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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
    You've really got to stand back look at how funny this all sounds - wraith nipples and boobage!

    No MFW is right it is just for scientific verification. Look at the lenght WK went to prove the theory do Wraith have nipples? She found two pictures of Eye candy male bodies.....and through scientific verification she proved that Wraith have no nipples. Case proved.

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
      I Just came in to post a crazy poster of Spike in a blaze of wild fire. Just having fun you know!


      Very nice, luv! Thank you! Love that pose!

      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
      All though I enjoy creating wallpapers and calendars I do, enjoy posting comments too. There has been a lot said since yesterday(Fri) after "Vegas" has been shown. I watched it on line from TVShack. I have some thoughts. First a question.

      How long was Spike on Earth? How did he learn how to put on make up to disguise himself? How did he learned to drive? Spike is a very intelligent Wraith as most Wraith are. Spike knew how to mimic human behaviour so, he can assimilate in human society. How did he learn how to do things like put on make up, drive a car or play poker. He tap into the communication satellites system called TV transmissions. With all the commercials and TV shows he learned how to become part of the population. It was easy for Spike to assimilate since there are a lot of people who don't fit the norm. and, being Las Vegas you have a lot of 'weird' people there too. So, Spike used this to his advantage. Did he have human helpers? Yes, I think so, Some people beleive we will be saved by an alien race. So, Spike use this beleift too for his benifit he just consumed them after he needed their help. He did all these things so he could get home. a stranger in a strange land.

      I know we here will have lots to talk about with this eppy and the last one to air.
      @das: I love your wicked witty humour on Spike's body

      I think you could be right. Spike had been on earth about 3 months - so he is a quick learner. But then again, he'd have to be in order to survive. I think a human or two could have helped him, only to become a meal later on. I've just assumed that the make-up bits were created by him, using organic Wraith tech. Or he could have walked into a Halloween shop in all if his Wraithy glory, and folks just thought he was another Vegas freak in costume. No real time to -comment further...just wanted to touch on this quickly.

      Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
      Sheps ears are entirely freaky! Sometimes it distracts me while watching the show, just like that EatG pic someone did of Todd thinking Shep's a pixie.
      Sorry I can't go find out which wonderful person did it but I'm page surfing tired
      That was me. It's my running joke between Todd and Sheppard. Everytime Todd is looking reflectively at Sheppard, in my mind he's thinking about Sheppard's ears.

      Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
      Is it just me, or does anyone else find the Wraith sexier, even though they're played by the same actor?
      Yes - Wraith makeup makes the actors all the more sexier! It's the's that beautiful browline...and it's definitely how the fake teeth make their lips all poofy like a super model!

      Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
      Just thinking about what McKay said to Sheppard about when he visited another reality - if I remember rightly - this was the one where Jeannie came and helped him with making that bridge to draw power from alternate universes, well Rod from the other reality was saying that his Sheppard was in in the mensa club etc on Atlantis. Ok then if this AU Mckay is Rod - it does not add up. Unless it all happened in an AU of an AU of an AU.
      I think this was a different Rodney than any we have seen before. If one Rodney can open rifts and whatnot, then and aU Rodney can. I think someone has asked Mallozzi the question, so maybe he will address it.

      Originally posted by MCH View Post
      So yeah I know what you mean jelly bean. But we are human and even if we know what this story is really about,we like the Wraith thanks to the writers who tried to find a nasty enemy to be killed. They made them very appealing to the fans and so they have kept them in the story cos we like their good qualities and bad-ass attitude- abit like the humans in Atlantis really.

      Totally agree. I do not have to comes to terms with what the Wraith are - I KNOW what they are, and I love them for it. I come here to DEFEND them, despite what they are, because there are too many people all around the forum who just want to point out reasons why the human characters should kill them all. "They eat people!" Oh, big whoop. I always thought the point to this thread was to give us, Wraith fans, a place to freely discuss the reasons we love them and feel they are worthy of life as a beautiful, strong, slightly devious, sentient species...not more reasons why they should die.

      Originally posted by AnalogSun
      It didn't create more anomalies. On the contrary, Vegas reinstated some mystery and hints of formidable abilities that make them a fearsome enemy. As for the writers' culpability, I'll speculate that some has to be attributed to the network's influence or their "helpful suggestions".

      Yeah, I think this episode did reestablish Wraith abilities - something many of the writers have ignored. But at the same time as showing us how formidable a Wraith is, Cooper also showed us the other side - the scared, desperate Wraith who just wants to be rescued from this strange, hostile land.

      I really wonder if he'd tell the rescuing hive just to leave...that earth was too powerful for just one ship to take. I think he would - I really think he just wanted off this rock.

      Poor guy.



        Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
        I think they played a few Wraith in The Gift. I took a few screencaps when I watched it a while ago.

        One of Darrel and one of Gordon.


        Is it just me, or does anyone else find the Wraith sexier, even though they're played by the same actor?

