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    Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
    I always thiought it was suppose to make their skin look a bit more insect like. I always looked to me almost like a moist gel or something and less like human skin.

    This is true, but I think because we don't have a frame of reference for what humanoid/insectoid skin would look like, the default image seems to be saran-wrap skin. I wonder how both the idea of skin, and insecty/alienness be accomplished realistically?

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
      Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! laughing off my chair!

      We have a Wawa ontario, as well as a Swastika Ontario and a Dildo Newfoundland! Only in Canada would you find such place names! Wawa I get, but Dildo?

      In Pennsylvania, there are the following towns, all in the same general area:

      Blue Ball

      I wonder...if Wraith named towns, what would they be called? Feeding Slit? Palmville? Sucktown?



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        In Pennsylvania, there are the following towns, all in the same general area:
        Blue Ball

        I wonder...if Wraith named towns, what would they be called? Feeding Slit? Palmville? Sucktown?
        I'm sure there is a very interesting local history behind those town names.

        Wraith town names could be Hive City or Hibernation End.


          So... that's a 'no'?

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            So... that's a 'no'?
            Speaking of a seal hunting petition on your signature, I'll play devil's advocate here, one because I am a Canadian (this primarily has to do with Canadian seal hunts), and two because I dislike an unbalance blanket view of any topic. When it comes to controversial topics, there is a reason why a modifier like "controversial" is attached to a topic--there are emotionally charged and typically poignant arguments on both sides. While I am a hater of animal cruelty by humans and non-humans alike (yes I do believe animal documentary filmmakers should intervene judiciously when filming the brutality of nature, and I do believe that zoo animals should develop a loving relationship with their handlers--a tactile, life long bond--after all is there any intention of putting zoo animals out into the wild again?). But with that said, something does need to be done to stem the growth in the seal population.

            As I mentioned a few posts back, every creature in existence will consume more than its share of resources given the lack of predators and natural destruction in a specific area. Starvation ensues and at times extinction. Then another group of creatures dominates an area and the cycle begins again. Humans are not singular in our glutting of natural resources. This is why I have objected so often to people slamming human populations when we talk of the wraith--the wraith are just as guilty as any "successful" being in existence.

            The seal population of the St. Lawrence is a "successful" creature in this location by extension because of our success as a species--we want to protect what is "cute" and annihilate what is frightening. We often do not make the connection that every creature has its place in the universe. To avoid being too cheesy, humanity is just as important to natural ecology as any other species.

            The over population of seals in the St. Lawrence, depletes the natural abundance of cod and whiting fish. To add to this, the residents of the Magdalen Islands economically depend on the seal hunt. They have few if no other means of subsistence. These residence do their part for the environment by keeping the ecological balance--simply put they no more want their waters to be polluted (because they depend on them more so than you or I do), than we want their waters to be polluted. In unpopulated areas, governments have a way of hiding all their "dirty" pollutants. Well, if a community lives in remote areas, "dirty" hiding isn't really possible. In other words, these residents act as gatekeepers to reckless dumping of waste in remote areas.

            Now the old argument, the logical fallacy that "we've always done it this way, therefore it needs to continue" is a somewhat fair attitude toward the hunters reliance on seal fur, blubber and meat. However, we can't just take away an economy from people who have lived this way for three or four centuries.

            It is similar to the poppy farmers in Afghanistan. These farmers do not care what crop they grow they simply know that certain crops will provide much needed cash--cash they use to support their families.

            Sorry, I'm blathering and have to go meet me man! Eeek! I'm already late--will post more later.


            Am back now. So, where was I? Oh ya, having a trade embargo set on these people by the EFTA. only forces them to look for other less regulated markets--markets where people will pay for baby seal fur--at least the EFTA will not do this. Although I totally disagree with the killing of the pups, these people do live off of the seal population like we live off of cows and pigs, except the seals are "free range" of course.
            Last edited by Wraith Cake; 09 June 2009, 06:18 PM.
            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              Speaking of
              Sorry, I'm blathering and have to go meet me ............................. *removed to save space!*

              AGREED! to everything.

              Here in the great state of Wisconsin..for us it's the deer. Or for awhile it was the deer. There were so many of them. They were dying of disease/starvation and spreading disease themselves. Not to mention they were moving into inhabited areas (not many in WI BTW) and endangering themselves and others. Ever seen a car hit by a deer! its bad! Now the wolf and bear populations in WI are increasing and the herds are at a more stable level which the state can support.

              I think what all this says is that animals in healthy proportion to their environment is wonderful. Animals either over the natural amount or under is something to be concerned about.

              Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
              "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
              Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                In Pennsylvania, there are the following towns, all in the same general area:

                Blue Ball

                I wonder...if Wraith named towns, what would they be called? Feeding Slit? Palmville? Sucktown?


                Hmmm you got some nice towns der! ha ha!! Let's just make sure that Intercourse and Fertility aren't too close to each other or they may make a whole new town..ha ha!!!!

                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                  You ever notice that Wraith apparently have their own language but we've never actually heard them speak it? (Have we?) So if they were naming towns shouldn't at least they be written in Wraith language?

                  Unless we actually have heard them talk, and its infact all the grunts they often do.

                  So if they named a town it would be called like, "Aaaaaaaeeergh" or somesuch.
                  "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                  *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                  "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                    In case anybody is interested, Part 5 of ASR is posted.


