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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
    Did I mention I love you today already? (Was that a sentence? )

    I am in love with that movie--so cute!!

    Random question: Has there been any hints that Torri could return to NCIS at all?

    If not, what is she up to these days? I'm so out of the loop.


      Originally posted by KGX2001 View Post
      I am in love with that movie--so cute!!

      Random question: Has there been any hints that Torri could return to NCIS at all?

      If not, what is she up to these days? I'm so out of the loop.
      I have no idea myself. And as I'm not into NCIS anymore I really have no clue. I do know some people on here watch NCIS
      I hope someone will ask her during this weekend's convention.

      Also, I'm wondering about the release dates of Smile of April and Yumi in Love. Does anyone know more about that?


        Originally posted by sofie View Post
        more new Torri pics on the réunion stellaire blog

        She looks too adorable
        Yay pics!! Thanks! *runs off to see*
        Thanks to Spacemonkey Jackson for the signature!


          A couple more photos


            Originally posted by parsifal View Post
            And when you scroll down here you have a little video.


            The way she says "je t'aime" is so cute! <3

            Also little bit of an interview. It's information we all know already but it's nice to hear it again
            I quickly translated it. Did what I could but it's not perfect; sorry guys!



            Question de Anjelia : "Reviendras-tu un jour dans "Stargate Atlantis" ? Car sans toi la série n'a plus aucun sens et j'espère que tu changeras d'avis, nous le voulons tous."
            Torri Higginson : Je ne sais pas (en français). Ce n'est pas complètement de mon ressort. Je ne sais vraiment pas. C'est tout ce que je peux dire. Mais merci beaucoup pour ton message !

            Question from Anjelia: "Will you ever come back to Stargate Atlantis? Because it doesn't make much sense without you and I hope you will change your mind. We all do."
            Torri: I don't know (in French). It's not totally up to me. I really don't know. That's all I can say. But thank you for your message!

            Question de JackStargate : "Pourquoi avoir refusé un scénario proposé par les scénaristes dans la Saison 5 ?"
            Torri Higginson : Je n'ai pas vraiment refusé. En réalité, c'est plus un problème créatif et contractuel. J'ai pensé que ce que l'histoire que l'on me proposait n'était pas dans l'intérêt de mon personnage, le docteur Elizabeth Weir. C'est difficile de répondre ?* cette question. Mais je peux vous dire que cela a été une décision vraiment difficile ?* prendre.

            Question from JackStargate: "Why did you refuse to come back for an episode of season 5 when the producers asked you?"
            Torri: I didn't really refuse. In reality it's more of a creative and contractual problem. I thought the story they proposed wasn't interesting for my character, doctor Elizabeth Weir. It's difficult to answer that question. But I can tell you it wasn't an easy decision to take.


              Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
              And when you scroll down here you have a little video.


              The way she says "je t'aime" is so cute! <3
              Her accent's adorable thanks for sharing


                Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                And when you scroll down here you have a little video.


                The way she says "je t'aime" is so cute! <3
                I agree her accent is cute. Thanks!!!
                Thanks to Spacemonkey Jackson for the signature!


                  A few more photos from Reunion.



                  Last edited by parsifal; 29 June 2008, 01:58 PM.


                    Has this been posted here yet?? I've been out of touch for the past few weeks...

                    Torri will be appearing at Middle Fan Con Aug 15-17. More details can be found here.

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      I thought some of you might like this. I have all of you to thank for it, and it was voted most creative in the Icons of SGA in the social groups of GW.

                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Few icons I did for the "Icons of SGA" challenges.



                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I thought some of you might like this. I have all of you to thank for it, and it was voted most creative in the Icons of SGA in the social groups of GW.

                          XD Awesome! Love it!

                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          Few icons I did for the "Icons of SGA" challenges.

                          Those are great! Can't decide which one I like best. They are all lovely!


                            Just wanted to pop in and say I have a greater respect for TH after listening to her audiobook, especially the interview at the end where she was giving her reasons for turning down Weir's return.


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              I thought some of you might like this. I have all of you to thank for it, and it was voted most creative in the Icons of SGA in the social groups of GW.

                              *giggles* Bloody brilliant!
                              Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                              ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...



                                I bring some Jungleground pretties for you all!

                                More to come no doubt. Feel free to snurch if you please.