        That's them. Ooooo, thanks for the pics. You are soooo good at sharing. *Big Hug*

        Naamiaiset, I think these two are missing in the list. I don't see them under season 1.

        I definitely find the Wraith sexier!!!
        Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


          Originally posted by masterling View Post
          where you all finding the vegas screen caps???
          My brother sent me this. I've downloaded it but I haven't tried it though. What's easy for him to use and what's easy for me to use are often 2 different things. LOL Again, I haven't tried it so I'm not sure if it's what I'd actually want to use or not. It's just something to play with if you want.

          Here is a free screen capture program I use at work, it is easy to use.

          Here's an observation from Vegas that I find interesting.
          Several of you talk yesterday about whether or not Todd and Spike were communicating with each other since Todd's poetry consists of desert references. I've also noticed that Spike's goatee is similiar to Todd and even stranger, when Spike is sitting in the trailer having the flashback to when the hive ship was destroyed, he looks up at the end and the viewer can see that his human makeup has been partly destroyed. It's destroyed on the same side as Todd's star and to me anyway, the breakage on Spike's face looks like its kind of the beginning of a star pattern. Does anyone else see that? If so, I wonder what they are imply with all these cross references between the two?
          Last edited by Starry Waters; 04 January 2009, 06:39 AM.
          Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
            That's them. Ooooo, thanks for the pics. You are soooo good at sharing. *Big Hug*

            Naamiaiset, I think these two are missing in the list. I don't see them under season 1.

            I definitely find the Wraith sexier!!!
            I like to share them and spread the yummy Wraith around! I'll do screencaps on demand if some of you can't take your own ones...?


              Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post

              Here is a free screen capture program I use at work, it is easy to use.


                Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post

                Here's an observation from Vegas that I find interesting.
                Several of you talk yesterday about whether or not Todd and Spike were communicating with each other since Todd's poetry consists of desert references. I've also noticed that Spike's goatee is similiar to Todd and even stranger, when Spike is sitting in the trailer having the flashback to when the hive ship was destroyed, he looks up at the end and the viewer can see that his human makeup has been partly destroyed. It's destroyed on the same side as Todd's star and to me anyway, the breakage on Spike's face looks like its kind of the beginning of a star pattern. Does anyone else see that? If so, I wonder what they are imply with all these cross references between the two?
                i will have to watch it again
                I was it was the same side but didnt think anything of it, i just thought it was beacuse when he jumped off the building it was the side that was on the pavement. but it sounds like it could mean something. Although it would mean that the writters meant to do that and i dont know if they would have put all that together. They have a whole show to write and worrie about, where we just have the wraith to obsess about.


                  Originally posted by masterling View Post
                  i will have to watch it again
                  I was it was the same side but didnt think anything of it, i just thought it was beacuse when he jumped off the building it was the side that was on the pavement. but it sounds like it could mean something. Although it would mean that the writters meant to do that and i dont know if they would have put all that together. They have a whole show to write and worrie about, where we just have the wraith to obsess about.
                  Probably too true. I'm probably reading too much into it. Just kind of weird coincidences.
                  Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                    Originally posted by MCH View Post
                    Oh I know what you mean.
                    Spoiler For Size
                    There is no total black and white for the humans or the Wraith only shades of grey. While I think the Wraith are great characters and I love em to bits, they are no better than the humans in that as you said
                    "the wraith experiment on humans (the wraith scientist), wipe out whole villages (Ronon's guilt over a village), enslave (the worshippers), exploit (the society in Condemned), ravage the human populations, commit genocide (Sateda)"
                    Human are food pure and simple and up until now they never really had to think that they need to find a better source of food.
                    The humans you said
                    "experiment on the wraith (Michael), destroy whole hives (Teyla, when she was queen), capture and imprison and poison (Steve, Bob, Todd), commit genocide (Shepard and Ronon are constantly plotting this)"

                    I agree with what you said and war does this. SGA is a story about the survival or destruction of two species, and at the end of the day only one can be the dominant species. The Wraith had their food supply sorted and they'd learnt how to manage this supply, until the humans came back to Atlantis and upset to the way the Wraith see it the balance. Hence the in-fighting between the Wraith and the fight against Atlantis. Todd has worked this out, that thing have to change, because of his past experiences with the Genii and with Atlantis.

                    So yeah I know what you mean jelly bean. But we are human and even if we know what this story is really about,we like the Wraith thanks to the writers who tried to find a nasty enemy to be killed. They made them very appealing to the fans and so they have kept them in the story cos we like their good qualities and bad-ass attitude- abit like the humans in Atlantis really.

