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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
    I share the same delusion... don't we all?
    I confess if I stumbled upon a REAL Wraith my instinct would probably be to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction! However, I might just peek over my shoulder now and then and if he looked like he could be negotiated with, I might slow down enough to let him catch me! Heck, live dangerously, that's my motto
    I've reached an age where I'm fully aware of my own mortality. Being fed on by a Wraith is painful while it lasts but it's over very quickly. There are worse ways to die. If I had a choice between being Wraith lunch and lingering on for years with an incurable disease which made my quality of life zero I'd choose the Wraith.


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      I've reached an age where I'm fully aware of my own mortality. Being fed on by a Wraith is painful while it lasts but it's over very quickly. There are worse ways to die. If I had a choice between being Wraith lunch and lingering on for years with an incurable disease which made my quality of life zero I'd choose the Wraith.
      yep, the Wraith would win hands down ('scuse pun!) for me too - at least I'd die happy with the last thing I ever saw being a beautiful wraithie face!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        yep, the Wraith would win hands down ('scuse pun!) for me too - at least I'd die happy with the last thing I ever saw being a beautiful wraithie face!
        The warriors feed on humans too. Knowing my luck I'd get one of those instead of a beautiful faced male.


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          I share the same delusion... don't we all?
          I confess if I stumbled upon a REAL Wraith my instinct would probably be to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction! However, I might just peek over my shoulder now and then and if he looked like he could be negotiated with, I might slow down enough to let him catch me! Heck, live dangerously, that's my motto
          Ya know - I think I would be so mesmerized by their appearance, I'd freeze in my tracks, and just stare. I'd be an easy meal.

          It's just like that pic of Mad Max Craig - and the one of Steve that we love so much (the one I outlined the butterfly on) - those faces hypnotize me. It's the browline, and the deepset eyes, and the cheekbones - the symmetry is just so beautiful to me, I can't help but stare. There's a good one of Kenny, does the same thing to me...just kinda sucks my brain out, or something. So, if Wraith were real, and I was ever to come face-to-face with one, I'd just stand there, looking stupid.

          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          I've reached an age where I'm fully aware of my own mortality. Being fed on by a Wraith is painful while it lasts but it's over very quickly. There are worse ways to die. If I had a choice between being Wraith lunch and lingering on for years with an incurable disease which made my quality of life zero I'd choose the Wraith.
          You've got a point there. Ya know, I think we should get brownie points for being so willing to give our lives so another can live...maybe a super-special place in Wraithy heaven where they spend eternity returning the favor via the gift of life. I'd line right up for a little treatment from Steve, but for some reason, I think he's likely to be a bit stingy. Eddie, on the other hand...

          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          yep, the Wraith would win hands down ('scuse pun!) for me too - at least I'd die happy with the last thing I ever saw being a beautiful wraithie face!
          We are just TOO easy!




            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            a know, I think we should get brownie points for being so willing to give our lives so another can live..
            I wasn't being entirely altruistic - the arrangement would be of benefit to me as well in my scenario.

            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            maybe a super-special place in Wraithy heaven where they spend eternity returning the favor via the gift of life.

            I love the idea of Wraith promoting this idea as a way of keeping their worshippers faithful. "Serve us well and you will earn a special reward on the After Hive."


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              I've reached an age where I'm fully aware of my own mortality. Being fed on by a Wraith is painful while it lasts but it's over very quickly. There are worse ways to die. If I had a choice between being Wraith lunch and lingering on for years with an incurable disease which made my quality of life zero I'd choose the Wraith.
              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              yep, the Wraith would win hands down ('scuse pun!) for me too - at least I'd die happy with the last thing I ever saw being a beautiful wraithie face!
              You are the brave souls! I’m burning with curiosity about their... er... equipment , but my fear of the feeding slit is STRONGER.
              ~ Created by Draygon ~


                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                The warriors feed on humans too. Knowing my luck I'd get one of those instead of a beautiful faced male.
                No! Demand that he takes you to his leader!! I can just see it now...

                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *raises hand to feed*

                Ciannwn: "No, wait!! Uhh...Take me to your leader!"

                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *hesitates and cocks head to the side, as if trying to comprehend*

                Ciannwn: "You heard me! Take me to your leader! I have information of great value to him! ( Gawd...I hope it's a 'him' and not one of those biatchy queens...ugh ) I have information about Atlantis! Uh...information on how to defeat the Lanteans, once and for all! ( What's a Lantean or two? Heck...I'd sell my own mother's soul right now! )"

                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *hoists Ciannwn up by the underarm, and carts her off to his commander*

                Wraith Commander: "I understand you have information about Atlantis..."

