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Wraith Defenders Club

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    1. Egypt, to Karnak Temple
    2. One opf those long Egyptian robes... but in black, of course
    3. Fairy cakes
    4. LOTR
    5. Special oil blend of frankincense, orange and neroli
    6. No idea about cars
    7. McKay clone
    8. Full body massage

    1. Somewhere with stunning scenery and lots of forest
    2. Whatever he'd deign to wear.
    3. Kendel mintcake
    4. Terminator
    5. Special oil blend of frankincense, orange and neroli
    6. ? I think he prefers to walk
    7. Captain Jack Harkness clone
    8. Scrub down in the shower with a massage afterwards


      Originally posted by Draygon View Post
      Concidering the good Captain's usual tendancies, he'd probably put a wraith off feeding on him by flirting Adds a new meaning to "dinner date"...
      LMAO! Now that really would scare them


        Originally posted by vanillavamp View Post

        Is this Kenny? (Just going by your sig - curious to know which wraith )
        Well, if it's under the stars I reckon it has to be Todd (Common Ground)
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          Well, if it's under the stars I reckon it has to be Todd (Common Ground)
          Well I think Mar is more devoted to Kenny - please don't hate her (or me) - it just means there's more Todd for the rest of you


            Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
            Well I think Mar is more devoted to Kenny - please don't hate her (or me) - it just means there's more Todd for the rest of you
            Ahem... who is TODD's Pet??? He's MINE! All mine!! mwahahahaha!
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by MCH View Post
              Is there enough room in the naughty corner for TP and Todd ??

              I think the more in the nottie corner, the merrier! woo hooo!!

              Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
              "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
              Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                Well I think Mar is more devoted to Kenny - please don't hate her (or me) - it just means there's more Todd for the rest of you
                Kenny...*thumbs up*

                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                  Oh goodie, you all like Kenny *smuggles Todd into special naughty corner on the very deepest level of the gutter with room for only two* Todd is all mine... mwahahaha!
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    Oh goodie, you all like Kenny *smuggles Todd into special naughty corner on the very deepest level of the gutter with room for only two* Todd is all mine... mwahahaha!
                    hmmmmm... might change my mind!

                    a nottie corner in the gutter...I like it!

                    Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                    "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                    Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                      Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                      hmmmmm... might change my mind!

                      a nottie corner in the gutter...I like it!
                      So does everybody else.
                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        I'd take Steve to a Paris fashion show, wearing his own wraith gear cos you can't get cooler than that, and a jasmine based scent (described as "sweetly masculine", def Steve!).
                        Then I;d take him to see The Devil Wears Prada, followed by a nouvelle cuisine meal at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, arriving there in a Lotus Elan convertible, bright red naturally
                        There I'd give him a set of solid silver hairbrushes and mirrors as a birthday gift.
                        As for proper wraith food... heck, this is Steve we're talking about - he can feed on whomever he chooses!!!
                        It wouldn;t be me of course, because I've just given him the best birthday of his life!!!!
                        ohh Steve.... *thinks about cute cute Steve* yeah that sound like a good Steve date!

                        Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                        "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                        Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          So does everybody else.
                          woo hoo! it's a party!

                          I can always be counted on for such intelligent comments can't I? he he! NOT!

                          Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                          "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                          Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                            Originally posted by vanillavamp View Post
                            This idea came into my head today:
                            1) Where in the world do you take your wraith?
                            a goth night club....the coolest one I could find.

                            2) You need human clothing for your wraith to wear. What do you select?
                            hey at a goth club, their clothes are purrrrfect for a goth club. i'd have to beat the women off of him! down ladies! down!

                            3) It may not sustain them, but wraith can enjoy eating human food. What dainty dishes do you set before your wraith?
                            dainty dishes! ROFL!! cheescake. ha ha! Followed closely by chocolate truffles. heck! anything chocolate.

                            4) You'd like your wraith to experience a bit of human culture. What movie, show, dance production or other entertainment do you take your wraith to see? Or perhaps they'd prefer a sporting event?
                            I think the culture I'd go to he'd feel right at home in. Say Marilyn Manson or something like that. My friend at Hot Topic could hook me up with the appropriate show.

                            5) Which perfume do you wear to please yourself and your wraith? You might also like to choose a perfume for your wraith.
                            my wraith needs no the way he smells as himself. i don't wear any cause it make me sneeze.

                            6) Wraith appear to have a strong petrolhead gene. Your Toyota hatchback is unlikely to make your wraith feel properly accommodated on the road. If you need to drive somewhere, what car will you hire (or beg, borrow, or steal) to do so?
                            HUMMER! all the way! haha!!

                            7) Your wraith will need to feed properly, of course. Who (or whose clone) do you offer up as a birthday treat?
                            ha ha ha!! Mel Gibson ha ha!!! Cause! that's why. followed closely by the governor of my state.

                            8) Any other pampering, gifts or special experiences.
                            errr we can't talk about those things on GW. it's a "G" rated site after all.

                            Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                            "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                            Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                              Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                              ohh Steve.... *thinks about cute cute Steve* yeah that sound like a good Steve date!
                              Steve: what can I say, Babe? TP knows me well... very well indeed!
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                                1) Where in the world do you take your wraith?
                                a goth night club....the coolest one I could find.

                                2) You need human clothing for your wraith to wear. What do you select?
                                hey at a goth club, their clothes are purrrrfect for a goth club. i'd have to beat the women off of him! down ladies! down!

                                3) It may not sustain them, but wraith can enjoy eating human food. What dainty dishes do you set before your wraith?
                                dainty dishes! ROFL!! cheescake. ha ha! Followed closely by chocolate truffles. heck! anything chocolate.

                                4) You'd like your wraith to experience a bit of human culture. What movie, show, dance production or other entertainment do you take your wraith to see? Or perhaps they'd prefer a sporting event?
                                I think the culture I'd go to he'd feel right at home in. Say Marilyn Manson or something like that. My friend at Hot Topic could hook me up with the appropriate show.

                                5) Which perfume do you wear to please yourself and your wraith? You might also like to choose a perfume for your wraith.
                                my wraith needs no the way he smells as himself. i don't wear any cause it make me sneeze.

                                6) Wraith appear to have a strong petrolhead gene. Your Toyota hatchback is unlikely to make your wraith feel properly accommodated on the road. If you need to drive somewhere, what car will you hire (or beg, borrow, or steal) to do so?
                                HUMMER! all the way! haha!!

                                7) Your wraith will need to feed properly, of course. Who (or whose clone) do you offer up as a birthday treat?
                                ha ha ha!! Mel Gibson ha ha!!! Cause! that's why. followed closely by the governor of my state.

                                8) Any other pampering, gifts or special experiences.
                                errr we can't talk about those things on GW. it's a "G" rated site after all.
                                Did you read my mind? I would choose the same,... expect cheesecake and Mel Gibson.


