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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    thanks i will try that


      Originally posted by St@rbuck View Post
      Love that i had it as my ringtone but i got funny looks lol so its now changed

      Instead you just randomy start singing and get funny looks that way...



      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin View Post
        Instead you just randomy start singing and get funny looks that way...


        How rude!!!

        I do admit to random outburst of song, but thats because i belive that life should be a musical *and my songs at gmex where not that random something happened to trigger each one lol*

        And because i havent posted any in forever i belive it's time for some Torri goodness

        And see even Torri thinks life should be a musical


          Originally posted by St@rbuck View Post
          How rude!!!

          I do admit to random outburst of song, but thats because i belive that life should be a musical *and my songs at gmex where not that random something happened to trigger each one lol*

          And because i havent posted any in forever i belive it's time for some Torri goodness

          And see even Torri thinks life should be a musical

          Aww, I love your singing. They keep me on my toes.

          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by St@rbuck View Post

            I do admit to random outburst of song, but thats because i belive that life should be a musical *and my songs at gmex where not that random something happened to trigger each one lol*
            As someone who started singing and dancing in the supermarket earlier, I can't really say anything. Not that I would bc seriously, how cool would it be for everybody to randomly go at it Fame stylee

            And er...


              Crap! I just realised that I hadn't uploaded the Hide and Seek .zip file I'd made! Oops... Shall do that tonight.

              How is everyone going with making stuff for the Episode-A-Week thing?

              And I think everyone should sing at least once a day Hehe, 'Fame! I'm gonna live forever".. *cough*

              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                Crap! I just realised that I hadn't uploaded the Hide and Seek .zip file I'd made! Oops... Shall do that tonight.

                How is everyone going with making stuff for the Episode-A-Week thing?

                And I think everyone should sing at least once a day Hehe, 'Fame! I'm gonna live forever".. *cough*
                Episode-A-Week thing?? Did I miss something?

                *cackles* I've been singing all day. And no that's NOT why it's raining! *looks indignant*


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                  As someone who started singing and dancing in the supermarket earlier, I can't really say anything. Not that I would bc seriously, how cool would it be for everybody to randomly go at it Fame stylee
                  LOL life would be so much more merrier lol

                  Me and Harri used to work together and one night for a good few hours we both just randomly stopped talking and sang everything we had to say to one another for a good few hours lol.

                  *Yep.........erm.............. crawls back under her rock*

                  She could be wirling around the pole singing lol



                    Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                    Episode-A-Week thing?? Did I miss something?
                    Hmm apparently.. We thought about having an art thing for each episode for a week. Next week it starts with Rising. You can make icons, walls, banners, anything!

                    I posted a link to some new higher-res caps a few pages back...

                    *cackles* I've been singing all day. And no that's NOT why it's raining! *looks indignant*
                    Me too *sings* "When I'm with the Wizaaard!!"

                    And I'm loving the singing caps!

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                      Crap! I just realised that I hadn't uploaded the Hide and Seek .zip file I'd made! Oops... Shall do that tonight.

                      How is everyone going with making stuff for the Episode-A-Week thing?

                      And I think everyone should sing at least once a day Hehe, 'Fame! I'm gonna live forever".. *cough*
                      Whoops. Forgot. It's Rising this week, yes? And both parts or just the first?

                      Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                        As someone who started singing and dancing in the supermarket earlier, I can't really say anything. Not that I would bc seriously, how cool would it be for everybody to randomly go at it Fame stylee


                        Originally posted by St@rbuck
                        Me and Harri used to work together and one night for a good few hours we both just randomly stopped talking and sang everything we had to say to one another for a good few hours lol.
                        hmm...I'm thinking this could be worth trying at Peg2... :

                        ...And if Sally comes we could give the Fame stylee a whirl.

                        ... Ok, weird I know...I'm going to bed now.

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
                          Hmm apparently.. We thought about having an art thing for each episode for a week. Next week it starts with Rising. You can make icons, walls, banners, anything!

                          I posted a link to some new higher-res caps a few pages back...
                          Ah, maybe I missed it while my net was being mean. *pokes it*

                          Nice. But I'm being lazy and can't be bothered to go look right now... But thanks.

                          Me too *sings* "When I'm with the Wizaaard!!"

                          *cackles* Try singing along to Theatre of Tragedy, hon. That would be much more entertaining, because most of us sing along to Wicked and that's made for people to sing, but ToT? *giggles* Well, you'll see.


                            hmm...I'm thinking this could be worth trying at Peg2... :

                            ...And if Sally comes we could give the Fame stylee a whirl.

                            ... Ok, weird I know...I'm going to bed now. [/QUOTE]

                            Sally HAS to come to Peg2 it's now the law. We can have an all singing all dancing weekend

                            Startrekkin *yay*

                            Goodnight sweet dreams *hugs*

                            I think she's exited by the idea lol

                            X X X


                              LOL! I can just imagine it...

                              *Sally leaps on car bonnet* "Moo, and Star, I'm here standing on this car. I'm sure this con thing will be great but more importantly, where's the barrrr!?"


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                LOL! I can just imagine it...

                                *Sally leaps on car bonnet* "Moo, and Star, I'm here standing on this car. I'm sure this con thing will be great but more importantly, where's the barrrr!?"


                                Bar hmmmmm......

                                The bar at the thistle is scandalous they change the price of things whenever they feel like it...... *cough* garage up the road*