                Ciannwn: "( Oh, thank you, god...this one is just beautiful! GAWD! He's Erik's twin, certain sure! I will die a happy death! )" *looks at ground and kicks pebble* " tell you the truth...I really don't know anything more than you do..."

                Wraith Commander: "Then WHY do you bother me!"

                Ciannwn: "I...I can't help myself! Arrrgghhh!! I can't stand it anymore! I NEED you!!" *rips shirt open and exposes chest* "FEEEED on me, PLEEEASE!!!!"

                Wraith Commander: ... *looks at Uglyass Masked Wraith...Uglyass just shrugs*

                Ciannwn: *groveling on knees* "'re just one little sucky palm print from making me the happiest woman ALIVE! PLEEEEAAASEE!"

                Wraith Commander: *looks at Uglyass Masked Wraith* "Throw her in with the rest - it appears we have another one infected with Mad 'Cow' Disease!"

                (For our non-English speakers - 'cow' is also a derogatory term for 'woman'.)

                My apologies, Ciannwn...seems I have sinned yet again...but this time at your expense...

                Last edited by dasNdanger; 02 February 2009, 06:08 AM.


                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Wraith Commander: *looks at Uglyass Masked Wraith* "Throw her in with the rest - it appears we have another one infected with Mad 'Cow' Disease!"

                  My apologies, Ciannwn...seems I have sinned yet again...but this time at your expense...

                  Maybe he thought Mad Cow Disease is another of Michael's anti_Wraith bio weapons.


                    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                    Maybe he thought Mad Cow Disease is another of Michael's anti_Wraith bio weapons.

                    And think of all the years they will have to keep us crazy cows alive, studying us, testing us, trying to figure out the source of the infection... heehee...



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      And think of all the years they will have to keep us crazy cows alive, studying us, testing us, trying to figure out the source of the infection... heehee...das
                      I hope they'd give us proper living quarters. There aren't any bathroom facilities in holding cells.


                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        I hope they'd give us proper living quarters. There aren't any bathroom facilities in holding cells.
                        Oh, after a few hours they'd certainly come up with some sort of toilet for us...only i fear it'll be all membrane and veins and umbilicals...which will be way creepy!



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Oh, after a few hours they'd certainly come up with some sort of toilet for us...only i fear it'll be all membrane and veins and umbilicals...which will be way creepy! das
                          We're always demanding to know more about Wraith and life on hive ships. This would answer one of our many questions.


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            We're always demanding to know more about Wraith and life on hive ships. This would answer one of our many questions.

                            Your job - locate the toilets. My job - locate Sleazy Eddie's stunner...



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Your job - locate the toilets. My job - locate Sleazy Eddie's stunner... das
                              There will come a time when you'll be glad I took the boring, practical job.


                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                No! Demand that he takes you to his leader!! I can just see it now...

                                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *raises hand to feed*

                                Ciannwn: "No, wait!! Uhh...Take me to your leader!"

                                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *hesitates and cocks head to the side, as if trying to comprehend*

                                Ciannwn: "You heard me! Take me to your leader! I have information of great value to him! ( Gawd...I hope it's a 'him' and not one of those biatchy queens...ugh ) I have information about Atlantis! Uh...information on how to defeat the Lanteans, once and for all! ( What's a Lantean or two? Heck...I'd sell my own mother's soul right now! )"

                                Uglyass Masked Wraith: *hoists Ciannwn up by the underarm, and carts her off to his commander*

                                Wraith Commander: "I understand you have information about Atlantis..."

                                Ciannwn: "( Oh, thank you, god...this one is just beautiful! GAWD! He's Erik's twin, certain sure! I will die a happy death! )" *looks at ground and kicks pebble* " tell you the truth...I really don't know anything more than you do..."

                                Wraith Commander: "Then WHY do you bother me!"

                                Ciannwn: "I...I can't help myself! Arrrgghhh!! I can't stand it anymore! I NEED you!!" *rips shirt open and exposes chest* "FEEEED on me, PLEEEASE!!!!"

                                Wraith Commander: ... *looks at Uglyass Masked Wraith...Uglyass just shrugs*

                                Ciannwn: *groveling on knees* "'re just one little sucky palm print from making me the happiest woman ALIVE! PLEEEEAAASEE!"

                                Wraith Commander: *looks at Uglyass Masked Wraith* "Throw her in with the rest - it appears we have another one infected with Mad 'Cow' Disease!"

                                (For our non-English speakers - 'cow' is also a derogatory term for 'woman'.)

                                My apologies, Ciannwn...seems I have sinned yet again...but this time at your expense...


                                PS. Our «cow» has the same meaning as yours.

                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Oh, after a few hours they'd certainly come up with some sort of toilet for us...only i fear it'll be all membrane and veins and umbilicals...which will be way creepy!

                                Have you ever seen LEXX?
                                ~ Created by Draygon ~