                    You know what I'm wondering? The writer who was just interviewed on JM's blog talked about wanting to be originally be an actor, but Hollywood is full of bitter unemployed actors, so I guess he's now a bitter employed writer. He said in that DVD extra on the wraith that the wraith see the humans as food no more no less. But he said they are always changing, and that every Pegasus Galaxy human civilization is informed with the wraith presence in the background. I think what he's saying is that he has no idea what the wraith are about. He has put a few parameters in motion: the wraith are intelligent, they are hybrids of humans and the iratus bug and they exclusively feed on human beings. The problem/interesting thing about these types of "things" set in motion is that a writer will not necessarily understand every eventuality. For instance, a species that is a hybrid of human and bug, feeds off of humans and is as intelligent as humans cannot possibly all look on humans as food. There are some people who eat the great apes (as disgusting as this sounds to me) and they are human and I am human and we both have very different views about eating this one creature. This is the same with cats, dogs and cows.
                    In Korea, they eat dogs (I couldn't even imagine!) in China they eat cats (Make sure to never take my cats with me when and if I visit China). So, if we as people can have very different views about what to eat (there are even tribes existent today that practice ritual cannibalism), the wraith would as well--especially over a species (humans) that you look like, act like, talk like, and think almost identically like.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                      Here's an observation from Vegas that I find interesting.
                      Several of you talk yesterday about whether or not Todd and Spike were communicating with each other since Todd's poetry consists of desert references. I've also noticed that Spike's goatee is similiar to Todd and even stranger, when Spike is sitting in the trailer having the flashback to when the hive ship was destroyed, he looks up at the end and the viewer can see that his human makeup has been partly destroyed. It's destroyed on the same side as Todd's star and to me anyway, the breakage on Spike's face looks like its kind of the beginning of a star pattern. Does anyone else see that? If so, I wonder what they are imply with all these cross references between the two?

                      Wow...I just looked at that scene and yes - it is torn off in a star pattern much like the pattern of Todd's star! Good catch! It might just be a bit of foreshadowing (because we see Todd shortly thereafter), but I can't help but think it is done on purpose. It's not exactly like Todd's star (then again, it wouldn't be), but I think it's too much of a coincidence to ignore.

                      I wish someone could grab a cap of this so we can compare! Maybe I'll ask Mallozzi about it...



                        Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                        I hope their lucky girlfriends visit them on set all the time and/or get them to come home still "made-up" I know I would
                        Kinda puts a whole new slant on dressing up games...
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Wow...I just looked at that scene and yes - it is torn off in a star pattern much like the pattern of Todd's star! Good catch! It might just be a bit of foreshadowing (because we see Todd shortly thereafter), but I can't help but think it is done on purpose. It's not exactly like Todd's star (then again, it wouldn't be), but I think it's too much of a coincidence to ignore.

                          I wish someone could grab a cap of this so we can compare! Maybe I'll ask Mallozzi about it...



                          Edit: Post 1,000! o.O

                          Edit 2:

                          Last edited by Fandom Addict; 04 January 2009, 11:36 AM.


                            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                            Here's an observation from Vegas that I find interesting.
                            Several of you talk yesterday about whether or not Todd and Spike were communicating with each other since Todd's poetry consists of desert references. I've also noticed that Spike's goatee is similiar to Todd and even stranger, when Spike is sitting in the trailer having the flashback to when the hive ship was destroyed, he looks up at the end and the viewer can see that his human makeup has been partly destroyed. It's destroyed on the same side as Todd's star and to me anyway, the breakage on Spike's face looks like its kind of the beginning of a star pattern. Does anyone else see that? If so, I wonder what they are imply with all these cross references between the two?
                            Brilliant observation Like das said below, it is too much of a coincidence to ignore the relationship there.
                            Meeting Todd not long after and all. Almost like the writer was trying to show Spike's link to Todd

                            Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post

                            Edit: Post 1,000! o.O
                            I had just done the exact same cap and was about to add it to my album Thanks for the pic (yours are better quality)

                            Edit: Great link! Thankyou! That's a quick way to see that scene again, I've bookmarked it

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            That was me. It's my running joke between Todd and Sheppard. Everytime Todd is looking reflectively at Sheppard, in my mind he's thinking about Sheppard's ears.
                            I knew it was you! I was going to say "das's pic" but then had a moment of doubt and changed it.

                            As I was falling asleep last night it dawned on me that my "Queen of England" comment might be taken the wrong way. I honestly didn't mean for it to sound like you're the Queen of England just that it was a very conservative way to put his and my big mouth, I always say things that could be construed as something else Sorry - and the first thing I did this morning was change it to what I meant to say. At the time, I felt it was funny imagining the Queen of England talking about a wraiths' hot bod
                            Last edited by Todds worshipper; 04 January 2009, 05:01 PM.
                            Cass Todd -


                              Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post


                              Edit: Post 1,000! o.O

                              Edit 2:

                              Excellent pics, FA!! You are great at this!!!
                              I think the side by side comparison shows it even more. It's like the top portion of Todd's star except it leans the other way and it is created in another medium (rubber vs tatoo). He uncovers his face and there you see that top part of the star and the goatee. He's just been reliving something really emotional too and to me it's like some connection is being drawn between Todd and him.
                              Last edited by Starry Waters; 04 January 2009, 12:14 PM.
                              Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                                thanks for the caps, afa - I did not realise the simmilarity , but now I can see it