                      Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                      In case anybody is interested, Part 5 of ASR is posted.
                      Yeah, somebody is very interested
                      ~ Created by Draygon ~


                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        You ever notice that Wraith apparently have their own language but we've never actually heard them speak it? (Have we?) So if they were naming towns shouldn't at least they be written in Wraith language?

                        Unless we actually have heard them talk, and its infact all the grunts they often do.

                        So if they named a town it would be called like, "Aaaaaaaeeergh" or somesuch.

                        LOL!! The Knights Who Say NI! Or the Wraith Wraith Who Say AAAAEEEERRRGH!

                        I've questioned Joe Mallozzi about this - whether we'd ever hear Wraith language, and he's been mum, so I doubt it. I would love it to be very animal-like...hisses and purrs and growls. Just because it is written similar to Ancient doesn't mean that it sounds anything like Ancient. Afterall, many languages use the same alphabet, but sound totally different.

                        Maybe we should make up our own Wraith language.

                        We already know that 'nom-nom-nom' (and perhaps 'Mmmmm-mmm-mmm! Good!' in Wraith language sounds like 'AAhhaaaAHHHAAaaaAHHHAaaaah!'

                        And - based on the Wraith who tried to feed on Ronon in Runner, 'WTF' sounds like, "HHSSss-huuuuuuh?'

                        And, according to Todd as he looked down through the cell bars at Sheppard, 'I love you' sounds like a soft, throaty growl...there really is no way of writing it.

                        And their stunners? Oh, those are certainly called 'Ahh-cha-cha-CHA!'



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          LOL!! The Knights Who Say NI! Or the Wraith Wraith Who Say AAAAEEEERRRGH!

                          I've questioned Joe Mallozzi about this - whether we'd ever hear Wraith language, and he's been mum, so I doubt it. I would love it to be very animal-like...hisses and purrs and growls. Just because it is written similar to Ancient doesn't mean that it sounds anything like Ancient. Afterall, many languages use the same alphabet, but sound totally different.

                          Maybe we should make up our own Wraith language.

                          We already know that 'nom-nom-nom' (and perhaps 'Mmmmm-mmm-mmm! Good!' in Wraith language sounds like 'AAhhaaaAHHHAAaaaAHHHAaaaah!'

                          And - based on the Wraith who tried to feed on Ronon in Runner, 'WTF' sounds like, "HHSSss-huuuuuuh?'

                          And, according to Todd as he looked down through the cell bars at Sheppard, 'I love you' sounds like a soft, throaty growl...there really is no way of writing it.

                          And their stunners? Oh, those are certainly called 'Ahh-cha-cha-CHA!'


                          LMAO! Good to see you back on form, das!
                          Aye Carrumba!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            LOL!! The Knights Who Say NI! Or the Wraith Wraith Who Say AAAAEEEERRRGH!

                            I've questioned Joe Mallozzi about this - whether we'd ever hear Wraith language, and he's been mum, so I doubt it. I would love it to be very animal-like...hisses and purrs and growls. Just because it is written similar to Ancient doesn't mean that it sounds anything like Ancient. Afterall, many languages use the same alphabet, but sound totally different.

                            Maybe we should make up our own Wraith language.

                            We already know that 'nom-nom-nom' (and perhaps 'Mmmmm-mmm-mmm! Good!' in Wraith language sounds like 'AAhhaaaAHHHAAaaaAHHHAaaaah!'

                            And - based on the Wraith who tried to feed on Ronon in Runner, 'WTF' sounds like, "HHSSss-huuuuuuh?'

                            And, according to Todd as he looked down through the cell bars at Sheppard, 'I love you' sounds like a soft, throaty growl...there really is no way of writing it.

                            And their stunners? Oh, those are certainly called 'Ahh-cha-cha-CHA!'

                            Oh yes! The pistons are firing today, aren't they, das? lol I totally forgot about that Wraith in "Runner". My diet Coke nearly came out my nose. Oh there goes the mascara. And am now imagining subtitles on episodes now like where Todd is purring it will say "I love you. You are strong and scrumptious." Wouldn't it be great if, just as a gag feature, they included "Wraith" as one of the options for subtitling? Too geeky? I'm sure Joe M. & Marty G. would think so. They don't even like bloopers.



                              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                              Oh yes! The pistons are firing today, aren't they, das? lol I totally forgot about that Wraith in "Runner". My diet Coke nearly came out my nose. Oh there goes the mascara. And am now imagining subtitles on episodes now like where Todd is purring it will say "I love you. You are strong and scrumptious." Wouldn't it be great if, just as a gag feature, they included "Wraith" as one of the options for subtitling? Too geeky? I'm sure Joe M. & Marty G. would think so. They don't even like bloopers.


                              Oooh! New topic.

                              I think the subtitles would be funny, especially to let the viewer see any hidden conversations the wraith are having.

                              *to Isolde*
                              Thanks for the update, I am interested in it as well.


                                Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                                AGREED! to everything.

                                Here in the great state of Wisconsin..for us it's the deer. Or for awhile it was the deer. There were so many of them. They were dying of disease/starvation and spreading disease themselves. Not to mention they were moving into inhabited areas (not many in WI BTW) and endangering themselves and others. Ever seen a car hit by a deer! its bad! Now the wolf and bear populations in WI are increasing and the herds are at a more stable level which the state can support.

                                I think what all this says is that animals in healthy proportion to their environment is wonderful. Animals either over the natural amount or under is something to be concerned about.
                                Totally! Everything needs to have balance and be kept in balance.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

