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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    I'm now trying to do something with an Eddie pic which had Sheppard's shoulder in the way. The real problem is making Eddie's face show up a bit more - the pic is bad quality so it can go a bit weird when using some of the usual fixes.

    I'm also experimenting with those pics where the tops of the heads have been cut off. For me, some kind of frame makes the difference between -

    "I tried to take a portrait photograph but cut the top of his head off by mistake" and "I deliberately took the portrait photograph this way because I wanted the focus to be on his face."
    Yep, careful cropping can make the difference between "oops" and arty!
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      @ Draco Thank´s for this Link but this pic what I search is not in masterling´s album. But this pic´s are wonderful.


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Yep, careful cropping can make the difference between "oops" and arty!
        The real challenge, of course, is doing something arty with a pic that's very much "oops" to begin with.


          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          I've just looked it up on Amazon UK and it's available here. I went for the trial versions of Corel when looking for a photo editing program, though, because I started out with Corel Photo Paint. Photo X2 has more features than I'll probably ever use so I'm happy with it for now.
          if you're happy, then stick with Corel. Spend the money some place else. Computers can suck you dry with software and bits. It's crazy.

          Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
          "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
          Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


            Why make nobody a "Eddy" Drawing??? I mean he look very cool


              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
              ohh she(?) stuck a wraith on Nuada's body. he he But it works.
              Love the one riding a horse. very cool.

              Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
              "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
              Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                Yeah this with the horse is cool.. I watch on deviant art.. Very cool Wraith pic´s are here


                  Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                  @ ciannwn I work oftn with gimp or Photoshop cs4 But you´re right this blue grey I like it too. But Wraith´s in yellow or with red colour look crazy
                  Then there's this hideous orange in a photo I got from the MGM site.



                    Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                    if you're happy, then stick with Corel. Spend the money some place else. Computers can suck you dry with software and bits. It's crazy.
                    I've got to upgrade my RAM to be able to experiment with the other lighting effect properly. The lag between trying something out and it actually appearing as a result makes it very difficult at the moment.


                      Yeah and too much green I think... I can´t find the pc from the wraith birth. The face from this Wraith guy shimmer red


                        Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                        Why make nobody a "Eddy" Drawing??? I mean he look very cool
                        There are drawings of several wraith on my dA account (click on the link below my siggie) - including Eddie!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          Then there's this hideous orange in a photo I got from the MGM site.

                          he maybe orange but he is HAWT! *drools!!* except he needs to stand up straight.

                          Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                          "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                          Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                            @ Todd´s pet Have you the same name on deviant art??


                              Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                              he maybe orange but he is HAWT! *drools!!* except he needs to stand up straight.
                              I think the way he's standing emphasises the shape of his stunning stunner. I half suspect that it was done deliberately for fun.


                                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                                I think the way he's standing emphasises the shape of his stunning stunner. I half suspect that it was done deliberately for fun.
                                *tries to remember she's at work and not create a stir* holy smoke! ROFL!! er I think you are onto something there C!

                                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory

