoughts. It was followed by another one on his cheek.

                      Oh, great, the cave is not water proof. What next? Yuck, that is not water that is stinking muck…the rain water must pick up something foul-smelling on its way to this cave.

                      To the great suffering of the prisoner the only thing which turned out water permeable was the cave roof, the cave floor was perfectly water proof. The single drops from the roof turned soon into a down pouring stream and the water level rose quickly. Soon the wraith was standing knee deep in reeking sewage, being drenched to the skin with it. That the liquid was freezing cold didn’t help either. He circled his prison miserably, not being able to escape the down pour. Then he saw the floating debris, which had been the door, swim out into the corridor. Is the force field broken down? Has this awful down pour a good site to it after all?

                      He went to the door and was rewarded by a most painful energy jolt, which sent him flying into the sewage. Coughing the wraith resurfaced and cursed wildly. Shivering he returned to his corner and waited for the water flow to stop. What else could he do?

                      Interesting, the wood and water can pass the door but I can’t. Does this field react specifically to me or does it react to all living beings? It definitely does not contain lifeless matter.

                      After endless hours the water stream turned back to single drops, then ceased all together. The now breast deep water took another couple of hours to drain away. The wraith was so worn out, he just watched all of it aphetically.

                      “Good morning” a cheerful voice greeted him interrupting his silent staring.

                      This was surly one of my worst nights ever. He was just too shattered to reply in any way. All the wraith wanted to do was to curl up in a warm dry place and sleep.

                      “Oh, come on Fluffy, don’t be boring” the voice teased.

                      “Stop it” the prisoner hissed.

                      “Stop? I haven’t even started yet”

                      The horrified look on the wraith’s face caused the being to erupt in mad laughter, which slowly ceased into silence.

                      O crap, how much more worse could this mess get?


                      Sorry for spelling or grammar errors. It is not betaed
                      Last edited by Shanthaia; 25 January 2008, 10:55 AM.



                        Originally posted by wraith_ownage View Post
                        well you siad call call him fluffy and that happens to be sesshomarus nickname so yeah thought it would be him lol and yes i got steve in the matrix
                        I am not 100% sure what you want to tell me. So sesshomarus nickname is fluffy? Did I get this right?
                        What kind of sense would it make to call ones prisoner by the captors nickname? Or did you mean something else, and I am just really confused?

                        Please help me there.



                          And... then we fell all silent.

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            *goes to check out spoilers*

                            Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                            I am not 100% sure what you want to tell me. So sesshomarus nickname is fluffy? Did I get this right?
                            What kind of sense would it make to call ones prisoner by the captors nickname? Or did you mean something else, and I am just really confused?

                            Please help me there.
                            Fluffy was Sesshoumaru's fan nickname. Or... one of them, at least.

                            Anyone who actually had called him that in the manga would have probably died a gruesome death.

                            L I V E J O U R N A L
                            because I tend to disappear


                              Originally posted by Inanna View Post
                              *goes to check out spoilers*
                              The ones I didn't mention?

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                ...and which I am utterly incapable of finding? Yep!

                                Do you have a link to them?

                                L I V E J O U R N A L
                                because I tend to disappear

