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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by IV View Post
    Great picture Malka

    This morning I am noticing some things I need to fix, so I will probably fiddle with it this evening while I do my homework.


      Originally posted by IV View Post
      Great picture Malka
      I agree ...


        Sorry about the link folks, but I even though I tried everything to fix it this morning it remained borked. *shakes fist at stooopid internet* Sorry about that.

        Anyhoo, if you wants to take a looksie at 'No Further than This', you should be able to find it if you use my siggie.


          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
          Sorry about the link folks, but I even though I tried everything to fix it this morning it remained borked. *shakes fist at stooopid internet* Sorry about that.

          Anyhoo, if you wants to take a looksie at 'No Further than This', you should be able to find it if you use my siggie.
          It's well worth tracking down - another delicious story that'll have you wanting more...


            Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post
            It's well worth tracking down - another delicious story that'll have you wanting more...
            So very true ^^


              Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
              I agree, but then again, does any Wraith TRULY know what he's letting himself in for with Worshippers?
              Variety is the spice of life PA.
              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                The link won't work.

                *edit* Nvm, fixed in myself.
                Guys, I've figured out what's wrong, using the link in the quote used by Mariellelita, Click on "Step this way and another window will pop up with this "http://%22http//" in the address bar, now remove the first http:// and the %22 and press enter and should take you straight to it (well it did with me anyway). I've included the post the link can be found in to make it abit easier.
                Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                  I just watched First Contact and The Lost Tribe. And I am nothing but ecstatic

                  Todd is SO cool! And Kenny too

                  The Wraith came back and are not as dumbed down as in 3rd and 4th seasons and writers came back from the monkey islands and--

                  Oh too much joy

                  I just had to share this with you


                    *thunks* for good measure


                      I've just bought the Stargate Atlantis boxset from Amazon specifically to catch up on all the Wraith goings-on. I haven't seen any episodes since series 2 was on TV. I can't wait to meet those I've only read the names of here. Todd and Kenny for starters. Am I mad?


                        Originally posted by Lime Pickle View Post
                        I've just bought the Stargate Atlantis boxset from Amazon specifically to catch up on all the Wraith goings-on. I haven't seen any episodes since series 2 was on TV. I can't wait to meet those I've only read the names of here. Todd and Kenny for starters. Am I mad?
                        Hi there, and welcome! You're no madder than the rest of us, sweetie - my DVDs are worn out already, I;ve watched them so often!

                        Edit: Oh a fellow Scot! Big hugs!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Lime Pickle, if you ask me, the ones who don't want to meet Todd and Kenny are the mad ones


                            I feel welcome already Cheers, all!


                              Yay, more UK people! *hugs in welcome*


                                hello lime pickle ... yeah, i'm tempted to buy the complete box set from amazon too (it seems really cheap), but i've already got all the todd and various other wraith heavy episodes from iTunes ... um, well, guess i could always put it on my xmas list - a girl can never have too much wraith/sheppard action and it would be nice to drool in the comfort of the tv and sofa for a change!

                                i'm another uk person, however i'm down in the west country ... watching 'common ground' for the hundredth time!! (i feel a todd marathon coming on ... )

