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The Secondary Women of Atlantis Thread

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    Wow, those are really cool icons. They look great!
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by weirfan517
      I'm just curious about something, I was looking up Erin Chambers on IMDB, and from the info I read, I was wondering, is she Mormon? I know that's a random question, but does anyone know?
      Well, you don't HAVE to be a mormon to go to BYU, but it helps. In fact, unless you're going into archeology or football, I don't know why you'd want to go there if you weren't because you'd be required to take Mormon religious classes... but then again, I went to a Catholic high school and I'm not Catholic and I didn't mind the religion classes *shrug*


        UK viewers: Jaime Ray Newman appears in Wedding Daze on Five, Tues at 3.40pm.

        I'm currently working on the Heightmeyer chart, i'll post it soon.

        EDIT: This is a TEST version. I want to check I've got the details right and the layout makes sense (and yes, I know the text colours need sorting out, my computer's developed an aversion to blue). I've guessed the height (IMDB says 5ft 6in but it's been wrong before) and I need a second opinion on her eye colour (green? hazel? greeny gold?). I'm not sure what to put couples therpist as, Previous work? Experience? And has she mentioned speaking other languages? Is there anything I've missed off?

        Last edited by bella; 06 August 2006, 08:44 AM.


          Hey, that looks pretty cool, Bella.

          And I think you got it all covered. I'd probably say her work as a couples therapist is previous work. And height could be about right, she's definitely shorter than Elizabeth (or Torri). No mentioning on other languages, and eye color... well, I'd go with green (as you wrote down in the chart)... though I'm usually in a too dreamy state to notice

          I don't think there's anything else to add, really. But I could be wrong of course.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


   time to read it all...but I"m really having a hard time doing this December's me..I know it is..but somehow I can't get the look that I want with the calendar in it...I will attempt it again tonight, if not..I give up! and I hate giving up! *sniff*

            any suggestions....


              Intriguing thread! Just a couple of things I'd like to offer in answer to some of the requests I noticed when glancing through the last page:

              Women of Atlantis (Inlcuding Kate and Laura)

              Heightmeyer Wallpaper

              Cadman Wallpaper

              Fic rec (for Heightmeyer in a ship)
              (sorry, it's not with Lorne but with Sheppard, but it's excellent!)
              Through The Looking Glass

              Sig by mcat

              My LJ


                Hi mdivaz! Welcome to the thread. Those walls are amazing! I just love the Women of Atlantis one. We're doing a calendar challenge at the moment, Camys currently doing December - Novak and we've done Voronkova, Allina, Wraith Queen, Heightmeyer and Cadman but any others are avalible to do. Based on those walls it would be great if you'd do one.

                Last test version, which do you prefer?
                Last edited by bella; 07 August 2006, 06:12 AM.


                  Camy -> Fill us in on the December-problem, so we can help out wherever you need help...

                  Mdivaz -> Welcome to the thread and thank you for sharing those wonderful wallpapers. I snagged the Women of Atlantis-one, and the Heightmeyer-one. The first one will soon be on my desktop, though I'm afraid I won't be getting anything done with those four ladies staring back at me, and me drooling over them.

                  I'm also reading the fic, anything with Heightmeyer in is worth the read.

                  Bella -> I prefer the left chart to the right. (left as in, looking at the screen left)

                  Edit: Is anyone here going to Dragon Con by any chance?
                  Last edited by Falcon Horus; 07 August 2006, 02:58 PM.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    bella and Falcon Horus, thank you very much.

                    If I may, I'll voice my opinion on the Heightmeyer designs. I like the one on the left a bit more, but can't put my finger on why. They're both good!

                    As for the calendar, I'm always up for a challenge (especially involving art). Where can I find more info (format, months left to be done, examples and the like)?

                    Sig by mcat

                    My LJ


                      Mdivaz, The calendar challenge starts here, about half way down, post 225.

                      Falcon, Id love to go to a con but a) can't afford it and b) I don't like large crowds in small spaces. That's why I love hearing about other peoples visits.

                      The finished Heightmeyer chart coming soon and how about Novak next?


                        I like going to cons, but they can't be on the other side of the planet.

                        Novak... I don't know much about her. I know she was supposed to be an original member of the expedition but she didn't go (source: SG1 ep Prometheus). She's a Doctor aka has a PhD in something, might be engineering. She's most definitely american, not sure if she speaks any other language but English. Is a civilian member of the Daedalus crew, at least I think she's a civilian. Anyone ever notice any insignia's that might indicate she's military?
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Finished chart for Heightmeyer, started work on Novak's.


                            List of women i plan to do charts on:

                            Dr Miko Kunsangi, Dr Katie Brown, Lt Laura Cadman, Dr Lindsay (Coup d'etat), Dr Simpson (38 mins), Major Emma Cooper, Dr Lindsay Novak, Dr Biro

                            Allina, Sanir, Sora, Melia, Wraith Queen(s) (not sure how i'm going to do this one)

                            Lt Tolinev, Dr Svetlana Markov(a), Capt. Daria Voronkova, Sha're, Nirrti, Major Erin Gant,

                            I'll probably do the more popular ones first, I'm currently doing Novak and Cadman. I do need help to do them though, for example I'm no good at judging heights or ages so if it's not mentioned at, I'm stuck. Does anyone have any idea of Novaks age or height?

                            Just watched Jamie Ray Newman in Wedding Daze. It's a typical Hallmark film and has been done a million times before but the acting was pretty good and French Stewart as the 'Nuptials Designer' was a hoot.

                            How's it going Camy. Need any more help?
                            Last edited by bella; 10 August 2006, 10:52 AM.


                              I made a new wallpaper. Claire Rankin-themed.

                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Morning folks, I stumbled across a truly fantastic little corner of the web:

                                It's (obviously enough) the home of lorne/novak fics. I know it sounds crazy, but I dare you to read "the scientist and the major" and not fall in love with this ship!
                                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)

